{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.FieldTrip.Transform3
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott and Andy J Gill 2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net, andygill@ku.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- 3D transforms

module Graphics.FieldTrip.Transform3
  , translate3, rotate3, scale3, uscale3
  , tweakMatrix3, tweakError3
  ) where

import Data.Monoid

import Data.VectorSpace (AdditiveGroup,negateV)
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL

import Graphics.FieldTrip.Vector3
import Graphics.FieldTrip.Render (ErrorBound)

import Graphics.FieldTrip.Transform

-- | 3D affine transform
data Transform3 s =
  | Translate3 (Vector3 s)
  | Rotate3    s (Vector3 s)            -- ^ angle (radians) and axis
  | Scale3     s s s
  | Compose3   (Transform3 s) (Transform3 s) -- outer and inner
  deriving (Eq,Show)

instance (Fractional s, AdditiveGroup s) => Invertible (Transform3 s) where
  inverse Identity3 = Identity3
  inverse (Translate3 v) = Translate3 (negateV v)
  inverse (Rotate3 a axis) = Rotate3 (-a) axis
  inverse (Scale3 r s t) = Scale3 (recip r) (recip s) (recip t)
  inverse (Compose3 outer inner) =
    Compose3 (inverse inner) (inverse outer)

-- | Translation (motion) in 3D
translate3 :: Vector3 s -> Transform3 s
translate3 = Translate3

-- | Rotation in 3D, with angle in radians.
rotate3 :: s -> Vector3 s -> Transform3 s
rotate3 = Rotate3

-- | Scaling in 3D
scale3 :: s -> s -> s -> Transform3 s
scale3 = Scale3

-- | Uniform scale in 3D.
uscale3 :: s -> Transform3 s
uscale3 s = scale3 s s s

instance Monoid (Transform3 s) where
  mempty  = Identity3
  mappend = Compose3

-- TODO: optimize mappend

-- instance Transform (Transform3 s) (Point3 s) where
--   xf *% p = ...

-- instance Transform (Transform3 s) (Vector3 s) where
--   xf *% v = ...

-- instance Transform (Transform3 s) (Normal3 s) where
--   xf *% n = ...

-- | Change the matrix state, according to the given transform.
tweakMatrix3 :: (Floating s, MatrixComponent s) => Transform3 s -> IO ()
tweakMatrix3 Identity3        = return ()
tweakMatrix3 (Translate3 vec) = translate vec
tweakMatrix3 (Rotate3 r vec ) = rotate (r * (180/pi)) vec
tweakMatrix3 (Scale3  x y z ) = scale x y z
tweakMatrix3 (Compose3 o i)   = tweakMatrix3 o >> tweakMatrix3 i

-- Error bounds.  Needs to be worked through carefully.  My treatment
-- doesn't yet consider the effect of perspective viewing on Translate3,
-- which is considerable.

-- | Change the required upper error bound, to one that applies before
-- transforming.  Hack for now.
tweakError3 :: (Real s, Fractional s) => Transform3 s -> ErrorBound -> ErrorBound
tweakError3 (Scale3  x y z ) = (/ toBound (abs x `max` abs y `max` abs z))  -- guess
tweakError3 (Compose3 o i)   = tweakError3 o . tweakError3 i
tweakError3 _                = id

toBound :: (Real s, Fractional s) => s -> ErrorBound
toBound = fromRational . toRational