Name: FTPLine Version: 1.0.2 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 License: BSD3 License-file: license Author: Daniel Diaz Maintainer: Daniel Diaz Homepage: Category: Network Synopsis: A command-line FTP client. Description: A command-line FTP client. Type @help@ for a list of commands. Online documentation at the homepage. . Changes from last version: . * Now, FTPLine shows a correct version number. . * Changed @handres@ error handling. . * Added error handling to @curdir@ operation. . * Removed @underline@ function (It didn't has any effect). . * A little change on the welcome message. Build-Type: Simple Executable FTPLine Build-depends: base == 4.* , mtl , MissingH , ftphs , directory , network , haskeline >= && < 0.7 , ansi-terminal , deepseq Extensions: FlexibleInstances Main-is: Main.hs