module Print where import General import Dictionary import List (intersperse,sort) import IO import Char import Util import Data.Bits((.&.)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map type Ident = String -- printing morphological objects as strings -- | Print word forms separated with '/' prStr :: Str -> String prStr = concat . intersperse "/" . unStr -- | similar prStr, but output '*' for nonExist prAlts :: Str -> String prAlts ss = case unStr ss of [] -> "*" ys -> unwords $ intersperse "/" ys -- | Create a constant table consTable :: Str -> Table String consTable s = [("INVAR", s)] -- | Create an attributed constant table consTableW :: Str -> [(String,(Attr,Str))] consTableW s = [("INVAR", (noComp,s))] -- | Output a 'showed' inflection function putFun0 :: Param a => (a -> Str) -> IO () putFun0 = putStr . unlines . map show . prTable . table -- | Output an inflection function putFun :: Param a => (a -> Str) -> IO () putFun = putStr . unlines . map pr . prTable . table where pr (a,ss) = a ++ " : " ++ prAlts ss -- | Print a parameter value without hierarchy (= parentheses) prFlat :: String -> String prFlat = filter (flip notElem "()") -- | Show all values for the first parameter prFirstForm :: Param a => Table a -> String prFirstForm = prStr . firstForm -- | Show one value for the first parameter (used in dictionary) prDictForm :: Param a => Table a -> String prDictForm = prDictStr . firstForm -- | Another Str printing function prDictStr :: Str -> String prDictStr t = case unStr t of s:_ -> s [] -> "NONE" -- | Print dictionary without attributes. prDictionary :: Dictionary -> String prDictionary = concat . intersperse ("\n") . map (unlines . prOne) . unDict where prOne (id,stem,para,typ,inhs,infl,_) = let m = maximum (map (length.fst) infl) + 1 pad s = s ++ (take (m - length s) (repeat ' ')) in "{" : (" paradigm : " ++ para) : (" head : " ++ stem) : (" pos : " ++ typ) : (" inhs : " ++ (star (unwords inhs))) : " {" : [" " ++ pad (a) ++ ": " ++ star (prStr s) | (a,(_,s)) <- infl] ++ [" }","}"] star [] = "*" star xs = xs prParadigmsCompact :: Dictionary -> String prParadigmsCompact = unlines . map prOne . unDict where prOne (id,stem,para,typ,inhs,infl,_) = unlines [concat [para, " : ", typ, " : ",stem], concat (intersperse " | " [prStr s| (_,(_,s)) <- infl, not (null (unStr s))])] -- | Print Dictionary in a structured format. prNewDictionary :: Dictionary -> String prNewDictionary = unlines . map prOne . unDict where prOne (id,stem, para, typ, inhs, infl,ex) = concat ["{", prId id, prLemma stem "?" typ, prAdditional inhs, prTable infl, "};"] prId s = "id=\"" ++ s ++ "\"" prLemma w para pos = concat ["lemma={word=\"", w, "\"paradigm=\"", para, "\"pos=\"", pos, "\"}"] prAdditional as = "additional={" ++ concat [concat ["inh",n,"=\"",a, "\""] | (a,n) <- zip as (map show [1..])] ++ "}" prTable xs = "table={" ++ concat (map prE xs) ++ "}" prE (param, (attr,str)) = concat ["entry={param=\"", param, "\"wfs={", prWord attr str,"}}"] prWord attr str = concat [concat ["wf={word=\"",w, "\"id=", show ("w"++n), "comp=", sAttr attr,"}"] | (w,n) <- zip (unStr str) (map show [1..])] sAttr = show . show prWordlist :: FullFormLex -> String prWordlist = unlines . map fst -- | Write a fullform lexicon prFullFormLex :: FullFormLex -> String prFullFormLex [] = "" prFullFormLex (x:xs) = prOne x ++ prFullFormLex xs where prOne (s,ps) = unlines [s ++ a | a <- map prAttr ps] prAttr (a,ss) = (':':ss) ++ prCompAttr a prTabbedLex :: Dictionary -> String