## To do ### Both * Colors, at least. Textures! * Display frame rate and polygon count in viewer. * Feeback between frame rate and error bound. * Decide whether we want coordinate-polymorphism (Float/Double). Often requires type annotations. If not, do we wire in Float or Double? * Revisit dependency on TypeCompose. * Change this file to markdown mode (TODO.md) and use pandoc (via make) to generate a prettier version. And longlines mode as well. ### Conal * Improve adaptive tessellation. Account for perspective viewing and for the nature of a parametric surface (e.g., derivative bounds). * Blog about the AD stuff that uses linear maps ### Andy * Get our demo working inside GHCi, in a way we can restart * Work out how to use an Image as a 2D-texture * Add a Text -> Image function (adaptive to error bound) ## Done * Tablet, as an example * General parametric surfaces with computed normals, using automatic differentiation (AD).