{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-}
module Data.FpML.V53.Com
  ( module Data.FpML.V53.Com
  , module Data.FpML.V53.Shared.Option
  ) where
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema (SchemaType(..),SimpleType(..),Extension(..),Restricts(..))
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema as Schema
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN
import qualified Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.PrimitiveTypes as Xsd
import Data.FpML.V53.Shared.Option
-- Some hs-boot imports are required, for fwd-declaring types.
-- | The acceptable tolerance in the delivered quantity of a 
--   physical commodity product in terms of a number of units of 
--   that product.
data AbsoluteTolerance = AbsoluteTolerance
        { absToler_positive :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ The maxmium amount by which the quantity delivered can 
          --   exceed the agreed quantity.
        , absToler_negative :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ The maximum amount by which the quantity delivered can be 
          --   less than the agreed quantity.
        , absToler_unit :: Maybe QuantityUnit
          -- ^ The unit in which the tolerance is specified.
        , absToler_optionOwnerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ Indicates whether the tolerance is at the seller's or 
          --   buyer's option.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType AbsoluteTolerance where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return AbsoluteTolerance
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "positive")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "negative")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "unit")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "optionOwnerPartyReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@AbsoluteTolerance{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "positive") $ absToler_positive x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "negative") $ absToler_negative x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "unit") $ absToler_unit x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "optionOwnerPartyReference") $ absToler_optionOwnerPartyReference x
-- | A scheme defining where bullion is to be delivered for a 
--   Bullion Transaction.
data BullionDeliveryLocation = BullionDeliveryLocation Scheme BullionDeliveryLocationAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data BullionDeliveryLocationAttributes = BullionDeliveryLocationAttributes
    { bullionDelivLocatAttrib_bullionDeliveryLocationScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType BullionDeliveryLocation where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "bullionDeliveryLocationScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ BullionDeliveryLocation v (BullionDeliveryLocationAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (BullionDeliveryLocation bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "bullionDeliveryLocationScheme") $ bullionDelivLocatAttrib_bullionDeliveryLocationScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension BullionDeliveryLocation Scheme where
    supertype (BullionDeliveryLocation s _) = s
-- | Physically settled leg of a physically settled Bullion 
--   Transaction.
data BullionPhysicalLeg = BullionPhysicalLeg
        { bullionPhysicLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , bullionPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_bullionType :: Maybe BullionTypeEnum
          -- ^ The type of Bullion underlying a Bullion Transaction.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_deliveryLocation :: Maybe BullionDeliveryLocation
          -- ^ The physical delivery location for the transaction.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_choice6 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityNotionalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Quantity per Delivery Period.
          --   (2) Allows the documentation of a shaped quantity trade 
          --   where the quantity changes over the life of the 
          --   transaction.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_totalPhysicalQuantity :: UnitQuantity
          -- ^ The Total Quantity of the commodity to be delivered.
        , bullionPhysicLeg_settlementDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Date on which the bullion will settle.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType BullionPhysicalLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (BullionPhysicalLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "bullionType")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryLocation")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantity"))
                                     , ("CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantitySchedule"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "totalPhysicalQuantity"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDate")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@BullionPhysicalLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ bullionPhysicLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ bullionPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ bullionPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ bullionPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ bullionPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "bullionType") $ bullionPhysicLeg_bullionType x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryLocation") $ bullionPhysicLeg_deliveryLocation x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantity")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantitySchedule")
                                   ) $ bullionPhysicLeg_choice6 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "totalPhysicalQuantity" $ bullionPhysicLeg_totalPhysicalQuantity x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDate") $ bullionPhysicLeg_settlementDate x
instance Extension BullionPhysicalLeg PhysicalForwardLeg where
    supertype v = PhysicalForwardLeg_BullionPhysicalLeg v
instance Extension BullionPhysicalLeg CommodityForwardLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: PhysicalForwardLeg -> CommodityForwardLeg)
              . (supertype :: BullionPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalForwardLeg)
instance Extension BullionPhysicalLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommodityForwardLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: PhysicalForwardLeg -> CommodityForwardLeg)
              . (supertype :: BullionPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalForwardLeg)
-- | A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
--   calculation periods defined elsewhere - note that this 
--   schedule consists of a parameterised schedule in a 
--   calculationPeriodsSchedule container.
data CalculationPeriodsDatesReference = CalculationPeriodsDatesReference
        { calcPeriodsDatesRef_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CalculationPeriodsDatesReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CalculationPeriodsDatesReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CalculationPeriodsDatesReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ calcPeriodsDatesRef_href x
instance Extension CalculationPeriodsDatesReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_CalculationPeriodsDatesReference v
-- | A pointer style reference to a calculation periods schedule 
--   defined elsewhere - note that this schedule consists of a 
--   series of actual dates in a calculationPeriods container.
data CalculationPeriodsReference = CalculationPeriodsReference
        { calcPeriodsRef_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CalculationPeriodsReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CalculationPeriodsReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CalculationPeriodsReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ calcPeriodsRef_href x
instance Extension CalculationPeriodsReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_CalculationPeriodsReference v
-- | A pointer style reference to a calculation periods schedule 
--   defined elsewhere - note that this schedule consists of a 
--   parameterised schedule in a calculationPeriodsSchedule 
--   container.
data CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference = CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference
        { cpsr_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ cpsr_href x
instance Extension CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference v
-- | The different options for specifying the attributes of a 
--   coal quality measure as a decimal value.
data CoalAttributeDecimal = CoalAttributeDecimal
        { coalAttribDecimal_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf1 ((Maybe (Xsd.Decimal)),(Maybe (Xsd.Decimal)))))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * The actual content of the quality characteristics 
          --   of the Coal Product Shipment expected by the Buyer.
          --     * The actual limits of the quality characteristics of 
          --   the Coal Product above or below which the Buyer may 
          --   reject a Shipment.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalAttributeDecimal where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalAttributeDecimal
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe Xsd.Decimal Maybe Xsd.Decimal", fmap OneOf1 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "standardContent")
                                                                                                       `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rejectionLimit")))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalAttributeDecimal{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf1  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "standardContent") a
                                                       , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rejectionLimit") b
                                   ) $ coalAttribDecimal_choice0 x
-- | The different options for specifying the attributes of a 
--   coal quality measure as a percentage of the measured value.
data CoalAttributePercentage = CoalAttributePercentage
        { coalAttribPercen_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf1 ((Maybe (RestrictedPercentage)),(Maybe (RestrictedPercentage)))))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * The actual content of the quality characteristics 
          --   of the Coal Product Shipment expected by the Buyer.
          --     * The actual limits of the quality characteristics of 
          --   the Coal Product above or below which the Buyer may 
          --   reject a Shipment.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalAttributePercentage where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalAttributePercentage
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe RestrictedPercentage Maybe RestrictedPercentage", fmap OneOf1 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "standardContent")
                                                                                                                         `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rejectionLimit")))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalAttributePercentage{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf1  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "standardContent") a
                                                       , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rejectionLimit") b
                                   ) $ coalAttribPercen_choice0 x
-- | The physical delivery conditions for coal.
data CoalDelivery = CoalDelivery
        { coalDelivery_choice0 :: OneOf2 CoalDeliveryPoint Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The point at which the Coal Product will be delivered 
          --   and received.
          --   (2) The point at which the Coal Product as a reference to 
          --   the Source of the Coal Product. This should be a 
          --   reference to the source element within product.
        , coalDelivery_quantityVariationAdjustment :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ If true, indicates that QVA is applicable. If false, 
          --   indicates that QVA is inapplicable.
        , coalDelivery_transportationEquipment :: Maybe CoalTransportationEquipment
          -- ^ The transportation equipment with which the Coal Product 
          --   will be delivered and received.
        , coalDelivery_risk :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryRisk
          -- ^ Specifies how the risk associated with the delivery is 
          --   assigned.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalDelivery
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CoalDeliveryPoint", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPoint"))
                           , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryAtSource"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantityVariationAdjustment")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "transportationEquipment")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "risk")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPoint")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryAtSource")
                          $ coalDelivery_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantityVariationAdjustment") $ coalDelivery_quantityVariationAdjustment x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "transportationEquipment") $ coalDelivery_transportationEquipment x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "risk") $ coalDelivery_risk x
-- | A scheme identifying the types of the Delivery Point for a 
--   physically settled coal trade.
data CoalDeliveryPoint = CoalDeliveryPoint Scheme CoalDeliveryPointAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CoalDeliveryPointAttributes = CoalDeliveryPointAttributes
    { coalDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalDeliveryPoint where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "deliveryPointScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CoalDeliveryPoint v (CoalDeliveryPointAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CoalDeliveryPoint bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "deliveryPointScheme") $ coalDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CoalDeliveryPoint Scheme where
    supertype (CoalDeliveryPoint s _) = s
-- | Physically settled leg of a physically settled coal 
--   transaction.
data CoalPhysicalLeg = CoalPhysicalLeg
        { coalPhysicLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , coalPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , coalPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , coalPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , coalPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , coalPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPeriods
          -- ^ The period during which delivery/deliveries of Coal 
          --   Products may be scheduled. Equivalent to Nomination 
          --   Period(s) for US Coal.
        , coalPhysicLeg_coal :: CoalProduct
          -- ^ The specification of the Coal Product to be delivered.
        , coalPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions :: CoalDelivery
          -- ^ The physical delivery conditions for the transaction.
        , coalPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity :: CommodityPhysicalQuantity
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the quantity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalPhysicalLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CoalPhysicalLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriods")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "coal"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryConditions"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalPhysicalLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ coalPhysicLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ coalPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ coalPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ coalPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ coalPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriods") $ coalPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods x
            , schemaTypeToXML "coal" $ coalPhysicLeg_coal x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryConditions" $ coalPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryQuantity" $ coalPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity x
instance Extension CoalPhysicalLeg PhysicalSwapLeg where
    supertype v = PhysicalSwapLeg_CoalPhysicalLeg v
instance Extension CoalPhysicalLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: CoalPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
instance Extension CoalPhysicalLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: CoalPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
-- | A type defining the characteristics of the coal being 
--   traded in a physically settled gas transaction.
data CoalProduct = CoalProduct
        { coalProduct_choice0 :: OneOf2 CoalProductType CoalProductSpecifications
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The type of coal product to be delivered by reference 
          --   to a pre-defined specification.
          --   (2) The type of coal product to be delivered specified in 
          --   full.
        , coalProduct_source :: [CoalProductSource]
          -- ^ The mining region, mine(s), mining complex(es), loadout(s) 
          --   or river dock(s) or other point(s) of origin that Seller 
          --   and Buyer agree are acceptable origins for the Coal 
          --   Product. For International Coal transactions, this is the 
          --   Origin of the Coal Product.
        , coalProduct_btuQualityAdjustment :: Maybe CoalQualityAdjustments
          -- ^ The Quality Adjustment formula to be used where the Actual 
          --   Shipment BTU/Lb value differs from the Standard BTU/Lb 
          --   value.
        , coalProduct_so2QualityAdjustment :: Maybe CoalQualityAdjustments
          -- ^ The Quality Adjustment formula to be used where the Actual 
          --   Shipment SO2/MMBTU value differs from the Standard 
          --   SO2/MMBTU value.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalProduct where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalProduct
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CoalProductType", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "type"))
                           , ("CoalProductSpecifications", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "coalProductSpecifications"))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "source")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "btuQualityAdjustment")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "so2QualityAdjustment")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalProduct{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "type")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "coalProductSpecifications")
                          $ coalProduct_choice0 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "source") $ coalProduct_source x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "btuQualityAdjustment") $ coalProduct_btuQualityAdjustment x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "so2QualityAdjustment") $ coalProduct_so2QualityAdjustment x
-- | A scheme identifying the sources of coal for a physically 
--   settled coal trade.
data CoalProductSource = CoalProductSource Scheme CoalProductSourceAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CoalProductSourceAttributes = CoalProductSourceAttributes
    { coalProductSourceAttrib_commodityCoalProductSourceScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalProductSource where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityCoalProductSourceScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CoalProductSource v (CoalProductSourceAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CoalProductSource bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityCoalProductSourceScheme") $ coalProductSourceAttrib_commodityCoalProductSourceScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CoalProductSource Scheme where
    supertype (CoalProductSource s _) = s
-- | The different options for specifying the quality attributes 
--   of the coal to be delivered.
data CoalProductSpecifications = CoalProductSpecifications
        { coalProductSpecif_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CoalStandardQuality CoalStandardQualitySchedule))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) standardQuality
          --   (2) standardQualitySchedule
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalProductSpecifications where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalProductSpecifications
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CoalStandardQuality", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "standardQuality"))
                                     , ("CoalStandardQualitySchedule", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "standardQualitySchedule"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalProductSpecifications{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "standardQuality")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "standardQualitySchedule")
                                   ) $ coalProductSpecif_choice0 x
-- | A scheme identifying the types of coal for a physically 
--   settled coal trade.
data CoalProductType = CoalProductType Scheme CoalProductTypeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CoalProductTypeAttributes = CoalProductTypeAttributes
    { coalProductTypeAttrib_commodityCoalProductTypeScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalProductType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityCoalProductTypeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CoalProductType v (CoalProductTypeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CoalProductType bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityCoalProductTypeScheme") $ coalProductTypeAttrib_commodityCoalProductTypeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CoalProductType Scheme where
    supertype (CoalProductType s _) = s
-- | A scheme identifying the quality adjustment formulae for a 
--   physically settled coal trade.
data CoalQualityAdjustments = CoalQualityAdjustments Scheme CoalQualityAdjustmentsAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CoalQualityAdjustmentsAttributes = CoalQualityAdjustmentsAttributes
    { coalQualityAdjustAttrib_commodityCoalQualityAdjustmentsScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalQualityAdjustments where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityCoalQualityAdjustmentsScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CoalQualityAdjustments v (CoalQualityAdjustmentsAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CoalQualityAdjustments bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityCoalQualityAdjustmentsScheme") $ coalQualityAdjustAttrib_commodityCoalQualityAdjustmentsScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CoalQualityAdjustments Scheme where
    supertype (CoalQualityAdjustments s _) = s
-- | The quality attributes of the coal to be delivered.
data CoalStandardQuality = CoalStandardQuality
        { coalStdQuality_moisture :: Maybe CoalAttributePercentage
          -- ^ The moisture content of the coal product.
        , coalStdQuality_ash :: Maybe CoalAttributePercentage
          -- ^ The ash content of the coal product.
        , coalStdQuality_sulfur :: Maybe CoalAttributePercentage
          -- ^ The sulfur/sulphur content of the coal product.
        , coalStdQuality_sO2 :: Maybe CoalAttributePercentage
          -- ^ The sulfur/sulphur dioxide content of the coal product.
        , coalStdQuality_volatile :: Maybe CoalAttributePercentage
          -- ^ The volatile content of the coal product.
        , coalStdQuality_bTUperLB :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The number of British Thermal Units per Pound of the coal 
          --   product.
        , coalStdQuality_topSize :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The smallest sieve opening that will result in less than 5% 
          --   of a sample of the coal product remaining.
        , coalStdQuality_finesPassingScreen :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
        , coalStdQuality_grindability :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The Hardgrove Grindability Index value of the coal to be 
          --   delivered.
        , coalStdQuality_ashFusionTemperature :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The temperature at which the ash form of the coal product 
          --   fuses completely in accordance with the ASTM International 
          --   D1857 Standard Test Methodology.
        , coalStdQuality_initialDeformation :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The temperature at which an ash cone shows evidence of 
          --   deformation.
        , coalStdQuality_softeningHeightWidth :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The temperature at which the height of an ash cone equals 
          --   its width. (Softening temperature).
        , coalStdQuality_softeningHeightHalfWidth :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The temperature at which the height of an ash cone equals 
          --   half its width. (Hemisphere temperature).
        , coalStdQuality_fluid :: Maybe CoalAttributeDecimal
          -- ^ The temperature at which the ash cone flattens.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalStandardQuality where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalStandardQuality
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "moisture")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "ash")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sulfur")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "SO2")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "volatile")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "BTUperLB")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "topSize")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "finesPassingScreen")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "grindability")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "ashFusionTemperature")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "initialDeformation")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "softeningHeightWidth")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "softeningHeightHalfWidth")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fluid")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalStandardQuality{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "moisture") $ coalStdQuality_moisture x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "ash") $ coalStdQuality_ash x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sulfur") $ coalStdQuality_sulfur x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "SO2") $ coalStdQuality_sO2 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "volatile") $ coalStdQuality_volatile x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "BTUperLB") $ coalStdQuality_bTUperLB x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "topSize") $ coalStdQuality_topSize x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "finesPassingScreen") $ coalStdQuality_finesPassingScreen x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "grindability") $ coalStdQuality_grindability x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "ashFusionTemperature") $ coalStdQuality_ashFusionTemperature x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "initialDeformation") $ coalStdQuality_initialDeformation x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "softeningHeightWidth") $ coalStdQuality_softeningHeightWidth x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "softeningHeightHalfWidth") $ coalStdQuality_softeningHeightHalfWidth x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fluid") $ coalStdQuality_fluid x
-- | The quality attributes of the coal to be delivered, 
--   specified on a periodic basis.
data CoalStandardQualitySchedule = CoalStandardQualitySchedule
        { coalStdQualitySched_standardQualityStep :: [CoalStandardQuality]
        , coalStdQualitySched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Delivery Periods 
          --   defined elsewhere.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined elsewhere.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalStandardQualitySchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CoalStandardQualitySchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "StandardQualityStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CoalStandardQualitySchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "StandardQualityStep") $ coalStdQualitySched_standardQualityStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                   ) $ coalStdQualitySched_choice1 x
-- | A scheme identifying the methods by which coal may be 
--   transported.
data CoalTransportationEquipment = CoalTransportationEquipment Scheme CoalTransportationEquipmentAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CoalTransportationEquipmentAttributes = CoalTransportationEquipmentAttributes
    { ctea_commodityCoalTransportationEquipmentScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CoalTransportationEquipment where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityCoalTransportationEquipmentScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CoalTransportationEquipment v (CoalTransportationEquipmentAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CoalTransportationEquipment bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityCoalTransportationEquipmentScheme") $ ctea_commodityCoalTransportationEquipmentScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CoalTransportationEquipment Scheme where
    supertype (CoalTransportationEquipment s _) = s
-- | A type for defining exercise procedures associated with an 
--   American style exercise of a commodity option.
data CommodityAmericanExercise = CommodityAmericanExercise
        { commodAmericExerc_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodAmericExerc_exercisePeriod :: [CommodityExercisePeriods]
          -- ^ Describes the American exercise periods.