prTabbedLex = unlines . concat . map prOne . unDict where prOne (id,stem,_,wc,inhs,tbl,_) = -- (stem,wc,inhs,tbl) = [concat (intersperse "\t" [x, stem, wc, a ++ " " ++ unwords inhs, id]) | (a,(_,s)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr s)), x <- unStr s] prWebService :: Dictionary -> String prWebService d = unlines $ reverse $ sort $ concat $ map prOne $ unDict d where pr [] = [] pr xs = " " ++ unwords xs prOne (id,stem,_,wc,inhs,tbl,_) = [concat (intersperse "\t" [x, stem, wc ++ " " ++ a ++ pr inhs]) | (a,(_,s)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr s)), x <- unStr s] prWordTaglist :: Dictionary -> String prWordTaglist d = unlines $ map pr $ Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (Set.union) $ concat $ map pair $ unDict d where pr (x,xs) = concat $ intersperse "\t" (x:(Set.toList xs)) pair (id,stem,_,wc,inhs,tbl,_) = [(x, Set.singleton (wc ++ " " ++ unwords inhs ++ " " ++ a)) | (a,(_,s)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr s)), x <- unStr s, not (elem '*' a)] -- pr [] = [] -- pr xs = " " ++ unwords xs -- prOne (id,stem,_,wc,inhs,tbl,_) = -- [concat (intersperse "\t" [x, stem, wc ++ " " ++ a ++ pr inhs]) | (a,(_,s)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr s)), x <- unStr s] -- | Print attribute prCompAttr :: Attr -> String prCompAttr a = " [" ++ show a ++ "] " -- | Generate GF paradigm functions. prGFRes :: Dictionary -> String prGFRes = unlines . map prGFOper . unDict prGFOper :: Entry -> String prGFOper (oper',_, _, ty, inhs, tab0',_) = begin ++ " : Str -> " ++ ty ++ " = " ++ bind ++ rec' ++ end where oper = case map undot oper' of ('_':xs) -> xs xs -> xs tab0 = [(a,b) | (a,(_,b)) <- tab0'] undot '.' = '_' undot x = x begin = "oper " ++ oper bind = "\\" ++ oper ++ " -> " ++ "\n let " ++ stemv ++ " = " ++ show lg1 ++ " " ++ oper ++ " in" stem = longestPrefix (unStr (formsInTable tab0)) stemv = if lg == 0 then "x_" else stem ++ "_" -- to avoid clash with res words lg1 = length oper - lg lg = length stem tab = mapInTable (\w -> stemv ++ " + \"" ++ drop lg w ++ "\"") tab0 rec' = "\n {s = " ++ tbl ++ (if null inhs then "" else " ;\n ") ++ concat (intersperse " ;\n " ["h" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ p | (i,p) <- zip [1..] inhs] ) ++ "\n }" tbl = case tab of [("INVAR",ss)] -> altsGF ss --- a hack to avoid one-branch tables; name-sensit. _ -> "table {\n" ++ concat (intersperse " ;\n" [" "++ a ++ " => "++ altsGFRes b | (a,b) <- tab] ) ++ "\n }" end = " ;\n" gf_param :: String -> String -- should be extended to include all reserved words gf_param s = unwords $ map f $ words s where f x = if isResGF x then x ++"'" else x -- | Print GF source code. prGF :: Dictionary -> String prGF dict = cats ++ (unlines (map prGFRule (unDict dict))) where cs = unlines ["cat " ++ gf_param c ++ ";" | c <- map fst $ classifyDict dict] cats = "\n" ++ cs ++ "\n\n" prGFRule :: Entry -> String prGFRule (id',_, _, cat, inhs, tab',_) = "fun " ++ name ++ " : " ++ (gf_param cat) ++ " ;\n\n" ++ "lin " ++ name ++ " = {s = table {\n" ++ concat (intersperse " ;\n" [" "++ a ++ " => "++ altsGF b | (a,b) <- tab]) ++ (if null inhs then "}" else " };\n ") ++ concat (intersperse " ;\n " ["h" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ p | (i,p) <- zip [1..] inhs] ) ++ "\n} ;\n" where tab = [(gf_param (map dash2us a),b) | (a,(_,b)) <- tab'] dash2us '-' = '_' dash2us x = x num x = if isDigit (head x) then 'x':x else x name = num $ dropWhile (== '_') $ transform_letters $ map dash2us $ dropWhile (== '_') $ undot id' transform_letters = concat . map trans trans 'å' = "aa" trans 'Å' = "AA" trans 'ä' = "ae" trans 'Ä' = "AE" trans 'à' = "a" trans 'á' = "a" trans 'é' = "e" trans 'è' = "e" trans 'ê' = "e" trans 'ç' = "c" trans 'ü' = "u" trans 'ø' = "oe" trans 'ñ' = "n" trans 'Ø' = "OE" trans 'æ' = "ae" trans 'Æ' = "AE" trans 'ö' = "oe" trans 'Ö' = "OE" trans x = [x] undot [] = [] undot ('.':'.':xs) = '_' : undot xs undot ('.':xs) = '_' : undot xs undot (x:xs) = x:undot xs data BTree = N | B String BTree BTree deriving (Show) isResGF :: String -> Bool isResGF s = treeFind resWords where treeFind N = False treeFind (B a left right) | s < a = treeFind left | s > a = treeFind right | s == a = True resWords = b "lincat" (b "def" (b "Type" (b "Str" (b "PType" (b "Lin" N N) N) (b "Tok" (b "Strs" N N) N)) (b "cat" (b "case" (b "abstract" N N) N) (b "data" (b "concrete" N N) N))) (b "include" (b "fun" (b "fn" (b "flags" N N) N) (b "in" (b "grammar" N N) N)) (b "interface" (b "instance" (b "incomplete" N N) N) (b "lin" (b "let" N N) N)))) (b "resource" (b "out" (b "of" (b "lintype" (b "lindef" N N) N) (b "oper" (b "open" N N) N)) (b "pattern" (b "param" (b "package" N N) N) (b "printname" (b "pre" N N) N))) (b "union" (b "table" (b "strs" (b "reuse" N N) N) (b "transfer" (b "tokenizer" N N) N)) (b "where" (b "variants" (b "var" N N) N) (b "with" N N)))) where b s = B s -- | two GF modes for free variation; old for GF<0.98 altsGF xs = case (unStr xs) of [x] -> prQ x ys -> "variants"++" {" ++ unwords (intersperse ";" (map prQ ys)) ++ "}" where where prQ s | any isSpace s = "[" ++ quote s ++ "]" | otherwise = quote s altsGFOld = show . prAlts altsGFRes xs = case (unStr xs) of [x] -> x ys -> "variants"++" {" ++ unwords (intersperse ";" ys) ++ "}" type TagId = String type XML = String type Struct = Bool string :: String -> [XML] string = (:[]) render :: [XML] -> String render xs = unlines xs tag :: TagId -> [XML] -> [XML] tag t xs = (("<" ++ t ++ ">"): (map (' ':) xs)) ++ [""] tagA :: TagId -> (String,String) -> [XML] -> [XML] tagA t (a,b) xs = (("<" ++ t ++ " " ++ a ++ "=\"" ++ b ++ "\"" ++ ">"): (map (' ':) xs)) ++ [""] tagAL :: TagId -> [(String,String)] -> [XML] -> [XML] tagAL t vk xs = (("<" ++ t ++ " " ++ (unwords [a ++ "=\"" ++ b ++ "\"" | (a,b) <- vk]) ++ ">"): (map (' ':) xs)) ++ [""] tagA1 :: TagId -> (String,String) -> XML tagA1 t (a,b) = "<" ++ t ++ " " ++ a ++ "=\"" ++ b ++ "\"" ++ " />" -- | Generate XML source code. prXML :: Dictionary -> String prXML d = "\n" ++ (render (tag "dictionary" (concat (map prEntry (unDict d))))) where prEntry (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,_) = tagAL "entry" [("head",stem), ("paradigm",para),("inhs",unwords inhs),("xml:id",id)] (prTabl tbl) prTabl tbl = tag "table" $ concat [tagAL "form" [("param",a),("attr",show n)] (map (\s -> tagA1 "variant" ("val",s)) (unStr b)) | (a,(n,b)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr b))] -- | Generate XML source code. prLMF :: String -> Dictionary -> String prLMF l d = unlines [ "", "", "", "", "", "", unlines (concat (map pr (unDict d))), "", ""] where pr (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,extr) = ["", "", "", "", "", "" ] ++ (concat [["", "", "", ""] | (w,t) <- wfs tbl]) ++ [""] wfs tbl = [(w,t) | (t,(_,str)) <- tbl, w <- unStr str] -- | Print RDF prRDF :: String -> Dictionary -> String prRDF l d = unlines [ "", "", (concat (map pr (unDict d))), ""] where pr (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,extr) = concat [ unlines [ " ", " " ++ id ++ "", " " ++ stem ++ "", " " ++ para ++ "", " " ++ p ++ "", " " ++ cat ++ "", (concat [" " ++ i ++ "\n" | i <- inhs]) ++ " " ] | (p,(_,ws)) <- tbl, w <- unStr ws ] -- copied from Module : HTTP -- Copyright : (c) Warrick Gray 2002 -- License : BSD urlEncode (h:t) = let str = if reserved (ord h) then escape h else [h] in str ++ urlEncode t urlEncode [] = [] reserved x | x >= ord 'a' && x <= ord 'z' = False | x >= ord 'A' && x <= ord 'Z' = False | x >= ord '0' && x <= ord '9' = False | x <= 0x20 || x >= 0x7F = True | otherwise = x `elem` map ord [';','/','?',':','@','&' ,'=','+',',','$','{','}' ,'|','\\','^','[',']','`' ,'<','>','#','%','"'] escape x = let y = ord x in [ '%', intToDigit ((y `div` 16) .&. 0xf), intToDigit (y .&. 0xf) ] -- | Print JSON prJSON :: Dictionary -> String prJSON = concat . concat . map prOne . unDict where prOne (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,_) = [conc [p "word" x, p "head" stem, p "pos" cat, p "param" a, pl "inhs" inhs, p "id" id, p "p" para, p "attr" (show attr)] | (a,(attr,s)) <- tbl, x <- unStr s] pl s [] = quote s ++ ":" ++ "[]" pl s xs = quote s ++ ":[" ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map quote xs))) ++"]" p s1 s2 = quote s1 ++ ":" ++ quote s2 conc xs = '{':(concat (intersperse "," xs)) ++ "}\n" prCLEX :: Dictionary -> String prCLEX = concat . concat . map prOne . unDict where prOne (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,_) = [x ++ ":" ++ conc [p "word" x, p "head" stem, p "pos" cat, p "param" a, pl "inhs" inhs, p "id" id, p "p" para, p "attr" (show attr)] | (a,(attr,s)) <- tbl, x <- unStr s] pl s [] = quote s ++ ":" ++ "[]" pl s xs = quote s ++ ":[" ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map quote xs))) ++"]" p s1 s2 = quote s1 ++ ":" ++ quote s2 conc xs = '{':(concat (intersperse "," xs)) ++ "}\n" prHunDict :: Dictionary -> String prHunDict (Dict es) = unlines $ addcount $ concat $ map hunwords es where addcount xs = show (length xs) : xs hunwords (_,stem,para,typ,inhs,infl,_) = [{- unwords [ -} stu s {-,"st:" ++ (stu stem),"po:"++ (stu typ),"is:" ++ stu (u ++ unwords inhs)] -} | (u,(_,str)) <- infl, s <- unStr str] stu s = [if (c == ' ') then '_' else c | c <- s] prHunAffix :: Dictionary -> String prHunAffix d = unlines ["# generated by Functional Morphology", "SET UTF-8", "TRY aerndtislogmkpbhfjuväcöåyqxzvw"] -- | Print LexC source code prLEXC :: Dictionary -> String prLEXC = ("LEXICON Root\n" ++) . (++ "END") . unlines . map (uncurry prLEXCRules) . classifyDict prLEXCRules :: Ident -> [Entry] -> String prLEXCRules cat entries = unlines $ ("\n! category " ++ cat ++ "\n") : (map (prEntry . noAttr) entries) where prEntry (stem,_,inhs,tbl) = concat (map (prForm stem inhs) ([(a,unStr b) | (a,b) <- existingForms tbl])) prForm stem inhs (a,b) = concat [x ++ ":" ++ stem ++ prTags (a:inhs) ++ " # ;\n" | x <- b] prTags ts = concat ["+" ++ w | t <- ts, w <- words (prFlat t)] altsLEXC cs = unwords $ intersperse " # ;" [ s | s <- cs] -- code for Xerox Finite State Tool -- | Print XFST source code prXFST :: Dictionary -> String prXFST = unlines . map (uncurry prXFSTRules) . classifyDict prXFSTRules :: Ident -> [Entry] -> String prXFSTRules cat entries = unlines $ ("define " ++ cat ++ " [") : intersperse " |" (map (prEntry . noAttr) entries) ++ [" ] ;"] where prEntry (stem,_,inhs,tbl) = concat (intersperse " |\n" (map (prForm stem inhs) ([(a,unStr b) | (a,b) <- existingForms