module Printers ( -- * Printers printTree, printCSV, printHtml, printPlainText, printXHtml, -- * Options PrintOptions, POption(..), PrinterF(..), emptyPO, isSet, set, unSet, setPrinters, -- * Time strings showTime, -- * String converters getMonth, getDow, ) where import QueryAST import Stats import Control.Applicative import Data.Char import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Text.CSV as C import qualified Text.Html as H import qualified Text.XHtml as X import Text.Printf type PrintOptions = S.Set POption data POption = PrinterF !PrinterF | Ident !Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data PrinterF = Csv | Html | Text | XHtml deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) emptyPO :: PrintOptions emptyPO = S.fromList [] -- Handling PrintOptions -- isSet :: POption -> PrintOptions -> Bool set :: POption -> PrintOptions -> PrintOptions unSet :: POption -> PrintOptions -> PrintOptions getPrinters :: PrintOptions -> [StatsTree -> String] setPrinters :: [String] -> E PrintOptions isSet = S.member set = S.insert unSet = S.delete getPrinters = map (printer . fromPrinters) . filter isPrinter . S.elems where printer Csv = printCSV printer Html = printHtml printer Text = printPlainText printer XHtml = printXHtml fromPrinters (PrinterF p) = p isPrinter (PrinterF _) = True isPrinter _ = False parsePrinter "CSV" = Ok Csv parsePrinter "HTML" = Ok Html parsePrinter "TEXT" = Ok Text parsePrinter "XHTML" = Ok XHtml parsePrinter s = Failed $ "No such format `" ++ s ++ "'" setPrinters [] = Ok (S.fromList [PrinterF Text]) setPrinters p = S.fromList <$> f p where f = mapM (fmap PrinterF . parsePrinter . map toUpper) -- | Selects the printers described in the PrintOptions. -- printTree :: PrintOptions -> [StatsTree] -> String printTree po st = if null p then "No printers selected." else p >>= (\p' -> concatMap (p'$) (reverse st)) where p = getPrinters po -- String Conversions -- getMonth :: Int -> String getDow :: Int -> String showTime :: Time -> String months :: [String] days :: [String] getMonth n = months !! (min 12 (max 1 n) - 1) months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] getDow n = days !! min 6 (max 0 n) days = ["Sunday" , "Monday", "Tuesday" , "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] showTime (h, m, s) = concat [f h, ":", f m, ":", f s] where f = printf "%02d" -- | StatsTree to Plain Text -- printPlainText :: StatsTree -> String printPlainText (Root [] _ _ _) = "No matches" printPlainText (Root ns _ t ti) = concatMap (tts' 1) ns ++ "\n\n Total time: " ++ showTime ti ++ "\n" where tts' lvl (Leaf time) = printf "%10s" (showTime time) tts' lvl (Node _ _ s tr) = '\n' : replicate (lvl * 4) ' ' ++ printf "%-70s" s ++ concatMap (tts' (lvl + 1)) tr -- | StatsTree to Html table (no HTML header) -- printHtml :: StatsTree -> String printHtml = H.prettyHtml . foldTree (root, node, leaf) where root ns h t ti = H.h2 (H.toHtml t) H.+++ H.table (headers h H.+++ makeTable ns H.+++ total) H.+++ where total = (H.toHtml "TOTAL") H.! [H.colspan (length h - 1)] H.+++ (H.toHtml . showTime $ ti)) headers = . H.concatHtml . map ( . H.toHtml) makeTable = H.concatHtml . concatMap (map node cspan t = concatMap . map . (H.+++) . . H.toHtml leaf = pure . . H.toHtml . showTime -- | StatsTree to XHtml table (includes HTML header) -- printXHtml :: StatsTree -> String printXHtml = X.prettyHtml . foldTree (root, node, leaf) where root ns h t ti = X.h2 (X.toHtml t) X.+++ X.table (headers h X.+++ makeTable ns X.+++ total) X.+++ where total = (X.toHtml "TOTAL") X.! [X.colspan (length h - 1)] X.+++ (X.toHtml . showTime $ ti)) headers = . X.concatHtml . map ( . X.toHtml) makeTable = X.concatHtml . concatMap (map node cspan t = concatMap . map . (X.+++) . . X.toHtml leaf = pure . . X.toHtml . showTime -- | StatsTree to CSV String. -- printCSV :: StatsTree -> String printCSV = C.printCSV . foldTree (root, node, leaf) where root ns h _ _ = h : concat ns node _ _ = concatMap . map . (:) leaf = pure . pure . showTime