The compressed archive contains source files in the functional programming language Haskell. Emping should compile on any platform which has the Glasgow Haskell compiler version 6.8 installed, and a Gtk2Hs library 0.9.12 or higher. One way to install Emping is through Cabal, for example: $ runhaskell Setup configure --prefix=$HOME $ runhaskell Setup build $ runhaskell Setup install where the commands might need to follow the prefix: /usr/bin/env depending on your settings. You might want to look at: and/or the cabal documentation at: for more information. ------------------------------------------- Or, put the source files in a directory of your choice and compile them with: ghc --make -O2 -Wall -Werror -optl-Wl,-s -o emping where 'ghc' is the Haskell compiler and emping is the executable.