tbl]))) prForm stem inhs (a,b) = " [ " ++ altsXFST b ++ " .x. " ++ "{" ++ stem ++ "}" ++ prTags (a:inhs) ++ " ]" prTags ts = unwords [" %+" ++ w | t <- ts, w <- words (prFlat t)] altsXFST cs = unwords $ intersperse "|" ["{" ++ s ++ "}" | s <- cs] -- | Print SFST head source code prSFSTHEAD :: Dictionary -> String prSFSTHEAD d = "ALPHABET = " ++ alphabet ++ "\n\"input.lex\"" where alphabet :: String alphabet = concat $ Set.toList $ Set.fromList (concat [ tag pos : (collect (map noAttr xs)) | (pos,xs) <- classifyDict d]) collect [] = [] collect ((_,_,inhs,tbl):es) = map tag (inhs ++ (concat (map (words . prFlat . fst) tbl))) ++ collect es tag s = "<" ++ s ++ ">" -- | Print SFST lex source code prSFSTLEX :: Dictionary -> String prSFSTLEX d = case classifyDict d of xs -> unlines (map (uncurry prSFSTLEXRules) xs) prSFSTLEXRules :: Ident -> [Entry] -> String prSFSTLEXRules cat entries = (concat (map (prEntry . noAttr) entries)) where prEntry (stem,_,inhs,tbl) = unlines (concat (map (prForm stem inhs) ([(a,unStr b) | (a,b) <- existingForms tbl]))) prForm stem inhs (a,b) = [crossproduct (stem ++ prTags (inhs ++[a])) c | c <- b] prTags ts = "<" ++ cat ++">" ++ (concat ["<" ++ w ++ ">" | t <- ts, w <- words (prFlat t)]) zip_str [] s = concat ["<>:" ++ pr c | c <- s] zip_str s [] = concat [pr c ++ ":<>" | c <- s] zip_str [c1] [c2] = pr c1 ++ ":" ++ pr c2 zip_str (c1:s1) (c2:s2) | c1 == c2 = c1 ++ zip_str s1 s2 | otherwise = c1 ++ ":" ++ c2 ++ zip_str s1 s2 pr s | and (map isSpace s) = "<>" | otherwise = s crossproduct s1 s2 = zip_str (split s1) (split s2) split [] = [] split ('<':xs) = case span (/='>') xs of (t,(_:xs)) -> (('<':t) ++">") : split xs split (':':cs) = "\\:" : split cs split (c:cs) = [c] : split cs -- | Print SFST source code prSFST :: Dictionary -> String prSFST d = case classifyDict d of xs -> unlines (map (uncurry prSFSTRules) xs) ++ prAuto (map fst xs) where prAuto cs = "\n\n" ++ (unwords (intersperse "|" ["$" ++ c ++ "$" | c <- cs])) prSFSTRules :: Ident -> [Entry] -> String prSFSTRules cat entries = ("$" ++ cat ++ "$ =\\\n") ++ (concat (intersperse " |\\\n" (map (prEntry . noAttr) entries))) where prEntry (stem,_,inhs,tbl) = concat (intersperse " |\\\n" (concat (map (prForm stem inhs) ([(a,unStr b) | (a,b) <- existingForms tbl])))) prForm stem inhs (a,b) = ["{" ++ (fix_word stem) ++ "}:{" ++ (fix_word c) ++ "}" ++ prTags (inhs ++[a]) | c <- b] prTags ts = " <" ++ cat ++">:<> " ++ (unwords ["<" ++ w ++ ">:<>" | t <- ts, w <- words (prFlat t)]) fix_word s = concat $ map f s f c = case c of '-' -> "\\-" '|' -> "\\|" ' ' -> "\\ " '.' -> "\\." ':' -> "\\:" '$' -> "\\$" '^' -> "\\^" '&' -> "\\&" '!' -> "\\!" '*' -> "\\*" '+' -> "\\+" '_' -> "\\_" '<' -> "\\<" '>' -> "\\>" '=' -> "\\=" '\\' -> "\\\\" c -> [c] -- | Print latex tables prLatex :: Dictionary -> String prLatex d = unlines (beginLatex ++ (map prLatexTable (unDict d)) ++ endLatex) where beginLatex = ["\\documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{article}", "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}", "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}", "\\begin{document}"] endLatex = ["\\end{document}"] prLatexTable :: Entry -> String prLatexTable (id,stem,para,cat,inhs,tbl,extr) = unlines ["\\begin{center}\n\\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\\hline", "\\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\\textbf{" ++ (esc para) ++ "}} \\\\", "\\hline", "\\textbf{base} & " ++ (esc stem) ++ "\\\\", "\\hline", "\\textbf{pos} & " ++ (esc cat) ++ "\\\\", inhs_p inhs, "\\hline", "\\textbf{inflection table} & \\\\", "\\hline", unlines [(esc a) ++ " & " ++ pr_alts (unStr b) ++ "\n\\hline" | (a,(_,b)) <- tbl, not (null (unStr b))], "\\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}\n\n\\vspace{0.1cm}\n"] where esc [] = [] esc ('_':xs) = "\\_" ++ esc xs esc (x:xs) = x:esc xs inhs_p [] = "\\hline" inhs_p xs = "\\hline\n\\textbf{inhs} & " ++ (esc (unwords xs)) ++ "\\\\" pr_alts [] = "* \\\\" pr_alts [x] = esc x ++ " \\\\" pr_alts (x:xs) = esc x ++ concat [" \\\\ \n & " ++ esc y | y <- xs] ++ " \\\\ " wordLength = 50 :: Int attrLength = 30 :: Int type Schema = String -- The database structure type Element = String -- the database content type TableS = String -- a table type Column = String -- a column (attribute) type Value = String -- a value of a column (attribute) type DatabaseName = String prSqlSchema :: Dictionary-> DatabaseName -> String prSqlSchema dict dname = "\n-- The Morphology Schema.\n\n" ++ "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " ++ dname ++ ";\n" ++ "CREATE DATABASE " ++ dname ++ ";\n" ++ "USE " ++ dname ++ ";\n\n" ++ lexicon ++ "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON " ++ dname ++".* TO PUBLIC ; \n\n" -- A instance needs to: -- * Be put in the lexicon with a unique identifier -- * Be put in the class schema -- * Be put in the inherent schema -- | Print SQL Code prSQL :: Dictionary -> String prSQL = (lexicon ++) . concat . map prSql . unDict where prSql (i,stem, para, cat, inh, t, _) = lexic i stem cat (expand t) para inh lexic i stem cat t para inh = unlines [insert "LEXICON" [i,para,stem,cat,b,a,prInhs inh] | (a,b) <- t] prInhs [] = "-" prInhs xs = unwords xs expand t = [(a,s) | (a,(_,b)) <- t, s <- unStr b] {- prWordsCl :: [(String,[((Int,String),[String])])] -> [String] prWordsCl [] = [] prWordsCl ((c,((n1,w1),as1):xs):xss) = (insert c ([show n1,w1,show n1] ++ as1) : [insert c ([show n,w,show n1] ++as) | ((n,w),as) <- xs]) ++ prWordsCl xss innerNumber :: [(a,[(b,[c])])] -> Int -> [(a,[((Int,b),[c])])] innerNumber [] _ = [] innerNumber ((a,xs):xss) n = (a,number xs n) : innerNumber xss (n+(length xs)) where number xs n = zipWith f [n..] xs f n (s,zs) = ((n,s),zs) -} ----------------------------------------------------- emptyE :: Value emptyE = "NULL" insert :: TableS -> [Value] -> Element insert t vs = "INSERT INTO " ++ t ++ " VALUES ('" ++ (concat (intersperse "','" vs)) ++"');" type Name = String type Type = String type TypeConstraint = String type Constraint = String primaryKey :: Name -> Constraint primaryKey n = "PRIMARY KEY (" ++ n ++ ")" foreignKey :: Name -> (Name,Name) -> Constraint foreignKey n (n1,n2) = "FOREIGN (" ++ n ++ ") REFERENCES " ++ n1 ++ "(" ++ n2 ++ ")" varchar :: Int -> Type varchar n = "VARCHAR(" ++ show n ++ ")" intType :: Type intType = "INTEGER" notNull :: TypeConstraint notNull = "NOT NULL" createTable :: Name -> [(Name,Type,TypeConstraint)] -> [Constraint] -> TableS createTable n xs cs = "CREATE TABLE " ++ n ++ "\n(\n" ++ (concat ((intersperse ",\n" [n ++ " " ++ t ++ " " ++ tc | (n,t,tc) <- xs]))) ++ concat (intersperse ",\n" cs) ++ ");\n\n" lexicon :: TableS lexicon = createTable "LEXICON" [ ("ID", varchar wordLength, notNull), ("PID", varchar wordLength, notNull), ("HEAD",varchar wordLength,notNull), ("POS",varchar wordLength,notNull), ("WORD",varchar wordLength,notNull), ("PARAM",varchar wordLength,notNull), ("INHS",varchar wordLength,notNull) ] []