        , commodAmericExerc_exerciseFrequency :: Maybe Frequency
          -- ^ The exercise frequency for the strip.
        , commodAmericExerc_choice2 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 BusinessCenterTime DeterminationMethod))
          -- ^ Choice between latest exercise time expressed as literal 
          --   time, or using a determination method.
          --   Choice between:
          --   (1) For a Bermuda or American style option, the latest time 
          --   on an exercise business day (excluding the expiration 
          --   date) within the exercise period that notice can be 
          --   given by the buyer to the seller or seller's agent. 
          --   Notice of exercise given after this time will be deemed 
          --   to have been given on the next exercise business day.
          --   (2) Latest exercise time determination method.
        , commodAmericExerc_expirationTime :: Maybe BusinessCenterTime
          -- ^ The specific time of day on which the option expires.
        , commodAmericExerc_multipleExercise :: Maybe CommodityMultipleExercise
          -- ^ The presence of this element indicates that the option may 
          --   be partially exercised. It is not applicable to European or 
          --   Asian options.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityAmericanExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityAmericanExercise a0)
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "exercisePeriod")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "exerciseFrequency")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("BusinessCenterTime", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "latestExerciseTime"))
                                     , ("DeterminationMethod", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "latestExerciseTimeDetermination"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationTime")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "multipleExercise")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityAmericanExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodAmericExerc_ID x
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "exercisePeriod") $ commodAmericExerc_exercisePeriod x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "exerciseFrequency") $ commodAmericExerc_exerciseFrequency x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "latestExerciseTime")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "latestExerciseTimeDetermination")
                                   ) $ commodAmericExerc_choice2 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationTime") $ commodAmericExerc_expirationTime x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "multipleExercise") $ commodAmericExerc_multipleExercise x
instance Extension CommodityAmericanExercise Exercise where
    supertype v = Exercise_CommodityAmericanExercise v
-- | A parametric representation of the Calculation Periods for 
--   on Asian option or a leg of a swap. In case the calculation 
--   frequency is of value T (term), the period is defined by 
--   the commoditySwap\effectiveDate and the 
--   commoditySwap\terminationDate.
data CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule = CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule
        { ccps_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , ccps_periodMultiplier :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ A time period multiplier, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 etc. If the period 
          --   value is T (Term) then periodMultiplier must contain the 
          --   value 1.
        , ccps_period :: Maybe PeriodExtendedEnum
          -- ^ A time period, e.g. a day, week, month, year or term of the 
          --   stream.
        , ccps_balanceOfFirstPeriod :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ If true, indicates that that the first Calculation Period 
          --   should run from the Effective Date to the end of the 
          --   calendar period in which the Effective Date falls, e.g. Jan 
          --   15 - Jan 31 if the calculation periods are one month long 
          --   and Effective Date is Jan 15. If false, the first 
          --   Calculation Period should run from the Effective Date for 
          --   one whole period, e.g. Jan 15 to Feb 14 if the calculation 
          --   periods are one month long and Effective Date is Jan 15.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "periodMultiplier")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "period")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "balanceOfFirstPeriod")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ ccps_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "periodMultiplier") $ ccps_periodMultiplier x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "period") $ ccps_period x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "balanceOfFirstPeriod") $ ccps_balanceOfFirstPeriod x
instance Extension CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule Frequency where
    supertype (CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule a0 e0 e1 e2) =
               Frequency a0 e0 e1
-- | The different options for specifying the Delivery Periods 
--   of a physical leg.
data CommodityDeliveryPeriods = CommodityDeliveryPeriods
        { commodDelivPeriods_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodDelivPeriods_choice0 :: OneOf3 AdjustableDates CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule ((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (2) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (3) unknown
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityDeliveryPeriods where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityDeliveryPeriods a0)
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDates", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "periods"))
                           , ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "periodsSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap ThreeOf3 (optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityDeliveryPeriods{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodDelivPeriods_ID x
            [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "periods")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "periodsSchedule")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                          $ commodDelivPeriods_choice0 x
-- | A scheme identifying the types of the Delivery Point for a 
--   physically settled commodity trade.
data CommodityDeliveryPoint = CommodityDeliveryPoint Scheme CommodityDeliveryPointAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityDeliveryPointAttributes = CommodityDeliveryPointAttributes
    { commodDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityDeliveryPoint where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "deliveryPointScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityDeliveryPoint v (CommodityDeliveryPointAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityDeliveryPoint bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "deliveryPointScheme") $ commodDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityDeliveryPoint Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityDeliveryPoint s _) = s
-- | A scheme identifying how the parties to the trade aportion 
--   responsibility for the delivery of the commodity product 
--   (for example Free On Board, Cost, Insurance, Freight)
data CommodityDeliveryRisk = CommodityDeliveryRisk Scheme CommodityDeliveryRiskAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityDeliveryRiskAttributes = CommodityDeliveryRiskAttributes
    { commodDelivRiskAttrib_deliveryRiskScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityDeliveryRisk where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "deliveryRiskScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityDeliveryRisk v (CommodityDeliveryRiskAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityDeliveryRisk bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "deliveryRiskScheme") $ commodDelivRiskAttrib_deliveryRiskScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityDeliveryRisk Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityDeliveryRisk s _) = s
-- | A type for defining exercise procedures associated with a 
--   European style exercise of a commodity option.
data CommodityEuropeanExercise = CommodityEuropeanExercise
        { commodEuropExerc_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodEuropExerc_expirationDate :: [AdjustableOrRelativeDate]
          -- ^ The last day within an exercise period for an American 
          --   style option. For a European style option it is the only 
          --   day within the exercise period. For an averaging option 
          --   this is equivalent to the Termination Date.
        , commodEuropExerc_exerciseFrequency :: Maybe Frequency
          -- ^ The exercise frequency for the strip.
        , commodEuropExerc_expirationTime :: Maybe BusinessCenterTime
          -- ^ The specific time of day on which the option expires.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityEuropeanExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityEuropeanExercise a0)
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "expirationDate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "exerciseFrequency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationTime")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityEuropeanExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodEuropExerc_ID x
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDate") $ commodEuropExerc_expirationDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "exerciseFrequency") $ commodEuropExerc_exerciseFrequency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationTime") $ commodEuropExerc_expirationTime x
instance Extension CommodityEuropeanExercise Exercise where
    supertype v = Exercise_CommodityEuropeanExercise v
-- | The parameters for defining how the commodity option can be 
--   exercised, how it is priced and how it is settled.
data CommodityExercise = CommodityExercise
        { commodExerc_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityAmericanExercise CommodityEuropeanExercise))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The parameters for defining the exercise period for an 
          --   American style option together with the rules governing 
          --   the quantity of the commodity that can be exercised on 
          --   any given exercise date.
          --   (2) The parameters for defining the expiration date and 
          --   time for a European or Asian style option. For an Asian 
          --   style option the expiration date is equivalent to the 
          --   termination date.
        , commodExerc_automaticExercise :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Specifies whether or not Automatic Exercise applies to a 
          --   Commodity Option Transaction.
        , commodExerc_writtenConfirmation :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Specifies whether or not Written Confirmation applies to a 
          --   Commodity Option Transaction.
        , commodExerc_settlementCurrency :: Maybe IdentifiedCurrency
          -- ^ The currency into which the Commodity Option Transaction 
          --   will settle. If this is not the same as the currency in 
          --   which the Commodity Reference Price is quoted, then an FX 
          --   determination method should also be specified.
        , commodExerc_fx :: Maybe CommodityFx
          -- ^ FX observations to be used to convert the observed 
          --   Commodity Reference Price to the Settlement Currency.
        , commodExerc_conversionFactor :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ If the Notional Quantity is specified in a unit that does 
          --   not match the unit in which the Commodity Reference Price 
          --   is quoted, the scaling or conversion factor used to convert 
          --   the Commodity Reference Price unit into the Notional 
          --   Quantity unit should be stated here. If there is no 
          --   conversion, this element is not intended to be used.
        , commodExerc_choice6 :: OneOf2 CommodityRelativePaymentDates ((Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Payment Dates of the trade relative to the 
          --   Calculation Periods.
          --   (2) unknown
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityExercise
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityAmericanExercise", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "americanExercise"))
                                     , ("CommodityEuropeanExercise", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "europeanExercise"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "automaticExercise")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "writtenConfirmation")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementCurrency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fx")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "conversionFactor")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityRelativePaymentDates", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "relativePaymentDates"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean))", fmap TwoOf2 (optional (oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "paymentDates"))
                                                                                                                                , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "masterAgreementPaymentDates"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "americanExercise")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "europeanExercise")
                                   ) $ commodExerc_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "automaticExercise") $ commodExerc_automaticExercise x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "writtenConfirmation") $ commodExerc_writtenConfirmation x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementCurrency") $ commodExerc_settlementCurrency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fx") $ commodExerc_fx x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "conversionFactor") $ commodExerc_conversionFactor x
            , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "relativePaymentDates")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDates")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "masterAgreementPaymentDates")
                          $ commodExerc_choice6 x
data CommodityExercisePeriods = CommodityExercisePeriods
        { commodExercPeriods_commencementDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ The first day of the exercise period for an American style 
          --   option.
        , commodExercPeriods_expirationDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ The last day within an exercise period for an American 
          --   style option. For a European style option it is the only 
          --   day within the exercise period.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityExercisePeriods where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityExercisePeriods
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commencementDate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationDate")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityExercisePeriods{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commencementDate") $ commodExercPeriods_commencementDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDate") $ commodExercPeriods_expirationDate x
-- | A scheme identifying the physical event relative to which 
--   option expiration occurs.
data CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent = CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent Scheme CommodityExpireRelativeToEventAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityExpireRelativeToEventAttributes = CommodityExpireRelativeToEventAttributes
    { certea_commodityExpireRelativeToEventScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityExpireRelativeToEventScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent v (CommodityExpireRelativeToEventAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityExpireRelativeToEventScheme") $ certea_commodityExpireRelativeToEventScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent s _) = s
-- | Commodity Forward
data CommodityForward = CommodityForward
        { commodForward_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodForward_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
          -- ^ A classification of the most important risk class of the 
          --   trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodForward_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
          -- ^ A classification of additional risk classes of the trade, 
          --   if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodForward_productType :: [ProductType]
          -- ^ A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a 
          --   simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
        , commodForward_productId :: [ProductId]
          -- ^ A product reference identifier. The product ID is an 
          --   identifier that describes the key economic characteristics 
          --   of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as 
          --   size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed 
          --   rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each 
          --   transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the 
          --   "UPI" (universal product identifier) required by certain 
          --   regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold 
          --   identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates 
          --   used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does 
          --   not define the domain values associated with this element. 
          --   Note that the domain values for this element are not 
          --   strictly an enumerated list.
        , commodForward_valueDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Specifies the value date of the Commodity Forward 
          --   Transaction. This is the day on which both the cash and the 
          --   physical commodity settle.
        , commodForward_fixedLeg :: Maybe NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg
          -- ^ The fixed leg of a Commodity Forward Transaction
        , commodityForward_leg :: Maybe CommodityForwardLeg
          -- ^ Defines the substitutable commodity forward leg
        , commodForward_commonPricing :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Common pricing may be relevant for a Transaction that 
          --   references more than one Commodity Reference Price. If 
          --   Common Pricing is not specified as applicable, it will be 
          --   deemed not to apply.
        , commodForward_marketDisruption :: Maybe CommodityMarketDisruption
          -- ^ Market disruption events as defined in the ISDA 1993 
          --   Commodity Definitions or in ISDA 2005 Commodity 
          --   Definitions, as applicable.
        , commodForward_settlementDisruption :: Maybe CommodityBullionSettlementDisruptionEnum
          -- ^ The consequences of Bullion Settlement Disruption Events.
        , commodForward_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for amounts.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityForward where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityForward a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "secondaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productType")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "valueDate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fixedLeg")
            `apply` optional (elementCommodityForwardLeg)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commonPricing")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityForward{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodForward_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryAssetClass") $ commodForward_primaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryAssetClass") $ commodForward_secondaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productType") $ commodForward_productType x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productId") $ commodForward_productId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "valueDate") $ commodForward_valueDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fixedLeg") $ commodForward_fixedLeg x
            , maybe [] (elementToXMLCommodityForwardLeg) $ commodityForward_leg x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commonPricing") $ commodForward_commonPricing x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruption") $ commodForward_marketDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDisruption") $ commodForward_settlementDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ commodForward_rounding x
instance Extension CommodityForward Product where
    supertype v = Product_CommodityForward v
-- | The Fixed Price for a given Calculation Period during the 
--   life of the trade. There must be a Fixed Price step 
--   specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
--   whether the Fixed Price changes or remains the same between 
--   periods.
data CommodityFixedPriceSchedule = CommodityFixedPriceSchedule
        { commodFixedPriceSched_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf4 [FixedPrice] [Xsd.Decimal] [NonNegativeMoney] [CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule]))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Fixed Price for a given Calculation Period during 
          --   the life of the trade. There must be a Fixed Price step 
          --   specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
          --   whether the Fixed Price changes or remains the same 
          --   between periods.
          --   (2) For a Wet Voyager Charter Freight Swap, the number of 
          --   Worldscale Points for purposes of the calculation of a 
          --   Fixed Amount for a given Calculation Period during the 
          --   life of the trade. There must be Worldscale Rate Step 
          --   specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
          --   whether the Worldscale Rate Step changes or remains the 
          --   same between periods.
          --   (3) For a DRY Voyage Charter or Time Charter Freight Swap, 
          --   the price per relevant unit for pruposes of the 
          --   calculation of a Fixed Amount for a given Calculation 
          --   Period during the life of the trade. There must be 
          --   Worldscale Rate Step specified for each Calculation 
          --   Period, regardless of whether the Worldscale Rate Step 
          --   changes or remains the same between periods.
          --   (4) For an electricity transaction, the fixed price 
          --   schedule for one or more groups of Settlement Periods 
          --   on which fixed payments are based. if the schedule 
          --   differs for different groups of Settlement Periods, 
          --   this element should be repeated.
        , commodFixedPriceSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityFixedPriceSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityFixedPriceSchedule
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("[FixedPrice]", fmap OneOf4 (many1 (parseSchemaType "fixedPriceStep")))
                                     , ("[Xsd.Decimal]", fmap TwoOf4 (many1 (parseSchemaType "worldscaleRateStep")))
                                     , ("[NonNegativeMoney]", fmap ThreeOf4 (many1 (parseSchemaType "contractRateStep")))
                                     , ("[CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule]", fmap FourOf4 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsPriceSchedule")))
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityFixedPriceSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf4  (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "fixedPriceStep"))
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "worldscaleRateStep"))
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "contractRateStep"))
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsPriceSchedule"))
                                   ) $ commodFixedPriceSched_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodFixedPriceSched_choice1 x
-- | Abstract base class for all commodity forward legs
data CommodityForwardLeg
        = CommodityForwardLeg_PhysicalForwardLeg PhysicalForwardLeg
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityForwardLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap CommodityForwardLeg_PhysicalForwardLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of CommodityForwardLeg,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommodityForwardLeg_PhysicalForwardLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "physicalForwardLeg" x
instance Extension CommodityForwardLeg Leg where
    supertype v = Leg_CommodityForwardLeg v
-- | Frequency Type for use in Pricing Date specifications.
data CommodityFrequencyType = CommodityFrequencyType Scheme CommodityFrequencyTypeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityFrequencyTypeAttributes = CommodityFrequencyTypeAttributes
    { commodFrequTypeAttrib_commodityFrequencyTypeScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityFrequencyType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityFrequencyTypeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityFrequencyType v (CommodityFrequencyTypeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityFrequencyType bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityFrequencyTypeScheme") $ commodFrequTypeAttrib_commodityFrequencyTypeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityFrequencyType Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityFrequencyType s _) = s
-- | A type defining the FX observations to be used to convert 
--   the observed Commodity Reference Price to the Settlement 
--   Currency. The rate source must be specified. Additionally, 
--   a time for the spot price to be observed on that source may 
--   be specified, or else an averaging schedule for trades 
--   priced using an average FX rate.
data CommodityFx = CommodityFx
        { commodityFx_primaryRateSource :: Maybe InformationSource
          -- ^ The primary source for where the rate observation will 
          --   occur. Will typically be either a page or a reference bank 
          --   published rate.
        , commodityFx_secondaryRateSource :: Maybe InformationSource
          -- ^ An alternative, or secondary, source for where the rate 
          --   observation will occur. Will typically be either a page or 
          --   a reference bank published rate.
        , commodityFx_fxType :: Maybe CommodityFxType
          -- ^ A type to identify how the FX rate will be applied. This is 
          --   intended to differentiate between the various methods for 
          --   applying FX to the floating price such as a daily 
          --   calculation, or averaging the FX and applying the average 
          --   at the end of each CalculationPeriod.
        , commodityFx_averagingMethod :: Maybe AveragingMethodEnum
          -- ^ The parties may specify a Method of Averaging when 
          --   averaging of the FX rate is applicable.
        , commodityFx_choice4 :: OneOf2 [AdjustableDates] ((Maybe (CommodityDayTypeEnum)),((Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (CommodityFrequencyType)),(Maybe (Xsd.PositiveInteger))) ([DayOfWeekEnum],(Maybe (Xsd.Integer)))))),((Maybe (OneOf2 Lag LagReference))),((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A list of the fx observation dates for a given 
          --   Calculation Period.
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * The type of day on which pricing occurs.
