module Parse.Parse (program, dependencies) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad import Data.Char (isSymbol, isDigit) import Data.List (foldl',intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as P import qualified SourceSyntax.Module as S import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Declaration(Fixity)) import Parse.Helpers import Parse.Binop (OpTable) import Parse.Expression import Parse.Declaration (infixDecl) import Parse.Type import Parse.Module import qualified Parse.Declaration as Decl freshDef = commitIf (freshLine >> (letter <|> char '_')) $ do freshLine Decl.declaration "another datatype or variable definition" decls = do d <- Decl.declaration "at least one datatype or variable definition" (d:) <$> many freshDef program :: OpTable -> String -> Either [P.Doc] (S.Module t v) program table = setupParserWithTable table $ do optional freshLine (names,exports) <- option (["Main"],[]) (moduleDef `followedBy` freshLine) is <- (do try (lookAhead $ reserved "import") imports `followedBy` freshLine) <|> return [] declarations <- decls optional freshLine ; optional spaces ; eof return $ S.Module names exports is declarations dependencies :: String -> Either [P.Doc] (String, [String]) dependencies = let getName = intercalate "." . fst in setupParser $ do optional freshLine (,) <$> option "Main" (getName <$> moduleDef `followedBy` freshLine) <*> option [] (map fst <$> imports `followedBy` freshLine) setupParserWithTable :: OpTable -> IParser a -> String -> Either [P.Doc] a setupParserWithTable table p source = do localTable <- setupParser parseFixities source case Map.intersection table localTable of overlap | not (Map.null overlap) -> Left [ msg overlap ] | otherwise -> flip setupParser source $ do putState (Map.union table localTable) p where msg overlap = P.vcat [ P.text "Parse error:" , P.text $ "Overlapping definitions for infix operators: " ++ intercalate " " (Map.keys overlap) ] parseFixities = do decls <- onFreshLines (:) [] infixDecl return $ Map.fromList [ (op,(lvl,assoc)) | Fixity assoc lvl op <- decls ] setupParser :: IParser a -> String -> Either [P.Doc] a setupParser p source = case iParse p source of Right result -> Right result Left err -> Left [ P.text $ "Parse error at " ++ show err ]