-- | Low-level operators.
module System.FileSystem.Operators
   ( (<:)
   , (<<:)
   , (?:)
   , (=:)
   , (-:)
   , (<-:)
     ) where

import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Arrow (first,second)
import System.FileSystem.Types

-- For code readers:

This is the not so pretty part of the code, but full
of Haskell syntax (patterns, cases, conditionals, ...).

In the other hand, the library works thanks to this module.
So, if there is a bug, probably it comes from here.

Before read these lines, you must to know the Path type
and the FileSystem types, defined in the Types module.


-- | Operator for addition of new files/directories.
(<:) :: Path -> FileSystem -> FileSystem
p <: fs =
 case pathList p of
  []     -> if isFilePath p then let rightFile = fromJust $ pathFile p
                                     add :: InApp [FSE]
                                     add [] = [ Right rightFile ]
                                     add (e:es) =
                                       case e of
                                         Right f -> if getFN f ==
                                                       getFN rightFile then Right rightFile : es
                                                                       else e : add es
                                         _ -> e : add es
                                 in  modDirCnt add fs
                            else fs
  (x:xs) -> let pathTail = p { pathList = xs }
                add :: InApp [FSE]
                add [] = [ Left (x , pathTail <: emptyFileSystem) ]
                add (e:es) =
                  case e of
                    Left (n,fs') -> if n == x then Left (n, pathTail <: fs') : es
                                              else e : add es
                    _ -> e : add es
            in  modDirCnt add fs

-- | Operator for addition of new file system elements ('FSE').
(<<:) :: FSE -> FileSystem -> FileSystem
(<<:) fse =
 let add :: InApp [FSE]
     add [] = [fse]
     add (e:es) =
            case e of
              Right f' -> case fse of
                            Right f -> if getFN f == getFN f' then fse : es
                                                              else e : add es
                            _ -> e : add es
              Left (dn',fs') ->
                          case fse of
                            Left (dn,fs) -> let fs'' = foldr (<<:) fs' $ dirCnt fs
                                            in if dn == dn' then Left (dn,fs'') : es
                                                            else e : add es
                            _ -> e : add es
 in modDirCnt add

-- | Operator for search a file.
(?:) :: FPath -> FileSystem -> Maybe File
(dp,fn) ?: fs =
  case dp of
   [] -> let search :: [FSE] -> Maybe File
             search [] = Nothing
             search (x:xs) = case x of
                              Right f -> if fn == getFN f then Just f
                                                          else search xs
                              _ -> search xs
         in  search $ dirCnt fs
   (d:ds) -> let search :: [FSE] -> Maybe File
                 search [] = Nothing
                 search (x:xs) = case x of
                                  Left (dn,fs') -> if d == dn then (ds,fn) ?: fs'
                                                              else search xs
                                  _ -> search xs
             in  search $ dirCnt fs

-- | Descension operator. Extract the file system of an immediate subdirectory.
(=:) :: DirName -> FileSystem -> Maybe FileSystem
dn =: fs =
 case dirCnt fs of
   [] -> Nothing
   (x:xs) -> case x of
               Left (dn',fs') -> if dn == dn' then Just fs'
                                              else dn =: Directory xs
               _ -> dn =: Directory xs

-- | Substraction operator. Search and remove a file/directory from a file system.
(-:) :: Path -> FileSystem -> FileSystem
p -: fs =
 case pathList p of
   [] -> if isFilePath p then let remove :: InApp [FSE]
                                  remove [] = []
                                  remove (e:es) = case e of
                                                   Right f -> if (getFN . fromJust . pathFile) p
                                                              ==  getFN f then es
                                                                          else e : remove es
                                                   _ -> e : remove es
                              in  modDirCnt remove fs
                         else fs
   (x:xs) -> let pathTail = p { pathList = xs }
                 remove :: InApp [FSE]
                 remove [] = []
                 remove (e:es) = case e of
                                  Left (dn,fs') -> if dn == x then Left (dn , pathTail -: fs') : es
                                                              else e : remove es
                                  _ -> e : remove es
             in  case xs of
                  [] -> if isFilePath p then modDirCnt remove fs
                                        else let remove' :: InApp [FSE]
                                                 remove' [] = []
                                                 remove' (e:es) = case e of
                                                                   Left (dn,fs') -> if dn == x then es
                                                                                               else e : remove' es
                                                                   _ -> e : remove' es
                                             in  modDirCnt remove' fs
                  _ -> modDirCnt remove fs

-- | If the Bool argument is True, rename a directory, otherwise a file.
(<-:*) :: (String,String,Bool) -> FileSystem -> (FileSystem,Bool)
(<-:*) (s1,s2,b) =
  let (&:) :: FSE -> ([FSE],Bool) -> ([FSE],Bool)
      (&:) e = first (e:)
      rename :: [FSE] -> ([FSE],Bool)
      rename [] = ([],False)
      rename (e:es) =
        case e of
          Left (dn,fs') -> if dn == s1 && b then ( Left (s2,fs') : es , True )
                                            else e &: rename es
          Right f -> if getFN f == s1 && not b then ( Right ( f { getFN = s2 } ) : es , True )
                                               else e &: rename es
  in first Directory . rename . dirCnt

-- | Substitution operator. /Provisional implementation/.
(<-:) :: ([String],[String],Bool) -> FileSystem -> (FileSystem,Bool)
([s1],[s2],b) <-: fs = (s1,s2,b) <-:* fs
( (d1:t1@(_:_)) , (d2:t2@(_:_)) , b ) <-: fs = if d1 == d2 then (t1,t2,b) <-: fs
                                                           else (fs,False)
_ <-: fs = (fs,False)