          --     * unknown
          --     * unknown
          --     * unknown
        , commodityFx_fixingTime :: Maybe BusinessCenterTime
          -- ^ The time at which the spot currency exchange rate will be 
          --   observed. It is specified as a time in a specific business 
          --   center, e.g. 11:00am London time.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityFx where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityFx
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryRateSource")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "secondaryRateSource")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fxType")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "averagingMethod")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("[AdjustableDates]", fmap OneOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "fxObservationDates")))
                           , ("Maybe CommodityDayTypeEnum (Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (CommodityFrequencyType)),(Maybe (Xsd.PositiveInteger))) ([DayOfWeekEnum],(Maybe (Xsd.Integer))))) (Maybe (OneOf2 Lag LagReference)) (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,,,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayType")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe CommodityFrequencyType Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayDistribution")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayCount")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             , ("[DayOfWeekEnum] Maybe Xsd.Integer", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 7))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (parseSchemaType "dayOfWeek")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayNumber")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Lag", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "lag"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             , ("LagReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "lagReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fixingTime")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityFx{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryRateSource") $ commodityFx_primaryRateSource x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryRateSource") $ commodityFx_secondaryRateSource x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fxType") $ commodityFx_fxType x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "averagingMethod") $ commodityFx_averagingMethod x
            , foldOneOf2  (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "fxObservationDates"))
                          (\ (a,b,c,d) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayType") a
                                                 , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayDistribution") a
                                                                                            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayCount") b
                                                                         (\ (a,b) -> concat [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "dayOfWeek") a
                                                                                            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayNumber") b
                                                                        ) b
                                                 , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "lag")
                                                                         (schemaTypeToXML "lagReference")
                                                                        ) c
                                                 , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                                         (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                                         (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                                                        ) d
                          $ commodityFx_choice4 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fixingTime") $ commodityFx_fixingTime x
-- | Identifes how the FX rate will be applied. This is intended 
--   to differentiate between the various methods for applying 
--   FX to the floating price such as a daily calculation, or 
--   averaging the FX and applying the average at the end of 
--   each CalculationPeriod.
data CommodityFxType = CommodityFxType Scheme CommodityFxTypeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityFxTypeAttributes = CommodityFxTypeAttributes
    { commodFxTypeAttrib_commodityFxTypeScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityFxType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityFxTypeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityFxType v (CommodityFxTypeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityFxType bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityFxTypeScheme") $ commodFxTypeAttrib_commodityFxTypeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityFxType Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityFxType s _) = s
-- | A type defining a hub or other reference for a physically 
--   settled commodity trade.
data CommodityHub = CommodityHub
        { commodityHub_partyReference :: PartyReference
          -- ^ Reference to a party.
        , commodityHub_accountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ Reference to an account.
        , commodityHub_hubCode :: Maybe CommodityHubCode
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityHub where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityHub
            `apply` parseSchemaType "partyReference"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "accountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "hubCode")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityHub{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "partyReference" $ commodityHub_partyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "accountReference") $ commodityHub_accountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "hubCode") $ commodityHub_hubCode x
-- | A scheme identifying the code for a hub or other reference 
--   for a physically settled commodity trade.
data CommodityHubCode = CommodityHubCode Scheme CommodityHubCodeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityHubCodeAttributes = CommodityHubCodeAttributes
    { commodHubCodeAttrib_hubCodeScheme :: Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityHubCode where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- getAttribute "hubCodeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityHubCode v (CommodityHubCodeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityHubCode bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ toXMLAttribute "hubCodeScheme" $ commodHubCodeAttrib_hubCodeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityHubCode Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityHubCode s _) = s
-- | ISDA 1993 or 2005 commodity market disruption elements.
data CommodityMarketDisruption = CommodityMarketDisruption
        { commodMarketDisrup_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (MarketDisruptionEventsEnum)),[MarketDisruptionEvent]) [MarketDisruptionEvent]))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * If Market disruption Events are stated to be 
          --   Applicable then the default Market Disruption 
          --   Events of Section 7.4(d)(i) of the ISDA Commodity 
          --   Definitions shall apply unless specific Market 
          --   Disruption Events are stated hereunder, in which 
          --   case these shall override the ISDA defaults. If 
          --   Market Disruption Events are stated to be Not 
          --   Applicable, Market Disruption Events are not 
          --   applicable to the trade at all. It is also possible 
          --   to reference the Market Disruption Events set out 
          --   in the relevant Master Agreement governing the 
          --   trade.
          --     * To be used when marketDisruptionEvents is set to 
          --   "Applicable" and additional market disruption 
          --   events(s) apply to the default market disruption 
          --   events of Section 7.4(d)(i) of the ISDA Commodity 
          --   Definitions.
          --   (2) Market disruption event(s) that apply. Note that these 
          --   should only be specified if the default market 
          --   disruption events of Section 7.4(d)(i) of the ISDA 
          --   Commodity Definitions are to be overridden.
        , commodMarketDisrup_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 DisruptionFallbacksEnum [SequencedDisruptionFallback]))
          -- ^ If omitted then the standard disruption fallbacks of 
          --   Section 7.5(d)(i) of the ISDA Commodity Definitions shall 
          --   apply.
          --   Choice between:
          --   (1) To be used where disruption fallbacks are set out in 
          --   the relevant Master Agreement governing the trade.
          --   (2) disruptionFallback
        , commodMarketDisrup_fallbackReferencePrice :: Maybe Underlyer
          -- ^ A fallback commodity reference price for use when relying 
          --   on Disruption Fallbacks in Section 7.5(d)(i) of the ISDA 
          --   Commodity Definitions or have selected "Fallback Reference 
          --   Price" as a disruptionFallback.
        , commodMarketDisrup_maximumNumberOfDaysOfDisruption :: Maybe Xsd.NonNegativeInteger
          -- ^ 2005 Commodity Definitions only. If omitted , the number of 
          --   days specified in Section 7.6(a) of the Definitions will 
          --   apply.
        , commodMarketDisrup_priceMaterialityPercentage :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ 2005 Commodity Definitions only. To be used where a price 
          --   materiality percentage applies to the "Price Source 
          --   Disruption" event and this event has been specified by 
          --   setting marketDisruption to true or including it in 
          --   additionalMarketDisruptionEvent
        , commodMarketDisrup_minimumFuturesContracts :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ 1993 Commodity Definitions only. Specifies the Mimum 
          --   Futures Contracts level that dictates whether or not a "De 
          --   Minimis Trading" event has occurred. Only relevant if 'De 
          --   Minimis Trading' has been specified in 
          --   marketDisruptionEvent or additionalMarketDisruptionEvent.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityMarketDisruption where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityMarketDisruption
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe MarketDisruptionEventsEnum [MarketDisruptionEvent]", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruptionEvents")
                                                                                                                            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "additionalMarketDisruptionEvent")))
                                     , ("[MarketDisruptionEvent]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "marketDisruptionEvent")))
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("DisruptionFallbacksEnum", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "disruptionFallbacks"))
                                     , ("[SequencedDisruptionFallback]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "disruptionFallback")))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fallbackReferencePrice")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "maximumNumberOfDaysOfDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "priceMaterialityPercentage")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "minimumFuturesContracts")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityMarketDisruption{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruptionEvents") a
                                                       , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "additionalMarketDisruptionEvent") b
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruptionEvent"))
                                   ) $ commodMarketDisrup_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "disruptionFallbacks")
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "disruptionFallback"))
                                   ) $ commodMarketDisrup_choice1 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fallbackReferencePrice") $ commodMarketDisrup_fallbackReferencePrice x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "maximumNumberOfDaysOfDisruption") $ commodMarketDisrup_maximumNumberOfDaysOfDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "priceMaterialityPercentage") $ commodMarketDisrup_priceMaterialityPercentage x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "minimumFuturesContracts") $ commodMarketDisrup_minimumFuturesContracts x
-- | A type for defining the multiple exercise provisions of an 
--   American style commodity option.
data CommodityMultipleExercise = CommodityMultipleExercise
        { commodMultiExerc_integralMultipleQuantity :: Maybe CommodityNotionalQuantity
          -- ^ The integral multiple quantity defines a lower limit of the 
          --   Notional Quantity that can be exercised and also defines a 
          --   unit multiple of the Notional Quantity that can be 
          --   exercised, i.e. only integer multiples of this Notional 
          --   Quantity can be exercised.
        , commodMultiExerc_minimumNotionalQuantity :: Maybe CommodityNotionalQuantity
          -- ^ The minimum Notional Quantity that can be exercised on a 
          --   given Exercise Date. See multipleExercise.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityMultipleExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityMultipleExercise
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "integralMultipleQuantity")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "minimumNotionalQuantity")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityMultipleExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "integralMultipleQuantity") $ commodMultiExerc_integralMultipleQuantity x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "minimumNotionalQuantity") $ commodMultiExerc_minimumNotionalQuantity x
-- | Commodity Notional.
data CommodityNotionalQuantity = CommodityNotionalQuantity
        { commodNotionQuant_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodNotionQuant_quantityUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ Quantity Unit is the unit of measure applicable for the 
          --   quantity on the Transaction.
        , commodNotionQuant_quantityFrequency :: Maybe CommodityQuantityFrequency
          -- ^ The frequency at which the Notional Quantity is deemed to 
          --   apply for purposes of calculating the Total Notional 
          --   Quantity.
        , commodNotionQuant_quantity :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ Amount of commodity per quantity frequency.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityNotionalQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityNotionalQuantity a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "quantityUnit"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantityFrequency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantity")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityNotionalQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodNotionQuant_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "quantityUnit" $ commodNotionQuant_quantityUnit x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantityFrequency") $ commodNotionQuant_quantityFrequency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantity") $ commodNotionQuant_quantity x
-- | The Notional Quantity per Calculation Period. There must be 
--   a Notional Quantity step specified for each Calculation 
--   Period, regardless of whether the Notional Quantity changes 
--   or remains the same between periods.
data CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule = CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule
        { commodNotionQuantSched_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodNotionQuantSched_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 [CommodityNotionalQuantity] [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule]))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Notional Quantity per Calculation Period. There 
          --   must be a Notional Quantity specified for each 
          --   Calculation Period, regardless of whether the quantity 
          --   changes or remains the same between periods.
          --   (2) For an electricity transaction, the Notional Quantity 
          --   schedule for a one or more groups of Settlement Periods 
          --   to which the Notional Quantity is based. If the 
          --   schedule differs for different groups of Settlement 
          --   Periods, this element should be repeated.
        , commodNotionQuantSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("[CommodityNotionalQuantity]", fmap OneOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "notionalStep")))
                                     , ("[CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule")))
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodNotionQuantSched_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "notionalStep"))
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule"))
                                   ) $ commodNotionQuantSched_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodNotionQuantSched_choice1 x
-- | Commodity Option.
data CommodityOption = CommodityOption
        { commodOption_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodOption_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
          -- ^ A classification of the most important risk class of the 
          --   trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodOption_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
          -- ^ A classification of additional risk classes of the trade, 
          --   if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodOption_productType :: [ProductType]
          -- ^ A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a 
          --   simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
        , commodOption_productId :: [ProductId]
          -- ^ A product reference identifier. The product ID is an 
          --   identifier that describes the key economic characteristics 
          --   of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as 
          --   size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed 
          --   rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each 
          --   transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the 
          --   "UPI" (universal product identifier) required by certain 
          --   regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold 
          --   identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates 
          --   used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does 
          --   not define the domain values associated with this element. 
          --   Note that the domain values for this element are not 
          --   strictly an enumerated list.
        , commodOption_buyerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that buys this instrument, ie. 
          --   pays for this instrument and receives the rights defined by 
          --   it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (b). In the case 
          --   of FRAs this the fixed rate payer.
        , commodOption_buyerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that buys this instrument.
        , commodOption_sellerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that sells ("writes") this 
          --   instrument, i.e. that grants the rights defined by this 
          --   instrument and in return receives a payment for it. See 
          --   2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (a). In the case of FRAs 
          --   this is the floating rate payer.
        , commodOption_sellerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that sells this instrument.
        , commodOption_optionType :: Maybe PutCallEnum
          -- ^ The type of option transaction.
        , commodOption_choice9 :: OneOf2 ((Maybe (Commodity)),(Maybe (AdjustableOrRelativeDate)),((Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule AdjustableDates))),(Maybe (CommodityPricingDates)),(Maybe (AveragingMethodEnum)),(OneOf2 ((OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]),Xsd.Decimal) QuantityReference),(Maybe (CommodityExercise)),(OneOf2 NonNegativeMoney CommodityStrikeSchedule)) (((Maybe (OneOf2 CommoditySwap CommodityForward))),(Maybe (CommodityPhysicalExercise)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * Specifies the underlying component. At the time of 
          --   the initial schema design, only underlyers of type 
          --   Commodity are supported; the choice group in the 
          --   future could offer the possibility of adding other 
          --   types later.
          --     * The effective date of the Commodity Option 
          --   Transaction. Note that the Termination/Expiration 
          --   Date should be specified in expirationDate within 
          --   the CommodityAmericanExercise type or the 
          --   CommodityEuropeanExercise type, as applicable.
          --     * unknown
          --     * The dates on which the option will price.
          --     * The Method of Averaging if there is more than one 
          --   Pricing Date.
          --     * unknown
          --     * The parameters for defining how the commodity 
          --   option can be exercised and how it is settled.
          --     * unknown
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * unknown
          --     * The parameters for defining how the commodity 
          --   option can be exercised into a physical 
          --   transaction.
        , commodOption_premium :: [CommodityPremium]
          -- ^ The option premium payable by the buyer to the seller.
        , commodOption_commonPricing :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Common pricing may be relevant for a Transaction that 
          --   references more than one Commodity Reference Price. If 
          --   Common Pricing is not specified as applicable, it will be 
          --   deemed not to apply.
        , commodOption_marketDisruption :: Maybe CommodityMarketDisruption
          -- ^ Market disruption events as defined in the ISDA 1993 
          --   Commodity Definitions or in ISDA 2005 Commodity 
          --   Definitions, as applicable.
        , commodOption_settlementDisruption :: Maybe CommodityBullionSettlementDisruptionEnum
          -- ^ The consequences of Bullion Settlement Disruption Events.
        , commodOption_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for amounts.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityOption where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityOption a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "secondaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productType")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "optionType")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("Maybe Commodity Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule AdjustableDates)) Maybe CommodityPricingDates Maybe AveragingMethodEnum OneOf2 ((OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]),Xsd.Decimal) QuantityReference Maybe CommodityExercise OneOf2 NonNegativeMoney CommodityStrikeSchedule", fmap OneOf2 (return (,,,,,,,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commodity")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "effectiveDate")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsSchedule"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("AdjustableDates", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriods"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "pricingDates")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "averagingMethod")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` oneOf' [ ("OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity] Xsd.Decimal", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantitySchedule"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantity"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("[CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]", fmap ThreeOf3 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   `apply` parseSchemaType "totalNotionalQuantity"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("QuantityReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "quantityReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "exercise")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` oneOf' [ ("NonNegativeMoney", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "strikePricePerUnit"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("CommodityStrikeSchedule", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "strikePricePerUnitSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf2 CommoditySwap CommodityForward)) Maybe CommodityPhysicalExercise", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommoditySwap", fmap OneOf2 (elementCommoditySwap))
                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CommodityForward", fmap TwoOf2 (elementCommodityForward))
                                                                                                                                         `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "physicalExercise")))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "premium")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commonPricing")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityOption{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodOption_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryAssetClass") $ commodOption_primaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryAssetClass") $ commodOption_secondaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productType") $ commodOption_productType x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productId") $ commodOption_productId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerPartyReference") $ commodOption_buyerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerAccountReference") $ commodOption_buyerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerPartyReference") $ commodOption_sellerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerAccountReference") $ commodOption_sellerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "optionType") $ commodOption_optionType x
            , foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commodity") a
                                                         , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "effectiveDate") b
                                                         , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsSchedule")
                                                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriods")
                                                                                ) c
                                                         , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "pricingDates") d
                                                         , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "averagingMethod") e
                                                         , foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantitySchedule")
                                                                                                        (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantity")
                                                                                                        (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity"))
                                                                                          , schemaTypeToXML "totalNotionalQuantity" b
                                                                       (schemaTypeToXML "quantityReference")
                                                         , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "exercise") g
                                                         , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "strikePricePerUnit")
                                                                       (schemaTypeToXML "strikePricePerUnitSchedule")
                          (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (elementToXMLCommoditySwap)
                                                                    ) a
                                             , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "physicalExercise") b
                          $ commodOption_choice9 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "premium") $ commodOption_premium x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commonPricing") $ commodOption_commonPricing x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruption") $ commodOption_marketDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDisruption") $ commodOption_settlementDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ commodOption_rounding x
instance Extension CommodityOption Product where
    supertype v = Product_CommodityOption v
-- | A scheme identifying the physical event relative to which 
--   payment occurs.
data CommodityPayRelativeToEvent = CommodityPayRelativeToEvent Scheme CommodityPayRelativeToEventAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityPayRelativeToEventAttributes = CommodityPayRelativeToEventAttributes
    { cprtea_commodityPayRelativeToEventScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPayRelativeToEvent where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityPayRelativeToEventScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityPayRelativeToEvent v (CommodityPayRelativeToEventAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityPayRelativeToEvent bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityPayRelativeToEventScheme") $ cprtea_commodityPayRelativeToEventScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityPayRelativeToEvent Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityPayRelativeToEvent s _) = s
-- | The parameters for defining the expiration date(s) and 
--   time(s) for an American style option.
data CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise = CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise
        { commodPhysicAmericExerc_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPhysicAmericExerc_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (AdjustableOrRelativeDates)),(Maybe (AdjustableOrRelativeDates))) ((Maybe (CommodityRelativeExpirationDates)),(Maybe (CommodityRelativeExpirationDates)))))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * The first day(s) of the exercise period(s) for an 
          --   American-style option.
          --     * The Expiration Date(s) of an American-style option.
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * The first day(s) of the exercise period(s) for an 
          --   American-style option where it is relative to the 
          --   occurrence of an external event.
          --     * The Expiration Date(s) of an American-style option 
          --   where it is relative to the occurrence of an 
          --   external event.
        , commodPhysicAmericExerc_latestExerciseTime :: Maybe PrevailingTime
          -- ^ For a Bermuda or American style option, the latest time on 
          --   an exercise business day (excluding the expiration date) 
          --   within the exercise period that notice can be given by the 
          --   buyer to the seller or seller's agent. Notice of exercise 
          --   given after this time will be deemed to have been given on 
          --   the next exercise business day.
        , commodPhysicAmericExerc_expirationTime :: Maybe PrevailingTime
          -- ^ The specific time of day at which the option expires.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDates Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDates", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commencementDates")
                                                                                                                                   `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationDates")))
                                     , ("Maybe CommodityRelativeExpirationDates Maybe CommodityRelativeExpirationDates", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "relativeCommencementDates")
                                                                                                                                                 `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "relativeExpirationDates")))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "latestExerciseTime")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationTime")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPhysicAmericExerc_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commencementDates") a
                                                       , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDates") b
                                    (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "relativeCommencementDates") a
                                                       , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "relativeExpirationDates") b
                                   ) $ commodPhysicAmericExerc_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "latestExerciseTime") $ commodPhysicAmericExerc_latestExerciseTime x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationTime") $ commodPhysicAmericExerc_expirationTime x
instance Extension CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise Exercise where
    supertype v = Exercise_CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise v
-- | The parameters for defining the expiration date(s) and 
--   time(s) for a European style option.
data CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise = CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise
        { commodPhysicEuropExerc_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPhysicEuropExerc_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 AdjustableOrRelativeDate AdjustableRelativeOrPeriodicDates2 CommodityRelativeExpirationDates))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Expiration Date of a single expiry European-style 
          --   option or the first Expiration Date of a multiple 
          --   expiry or daily expiring option.
