module System.FileSystem
  ( -- * Several type synonyms
  , DirName , FileName
    -- * Types
    -- ** @ByteString@
    -- | A re-export of the 'ByteString' type.
    -- The content of a 'File' is stored in a 'ByteString'.
  , ByteString
    -- ** @ClockTime@
    -- | A re-export of the 'ClockTime' type.
    -- 'ClockTime' is used to represents modification times.
  , ClockTime
    -- ** @File@
    -- | The 'File' type and basic functions to operate with it.
  , File
  , emptyFile , newFile
  , getFileName , setFileName
  , getFileContent , setFileContent
  , getModifTime , setModifTime
  , fileSize
    -- ** @FileSystem@
  , FileSystem , emptyFileSystem
    -- * Across the @FileSystem@
    -- ** Mapping
  , mapFileSystem
  , mapFiles
    -- ** Folding
  , foldFileSystem
  , foldFiles
    -- * Computations over a @FileSystem@
    -- ** Types
    -- *** @FST@ monad transformer
  , FSState
  , FST , runFST
  , FS, runFS
    -- *** List-based paths
    -- | List-based paths is an alternative to 'FilePath'
    -- that represents a path as a list of names.
    -- While directory paths are a simple list of 'DirName's,
    -- file paths are a pair: ('DirPath','FileName').
    -- First component is the directory where the file is,
    -- and the second is the name of the file.
    -- Below you can see a list of examples of how
    -- to represent several 'FilePath's:
    -- > |  FilePath  |   List-based path   |
    -- > ------------------------------------
    -- > | "aa\bb\cc" |   ["aa","bb",cc"]   |
    -- > | "dir\file" |   (["dir"],"file")  |
    -- > | "a\b\f.hs" |  (["a","b"],"f.hs") |
  , DirPath , toDirPath , fromDirPath
  , FPath , toFPath , fromFPath
    -- ** Computations
    -- | Computations within a 'FSMonad' environment.
    -- All functions have a list-based path version (with @L@ at the end),
    -- and a normal 'FilePath' version.
    -- Use 'toDirPath' ('toFPath') and 'fromDirPath' ('fromFPath') to change between both formats.
    -- Also, to avoid name collisions, function with existing names
    -- have @fs_@ as preffix.

    -- *** Put/Get @File@ operations
  , putFileL
  , putFile
  , getFileL
  , getFile
  , modFileL
  , modFile
  , moveFileL
  , moveFile
    -- *** Writing and reading
    -- | Writing and reading files in a 'FSMonad' environment.

    -- **** Pure operations
  , fs_writeFileL
  , fs_writeFile
  , fs_readFileL
  , fs_readFile
    -- **** 'IO' monad operations
  , writeFileTimeL
  , writeFileTime
    -- *** @System.Directory@ operations
    -- | All these functions are analogous to those defined in "System.Directory".
  , fs_getDirectoryContentsL
  , fs_getDirectoryContents
  , fs_doesFileExistL
  , fs_doesFileExist
  , fs_doesDirectoryExistL
  , fs_doesDirectoryExist
  , fs_createDirectoryL
  , fs_createDirectory
  , fs_removeDirectoryL
  , fs_removeDirectory
  , fs_removeFileL
  , fs_removeFile
  , fs_renameDirectoryL
  , fs_renameDirectory
  , fs_renameFileL
  , fs_renameFile
  , fs_copyFileL
  , fs_copyFile
  , fs_getModificationTimeL
  , fs_getModificationTime
    -- * Re-exports
    -- ** IO interface
  , module System.FileSystem.IO
    -- ** Class instances
    -- | Some needed class instances.
  , module System.FileSystem.Instances
    -- ** @FSMonad@ class
    -- | If you want to use another monad, instead of 'FST',
    -- make your type instance of the class here defined, 'FSMonad'.
  , module System.FileSystem.Class
    ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString, length)
import System.Time (ClockTime,getClockTime)
import Control.Arrow (first , (***))
import System.FilePath (splitFileName)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
import Control.Monad.State (runStateT,MonadIO,liftIO)
import System.FileSystem.Types
import System.FileSystem.Across
import System.FileSystem.IO
import System.FileSystem.Computations
import System.FileSystem.Utils
import System.FileSystem.Instances
import System.FileSystem.Class

