ForSyDe-3.0: ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language.Source codeContentsIndex
Combinational process constructors
Sequential process constructors
Zipping and unzipping signals
The untimed library defines process constructors and processes for the untimed computational model. A process constructor is a higher order function which together with combinational function(s) and values as arguments constructs a process.
combU :: Int -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Signal a -> Signal b
comb2U :: Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c
comb2UC :: Int -> (a -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c
mapU :: Int -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Signal a -> Signal b
scanU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
mealyU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> (b -> [a] -> [c]) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal c
mooreU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> (b -> [c]) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal c
sourceU :: (a -> a) -> a -> Signal a
sinkU :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Signal b -> Signal b
initU :: [a] -> Signal a -> Signal a
zipU :: Signal (Int, Int) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal ([a], [b])
zipUs :: Int -> Int -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal ([a], [b])
zipWithU :: Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c
zipWith3U :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d
zipWith4U :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e
unzipU :: Signal ([a], [b]) -> (Signal a, Signal b)
Combinational process constructors
Combinational process constructors are used for processes that do not have a state.
combU :: Int -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Signal a -> Signal bSource
comb2U :: Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal cSource
comb2UC :: Int -> (a -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal cSource
mapU :: Int -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Signal a -> Signal bSource

The first parameter of mapU is a constant integer defining the number of tokens consumed in every evaluation cycle. The second argument is a function on lists of the input type and returning a list of the output type. For instance,

 r2 = mapU 1 f
   where f :: [Int] -> [Int]
         f [x] = [2*x]

defines a process r2 which consumes one token in each evaluation cycle and multiplies it by two.

Sequential process constructors
Sequential process constructors are used for processes that have a state. One of the input parameters is the initial state.
scanU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal bSource
scanU has an internal state which is visible at the output. The first argument is a function 'gamma' which, given the state returns the number of tokens consumed next. The second argument is the next state function and the third is the initial state.
mealyU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> (b -> [a] -> [c]) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal cSource
The process constructor mealyU creates a state machine of Moore type. In addition to the next state function they also have an output encoding function. The output depends directly on the internal state.
mooreU :: (b -> Int) -> (b -> [a] -> b) -> (b -> [c]) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal cSource
The process constructor mooreU creates a state machine of Moore type. In addition to the next state function they also have an output encoding function. The output depends directly on the internal state.
sourceU :: (a -> a) -> a -> Signal aSource
sinkU :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Signal b -> Signal bSource
initU :: [a] -> Signal a -> Signal aSource
initU is used to initialise a signal. Its first argument is prepended to its second argument, a signal.
Zipping and unzipping signals
zipU :: Signal (Int, Int) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal ([a], [b])Source
zipUs :: Int -> Int -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal ([a], [b])Source
zipWithU :: Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal cSource
zipWith3U :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal dSource
zipWith4U :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ([a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e]) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal eSource
unzipU :: Signal ([a], [b]) -> (Signal a, Signal b)Source
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