          --   (2) The Expiration Date(s) of a European-style option.
          --   (3) The Expiration Date(s) of a European-style option where 
          --   it is relative to the occurrence of an external event.
        , commodPhysicEuropExerc_expirationTime :: Maybe PrevailingTime
          -- ^ The specific time of day at which the option expires.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("AdjustableOrRelativeDate", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "expirationDate"))
                                     , ("AdjustableRelativeOrPeriodicDates2", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "expirationDates"))
                                     , ("CommodityRelativeExpirationDates", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "relativeExpirationDates"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationTime")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPhysicEuropExerc_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDate")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDates")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "relativeExpirationDates")
                                   ) $ commodPhysicEuropExerc_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationTime") $ commodPhysicEuropExerc_expirationTime x
instance Extension CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise Exercise where
    supertype v = Exercise_CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise v
-- | The parameters for defining how the physically-settled 
--   commodity option can be exercised and how it is settled.
data CommodityPhysicalExercise = CommodityPhysicalExercise
        { commodPhysicExerc_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The parameters for defining the expiration date(s) and 
          --   time(s) for an American style option.
          --   (2) The parameters for defining the expiration date(s) and 
          --   time(s) for a European style option.
        , commodPhysicExerc_automaticExercise :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Specifies whether or not Automatic Exercise applies to a 
          --   Commodity Option Transaction.
        , commodPhysicExerc_writtenConfirmation :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Specifies whether or not Written Confirmation applies to a 
          --   Commodity Option Transaction.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalExercise where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityPhysicalExercise
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityPhysicalAmericanExercise", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "americanExercise"))
                                     , ("CommodityPhysicalEuropeanExercise", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "europeanExercise"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "automaticExercise")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "writtenConfirmation")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPhysicalExercise{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "americanExercise")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "europeanExercise")
                                   ) $ commodPhysicExerc_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "automaticExercise") $ commodPhysicExerc_automaticExercise x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "writtenConfirmation") $ commodPhysicExerc_writtenConfirmation x
-- | A type defining the physical quantity of the commodity to 
--   be delivered.
data CommodityPhysicalQuantity = CommodityPhysicalQuantity
        { commodPhysicQuant_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPhysicQuant_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityNotionalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Quantity per Delivery Period.
          --   (2) Allows the documentation of a shaped quantity trade 
          --   where the quantity changes over the life of the 
          --   transaction.
        , commodPhysicQuant_totalPhysicalQuantity :: UnitQuantity
          -- ^ The Total Quantity of the commodity to be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPhysicalQuantity a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantity"))
                                     , ("CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantitySchedule"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "totalPhysicalQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPhysicalQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPhysicQuant_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantity")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantitySchedule")
                                   ) $ commodPhysicQuant_choice0 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "totalPhysicalQuantity" $ commodPhysicQuant_totalPhysicalQuantity x
instance Extension CommodityPhysicalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase where
    supertype v = CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_CommodityPhysicalQuantity v
-- | An abstract base class for physical quantity types.
data CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase
        = CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_GasPhysicalQuantity GasPhysicalQuantity
        | CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_ElectricityPhysicalQuantity ElectricityPhysicalQuantity
        | CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_CommodityPhysicalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantity
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_GasPhysicalQuantity $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_ElectricityPhysicalQuantity $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_CommodityPhysicalQuantity $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_GasPhysicalQuantity x) = schemaTypeToXML "gasPhysicalQuantity" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_ElectricityPhysicalQuantity x) = schemaTypeToXML "electricityPhysicalQuantity" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_CommodityPhysicalQuantity x) = schemaTypeToXML "commodityPhysicalQuantity" x
-- | The Quantity per Delivery Period. There must be a Quantity 
--   step specified for each Delivery Period, regardless of 
--   whether the Quantity changes or remains the same between 
--   periods.
data CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule = CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule
        { commodPhysicQuantSched_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPhysicQuantSched_quantityStep :: [CommodityNotionalQuantity]
          -- ^ The quantity per Calculation Period. There must be a 
          --   quantity specified for each Calculation Period, regardless 
          --   of whether the quantity changes or remains the same between 
          --   periods.
        , commodPhysicQuantSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Delivery Periods 
          --   defined elsewhere.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined elsewhere.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule a0)
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "quantityStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPhysicQuantSched_ID x
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "quantityStep") $ commodPhysicQuantSched_quantityStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                   ) $ commodPhysicQuantSched_choice1 x
-- | The pipeline through which the physical commodity will be 
--   delivered.
data CommodityPipeline = CommodityPipeline Scheme CommodityPipelineAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityPipelineAttributes = CommodityPipelineAttributes
    { commodPipelAttrib_pipelineScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPipeline where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "pipelineScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityPipeline v (CommodityPipelineAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityPipeline bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "pipelineScheme") $ commodPipelAttrib_pipelineScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityPipeline Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityPipeline s _) = s
-- | The pipeline cycle during which the physical commodity will 
--   be delivered.
data CommodityPipelineCycle = CommodityPipelineCycle Scheme CommodityPipelineCycleAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityPipelineCycleAttributes = CommodityPipelineCycleAttributes
    { commodPipelCycleAttrib_pipelineCycleScheme :: Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPipelineCycle where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- getAttribute "pipelineCycleScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityPipelineCycle v (CommodityPipelineCycleAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityPipelineCycle bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ toXMLAttribute "pipelineCycleScheme" $ commodPipelCycleAttrib_pipelineCycleScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityPipelineCycle Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityPipelineCycle s _) = s
-- | The commodity option premium payable by the buyer to the 
--   seller.
data CommodityPremium = CommodityPremium
        { commodPremium_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPremium_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , commodPremium_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , commodPremium_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , commodPremium_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , commodPremium_paymentDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ The payment date, which can be expressed as either an 
          --   adjustable or relative date.
        , commodPremium_paymentAmount :: Maybe NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ Non negative payment amount.
        , commodPremium_premiumPerUnit :: NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ The currency amount of premium to be paid per Unit of the 
          --   Total Notional Quantity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPremium where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPremium a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "paymentDate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "paymentAmount")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "premiumPerUnit"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPremium{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPremium_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ commodPremium_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ commodPremium_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ commodPremium_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ commodPremium_receiverAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDate") $ commodPremium_paymentDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "paymentAmount") $ commodPremium_paymentAmount x
            , schemaTypeToXML "premiumPerUnit" $ commodPremium_premiumPerUnit x
instance Extension CommodityPremium NonNegativePayment where
    supertype (CommodityPremium a0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6) =
               NonNegativePayment a0 e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
instance Extension CommodityPremium PaymentBaseExtended where
    supertype = (supertype :: NonNegativePayment -> PaymentBaseExtended)
              . (supertype :: CommodityPremium -> NonNegativePayment)
instance Extension CommodityPremium PaymentBase where
    supertype = (supertype :: PaymentBaseExtended -> PaymentBase)
              . (supertype :: NonNegativePayment -> PaymentBaseExtended)
              . (supertype :: CommodityPremium -> NonNegativePayment)
-- | The dates on which prices are observed for the underlyer.
data CommodityPricingDates = CommodityPricingDates
        { commodPricingDates_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodPricingDates_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        , commodPricingDates_choice1 :: OneOf2 ((Maybe (Lag)),(OneOf3 ((Maybe (CommodityDayTypeEnum)),((Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (CommodityFrequencyType)),(Maybe (Xsd.PositiveInteger))) ([DayOfWeekEnum],(Maybe (Xsd.Integer)))))),(Maybe (CommodityBusinessCalendar))) [SettlementPeriods] [SettlementPeriodsReference])) [AdjustableDates]
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * The pricing period per calculation period if the 
          --   pricing days do not wholly fall within the 
          --   respective calculation period.
          --     * unknown
          --   (2) A list of adjustable dates on which the trade would 
          --   price. Each date will price for the Calculation Period 
          --   within which it falls.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityPricingDates where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityPricingDates a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("Maybe Lag OneOf3 ((Maybe (CommodityDayTypeEnum)),((Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (CommodityFrequencyType)),(Maybe (Xsd.PositiveInteger))) ([DayOfWeekEnum],(Maybe (Xsd.Integer)))))),(Maybe (CommodityBusinessCalendar))) [SettlementPeriods] [SettlementPeriodsReference]", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "lag")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            `apply` oneOf' [ ("Maybe CommodityDayTypeEnum (Maybe (OneOf2 ((Maybe (CommodityFrequencyType)),(Maybe (Xsd.PositiveInteger))) ([DayOfWeekEnum],(Maybe (Xsd.Integer))))) Maybe CommodityBusinessCalendar", fmap OneOf3 (return (,,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayType")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe CommodityFrequencyType Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayDistribution")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayCount")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        , ("[DayOfWeekEnum] Maybe Xsd.Integer", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 7))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (parseSchemaType "dayOfWeek")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "dayNumber")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "businessCalendar")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , ("[SettlementPeriods]", fmap TwoOf3 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriods")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , ("[SettlementPeriodsReference]", fmap ThreeOf3 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")))
                           , ("[AdjustableDates]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "pricingDates")))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityPricingDates{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodPricingDates_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodPricingDates_choice0 x
            , foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "lag") a
                                             , foldOneOf3  (\ (a,b,c) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayType") a
                                                                                , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayDistribution") a
                                                                                                                           , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayCount") b
                                                                                                        (\ (a,b) -> concat [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "dayOfWeek") a
                                                                                                                           , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "dayNumber") b
                                                                                                       ) b
                                                                                , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "businessCalendar") c
                                                           (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriods"))
                                                           (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference"))
                          (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "pricingDates"))
                          $ commodPricingDates_choice1 x
-- | A scheme identifying the grade of physical commodity 
--   product to be delivered.
data CommodityProductGrade = CommodityProductGrade Scheme CommodityProductGradeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityProductGradeAttributes = CommodityProductGradeAttributes
    { commodProductGradeAttrib_productGradeScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityProductGrade where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "productGradeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityProductGrade v (CommodityProductGradeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityProductGrade bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "productGradeScheme") $ commodProductGradeAttrib_productGradeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityProductGrade Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityProductGrade s _) = s
-- | A type for defining the frequency at which the Notional 
--   Quantity is deemed to apply for purposes of calculating the 
--   Total Notional Quantity.
data CommodityQuantityFrequency = CommodityQuantityFrequency Scheme CommodityQuantityFrequencyAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data CommodityQuantityFrequencyAttributes = CommodityQuantityFrequencyAttributes
    { cqfa_quantityFrequencyScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityQuantityFrequency where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "quantityFrequencyScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ CommodityQuantityFrequency v (CommodityQuantityFrequencyAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (CommodityQuantityFrequency bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "quantityFrequencyScheme") $ cqfa_quantityFrequencyScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension CommodityQuantityFrequency Scheme where
    supertype (CommodityQuantityFrequency s _) = s
-- | The Expiration Dates of the trade relative to the 
--   Calculation Periods.
data CommodityRelativeExpirationDates = CommodityRelativeExpirationDates
        { commodRelatExpirDates_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodRelatExpirDates_expireRelativeToEvent :: Maybe CommodityExpireRelativeToEvent
          -- ^ Specifies whether the payment(s) occur relative to the date 
          --   of a physical event.
        , commodRelatExpirDates_expirationDateOffset :: Maybe DateOffset
          -- ^ Specifies any offset from the adjusted Calculation Period 
          --   start date or adjusted Calculation Period end date 
          --   applicable to each Payment Date.
        , commodRelatExpirDates_choice2 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 BusinessCentersReference BusinessCenters))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to a set of financial 
          --   business centers defined elsewhere in the document. 
          --   This set of business centers is used to determine 
          --   whether a particular day is a business day or not.
          --   (2) businessCenters
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityRelativeExpirationDates where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityRelativeExpirationDates a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expireRelativeToEvent")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "expirationDateOffset")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("BusinessCentersReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "businessCentersReference"))
                                     , ("BusinessCenters", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "businessCenters"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityRelativeExpirationDates{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodRelatExpirDates_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expireRelativeToEvent") $ commodRelatExpirDates_expireRelativeToEvent x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "expirationDateOffset") $ commodRelatExpirDates_expirationDateOffset x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "businessCentersReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "businessCenters")
                                   ) $ commodRelatExpirDates_choice2 x
-- | The Payment Dates of the trade relative to the Calculation 
--   Periods.
data CommodityRelativePaymentDates = CommodityRelativePaymentDates
        { commodRelatPaymentDates_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodRelatPaymentDates_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 PayRelativeToEnum CommodityPayRelativeToEvent))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Specifies whether the payment(s) occur relative to a 
          --   date such as the end of each Calculation Period or the 
          --   last Pricing Date in each Calculation Period.
          --   (2) Specifies whether the payment(s) occur relative to the 
          --   date of a physical event.
        , commodRelatPaymentDates_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        , commodRelatPaymentDates_paymentDaysOffset :: Maybe DateOffset
          -- ^ Specifies any offset from the adjusted Calculation Period 
          --   start date or adjusted Calculation Period end date 
          --   applicable to each Payment Date.
        , commodRelatPaymentDates_choice3 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 BusinessCentersReference BusinessCenters))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to a set of financial 
          --   business centers defined elsewhere in the document. 
          --   This set of business centers is used to determine 
          --   whether a particular day is a business day or not.
          --   (2) businessCenters
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityRelativePaymentDates where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommodityRelativePaymentDates a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("PayRelativeToEnum", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "payRelativeTo"))
                                     , ("CommodityPayRelativeToEvent", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "payRelativeToEvent"))
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "paymentDaysOffset")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("BusinessCentersReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "businessCentersReference"))
                                     , ("BusinessCenters", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "businessCenters"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityRelativePaymentDates{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodRelatPaymentDates_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "payRelativeTo")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "payRelativeToEvent")
                                   ) $ commodRelatPaymentDates_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodRelatPaymentDates_choice1 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDaysOffset") $ commodRelatPaymentDates_paymentDaysOffset x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "businessCentersReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "businessCenters")
                                   ) $ commodRelatPaymentDates_choice3 x
-- | The notional quantity of electricity that applies to one or 
--   more groups of Settlement Periods.
data CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity = CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity
        { cspnq_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , cspnq_quantityUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ Quantity Unit is the unit of measure applicable for the 
          --   quantity on the Transaction.
        , cspnq_quantityFrequency :: Maybe CommodityQuantityFrequency
          -- ^ The frequency at which the Notional Quantity is deemed to 
          --   apply for purposes of calculating the Total Notional 
          --   Quantity.
        , cspnq_quantity :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ Amount of commodity per quantity frequency.
        , cspnq_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ The range(s) of Settlement Periods to which the Notional 
          --   Quantity applies.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "quantityUnit"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantityFrequency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantity")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ cspnq_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "quantityUnit" $ cspnq_quantityUnit x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantityFrequency") $ cspnq_quantityFrequency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantity") $ cspnq_quantity x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ cspnq_settlementPeriodsReference x
instance Extension CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity CommodityNotionalQuantity where
    supertype (CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity a0 e0 e1 e2 e3) =
               CommodityNotionalQuantity a0 e0 e1 e2
-- | The notional quantity schedule of electricity that applies 
--   to one or more groups of Settlement Periods.
data CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule = CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule
        { cspnqs_settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantityStep :: [CommodityNotionalQuantity]
          -- ^ For an electricity transaction, the Notional Quantity for a 
          --   given Calculation Period during the life of the trade which 
          --   applies to the range(s) of Settlement Periods referenced by 
          --   settlementPeriodsReference. There must be a 
          --   settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantityStep specified for each 
          --   Calculation Period, regardless of whether the 
          --   NotionalQuantity changes or remains the same between 
          --   periods.
        , cspnqs_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ The range(s) of Settlement Periods to which the Fixed Price 
          --   steps apply.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantityStep")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantitySchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantityStep") $ cspnqs_settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantityStep x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ cspnqs_settlementPeriodsReference x
-- | The fixed price schedule for electricity that applies to 
--   one or more groups of Settlement Periods.
data CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule = CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule
        { cspps_settlementPeriodsPriceStep :: [FixedPrice]
          -- ^ For an electricity transaction, the Fixed Price for a given 
          --   Calculation Period during the life of the trade which 
          --   applies to the range(s) of Settlement Periods referenced by 
          --   settlementPeriods Reference. There must be a Fixed Price 
          --   step specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
          --   whether the Fixed Price changes or remains the same between 
          --   periods.
        , cspps_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ The range(s) of Settlement Periods to which the Fixed Price 
          --   steps apply.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsPriceStep")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySettlementPeriodsPriceSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsPriceStep") $ cspps_settlementPeriodsPriceStep x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ cspps_settlementPeriodsReference x
data CommoditySpread = CommoditySpread
        { commodSpread_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodSpread_currency :: Currency
          -- ^ The currency in which an amount is denominated.
        , commodSpread_amount :: Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ The monetary quantity in currency units.
        , commodSpread_spreadConversionFactor :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ spreadConversionFactor should be used when the unit of 
          --   measure of the Commodity Reference Price and the unit of 
          --   measure in which the spread is quoted are different. The 
          --   value of spreadConversionFactor is the number of units of 
          --   measure in which the spread is quoted per unit of measure 
          --   of the Commodity Reference Price.
        , commodSpread_spreadUnit :: Maybe QuantityUnit
          -- ^ spreadUnit should be used when the unit of measure of the 
          --   Commodity Reference Price and the unit of measure in which 
          --   the spread is quoted are different. The value of spreadUnit 
          --   is the unit of measure in which the spread is quoted.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySpread where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommoditySpread a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "currency"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "amount"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "spreadConversionFactor")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "spreadUnit")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySpread{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodSpread_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "currency" $ commodSpread_currency x
            , schemaTypeToXML "amount" $ commodSpread_amount x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "spreadConversionFactor") $ commodSpread_spreadConversionFactor x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "spreadUnit") $ commodSpread_spreadUnit x
instance Extension CommoditySpread Money where
    supertype (CommoditySpread a0 e0 e1 e2 e3) =
               Money a0 e0 e1
instance Extension CommoditySpread MoneyBase where
    supertype = (supertype :: Money -> MoneyBase)
              . (supertype :: CommoditySpread -> Money)
-- | The Spread per Calculation Period. There must be a Spread 
--   specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
--   whether the Spread changes or remains the same between 
--   periods.
data CommoditySpreadSchedule = CommoditySpreadSchedule
        { commodSpreadSched_spreadStep :: [CommoditySpread]
          -- ^ The spread per Calculation Period. There must be a spread 
          --   step specified for each Calculation Period, regardless of 
          --   whether the spread changes or remains the same between 
          --   periods.
        , commodSpreadSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySpreadSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommoditySpreadSchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "spreadStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySpreadSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "spreadStep") $ commodSpreadSched_spreadStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodSpreadSched_choice1 x
-- | The Strike Price per Unit per Calculation Period. There 
--   must be a Strike Price per Unit step specified for each 
--   Calculation Period, regardless of whether the Strike 
--   changes or remains the same between periods.
data CommodityStrikeSchedule = CommodityStrikeSchedule
        { commodStrikeSched_strikePricePerUnitStep :: [NonNegativeMoney]
          -- ^ The strike price per unit per Calculation Period. There 
          --   must be a strike price per unit specified for each 
          --   Calculation Period, regardless of whether the price changes 
          --   or remains the same between periods.
        , commodStrikeSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   defined on another leg.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined on another leg.
          --   (3) A pointer style reference to single-day-duration 
          --   Calculation Periods defined on another leg.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommodityStrikeSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommodityStrikeSchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "strikePricePerUnitStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommodityStrikeSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "strikePricePerUnitStep") $ commodStrikeSched_strikePricePerUnitStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                                   ) $ commodStrikeSched_choice1 x
-- | Commodity Swap.
data CommoditySwap = CommoditySwap
        { commodSwap_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodSwap_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
          -- ^ A classification of the most important risk class of the 
          --   trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwap_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
          -- ^ A classification of additional risk classes of the trade, 
          --   if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwap_productType :: [ProductType]
          -- ^ A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a 
          --   simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwap_productId :: [ProductId]
          -- ^ A product reference identifier. The product ID is an 
          --   identifier that describes the key economic characteristics 
          --   of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as 
          --   size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed 
          --   rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each 
          --   transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the 
          --   "UPI" (universal product identifier) required by certain 
          --   regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold 
          --   identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates 
          --   used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does 
          --   not define the domain values associated with this element. 
          --   Note that the domain values for this element are not 
          --   strictly an enumerated list.
        , commodSwap_effectiveDate :: AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Specifies the effective date of this leg of the swap. When 
          --   defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in 
          --   the document (through the relativeDate component), this 
          --   element will typically point to the effective date of the 
          --   other leg of the swap.
        , commodSwap_terminationDate :: AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Specifies the termination date of this leg of the swap. 
          --   When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else 
          --   in the document (through the relativeDate component), this 
          --   element will typically point to the termination date of the 
          --   other leg of the swap.
        , commodSwap_settlementCurrency :: Maybe IdentifiedCurrency
          -- ^ The currency into which the Commodity Swap Transaction will 
          --   settle. If this is not the same as the currency in which 
          --   the Commodity Reference Price is quoted on a given floating 
          --   leg of the Commodity Swap Transaction, then an FX rate 
          --   should also be specified for that leg.
        , commoditySwap_leg :: [CommoditySwapLeg]
          -- ^ Defines the substitutable commodity swap leg
        , commodSwap_commonPricing :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Common pricing may be relevant for a Transaction that 
          --   references more than one Commodity Reference Price. If 
          --   Common Pricing is not specified as applicable, it will be 
          --   deemed not to apply.
        , commodSwap_marketDisruption :: Maybe CommodityMarketDisruption
          -- ^ Market disruption events as defined in the ISDA 1993 
          --   Commodity Definitions or in ISDA 2005 Commodity 
          --   Definitions, as applicable.
        , commodSwap_settlementDisruption :: Maybe CommodityBullionSettlementDisruptionEnum
          -- ^ The consequences of Bullion Settlement Disruption Events.
        , commodSwap_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for amounts.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySwap where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommoditySwap a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "secondaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productType")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productId")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "effectiveDate"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "terminationDate"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementCurrency")
            `apply` many (elementCommoditySwapLeg)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commonPricing")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySwap{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodSwap_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryAssetClass") $ commodSwap_primaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryAssetClass") $ commodSwap_secondaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productType") $ commodSwap_productType x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productId") $ commodSwap_productId x
            , schemaTypeToXML "effectiveDate" $ commodSwap_effectiveDate x
            , schemaTypeToXML "terminationDate" $ commodSwap_terminationDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementCurrency") $ commodSwap_settlementCurrency x
            , concatMap (elementToXMLCommoditySwapLeg) $ commoditySwap_leg x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commonPricing") $ commodSwap_commonPricing x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruption") $ commodSwap_marketDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDisruption") $ commodSwap_settlementDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ commodSwap_rounding x
instance Extension CommoditySwap Product where
    supertype v = Product_CommoditySwap v
-- | Commodity Swaption.
data CommoditySwaption = CommoditySwaption
        { commodSwapt_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , commodSwapt_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
          -- ^ A classification of the most important risk class of the 
          --   trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwapt_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
          -- ^ A classification of additional risk classes of the trade, 
          --   if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwapt_productType :: [ProductType]
          -- ^ A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a 
          --   simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
        , commodSwapt_productId :: [ProductId]
          -- ^ A product reference identifier. The product ID is an 
          --   identifier that describes the key economic characteristics 
          --   of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as 
          --   size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed 
          --   rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each 
          --   transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the 
          --   "UPI" (universal product identifier) required by certain 
          --   regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold 
          --   identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates 
          --   used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does 
          --   not define the domain values associated with this element. 
          --   Note that the domain values for this element are not 
          --   strictly an enumerated list.
        , commodSwapt_buyerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that buys this instrument, ie. 
          --   pays for this instrument and receives the rights defined by 
          --   it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (b). In the case 
          --   of FRAs this the fixed rate payer.
        , commodSwapt_buyerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that buys this instrument.
        , commodSwapt_sellerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that sells ("writes") this 
          --   instrument, i.e. that grants the rights defined by this 
          --   instrument and in return receives a payment for it. See 
          --   2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (a). In the case of FRAs 
          --   this is the floating rate payer.
        , commodSwapt_sellerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that sells this instrument.
        , commodSwapt_optionType :: Maybe PutCallEnum
          -- ^ The type of option transaction.
        , commodSwapt_commoditySwap :: Maybe CommoditySwaptionUnderlying
          -- ^ The underlying commodity swap definiton.
        , commodSwapt_physicalExercise :: Maybe CommodityPhysicalExercise
          -- ^ The parameters for defining how the commodity option can be 
          --   exercised into a physical transaction.
        , commodSwapt_premium :: Maybe CommodityPremium
          -- ^ The option premium payable by the buyer to the seller.
        , commodSwapt_commonPricing :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Common pricing may be relevant for a Transaction that 
          --   references more than one Commodity Reference Price. If 
          --   Common Pricing is not specified as applicable, it will be 
          --   deemed not to apply.
        , commodSwapt_marketDisruption :: Maybe CommodityMarketDisruption
          -- ^ Market disruption events as defined in the ISDA 1993 
          --   Commodity Definitions or in ISDA 2005 Commodity 
          --   Definitions, as applicable.
        , commodSwapt_settlementDisruption :: Maybe CommodityBullionSettlementDisruptionEnum
          -- ^ The consequences of Bullion Settlement Disruption Events.
        , commodSwapt_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for amounts.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySwaption where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (CommoditySwaption a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "secondaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productType")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "optionType")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commoditySwap")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "physicalExercise")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "premium")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commonPricing")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySwaption{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ commodSwapt_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryAssetClass") $ commodSwapt_primaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryAssetClass") $ commodSwapt_secondaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productType") $ commodSwapt_productType x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productId") $ commodSwapt_productId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerPartyReference") $ commodSwapt_buyerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerAccountReference") $ commodSwapt_buyerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerPartyReference") $ commodSwapt_sellerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerAccountReference") $ commodSwapt_sellerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "optionType") $ commodSwapt_optionType x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commoditySwap") $ commodSwapt_commoditySwap x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "physicalExercise") $ commodSwapt_physicalExercise x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "premium") $ commodSwapt_premium x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commonPricing") $ commodSwapt_commonPricing x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruption") $ commodSwapt_marketDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDisruption") $ commodSwapt_settlementDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ commodSwapt_rounding x
instance Extension CommoditySwaption Product where
    supertype v = Product_CommoditySwaption v
data CommoditySwaptionUnderlying = CommoditySwaptionUnderlying
        { commodSwaptUnderly_effectiveDate :: AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Specifies the effective date of this leg of the swap. When 
          --   defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in 
          --   the document (through the relativeDate component), this 
          --   element will typically point to the effective date of the 
          --   other leg of the swap.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_terminationDate :: AdjustableOrRelativeDate
          -- ^ Specifies the termination date of this leg of the swap. 
          --   When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else 
          --   in the document (through the relativeDate component), this 
          --   element will typically point to the termination date of the 
          --   other leg of the swap.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_settlementCurrency :: Maybe IdentifiedCurrency
          -- ^ The currency into which the Commodity Swap Transaction will 
          --   settle. If this is not the same as the currency in which 
          --   the Commodity Reference Price is quoted on a given floating 
          --   leg of the Commodity Swap Transaction, then an FX rate 
          --   should also be specified for that leg.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_commoditySwapLeg :: [CommoditySwapLeg]
          -- ^ Defines the substitutable commodity swap leg
        , commodSwaptUnderly_commonPricing :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Common pricing may be relevant for a Transaction that 
          --   references more than one Commodity Reference Price. If 
          --   Common Pricing is not specified as applicable, it will be 
          --   deemed not to apply.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_marketDisruption :: Maybe CommodityMarketDisruption
          -- ^ Market disruption events as defined in the ISDA 1993 
          --   Commodity Definitions or in ISDA 2005 Commodity 
          --   Definitions, as applicable.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_settlementDisruption :: Maybe CommodityBullionSettlementDisruptionEnum
          -- ^ The consequences of Bullion Settlement Disruption Events.
        , commodSwaptUnderly_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for amounts.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySwaptionUnderlying where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return CommoditySwaptionUnderlying
            `apply` parseSchemaType "effectiveDate"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "terminationDate"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementCurrency")
            `apply` many (elementCommoditySwapLeg)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "commonPricing")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "marketDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDisruption")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@CommoditySwaptionUnderlying{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "effectiveDate" $ commodSwaptUnderly_effectiveDate x
            , schemaTypeToXML "terminationDate" $ commodSwaptUnderly_terminationDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementCurrency") $ commodSwaptUnderly_settlementCurrency x
            , concatMap (elementToXMLCommoditySwapLeg) $ commodSwaptUnderly_commoditySwapLeg x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "commonPricing") $ commodSwaptUnderly_commonPricing x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "marketDisruption") $ commodSwaptUnderly_marketDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDisruption") $ commodSwaptUnderly_settlementDisruption x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ commodSwaptUnderly_rounding x
-- | Abstract base class for all commodity swap legs
data CommoditySwapLeg
        = CommoditySwapLeg_PhysicalSwapLeg PhysicalSwapLeg
        | CommoditySwapLeg_NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg
        | CommoditySwapLeg_FinancialSwapLeg FinancialSwapLeg
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType CommoditySwapLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap CommoditySwapLeg_PhysicalSwapLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap CommoditySwapLeg_NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap CommoditySwapLeg_FinancialSwapLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of CommoditySwapLeg,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommoditySwapLeg_PhysicalSwapLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "physicalSwapLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommoditySwapLeg_NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "nonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (CommoditySwapLeg_FinancialSwapLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "financialSwapLeg" x
instance Extension CommoditySwapLeg Leg where
    supertype v = Leg_CommoditySwapLeg v
-- | A Disruption Fallback.
data DisruptionFallback = DisruptionFallback Scheme DisruptionFallbackAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data DisruptionFallbackAttributes = DisruptionFallbackAttributes
    { disrupFallbAttrib_commodityMarketDisruptionFallbackScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType DisruptionFallback where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityMarketDisruptionFallbackScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ DisruptionFallback v (DisruptionFallbackAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (DisruptionFallback bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityMarketDisruptionFallbackScheme") $ disrupFallbAttrib_commodityMarketDisruptionFallbackScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension DisruptionFallback Scheme where
    supertype (DisruptionFallback s _) = s
-- | The physical delivery conditions for electricity.
data ElectricityDelivery = ElectricityDelivery
        { electrDeliv_choice0 :: OneOf2 (ElectricityDeliveryPoint,ElectricityDeliveryType,(Maybe (ElectricityTransmissionContingency))) ((Maybe (CommodityDeliveryPoint)),(Maybe (PartyReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * The point at which delivery of the electricity will 
          --   occur.
          --     * Indicates the under what conditions the Parties' 
          --   delivery obligations apply.
          --     * Indicates that the performance of the buyer or 
          --   seller shall be excused (under the conditions 
          --   specified) if transmission of the elctricity is 
          --   unavailable or interrupted.
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * The zone covering potential delivery points for the 
          --   electricity.
          --     * Indicates the party able to decide which delivery 
          --   point within the deliveryPoint is used for 
          --   delivery. For EEI transactions, this should 
          --   reference the seller of the electricity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityDelivery
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("ElectricityDeliveryPoint ElectricityDeliveryType Maybe ElectricityTransmissionContingency", fmap OneOf2 (return (,,) `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryPoint"
                                                                                                                                                    `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryType"
                                                                                                                                                    `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "transmissionContingency")))
                           , ("Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint Maybe PartyReference", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryZone")
                                                                                                           `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "electingPartyReference")))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b,c) -> concat [ schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPoint" a
                                               , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryType" b
                                               , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "transmissionContingency") c
                          (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryZone") a
                                             , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "electingPartyReference") b
                          $ electrDeliv_choice0 x
-- | The physical delivery obligation options specific to a firm 
--   transaction.
data ElectricityDeliveryFirm = ElectricityDeliveryFirm
        { electrDelivFirm_forceMajeure :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ If true, indicates that the buyer and seller should be 
          --   excused of their delivery obligations when such performance 
          --   is prevented by Force Majeure. For EEI transactions, this 
          --   would indicate "Firm (LD)" If false, indicates that the 
          --   buyer and seller should not be excused of their delivery 
          --   obligations when such performance is prevented by Force 
          --   Majeure. For EEI transactions, this would indicate "Firm 
          --   (No Force Majeure)"
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliveryFirm where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityDeliveryFirm
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "forceMajeure")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDeliveryFirm{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "forceMajeure") $ electrDelivFirm_forceMajeure x
-- | The different options for specifying the Delivery Periods 
--   for a physically settled electricity trade.
data ElectricityDeliveryPeriods = ElectricityDeliveryPeriods
        { electrDelivPeriods_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , electrDelivPeriods_choice0 :: OneOf3 AdjustableDates CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule ((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (2) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (3) unknown
        , electrDelivPeriods_settlementPeriods :: [SettlementPeriods]
          -- ^ The periods within the Delivery Periods during which the 
          --   electricity will be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliveryPeriods where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (ElectricityDeliveryPeriods a0)
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDates", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "periods"))
                           , ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "periodsSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap ThreeOf3 (optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriods")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDeliveryPeriods{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ electrDelivPeriods_ID x
            [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "periods")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "periodsSchedule")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                          $ electrDelivPeriods_choice0 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriods") $ electrDelivPeriods_settlementPeriods x
instance Extension ElectricityDeliveryPeriods CommodityDeliveryPeriods where
    supertype (ElectricityDeliveryPeriods a0 e0 e1) =
               CommodityDeliveryPeriods a0 e0
-- | A scheme identifying the types of the Delivery Point for a 
--   physically settled electricity trade.
data ElectricityDeliveryPoint = ElectricityDeliveryPoint Scheme ElectricityDeliveryPointAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data ElectricityDeliveryPointAttributes = ElectricityDeliveryPointAttributes
    { electrDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliveryPoint where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "deliveryPointScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ ElectricityDeliveryPoint v (ElectricityDeliveryPointAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (ElectricityDeliveryPoint bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "deliveryPointScheme") $ electrDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension ElectricityDeliveryPoint Scheme where
    supertype (ElectricityDeliveryPoint s _) = s
-- | The physical delivery obligation options specific to a 
--   system firm transaction.
data ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm = ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm
        { electrDelivSystemFirm_applicable :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Indicates that the trade is for a System Firm product. 
          --   Should always be set to "true".
        , electrDelivSystemFirm_system :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "applicable")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "system")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "applicable") $ electrDelivSystemFirm_applicable x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "system") $ electrDelivSystemFirm_system x
data ElectricityDeliveryType = ElectricityDeliveryType
        { electrDelivType_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf4 ElectricityDeliveryFirm Xsd.Boolean ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Indicates under what condtitions the Parties' delivery 
          --   obligations apply.
          --   (2) If present and set to true, indicates that delivery or 
          --   receipt of the electricity may be interrupted for any 
          --   reason or for no reason, without liability on the part 
          --   of either Party. This element should never have a value 
          --   of false.
          --   (3) Indicates that the electricity is intended to be 
          --   supplied from the owned or controlled generation or 
          --   pre-existing purchased power assets of the system 
          --   specified.
          --   (4) Indicates that the electricity is intended to be 
          --   supplied from a generation asset which can optionally 
          --   be specified.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliveryType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityDeliveryType
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("ElectricityDeliveryFirm", fmap OneOf4 (parseSchemaType "firm"))
                                     , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf4 (parseSchemaType "nonFirm"))
                                     , ("ElectricityDeliverySystemFirm", fmap ThreeOf4 (parseSchemaType "systemFirm"))
                                     , ("ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm", fmap FourOf4 (parseSchemaType "unitFirm"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDeliveryType{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf4  (schemaTypeToXML "firm")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "nonFirm")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "systemFirm")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "unitFirm")
                                   ) $ electrDelivType_choice0 x
-- | The physical delivery obligation options specific to a unit 
--   firm transaction.
data ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm = ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm
        { electrDelivUnitFirm_applicable :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Indicates that the trade is for a Unit Firm product. Should 
          --   always be set to "true".