-- | Create an empty file with the given 'FileName'.
emptyFile :: FileName -> File
emptyFile = File emptyFD

-- | Build a new file with an initial 'FileName' and content.
newFile :: FileName -> ByteString -> File
newFile = curry $ uncurry (flip setFileContent) . first emptyFile

-- | Get the name of a 'File'.
getFileName :: File -> FileName
getFileName = getFN

-- | Rename a 'File' with the given 'FileName'.
setFileName :: FileName -> File -> File
setFileName fn f = f { getFN = fn }

-- | Extract the content of a 'File'.
getFileContent :: File -> ByteString
getFileContent = getCnt . getFD

-- | Set the content of a 'File' to the given 'ByteString'.
setFileContent :: ByteString -> File -> File
setFileContent c f = f { getFD = (getFD f) { getCnt = c } }

-- | Get the last modification time of a 'File'.
getModifTime :: File -> ClockTime
getModifTime = getLmt . getFD

-- | Set the last modification time of a 'File'.
setModifTime :: ClockTime -> File -> File
setModifTime t f = f { getFD = (getFD f) { getLmt = t } }

-- | Calculate the size of a 'File'.
fileSize :: File -> Int
fileSize = Data.ByteString.length . getFileContent

-- | Map a function over all the 'File's of a 'FileSystem'.
mapFiles :: InApp File -> InApp FileSystem
mapFiles = mapFileSystem id

-- Computations over the file system.

-- | Puts a file in the given directory. It creates the parent directory if missing.
putFileL :: FSMonad m
         => DirPath -- ^ Directory where put the 'File'.
         -> File
         -> m ()
putFileL dp = putPath . Path dp . Just

putFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> File -> m ()
putFile = putFileL . toDirPath

-- | Gets a file from the file system.
-- It returns 'Nothing' if the 'File' is not found.
getFileL :: FSMonad m
         => FPath -- ^ Path where search the 'File'.
         -> m (Maybe File)
getFileL = getFl

getFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m (Maybe File)
getFile = getFileL . toFPath

-- | Modifies a file with the given application. It returns 'True' if the file was found and modified.
modFileL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> InApp File -> m Bool
modFileL fp f =
  do file <- getFileL fp
     if isJust file
      then do putFileL (fst fp) $ f $ fromJust file
              return True
      else return False

modFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> InApp File -> m Bool
modFile = modFileL . toFPath

-- | Moves a file.
-- It returns 'True' if the file exists and has been moved.
moveFileL :: FSMonad m
          => FPath -- ^ Original path of the 'File'.
          -> FPath -- ^ New path for the 'File'.
          -> m Bool
moveFileL fp1 (dp,fn) =
  do f1 <- getFileL fp1
     if isJust f1
      then do putFileL dp $ setFileName fn $ fromJust f1
              fs_removeFileL fp1
              return True
      else return False

moveFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m Bool
moveFile = curry $ uncurry moveFileL . pairMap toFPath

-- | Writes a file. If the files already exists, it is overwritten.
fs_writeFileL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> ByteString -> m ()
fs_writeFileL = uncurry (.) . (putFileL *** newFile)

fs_writeFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> ByteString -> m ()
fs_writeFile = fs_writeFileL . toFPath

-- | Writes a file, changing its last modification time to the current time.
-- If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
-- /Note that MonadIO instance is needed/.
writeFileTimeL :: (FSMonad m, MonadIO m) => FPath -> ByteString -> m ()
writeFileTimeL (dp,fn) bs = do t <- liftIO getClockTime
                               putFileL dp . setModifTime t $ newFile fn bs

writeFileTime :: (FSMonad m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> ByteString -> m ()
writeFileTime = writeFileTimeL . toFPath

