module System.FilePath.FilePather
  -- * Data type
  -- * Constructor and unwrapper
  -- * 'FilePather' values
  -- * Find predicates
  -- * Find
  -- * Combinators
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import System.FilePath((</>), takeExtension, takeDirectory, takeFileName, takeBaseName)
import qualified System.FilePath as P
import System.Directory

-- | A function that takes a 'FilePath' and produces a value.
newtype FilePather a = FilePather {
  (<?>) :: FilePath -> a

instance Functor FilePather where
  fmap f (FilePather k) =
    FilePather (f . k)

instance Applicative FilePather where
  FilePather f <*> FilePather a =
    FilePather (f <*> a)
  pure =
    FilePather . const

instance Monad FilePather where
  FilePather f >>= k =
    FilePather (f >>= (<?>) . k)
  return =

instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (FilePather a) where
  mempty =
    return mempty
  FilePather x `mappend` FilePather y =
    FilePather (x `mappend` y)

-- | Construct a 'FilePather' from the given function
filePather ::
  (FilePath -> a)
  -> FilePather a
filePather =

-- | A value that runs the identity function.
filePath ::
  FilePather FilePath
filePath =
  filePather id

-- | A value that always produces the value 'True'.
always ::
  FilePather Bool
always =
  filePather (const True)

-- | A value using a constant function that produces the value 'True'.
always' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
always' =
  constant always

-- | A value that always produces the value 'False'.
never ::
  FilePather Bool
never =
  filePather (const False)

-- | A value that always produces a constant function that produces the value 'False'.
never' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
never' =
  constant never

-- | A value that produces the extension of the given 'FilePath'.
extension ::
  FilePather FilePath
extension =
  filePather takeExtension

-- | A value using a constant function that produces the extension of the given 'FilePath'.
extension' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
extension' =
  constant extension

-- | A value that produces the directory of the given 'FilePath'.
directory ::
  FilePather FilePath
directory =
  filePather takeDirectory

-- | A value using a constant function that produces the directory of the given 'FilePath'.
directory' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
directory' =
  constant directory

-- | A value that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has an extension.
hasExtension ::
  FilePather Bool
hasExtension =
  filePather P.hasExtension

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has an extension.
hasExtension' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
hasExtension' =
  constant hasExtension

-- | A value that produces a value splitting the given 'FilePath' by its extension.
splitExtension ::
  FilePather (String, String)
splitExtension =
  filePather P.splitExtension

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value splitting the given 'FilePath' by its extension.
splitExtension' ::
  FilePather (a -> (String, String))
splitExtension' =
  constant splitExtension

-- | A value that produces a value splitting the given 'FilePath' into its directories.
splitDirectories ::
  FilePather [FilePath]
splitDirectories =
  filePather P.splitDirectories

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value splitting the given 'FilePath' into its directories.
splitDirectories' ::
  FilePather (a -> [FilePath])
splitDirectories' =
  constant splitDirectories

-- | A value that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has a trailing path separator.
hasTrailingPathSeparator ::
  FilePather Bool
hasTrailingPathSeparator =
  filePather P.hasTrailingPathSeparator

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has a trailing path separator.
hasTrailingPathSeparator' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
hasTrailingPathSeparator' =
  constant hasTrailingPathSeparator

-- | A value that produces the file name of the given 'FilePath'.
fileName ::
  FilePather FilePath
fileName =
  filePather takeFileName

-- | A value using a constant function that produces the file name of the given 'FilePath'.
fileName' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
fileName' =
  constant fileName

-- | A value that produces the base name of the given 'FilePath'.
baseName ::
  FilePather FilePath
baseName =
  filePather takeBaseName

-- | A value using a constant function that produces the base name of the given 'FilePath'.
baseName' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
baseName' =
  constant baseName

-- | A value that normalises the given 'FilePath'.
normalise ::
  FilePather FilePath
normalise =
  filePather P.normalise

-- | A value using a constant function that normalises the given 'FilePath'.
normalise' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
normalise' =
  constant normalise