        , electrDelivUnitFirm_generationAsset :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "applicable")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "generationAsset")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityDeliveryUnitFirm{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "applicable") $ electrDelivUnitFirm_applicable x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "generationAsset") $ electrDelivUnitFirm_generationAsset x
-- | A type defining the physical quantity of the electricity to 
--   be delivered.
data ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity = ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity
        { epdq_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , epdq_quantityUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ Quantity Unit is the unit of measure applicable for the 
          --   quantity on the Transaction.
        , epdq_quantityFrequency :: Maybe CommodityQuantityFrequency
          -- ^ The frequency at which the Notional Quantity is deemed to 
          --   apply for purposes of calculating the Total Notional 
          --   Quantity.
        , epdq_quantity :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ Amount of commodity per quantity frequency.
        , epdq_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ A pointer style reference to the range(s) of Settlement 
          --   Periods to which this quantity applies.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "quantityUnit"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantityFrequency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantity")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ epdq_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "quantityUnit" $ epdq_quantityUnit x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantityFrequency") $ epdq_quantityFrequency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantity") $ epdq_quantity x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ epdq_settlementPeriodsReference x
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity CommodityNotionalQuantity where
    supertype (ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity a0 e0 e1 e2 e3) =
               CommodityNotionalQuantity a0 e0 e1 e2
-- | Allows the documentation of a shaped quantity trade where 
--   the quantity changes over the life of the transaction.
data ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule = ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule
        { epdqs_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , epdqs_quantityStep :: [CommodityNotionalQuantity]
          -- ^ The quantity per Calculation Period. There must be a 
          --   quantity specified for each Calculation Period, regardless 
          --   of whether the quantity changes or remains the same between 
          --   periods.
        , epdqs_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Delivery Periods 
          --   defined elsewhere.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined elsewhere.
        , epdqs_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ A pointer style reference to the range(s) of Settlement 
          --   Periods to which this quantity applies.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule a0)
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "quantityStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference"))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ epdqs_ID x
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "quantityStep") $ epdqs_quantityStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                   ) $ epdqs_choice1 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ epdqs_settlementPeriodsReference x
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule where
    supertype (ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule a0 e0 e1 e2) =
               CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule a0 e0 e1
-- | Physically settled leg of a physically settled electricity 
--   transaction.
data ElectricityPhysicalLeg = ElectricityPhysicalLeg
        { electrPhysicLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , electrPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , electrPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , electrPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , electrPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , electrPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPeriods
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the Delivery or Supply 
          --   Periods. Unless the quantity or price is to vary 
          --   periodically during the trade or physical delivery occurs 
          --   on a periodic basis, periodsSchedule should be used and set 
          --   to 1T.
        , electrPhysicLeg_settlementPeriods :: [SettlementPeriods]
          -- ^ The specification of the Settlement Periods in which the 
          --   electricity will be delivered. The Settlement Periods will 
          --   apply from and including the Effective Date up to and 
          --   including the Termination Date. If more than one 
          --   settlementPeriods element is present this indicates 
          --   multiple ranges of Settlement Periods apply to the entire 
          --   trade - for example off-peak weekdays and all day weekends. 
          --   Settlement Period ranges should not overlap.
        , electrPhysicLeg_settlementPeriodsSchedule :: Maybe SettlementPeriodsSchedule
          -- ^ The specification of the Settlement Periods in which the 
          --   electricity will be delivered for a "shaped" trade i.e. 
          --   where different Settlement Period ranges will apply to 
          --   different periods of the trade.
        , electrPhysicLeg_electricity :: ElectricityProduct
          -- ^ The specification of the electricity to be delivered.
        , electrPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions :: ElectricityDelivery
          -- ^ The physical delivery conditions for the transaction.
        , electrPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity :: ElectricityPhysicalQuantity
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the quantity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityPhysicalLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (ElectricityPhysicalLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriods")
            `apply` many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriods")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsSchedule")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "electricity"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryConditions"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityPhysicalLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ electrPhysicLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ electrPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ electrPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ electrPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ electrPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriods") $ electrPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriods") $ electrPhysicLeg_settlementPeriods x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsSchedule") $ electrPhysicLeg_settlementPeriodsSchedule x
            , schemaTypeToXML "electricity" $ electrPhysicLeg_electricity x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryConditions" $ electrPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryQuantity" $ electrPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity x
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalLeg PhysicalSwapLeg where
    supertype v = PhysicalSwapLeg_ElectricityPhysicalLeg v
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: ElectricityPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: ElectricityPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
-- | The quantity of gas to be delivered.
data ElectricityPhysicalQuantity = ElectricityPhysicalQuantity
        { electrPhysicQuant_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , electrPhysicQuant_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 [ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity] [ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule]))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Quantity per Delivery Period.
          --   (2) Allows the documentation of a shaped quantity trade 
          --   where the quantity changes over the life of the 
          --   transaction. Note that if the range of Settlement 
          --   Periods also varies over the life of the transaction 
          --   this element should not be used. Instead, 
          --   physicalQuantity should be repeated for each range of 
          --   Settlement Periods that apply at any point during the 
          --   trade.
        , electrPhysicQuant_totalPhysicalQuantity :: UnitQuantity
          -- ^ The Total Quantity of the commodity to be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityPhysicalQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (ElectricityPhysicalQuantity a0)
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("[ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantity]", fmap OneOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantity")))
                                     , ("[ElectricityPhysicalDeliveryQuantitySchedule]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantitySchedule")))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "totalPhysicalQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityPhysicalQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ electrPhysicQuant_ID x
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantity"))
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantitySchedule"))
                                   ) $ electrPhysicQuant_choice0 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "totalPhysicalQuantity" $ electrPhysicQuant_totalPhysicalQuantity x
instance Extension ElectricityPhysicalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase where
    supertype v = CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_ElectricityPhysicalQuantity v
-- | The specification of the electricity to be delivered.
data ElectricityProduct = ElectricityProduct
        { electrProduct_type :: Maybe ElectricityProductTypeEnum
          -- ^ The type of electricity product to be delivered.
        , electrProduct_voltage :: Maybe PositiveDecimal
          -- ^ The voltage, expressed as a number of volts, of the 
          --   electricity to be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityProduct where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityProduct
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "type")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "voltage")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityProduct{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "type") $ electrProduct_type x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "voltage") $ electrProduct_voltage x
-- | A structure to specify the tranmission contingency and the 
--   party that bears the obligation.
data ElectricityTransmissionContingency = ElectricityTransmissionContingency
        { electrTransmContin_contingency :: Maybe ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType
          -- ^ The conditions under which the party specified in 
          --   contingentParty will be excused from damages if 
          --   transmission is interrupted or curtailed.
        , electrTransmContin_contingentParty :: [PartyReference]
          -- ^ The party to which the contingency applies.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityTransmissionContingency where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ElectricityTransmissionContingency
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "contingency")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 2))
                            (parseSchemaType "contingentParty")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ElectricityTransmissionContingency{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "contingency") $ electrTransmContin_contingency x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "contingentParty") $ electrTransmContin_contingentParty x
-- | The type of transmission contingency, i.e. what portion of 
--   the transmission the delivery obligations are applicable.
data ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType = ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType Scheme ElectricityTransmissionContingencyTypeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data ElectricityTransmissionContingencyTypeAttributes = ElectricityTransmissionContingencyTypeAttributes
    { etcta_electricityTransmissionContingencyScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "electricityTransmissionContingencyScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType v (ElectricityTransmissionContingencyTypeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "electricityTransmissionContingencyScheme") $ etcta_electricityTransmissionContingencyScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType Scheme where
    supertype (ElectricityTransmissionContingencyType s _) = s
-- | The common components of a financially settled leg of a 
--   Commodity Swap. This is an abstract type and should be 
--   extended by commodity-specific types.
data FinancialSwapLeg
        = FinancialSwapLeg_FloatingPriceLeg FloatingPriceLeg
        | FinancialSwapLeg_FixedPriceLeg FixedPriceLeg
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType FinancialSwapLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap FinancialSwapLeg_FloatingPriceLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap FinancialSwapLeg_FixedPriceLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of FinancialSwapLeg,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (FinancialSwapLeg_FloatingPriceLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "floatingPriceLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (FinancialSwapLeg_FixedPriceLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "fixedPriceLeg" x
instance Extension FinancialSwapLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype v = CommoditySwapLeg_FinancialSwapLeg v
-- | A type defining the Fixed Price.
data FixedPrice = FixedPrice
        { fixedPrice_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , fixedPrice_price :: Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ The Fixed Price.
        , fixedPrice_priceCurrency :: Currency
          -- ^ Currency of the fixed price.
        , fixedPrice_priceUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ The unit of measure used to calculate the Fixed Price.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType FixedPrice where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (FixedPrice a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "price"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "priceCurrency"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "priceUnit"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@FixedPrice{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ fixedPrice_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "price" $ fixedPrice_price x
            , schemaTypeToXML "priceCurrency" $ fixedPrice_priceCurrency x
            , schemaTypeToXML "priceUnit" $ fixedPrice_priceUnit x
-- | Fixed Price Leg of a Commodity Swap.
data FixedPriceLeg = FixedPriceLeg
        { fixedPriceLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , fixedPriceLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , fixedPriceLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , fixedPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , fixedPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , fixedPriceLeg_choice4 :: OneOf4 AdjustableDates AdjustableDates CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule ((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Calculation Period dates for this leg of the trade 
          --   where the Calculation Periods are all one day long, 
          --   typically a physically-settled emissions or metals 
          --   trade. Only dates explicitly included determine the 
          --   Calculation Periods and there is a Calculation Period 
          --   for each date specified.
          --   (2) The Calculation Period start dates for this leg of the 
          --   swap. This type is only intended to be used if the 
          --   Calculation Periods differ on each leg. If Calculation 
          --   Periods mirror another leg, then the 
          --   calculationPeriodsReference element should be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (3) The Calculation Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Calculation 
          --   Periods differ on each leg. If Calculation Periods 
          --   mirror another leg, then the 
          --   calculationPeriodsReference element should be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods on the other leg - or 
          --   the calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (4) unknown
        , fixedPriceLeg_choice5 :: OneOf2 CommodityFixedPriceSchedule (OneOf4 FixedPrice Xsd.Decimal NonNegativeMoney [SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice])
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Allows the specification of a Fixed Price that varies 
          --   over the life of the trade.
          --   (2) unknown
        , fixedPriceLeg_totalPrice :: Maybe NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ The total amount of all fixed payments due during the term 
          --   of the trade.
        , fixedPriceLeg_choice7 :: OneOf2 ((OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]),Xsd.Decimal) QuantityReference
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * unknown
          --     * The Total Notional Quantity.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to a quantity defined on 
          --   another leg.
        , fixedPriceLeg_choice8 :: OneOf2 CommodityRelativePaymentDates ((Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Payment Dates of the trade relative to the 
          --   Calculation Periods.
          --   (2) unknown
        , fixedPriceLeg_flatRate :: Maybe FlatRateEnum
          -- ^ Whether the Flat Rate is the New Worldwide Tanker Nominal 
          --   Freight Scale for the Freight Index Route taken at the 
          --   Trade Date of the transaction or taken on each Pricing 
          --   Date.
        , fixedPriceLeg_flatRateAmount :: Maybe NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ If flatRate is set to "Fixed", the actual value of the Flat 
          --   Rate.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType FixedPriceLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (FixedPriceLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDates", fmap OneOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationDates"))
                           , ("AdjustableDates", fmap TwoOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriods"))
                           , ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap ThreeOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap FourOf4 (optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityFixedPriceSchedule", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "fixedPriceSchedule"))
                           , ("OneOf4 FixedPrice Xsd.Decimal NonNegativeMoney [SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice]", fmap TwoOf2 (oneOf' [ ("FixedPrice", fmap OneOf4 (parseSchemaType "fixedPrice"))
                                                                                                                                  , ("Xsd.Decimal", fmap TwoOf4 (parseSchemaType "worldscaleRate"))
                                                                                                                                  , ("NonNegativeMoney", fmap ThreeOf4 (parseSchemaType "contractRate"))
                                                                                                                                  , ("[SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice]", fmap FourOf4 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsPrice")))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "totalPrice")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity] Xsd.Decimal", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantitySchedule"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantity"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ("[CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]", fmap ThreeOf3 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity")))
                                                                                                                                                                                     `apply` parseSchemaType "totalNotionalQuantity"))
                           , ("QuantityReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "quantityReference"))
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityRelativePaymentDates", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "relativePaymentDates"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean))", fmap TwoOf2 (optional (oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "paymentDates"))
                                                                                                                                , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "masterAgreementPaymentDates"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "flatRate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "flatRateAmount")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@FixedPriceLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ fixedPriceLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ fixedPriceLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ fixedPriceLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ fixedPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ fixedPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , foldOneOf4  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationDates")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriods")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsSchedule")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                          $ fixedPriceLeg_choice4 x
            , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "fixedPriceSchedule")
                          (foldOneOf4  (schemaTypeToXML "fixedPrice")
                                       (schemaTypeToXML "worldscaleRate")
                                       (schemaTypeToXML "contractRate")
                                       (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsPrice"))
                          $ fixedPriceLeg_choice5 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "totalPrice") $ fixedPriceLeg_totalPrice x
            , foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantitySchedule")
                                                           (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantity")
                                                           (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity"))
                                             , schemaTypeToXML "totalNotionalQuantity" b
                          (schemaTypeToXML "quantityReference")
                          $ fixedPriceLeg_choice7 x
            , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "relativePaymentDates")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDates")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "masterAgreementPaymentDates")
                          $ fixedPriceLeg_choice8 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "flatRate") $ fixedPriceLeg_flatRate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "flatRateAmount") $ fixedPriceLeg_flatRateAmount x
instance Extension FixedPriceLeg FinancialSwapLeg where
    supertype v = FinancialSwapLeg_FixedPriceLeg v
instance Extension FixedPriceLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: FinancialSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: FixedPriceLeg -> FinancialSwapLeg)
instance Extension FixedPriceLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: FinancialSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: FixedPriceLeg -> FinancialSwapLeg)
-- | A type to capture details relevant to the calculation of 
--   the floating price.
data FloatingLegCalculation = FloatingLegCalculation
        { floatLegCalc_pricingDates :: CommodityPricingDates
          -- ^ Commodity Pricing Dates.
        , floatLegCalc_averagingMethod :: Maybe AveragingMethodEnum
          -- ^ The parties may specify a Method of Averaging where more 
          --   than one pricing Dates is being specified as being 
          --   applicable.
        , floatLegCalc_conversionFactor :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ If the Notional Quantity is specified in a unit that does 
          --   not match the unit in which the Commodity Reference Price 
          --   is quoted, the scaling or conversion factor used to convert 
          --   the Commodity Reference Price unit into the Notional 
          --   Quantity unit should be stated here. If there is no 
          --   conversion, this element is not intended to be used.
        , floatLegCalc_rounding :: Maybe Rounding
          -- ^ Rounding direction and precision for price values.
        , floatLegCalc_choice4 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommoditySpread [CommoditySpreadSchedule]))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The spread over or under the Commodity Reference Price 
          --   for this leg of the trade. This element is intended to 
          --   be used for basis trades.
          --   (2) The spread over or under the Commodity Reference Price 
          --   for this leg of the trade for each Calculation Period. 
          --   This element is intended to be used for basis trades.
        , floatLegCalc_fx :: Maybe CommodityFx
          -- ^ FX observations to be used to convert the observed 
          --   Commodity Reference Price to the Settlement Currency.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType FloatingLegCalculation where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return FloatingLegCalculation
            `apply` parseSchemaType "pricingDates"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "averagingMethod")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "conversionFactor")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "rounding")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommoditySpread", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "spread"))
                                     , ("[CommoditySpreadSchedule]", fmap TwoOf2 (many1 (parseSchemaType "spreadSchedule")))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fx")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@FloatingLegCalculation{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "pricingDates" $ floatLegCalc_pricingDates x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "averagingMethod") $ floatLegCalc_averagingMethod x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "conversionFactor") $ floatLegCalc_conversionFactor x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "rounding") $ floatLegCalc_rounding x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "spread")
                                    (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "spreadSchedule"))
                                   ) $ floatLegCalc_choice4 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fx") $ floatLegCalc_fx x
-- | Floating Price Leg of a Commodity Swap.
data FloatingPriceLeg = FloatingPriceLeg
        { floatPriceLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , floatPriceLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , floatPriceLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , floatPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , floatPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , floatPriceLeg_choice4 :: OneOf4 AdjustableDates AdjustableDates CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule ((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Calculation Period dates for this leg of the trade 
          --   where the Calculation Periods are all one day long, 
          --   typically a physically-settled emissions or metals 
          --   trade. Only dates explicitly included determine the 
          --   Calculation Periods and there is a Calculation Period 
          --   for each date specified.
          --   (2) The Calculation Period start dates for this leg of the 
          --   swap. This type is only intended to be used if the 
          --   Calculation Periods differ on each leg. If Calculation 
          --   Periods mirror another leg, then the 
          --   calculationPeriodsReference element should be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (3) The Calculation Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Calculation 
          --   Periods differ on each leg. If Calculation Periods 
          --   mirror another leg, then the 
          --   calculationPeriodsReference element should be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods on the other leg - or 
          --   the calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (4) unknown
        , floatPriceLeg_commodity :: Commodity
          -- ^ Specifies the underlying instrument. At this time, only 
          --   underlyers of type Commodity are supported; the choice 
          --   group in the future could offer the possibility of adding 
          --   other types later.
        , floatPriceLeg_choice6 :: OneOf2 ((OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]),Xsd.Decimal) QuantityReference
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * unknown
          --     * The Total Notional Quantity.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to a quantity defined on 
          --   another leg.
        , floatPriceLeg_calculation :: FloatingLegCalculation
          -- ^ Defines details relevant to the calculation of the floating 
          --   price.
        , floatPriceLeg_choice8 :: OneOf2 CommodityRelativePaymentDates ((Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Payment Dates of the trade relative to the 
          --   Calculation Periods.
          --   (2) unknown
        , floatPriceLeg_flatRate :: Maybe FlatRateEnum
          -- ^ Whether the Flat Rate is the New Worldwide Tanker Nominal 
          --   Freight Scale for the Freight Index Route taken at the 
          --   Trade Date of the transaction or taken on each Pricing 
          --   Date.
