INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This package is prepared with Cabal. You need some Haskell compiler installed that understands Cabal and Haddock. 1) Unpack the source distribution of this package and move to its root directory. You have probably done so already, since you are reading these instructions. 2) From the command line, run the following (runhaskell is runghc or runhugs): runhaskell Setup.hs --help You can then build the package, install it, generate the documentation, ... runhaskell Setup.hs configure runhaskell Setup.hs build runhaskell Setup.hs haddock runhaskell Setup.hs install Alternatively, you can load Setup.hs into the interpreters (Hugs, GHCi) and run the following commands from within them: :load Setup.hs :main --help :main configure :main build :main haddock :main install If you have Perl installed, you can simply run Setup.PL to do everything: perl Setup.PL In case you need more help, please consult the Cabal documentation website. Enjoy! ^^