-- | Reads a file. It returns 'Nothing' if the file can't be found.
fs_readFileL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> m (Maybe ByteString)
fs_readFileL = fmap (fmap getFileContent) . getFileL

fs_readFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m (Maybe ByteString)
fs_readFile = fs_readFileL . toFPath

-- | Returns all directory names and file names located in the given directory.
-- It returns 'Nothing' if the directory does not exist.
fs_getDirectoryContentsL :: FSMonad m => DirPath -> m (Maybe ([DirName],[FileName]))
fs_getDirectoryContentsL = getDirCnt

fs_getDirectoryContents :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m (Maybe ([DirName],[FileName]))
fs_getDirectoryContents = fs_getDirectoryContentsL . toDirPath

-- | Checks if a file exists.
fs_doesFileExistL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> m Bool
fs_doesFileExistL = checkFExist

fs_doesFileExist :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m Bool
fs_doesFileExist = fs_doesFileExistL . toFPath

-- | Checks if a directory exists.
fs_doesDirectoryExistL :: FSMonad m => DirPath -> m Bool
fs_doesDirectoryExistL = checkDExist

fs_doesDirectoryExist :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m Bool
fs_doesDirectoryExist = fs_doesDirectoryExistL . toDirPath

-- | Creates a new directory. If the directory already exists, it does nothing.
fs_createDirectoryL :: FSMonad m => DirPath -> m ()
fs_createDirectoryL = newDir

fs_createDirectory :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m ()
fs_createDirectory = fs_createDirectoryL . toDirPath

-- | Removes a directory, with all its content.
-- If the directory does not exist, it does nothing.
fs_removeDirectoryL :: FSMonad m => DirPath -> m ()
fs_removeDirectoryL = rmvDir

fs_removeDirectory :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m ()
fs_removeDirectory = fs_removeDirectoryL . toDirPath

-- | Removes a file. If the file does not exist, it does nothing.
fs_removeFileL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> m ()
fs_removeFileL = rmvFile

fs_removeFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m ()
fs_removeFile = fs_removeFileL . toFPath

-- | Renames a directory.
-- If the directory can't be found, it returns 'False'.
fs_renameDirectoryL :: FSMonad m => DirPath -> DirPath -> m Bool
fs_renameDirectoryL = curry rnmDir

fs_renameDirectory :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m Bool
fs_renameDirectory = curry $ rnmDir . pairMap toDirPath

-- | Renames a file. First, you must specify the directory where the file is.
-- If the file can't be found, it returns 'False'.
fs_renameFileL :: FSMonad m
               => DirPath  -- ^ Directory where the file is.
               -> FileName -- ^ Original name.
               -> FileName -- ^ New name.
               -> m Bool
fs_renameFileL dp fn1 fn2 = rnmFile ( (dp,fn1) , (dp,fn2) )

fs_renameFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> FileName -> FileName -> m Bool
fs_renameFile = fs_renameFileL . toDirPath

-- | Copies a file from a location to another.
-- Returns 'True' if the file was found and copied.
fs_copyFileL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> FPath -> m Bool
fs_copyFileL f1 f2 = fs_readFileL f1
                 >>= maybe ( return False )
                           ( bind (const $ return True)
                           . fs_writeFileL f2)

fs_copyFile :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m Bool
fs_copyFile = curry $ uncurry fs_copyFileL . pairMap toFPath

-- | Gets the last modification time of a file. It returns 'Nothing' if the file doesn't exist.
fs_getModificationTimeL :: FSMonad m => FPath -> m (Maybe ClockTime)
fs_getModificationTimeL = fmap (fmap getModifTime) . getFileL

fs_getModificationTime :: FSMonad m => FilePath -> m (Maybe ClockTime)
fs_getModificationTime = fs_getModificationTimeL . toFPath