        , floatPriceLeg_flatRateAmount :: Maybe NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ If flatRate is set to "Fixed", the actual value of the Flat 
          --   Rate.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType FloatingPriceLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (FloatingPriceLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDates", fmap OneOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationDates"))
                           , ("AdjustableDates", fmap TwoOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriods"))
                           , ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap ThreeOf4 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap FourOf4 (optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                  , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "commodity"
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("OneOf3 CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule CommodityNotionalQuantity [CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity] Xsd.Decimal", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantitySchedule", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantitySchedule"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "notionalQuantity"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ("[CommoditySettlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity]", fmap ThreeOf3 (many1 (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity")))
                                                                                                                                                                                     `apply` parseSchemaType "totalNotionalQuantity"))
                           , ("QuantityReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "quantityReference"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "calculation"
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityRelativePaymentDates", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "relativePaymentDates"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean))", fmap TwoOf2 (optional (oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "paymentDates"))
                                                                                                                                , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "masterAgreementPaymentDates"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "flatRate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "flatRateAmount")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@FloatingPriceLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ floatPriceLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ floatPriceLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ floatPriceLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ floatPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ floatPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , foldOneOf4  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationDates")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriods")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsSchedule")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                          $ floatPriceLeg_choice4 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "commodity" $ floatPriceLeg_commodity x
            , foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantitySchedule")
                                                           (schemaTypeToXML "notionalQuantity")
                                                           (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsNotionalQuantity"))
                                             , schemaTypeToXML "totalNotionalQuantity" b
                          (schemaTypeToXML "quantityReference")
                          $ floatPriceLeg_choice6 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "calculation" $ floatPriceLeg_calculation x
            , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "relativePaymentDates")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDates")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "masterAgreementPaymentDates")
                          $ floatPriceLeg_choice8 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "flatRate") $ floatPriceLeg_flatRate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "flatRateAmount") $ floatPriceLeg_flatRateAmount x
instance Extension FloatingPriceLeg FinancialSwapLeg where
    supertype v = FinancialSwapLeg_FloatingPriceLeg v
instance Extension FloatingPriceLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: FinancialSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: FloatingPriceLeg -> FinancialSwapLeg)
instance Extension FloatingPriceLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: FinancialSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: FloatingPriceLeg -> FinancialSwapLeg)
-- | The specification of the gas to be delivered.
data GasDelivery = GasDelivery
        { gasDelivery_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 GasDeliveryPoint ((Maybe (CommodityDeliveryPoint)),(Maybe (CommodityDeliveryPoint)))))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The physical or virtual point at which the commodity 
          --   will be delivered.
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * The physical or virtual point at which the 
          --   commodity enters a transportation system.
          --     * The physical or virtual point at which the 
          --   commodity is withdrawn from a transportation 
          --   system.
        , gasDelivery_deliveryType :: Maybe DeliveryTypeEnum
          -- ^ Indicates whether the buyer and seller are contractually 
          --   obliged to consume and supply the specified quantities of 
          --   the commodity.
        , gasDelivery_buyerHub :: Maybe CommodityHub
          -- ^ The hub code of the gas buyer.
        , gasDelivery_sellerHub :: Maybe CommodityHub
          -- ^ The hub code of the has seller.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return GasDelivery
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("GasDeliveryPoint", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPoint"))
                                     , ("Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "entryPoint")
                                                                                                                             `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "withdrawalPoint")))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryType")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerHub")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerHub")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@GasDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPoint")
                                    (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "entryPoint") a
                                                       , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "withdrawalPoint") b
                                   ) $ gasDelivery_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryType") $ gasDelivery_deliveryType x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerHub") $ gasDelivery_buyerHub x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerHub") $ gasDelivery_sellerHub x
-- | A scheme identifying the types of the Delivery Point for a 
--   physically settled gas trade.
data GasDeliveryPoint = GasDeliveryPoint Scheme GasDeliveryPointAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data GasDeliveryPointAttributes = GasDeliveryPointAttributes
    { gasDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasDeliveryPoint where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "deliveryPointScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ GasDeliveryPoint v (GasDeliveryPointAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (GasDeliveryPoint bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "deliveryPointScheme") $ gasDelivPointAttrib_deliveryPointScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension GasDeliveryPoint Scheme where
    supertype (GasDeliveryPoint s _) = s
-- | The different options for specifying the Delivery Periods 
--   for a physically settled gas trade.
data GasDeliveryPeriods = GasDeliveryPeriods
        { gasDelivPeriods_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , gasDelivPeriods_choice0 :: OneOf3 AdjustableDates CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule ((Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (2) The Delivery Periods for this leg of the swap. This 
          --   type is only intended to be used if the Delivery 
          --   Periods differ from the Calculation Periods on the 
          --   fixed or floating leg. If DeliveryPeriods mirror 
          --   another leg, then the calculationPeriodsReference 
          --   element should be used to point to the Calculation 
          --   Periods on that leg - or the 
          --   calculationPeriodsScheduleReference can be used to 
          --   point to the Calculation Periods Schedule for that leg.
          --   (3) unknown
        , gasDelivPeriods_supplyStartTime :: PrevailingTime
          -- ^ The time at which gas delivery should start on each day of 
          --   the Delivery Period(s).
        , gasDelivPeriods_supplyEndTime :: PrevailingTime
          -- ^ The time at which gas delivery should end on each day of 
          --   the Delivery Period(s).
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasDeliveryPeriods where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (GasDeliveryPeriods a0)
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDates", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "periods"))
                           , ("CommodityCalculationPeriodsSchedule", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "periodsSchedule"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf3 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference CalculationPeriodsDatesReference))", fmap ThreeOf3 (optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference"))
                                                                                                                                                                                   , ("CalculationPeriodsDatesReference", fmap ThreeOf3 (parseSchemaType "calculationPeriodsDatesReference"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "supplyStartTime"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "supplyEndTime"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@GasDeliveryPeriods{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ gasDelivPeriods_ID x
            [ foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "periods")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "periodsSchedule")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf3  (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "calculationPeriodsDatesReference")
                          $ gasDelivPeriods_choice0 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "supplyStartTime" $ gasDelivPeriods_supplyStartTime x
            , schemaTypeToXML "supplyEndTime" $ gasDelivPeriods_supplyEndTime x
instance Extension GasDeliveryPeriods CommodityDeliveryPeriods where
    supertype (GasDeliveryPeriods a0 e0 e1 e2) =
               CommodityDeliveryPeriods a0 e0
-- | Physically settled leg of a physically settled gas 
--   transaction.
data GasPhysicalLeg = GasPhysicalLeg
        { gasPhysicLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , gasPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , gasPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , gasPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , gasPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , gasPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods :: GasDeliveryPeriods
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the Delivery or Supply 
          --   Periods. Unless the quantity or price is to vary 
          --   periodically during the trade or physical delivery occurs 
          --   on a periodic basis, periodsSchedule should be used and set 
          --   to 1T.
        , gasPhysicLeg_gas :: GasProduct
          -- ^ The specification of the gas to be delivered.
        , gasPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions :: Maybe GasDelivery
          -- ^ The physical delivery conditions for the transaction.
        , gasPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity :: GasPhysicalQuantity
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the quantity. For 
          --   Fixed trades where the quantity is known at the time of 
          --   confirmation, a single quantity or a quantity per Delivery 
          --   Period may be specified. For Variable trades minimum and 
          --   maximum trades may be specified.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasPhysicalLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (GasPhysicalLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriods"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "gas"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryConditions")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@GasPhysicalLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ gasPhysicLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ gasPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ gasPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ gasPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ gasPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriods" $ gasPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods x
            , schemaTypeToXML "gas" $ gasPhysicLeg_gas x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryConditions") $ gasPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryQuantity" $ gasPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity x
instance Extension GasPhysicalLeg PhysicalSwapLeg where
    supertype v = PhysicalSwapLeg_GasPhysicalLeg v
instance Extension GasPhysicalLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: GasPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
instance Extension GasPhysicalLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: GasPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
-- | The quantity of gas to be delivered.
data GasPhysicalQuantity = GasPhysicalQuantity
        { gasPhysicQuant_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , gasPhysicQuant_choice0 :: OneOf2 (((Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityNotionalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule))),UnitQuantity) ([CommodityNotionalQuantity],[CommodityNotionalQuantity],(Maybe (PartyReference)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * unknown
          --     * The Total Quantity of the commodity to be 
          --   delivered.
          --   (2) Sequence of:
          --     * The minimum quantity to be delivered. If separate 
          --   minimums need to be specified for different periods 
          --   (e.g. a minimum per day and a minimum per month) 
          --   this element should be repeated.
          --     * The maximum quantity to be delivered. If separate 
          --   minimums need to be specified for different periods 
          --   (e.g. a minimum per day and a minimum per month) 
          --   this element should be repeated.
          --     * Indicates the party able to choose whether the gas 
          --   is delivered for a particular period e.g. a swing 
          --   or interruptible contract.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasPhysicalQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (GasPhysicalQuantity a0)
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("(Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityNotionalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule)) UnitQuantity", fmap OneOf2 (return (,) `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityNotionalQuantity", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantity"))
                                                                                                                                                                            , ("CommodityPhysicalQuantitySchedule", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "physicalQuantitySchedule"))
                                                                                                                                                   `apply` parseSchemaType "totalPhysicalQuantity"))
                           , ("[CommodityNotionalQuantity] [CommodityNotionalQuantity] Maybe PartyReference", fmap TwoOf2 (return (,,) `apply` many (parseSchemaType "minPhysicalQuantity")
                                                                                                                                       `apply` many (parseSchemaType "maxPhysicalQuantity")
                                                                                                                                       `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "electingParty")))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@GasPhysicalQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ gasPhysicQuant_ID x
            [ foldOneOf2  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantity")
                                                                     (schemaTypeToXML "physicalQuantitySchedule")
                                                                    ) a
                                             , schemaTypeToXML "totalPhysicalQuantity" b
                          (\ (a,b,c) -> concat [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "minPhysicalQuantity") a
                                               , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "maxPhysicalQuantity") b
                                               , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "electingParty") c
                          $ gasPhysicQuant_choice0 x
instance Extension GasPhysicalQuantity CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase where
    supertype v = CommodityPhysicalQuantityBase_GasPhysicalQuantity v
-- | A type defining the characteristics of the gas being traded 
--   in a physically settled gas transaction.
data GasProduct = GasProduct
        { gasProduct_type :: GasProductTypeEnum
          -- ^ The type of gas to be delivered.
        , gasProduct_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 NonNegativeDecimal GasQuality))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The calorific value of the gas to be delivered, 
          --   specified in megajoules per cubic meter (MJ/m3).
          --   (2) The quality of the gas to be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasProduct where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return GasProduct
            `apply` parseSchemaType "type"
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("NonNegativeDecimal", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "calorificValue"))
                                     , ("GasQuality", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "quality"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@GasProduct{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "type" $ gasProduct_type x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "calorificValue")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "quality")
                                   ) $ gasProduct_choice1 x
-- | The quantity of gas to be delivered.
data GasQuality = GasQuality Scheme GasQualityAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data GasQualityAttributes = GasQualityAttributes
    { gasQualityAttrib_gasQualityScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType GasQuality where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "gasQualityScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ GasQuality v (GasQualityAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (GasQuality bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "gasQualityScheme") $ gasQualityAttrib_gasQualityScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension GasQuality Scheme where
    supertype (GasQuality s _) = s
-- | An observation period that is offset from a Calculation 
--   Period.
data Lag = Lag
        { lag_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , lag_duration :: Maybe Period
          -- ^ The period during which observations will be made. If a 
          --   firstObservationDateOffset is specified, the observation 
          --   period will start the specified interval prior to each 
          --   Calculation Period - i.e. if the firstObservationDateOffset 
          --   is 4 months and the lagDuration is 3 months, observations 
          --   will be taken in months 4,3 and 2 (but not 1) prior to each 
          --   Calculation Period. If no firstObservationDate is 
          --   specified, the observation period will end immediately 
          --   preceding each Calculation Period.
        , lag_firstObservationDateOffset :: Maybe Period
          -- ^ The interval between the start of each lagDuration and the 
          --   start of each respective calculation period.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType Lag where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (Lag a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "lagDuration")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "firstObservationDateOffset")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@Lag{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ lag_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "lagDuration") $ lag_duration x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "firstObservationDateOffset") $ lag_firstObservationDateOffset x
-- | Allows a lag to reference one already defined elsewhere in 
--   the trade.
data LagReference = LagReference
        { lagReference_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType LagReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (LagReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@LagReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ lagReference_href x
instance Extension LagReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_LagReference v
-- | A Market Disruption Event.
data MarketDisruptionEvent = MarketDisruptionEvent Scheme MarketDisruptionEventAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data MarketDisruptionEventAttributes = MarketDisruptionEventAttributes
    { marketDisrupEventAttrib_commodityMarketDisruptionScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType MarketDisruptionEvent where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityMarketDisruptionScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ MarketDisruptionEvent v (MarketDisruptionEventAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (MarketDisruptionEvent bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityMarketDisruptionScheme") $ marketDisrupEventAttrib_commodityMarketDisruptionScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension MarketDisruptionEvent Scheme where
    supertype (MarketDisruptionEvent s _) = s
-- | The details of a fixed payment. Can be used for a forward 
--   transaction or as the base for a more complex fixed leg 
--   component such as the fixed leg of a swap.
data NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg = NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg
        { nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_fixedPrice :: FixedPrice
          -- ^ Fixed price on which fixed payments are based.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_totalPrice :: Maybe NonNegativeMoney
          -- ^ The total amount of the fixed payment for all units of the 
          --   underlying commodity.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_quantityReference :: Maybe QuantityReference
          -- ^ A pointer style reference to a quantity defined on another 
          --   leg.
        , nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_choice7 :: OneOf2 CommodityRelativePaymentDates ((Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean)))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The Payment Dates of the trade relative to the 
          --   Calculation Periods.
          --   (2) unknown
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "fixedPrice"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "totalPrice")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "quantityReference")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("CommodityRelativePaymentDates", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "relativePaymentDates"))
                           , ("(Maybe (OneOf2 AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset Xsd.Boolean))", fmap TwoOf2 (optional (oneOf' [ ("AdjustableDatesOrRelativeDateOffset", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "paymentDates"))
                                                                                                                                , ("Xsd.Boolean", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "masterAgreementPaymentDates"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , schemaTypeToXML "fixedPrice" $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_fixedPrice x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "totalPrice") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_totalPrice x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "quantityReference") $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_quantityReference x
            , foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "relativePaymentDates")
                          (maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "paymentDates")
                                                 (schemaTypeToXML "masterAgreementPaymentDates")
                          $ nonPeriodFixedPriceLeg_choice7 x
instance Extension NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype v = CommoditySwapLeg_NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg v
instance Extension NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: NonPeriodicFixedPriceLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
-- | The physical delivery conditions for an oil product.
data OilDelivery = OilDelivery
        { oilDelivery_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 OilPipelineDelivery OilTransferDelivery))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Specified the delivery conditions where the oil product 
          --   is to be delivered by pipeline.
          --   (2) Specified the delivery conditions where the oil product 
          --   is to be delivered by title transfer.
        , oilDelivery_importerOfRecord :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ Specifies which party is the Importer of Record for the 
          --   purposes of paying customs duties and applicable taxes or 
          --   costs related to the import of the oil product.
        , oilDelivery_choice2 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 AbsoluteTolerance PercentageTolerance))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Specifies the allowable quantity tolerance as an 
          --   absolute quantity.
          --   (2) Specifies the allowable quantity tolerance as a 
          --   percentage of the quantity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return OilDelivery
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("OilPipelineDelivery", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "pipeline"))
                                     , ("OilTransferDelivery", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "transfer"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "importerOfRecord")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("AbsoluteTolerance", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "absoluteTolerance"))
                                     , ("PercentageTolerance", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "percentageTolerance"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@OilDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "pipeline")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "transfer")
                                   ) $ oilDelivery_choice0 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "importerOfRecord") $ oilDelivery_importerOfRecord x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "absoluteTolerance")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "percentageTolerance")
                                   ) $ oilDelivery_choice2 x
-- | Physically settled leg of a physically settled oil product 
--   transaction.
data OilPhysicalLeg = OilPhysicalLeg
        { oilPhysicLeg_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , oilPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , oilPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account responsible for making the 
          --   payments defined by this structure.
        , oilPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , oilPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that receives the payments 
          --   corresponding to this structure.
        , oilPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPeriods
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the Delivery or Supply 
          --   Periods. Unless the quantity or price is to vary 
          --   periodically during the trade or physical delivery occurs 
          --   on a periodic basis, periodsSchedule should be used and set 
          --   to 1T.
        , oilPhysicLeg_oil :: OilProduct
          -- ^ The specification of the oil product to be delivered.
        , oilPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions :: Maybe OilDelivery
          -- ^ The physical delivery conditions for the transaction.
        , oilPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity :: CommodityPhysicalQuantity
          -- ^ The different options for specifying the quantity.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilPhysicalLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (OilPhysicalLeg a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "payerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "receiverAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriods")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "oil"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryConditions")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "deliveryQuantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@OilPhysicalLeg{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ oilPhysicLeg_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerPartyReference") $ oilPhysicLeg_payerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "payerAccountReference") $ oilPhysicLeg_payerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverPartyReference") $ oilPhysicLeg_receiverPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "receiverAccountReference") $ oilPhysicLeg_receiverAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriods") $ oilPhysicLeg_deliveryPeriods x
            , schemaTypeToXML "oil" $ oilPhysicLeg_oil x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryConditions") $ oilPhysicLeg_deliveryConditions x
            , schemaTypeToXML "deliveryQuantity" $ oilPhysicLeg_deliveryQuantity x
instance Extension OilPhysicalLeg PhysicalSwapLeg where
    supertype v = PhysicalSwapLeg_OilPhysicalLeg v
instance Extension OilPhysicalLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype = (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: OilPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
instance Extension OilPhysicalLeg Leg where
    supertype = (supertype :: CommoditySwapLeg -> Leg)
              . (supertype :: PhysicalSwapLeg -> CommoditySwapLeg)
              . (supertype :: OilPhysicalLeg -> PhysicalSwapLeg)
-- | The physical delivery conditions specific to an oil product 
--   delivered by pipeline.
data OilPipelineDelivery = OilPipelineDelivery
        { oilPipelDeliv_pipelineName :: Maybe CommodityPipeline
          -- ^ The name of pipeline by which the oil product will be 
          --   delivered.
        , oilPipelDeliv_withdrawalPoint :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint
          -- ^ The location at which the transfer of the title to the 
          --   commodity takes place.
        , oilPipelDeliv_entryPoint :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint
          -- ^ The point at which the oil product will enter the pipeline.