-- | A value that makes valid the given 'FilePath'.
makeValid ::
  FilePather FilePath
makeValid =
  filePather P.makeValid

-- | A value using a constant function that makes valid the given 'FilePath'.
makeValid' ::
  FilePather (a -> FilePath)
makeValid' =
  constant makeValid

-- | A value that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is relative.
isRelative ::
  FilePather Bool
isRelative =
  filePather P.isRelative

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is relative.
isRelative' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
isRelative' =
  constant isRelative

-- | A value that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is absolute.
isAbsolute ::
  FilePather Bool
isAbsolute =
  filePather P.isAbsolute

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is absolute.
isAbsolute' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
isAbsolute' =
  constant isAbsolute

-- | A value that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is valid.
isValid ::
  FilePather Bool
isValid =
  filePather P.isValid

-- | A value using a constant function that produces a value denoting whether or not the given 'FilePath' has is valid.
isValid' ::
  FilePather (a -> Bool)
isValid' =
  constant isValid

-- | The possible types of a file.
data FileType = File -- ^ The type is a normal file.
                | Directory -- ^ The type is a directory.
                | Unknown -- ^ The type is unknown.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A recurse predicate takes a 'FilePath' and returns whether or not to continue recursing on that file.
type RecursePredicate = FilePather Bool

-- | A filter predicate takes a 'FilePath' and a file type and returns whether or not to filter the value.
type FilterPredicate = FilePather (FileType -> Bool)

-- | Compares for equivalence to a 'File' in an applicative functor.
isFile ::
  Applicative f =>
  f (FileType -> Bool)
isFile =
  pure (== File)

-- | Compares for equivalence to a 'Directory' in an applicative functor.
isDirectory ::
  Applicative f =>
  f (FileType -> Bool)
isDirectory =
  pure (== Directory)

-- | Compares for equivalence to 'Unknown' in an applicative functor.
isUnknown ::
  Applicative f =>
  f (FileType -> Bool)
isUnknown =
  pure (== Unknown)

-- | Finds all files using the given recurse predicate and filter predicate in the given file path.
find ::
  RecursePredicate -- ^ The recurse predicate determines whether to continue recursing on the given file path.
  -> FilterPredicate -- ^ The filter predicate determines whether to keep the current file path.
  -> FilePath -- ^ The file path to begin finding files.
  -> IO [FilePath] -- ^ All files found.
find =
  find' []
    find' :: FilePath -> RecursePredicate -> FilterPredicate -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
    find' k r x p = let z = if null k then p else k </> p
                        z' t = [z | x <?> z $ t]
                        ifM c t f = do c' <- c
                                       t' <- t
                                       f' <- f
                                       return (if c' then t' else f')
                    in ifM (doesFileExist z)
                         (return (z' File)) $
                         do e <- doesDirectoryExist z
                            if e
                              then if r <?> z
                                     then do c <- getDirectoryContents z
                                             t <- fmap join $ forM (filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) c) (find' k r x . (z </>))
                                             return (z' Directory ++ t)
                                     else return (z' Directory)
                              else return (z' Unknown)

-- | Returns a filter predicate based on whether a file extension satisfies a predicate.
extensionSatisfies ::
  (FilePath -> Bool)
  -> FilterPredicate
extensionSatisfies f =
  (const . f) <$> extension

-- | Returns a filter predicate based on whether a file extension is one of the given list of extensions.
extensionOneOf ::
  -> FilterPredicate
extensionOneOf =
  extensionSatisfies . flip elem . map ('.':)

-- | Returns a filter predicate based on whether a file extension equals the given extension.
extensionEq ::
  -> FilterPredicate
extensionEq =
  extensionOneOf . return

-- | Find in the current directory.
findHere ::
  RecursePredicate -- ^ The recurse predicate determines whether to continue recursing on the given file path.
  -> FilterPredicate -- ^ The filter predicate determines whether to keep the current file path.
  -> IO [FilePath] -- ^ All files found.
findHere r x =
  find r x =<< getCurrentDirectory

-- not exported
constant ::
  Functor f =>
  f a
  -> f (t -> a)
constant =
  fmap const