{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-missing-methods      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns                   #-}

module Facts.Geography.Countries ( Country        (..)                       --
                                 , ISOAlpha2Code  (..)
                                 , ISOAlpha3Code  (..)
                                 , ISONumericCode
                                 , UNFormalName
                                 , UNShortName
                                 , isoNumericCode
                                 , shortEnglishCountryName
                                 , formalEnglishCountryName                  
                                 , isoAlpha2Code_for_country  
                                 , isoAlpha3Code_for_country   
                                 , country_for_isoAlpha2Code  
                                 , country_for_isoAlpha3Code
                                 , isoNumericCode_for_country  
                                 , country_for_valid_isoNumericCode
                                 , country_for_isoNumericCode
                                 ) where  

import Data.Numerals.Decimal

import Facts.Geography.Countries.Internal.Splices
import Facts.Geography.Countries.Internal.Data

import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen

instance Show Country where
         show = shortEnglishCountryName

-- | Maps a 'Country' to its ISO-3166-1 2-character code.
isoAlpha2Code_for_country  :: Country -> ISOAlpha2Code

-- | Maps a 'Country' to its ISO-3166-1 3-character code.
isoAlpha3Code_for_country  :: Country -> ISOAlpha3Code

-- | Maps a 'Country' to its ISO-3166-1 numeric code.
isoNumericCode_for_country :: Country -> ISONumericCode

-- | Maps an ISO-3166-1 2-character code to a 'Country'.
country_for_isoAlpha2Code  :: ISOAlpha2Code -> Country

-- | Maps an ISO-3166-1 3-character code to a 'Country'.
country_for_isoAlpha3Code  :: ISOAlpha3Code -> Country

country_code_by_country    = _country_code_by_country
country_by_country_code    = _country_by_country_code
country_name_by_country    = _country_name_by_country 

isoAlpha2Code_for_country  = _isoAlpha2_for_country
isoAlpha3Code_for_country  = _isoAlpha3_for_country
isoNumericCode_for_country = _isoNumeric_for_country
country_for_isoAlpha2Code  = _country_for_isoAlpha2
country_for_isoAlpha3Code  = _country_for_isoAlpha3


-- | The ISO Numeric Code space is not fully packed.  Many codes are \"reserved\" or otherwise
--   unused.  'country_for_isoNumericCode' takes an 'ISONumericCode' and possibly returns a matching
--   'Country'.  
country_for_isoNumericCode :: ISONumericCode -> Maybe Country
country_for_isoNumericCode = (fmap country_for_valid_isoNumericCode) . validate_isoNumericCode

-- | 'country_for_valid_isoNumericCode' maps a valid 'ISONumericCode' to a 'Country'.  Unfortunately,
--   this is a partial function.  Use 'country_for_isoNumericCode' instead, unless you can guarantee
--   that the 'ISONumericCode' supplied to the query is valid.
country_for_valid_isoNumericCode :: ISONumericCode -> Country
country_for_valid_isoNumericCode = _country_for_isoNumeric 

-- | 'shortEnglishCountryName' maps a Country to an ISO-3166-1 \"short name\".  By the international
--    standard, these names are taken from the \"United Nations Terminology Bulletin Country Names\",
--    and \"Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use\" of the UN Statistics Division.                               

shortEnglishCountryName :: Country -> UNShortName
shortEnglishCountryName   = _shortEnglishCountryName

-- | 'formalEnglishCountryName' maps a Country to an ISO-3166-1 \"formal name\".  By the international
--    standard, these names are taken from the \"United Nations Terminology Bulletin Country Names\",
--    and \"Country and Region Codes for Statistical Use\" of the UN Statistics Division. 

formalEnglishCountryName :: Country -> UNFormalName
formalEnglishCountryName  = _formalEnglishCountryName   


instance Arbitrary Country where arbitrary = elements [Afghanistan .. Zimbabwe]

newtype ValidCode = ValidCode ISOCountryCode deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary ValidCode where arbitrary = elements . fmap (ValidCode) $ valid_iso_country_codes

prop_country_to_code_roundtrip :: Country -> Bool
prop_country_to_code_roundtrip country = (country_by_country_code . country_code_by_country $ country) == country

prop_code_to_country_roundtrip :: ValidCode -> Bool
prop_code_to_country_roundtrip (ValidCode code) = (country_code_by_country . country_by_country_code $ code) == code