        , oilPipelDeliv_deliverableByBarge :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Whether or not the delivery can go to barge. For trades 
          --   documented under the ISDA Master Agreement and Oil Annex, 
          --   this should always be set to 'false'.
        , oilPipelDeliv_risk :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryRisk
          -- ^ Specifies how the risk associated with the delivery is 
          --   assigned. For trades documented under the ISDA Master 
          --   Agreement and Oil Annex, this presence of this element 
          --   indicates that the provisions of clause (b)(i) of the ISDA 
          --   Oil Annex are being varied.
        , oilPipelDeliv_cycle :: [CommodityPipelineCycle]
          -- ^ The cycle(s) during which the oil product will be 
          --   transported in the pipeline.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilPipelineDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return OilPipelineDelivery
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "pipelineName")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "withdrawalPoint")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "entryPoint")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliverableByBarge")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "risk")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "cycle")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@OilPipelineDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "pipelineName") $ oilPipelDeliv_pipelineName x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "withdrawalPoint") $ oilPipelDeliv_withdrawalPoint x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "entryPoint") $ oilPipelDeliv_entryPoint x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliverableByBarge") $ oilPipelDeliv_deliverableByBarge x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "risk") $ oilPipelDeliv_risk x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "cycle") $ oilPipelDeliv_cycle x
-- | The specification of the oil product to be delivered.
data OilProduct = OilProduct
        { oilProduct_type :: OilProductType
          -- ^ The type of oil product to be delivered.
        , oilProduct_grade :: CommodityProductGrade
          -- ^ The grade of oil product to be delivered.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilProduct where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return OilProduct
            `apply` parseSchemaType "type"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "grade"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@OilProduct{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "type" $ oilProduct_type x
            , schemaTypeToXML "grade" $ oilProduct_grade x
-- | The type of physical commodity product to be delivered.
data OilProductType = OilProductType Scheme OilProductTypeAttributes deriving (Eq,Show)
data OilProductTypeAttributes = OilProductTypeAttributes
    { oilProductTypeAttrib_commodityOilProductTypeScheme :: Maybe Xsd.AnyURI
    deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilProductType where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ do
          a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "commodityOilProductTypeScheme" e pos
          reparse [CElem e pos]
          v <- parseSchemaType s
          return $ OilProductType v (OilProductTypeAttributes a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s (OilProductType bt at) =
        addXMLAttributes [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "commodityOilProductTypeScheme") $ oilProductTypeAttrib_commodityOilProductTypeScheme at
            $ schemaTypeToXML s bt
instance Extension OilProductType Scheme where
    supertype (OilProductType s _) = s
-- | The physical delivery conditions specific to an oil product 
--   delivered by title transfer.
data OilTransferDelivery = OilTransferDelivery
        { oilTransfDeliv_applicable :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Indicates that the oil product will be delivered by title 
          --   transfer. Should always be set to "true".
        , oilTransfDeliv_deliveryLocation :: Maybe CommodityDeliveryPoint
          -- ^ The location at which the transfer of the title to the 
          --   commodity takes place.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType OilTransferDelivery where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return OilTransferDelivery
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "applicable")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "deliveryLocation")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@OilTransferDelivery{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "applicable") $ oilTransfDeliv_applicable x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryLocation") $ oilTransfDeliv_deliveryLocation x
-- | The acceptable tolerance in the delivered quantity of a 
--   physical commodity product in terms of a percentage of the 
--   agreed delivery quantity.
data PercentageTolerance = PercentageTolerance
        { percenToler_postitive :: Maybe RestrictedPercentage
          -- ^ The maximum percentage amount by which the quantity 
          --   delivered can exceed the agreed quantity.
        , percenToler_negative :: Maybe RestrictedPercentage
          -- ^ The maximum percentage amount by which the quantity 
          --   delivered can be less than the agreed quantity.
        , percenToler_option :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ Indicates whether the tolerance it at the seller's or 
          --   buyer's option.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType PercentageTolerance where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return PercentageTolerance
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "postitive")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "negative")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "option")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@PercentageTolerance{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "postitive") $ percenToler_postitive x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "negative") $ percenToler_negative x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "option") $ percenToler_option x
-- | The common components of a physically settled leg of a 
--   Commodity Forward. This is an abstract type and should be 
--   extended by commodity-specific types.
data PhysicalForwardLeg
        = PhysicalForwardLeg_BullionPhysicalLeg BullionPhysicalLeg
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType PhysicalForwardLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap PhysicalForwardLeg_BullionPhysicalLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of PhysicalForwardLeg,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (PhysicalForwardLeg_BullionPhysicalLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "bullionPhysicalLeg" x
instance Extension PhysicalForwardLeg CommodityForwardLeg where
    supertype v = CommodityForwardLeg_PhysicalForwardLeg v
-- | The common components of a physically settled leg of a 
--   Commodity Swap. This is an abstract type and should be 
--   extended by commodity-specific types.
data PhysicalSwapLeg
        = PhysicalSwapLeg_OilPhysicalLeg OilPhysicalLeg
        | PhysicalSwapLeg_GasPhysicalLeg GasPhysicalLeg
        | PhysicalSwapLeg_ElectricityPhysicalLeg ElectricityPhysicalLeg
        | PhysicalSwapLeg_CoalPhysicalLeg CoalPhysicalLeg
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType PhysicalSwapLeg where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (fmap PhysicalSwapLeg_OilPhysicalLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap PhysicalSwapLeg_GasPhysicalLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap PhysicalSwapLeg_ElectricityPhysicalLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        (fmap PhysicalSwapLeg_CoalPhysicalLeg $ parseSchemaType s)
        `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an extension type of PhysicalSwapLeg,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
    schemaTypeToXML _s (PhysicalSwapLeg_OilPhysicalLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "oilPhysicalLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (PhysicalSwapLeg_GasPhysicalLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "gasPhysicalLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (PhysicalSwapLeg_ElectricityPhysicalLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "electricityPhysicalLeg" x
    schemaTypeToXML _s (PhysicalSwapLeg_CoalPhysicalLeg x) = schemaTypeToXML "coalPhysicalLeg" x
instance Extension PhysicalSwapLeg CommoditySwapLeg where
    supertype v = CommoditySwapLeg_PhysicalSwapLeg v
-- | A pointer tyle reference to a Quantity schedule defined 
--   elsewhere.
data QuantityScheduleReference = QuantityScheduleReference
        { quantSchedRef_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType QuantityScheduleReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (QuantityScheduleReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@QuantityScheduleReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ quantSchedRef_href x
instance Extension QuantityScheduleReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_QuantityScheduleReference v
-- | A pointer tyle reference to a Quantity defined elsewhere.
data QuantityReference = QuantityReference
        { quantRef_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType QuantityReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (QuantityReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@QuantityReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ quantRef_href x
instance Extension QuantityReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_QuantityReference v
-- | A Disruption Fallback with the sequence in which it should 
--   be applied relative to other Disruption Fallbacks.
data SequencedDisruptionFallback = SequencedDisruptionFallback
        { sequenDisrupFallb_fallback :: Maybe DisruptionFallback
          -- ^ Disruption fallback that applies to the trade.
        , sequenDisrupFallb_sequence :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ Sequence in which the reference to the disruption fallback 
          --   should be applied.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SequencedDisruptionFallback where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return SequencedDisruptionFallback
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "fallback")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sequence")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SequencedDisruptionFallback{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "fallback") $ sequenDisrupFallb_fallback x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sequence") $ sequenDisrupFallb_sequence x
-- | Specifies a set of Settlement Periods associated with an 
--   Electricity Transaction for delivery on an Applicable Day 
--   or for a series of Applicable Days.
data SettlementPeriods = SettlementPeriods
        { settlPeriods_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , settlPeriods_duration :: Maybe SettlementPeriodDurationEnum
          -- ^ The length of each Settlement Period.
        , settlPeriods_applicableDay :: [DayOfWeekEnum]
          -- ^ Specifies the Applicable Day with respect to a range of 
          --   Settlement Periods. This element can only be omitted if 
          --   includesHolidays is present, in which case this range of 
          --   Settlement Periods will apply to days that are holidays 
          --   only.
        , settlPeriods_startTime :: Maybe OffsetPrevailingTime
          -- ^ Specifies the hour-ending Start Time with respect to a 
          --   range of Settlement Periods.
        , settlPeriods_endTime :: Maybe OffsetPrevailingTime
          -- ^ Specifies the hour-ending End Time with respect to a range 
          --   of Settlement Periods. If neither startTime nor endTime 
          --   contain an offset element and endTime is earlier than 
          --   startTime, this indicates that the time period "wraps 
          --   around" midnight. For example, if startTime is 23:00 and 
          --   endTime is 01:00 then Settlement Periods apply from 00:00 
          --   to 01:00 and 23:00 to 00:00 on each included day.
        , settlPeriods_choice4 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CommodityBusinessCalendar CommodityBusinessCalendar))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Indicates that days that are holidays according to the 
          --   referenced commodity business calendar should be 
          --   excluded from this range of Settlement Periods, even if 
          --   such day is an applicable day.
          --   (2) Indicates that days that are holidays according to the 
          --   referenced commodity business calendar should be 
          --   included in this range of Settlement Periods, even if 
          --   such day is not an applicable day.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SettlementPeriods where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (SettlementPeriods a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "duration")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 7))
                            (parseSchemaType "applicableDay")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "startTime")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "endTime")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CommodityBusinessCalendar", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "excludeHolidays"))
                                     , ("CommodityBusinessCalendar", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "includeHolidays"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SettlementPeriods{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ settlPeriods_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "duration") $ settlPeriods_duration x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "applicableDay") $ settlPeriods_applicableDay x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "startTime") $ settlPeriods_startTime x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "endTime") $ settlPeriods_endTime x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "excludeHolidays")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "includeHolidays")
                                   ) $ settlPeriods_choice4 x
-- | A type defining the Fixed Price applicable to a range or 
--   ranges of Settlement Periods.
data SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice = SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice
        { settlPeriodsFixedPrice_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , settlPeriodsFixedPrice_price :: Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ The Fixed Price.
        , settlPeriodsFixedPrice_priceCurrency :: Currency
          -- ^ Currency of the fixed price.
        , settlPeriodsFixedPrice_priceUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ The unit of measure used to calculate the Fixed Price.
        , settlPeriodsFixedPrice_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "price"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "priceCurrency"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "priceUnit"
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ settlPeriodsFixedPrice_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "price" $ settlPeriodsFixedPrice_price x
            , schemaTypeToXML "priceCurrency" $ settlPeriodsFixedPrice_priceCurrency x
            , schemaTypeToXML "priceUnit" $ settlPeriodsFixedPrice_priceUnit x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ settlPeriodsFixedPrice_settlementPeriodsReference x
instance Extension SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice FixedPrice where
    supertype (SettlementPeriodsFixedPrice a0 e0 e1 e2 e3) =
               FixedPrice a0 e0 e1 e2
-- | Allows a set of Settlement Periods to reference one already 
--   defined elsewhere in the trade.
data SettlementPeriodsReference = SettlementPeriodsReference
        { settlPeriodsRef_href :: Xsd.IDREF
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SettlementPeriodsReference where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "href" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (SettlementPeriodsReference a0)
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SettlementPeriodsReference{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "href" $ settlPeriodsRef_href x
instance Extension SettlementPeriodsReference Reference where
    supertype v = Reference_SettlementPeriodsReference v
-- | The specification of the Settlement Periods in which the 
--   electricity will be delivered for a "shaped" trade i.e. 
--   where different Settlement Period ranges will apply to 
--   different periods of the trade.
data SettlementPeriodsSchedule = SettlementPeriodsSchedule
        { settlPeriodsSched_settlementPeriodsStep :: [SettlementPeriodsStep]
          -- ^ The range of Settlement Periods per Calculation Period. 
          --   There must be a range of Settlement Periods specified for 
          --   each Calculation Period, regardless of whether the range of 
          --   Settlement Periods changes or stays the same between 
          --   periods.
        , settlPeriodsSched_choice1 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 CalculationPeriodsReference CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) A pointer style reference to the Delivery Periods 
          --   defined elsewhere.
          --   (2) A pointer style reference to the Calculation Periods 
          --   Schedule defined elsewhere.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SettlementPeriodsSchedule where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return SettlementPeriodsSchedule
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsStep")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("CalculationPeriodsReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsReference"))
                                     , ("CalculationPeriodsScheduleReference", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SettlementPeriodsSchedule{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsStep") $ settlPeriodsSched_settlementPeriodsStep x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "deliveryPeriodsScheduleReference")
                                   ) $ settlPeriodsSched_choice1 x
-- | A reference to the range of Settlement Periods that applies 
--   to a given period of a transaction.
data SettlementPeriodsStep = SettlementPeriodsStep
        { settlPeriodsStep_settlementPeriodsReference :: [SettlementPeriodsReference]
          -- ^ The specification of the Settlement Periods in which the 
          --   electricity will be delivered. The Settlement Periods will 
          --   apply for the duration of the appliable period. If more 
          --   than one settlementPeriods element is present this 
          --   indicates multiple ranges of Settlement Periods apply for 
          --   the duration of the applicable period.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SettlementPeriodsStep where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return SettlementPeriodsStep
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "settlementPeriodsReference")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SettlementPeriodsStep{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "settlementPeriodsReference") $ settlPeriodsStep_settlementPeriodsReference x
-- | A quantity and associated unit.
data UnitQuantity = UnitQuantity
        { unitQuantity_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , unitQuantity_quantityUnit :: QuantityUnit
          -- ^ Quantity Unit is the unit of measure applicable for the 
          --   quantity on the Transaction.
        , unitQuantity_quantity :: NonNegativeDecimal
          -- ^ Amount of commodity per quantity frequency.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType UnitQuantity where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (UnitQuantity a0)
            `apply` parseSchemaType "quantityUnit"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "quantity"
    schemaTypeToXML s x@UnitQuantity{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ unitQuantity_ID x
            [ schemaTypeToXML "quantityUnit" $ unitQuantity_quantityUnit x
            , schemaTypeToXML "quantity" $ unitQuantity_quantity x
-- | The physical leg of a Commodity Forward Transaction for 
--   which the underlyer is Bullion.
elementBullionPhysicalLeg :: XMLParser BullionPhysicalLeg
elementBullionPhysicalLeg = parseSchemaType "bullionPhysicalLeg"
elementToXMLBullionPhysicalLeg :: BullionPhysicalLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLBullionPhysicalLeg = schemaTypeToXML "bullionPhysicalLeg"
-- | Physically settled coal leg.
elementCoalPhysicalLeg :: XMLParser CoalPhysicalLeg
elementCoalPhysicalLeg = parseSchemaType "coalPhysicalLeg"
elementToXMLCoalPhysicalLeg :: CoalPhysicalLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCoalPhysicalLeg = schemaTypeToXML "coalPhysicalLeg"
-- | Defines a commodity forward product.
elementCommodityForward :: XMLParser CommodityForward
elementCommodityForward = parseSchemaType "commodityForward"
elementToXMLCommodityForward :: CommodityForward -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommodityForward = schemaTypeToXML "commodityForward"
-- | Defines the substitutable commodity forward leg
elementCommodityForwardLeg :: XMLParser CommodityForwardLeg
elementCommodityForwardLeg = fmap supertype elementBullionPhysicalLeg
                             `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an element in the substitution group for\n\
\    <commodityForwardLeg>,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
elementToXMLCommodityForwardLeg :: CommodityForwardLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommodityForwardLeg = schemaTypeToXML "commodityForwardLeg"
-- | Defines a commodity option product.
elementCommodityOption :: XMLParser CommodityOption
elementCommodityOption = parseSchemaType "commodityOption"
elementToXMLCommodityOption :: CommodityOption -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommodityOption = schemaTypeToXML "commodityOption"
-- | Defines a commodity swap product.
elementCommoditySwap :: XMLParser CommoditySwap
elementCommoditySwap = parseSchemaType "commoditySwap"
elementToXMLCommoditySwap :: CommoditySwap -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommoditySwap = schemaTypeToXML "commoditySwap"
-- | Defines a commodity swaption product
elementCommoditySwaption :: XMLParser CommoditySwaption
elementCommoditySwaption = parseSchemaType "commoditySwaption"
elementToXMLCommoditySwaption :: CommoditySwaption -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommoditySwaption = schemaTypeToXML "commoditySwaption"
-- | Defines the substitutable commodity swap leg
elementCommoditySwapLeg :: XMLParser CommoditySwapLeg
elementCommoditySwapLeg = fmap supertype elementOilPhysicalLeg
                          fmap supertype elementGasPhysicalLeg
                          fmap supertype elementFloatingLeg
                          fmap supertype elementFixedLeg
                          fmap supertype elementElectricityPhysicalLeg
                          fmap supertype elementCoalPhysicalLeg
                          `onFail` fail "Parse failed when expecting an element in the substitution group for\n\
\    <commoditySwapLeg>,\n\
\  namely one of:\n\
\<oilPhysicalLeg>, <gasPhysicalLeg>, <floatingLeg>, <fixedLeg>, <electricityPhysicalLeg>, <coalPhysicalLeg>"
elementToXMLCommoditySwapLeg :: CommoditySwapLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLCommoditySwapLeg = schemaTypeToXML "commoditySwapLeg"
-- | Physically settled electricity leg.
elementElectricityPhysicalLeg :: XMLParser ElectricityPhysicalLeg
elementElectricityPhysicalLeg = parseSchemaType "electricityPhysicalLeg"
elementToXMLElectricityPhysicalLeg :: ElectricityPhysicalLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLElectricityPhysicalLeg = schemaTypeToXML "electricityPhysicalLeg"
-- | Fixed Price Leg.
elementFixedLeg :: XMLParser FixedPriceLeg
elementFixedLeg = parseSchemaType "fixedLeg"
elementToXMLFixedLeg :: FixedPriceLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLFixedLeg = schemaTypeToXML "fixedLeg"
-- | Floating Price leg.
elementFloatingLeg :: XMLParser FloatingPriceLeg
elementFloatingLeg = parseSchemaType "floatingLeg"
elementToXMLFloatingLeg :: FloatingPriceLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLFloatingLeg = schemaTypeToXML "floatingLeg"
-- | Physically settled natural gas leg.
elementGasPhysicalLeg :: XMLParser GasPhysicalLeg
elementGasPhysicalLeg = parseSchemaType "gasPhysicalLeg"
elementToXMLGasPhysicalLeg :: GasPhysicalLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLGasPhysicalLeg = schemaTypeToXML "gasPhysicalLeg"
-- | Physically settled oil or refined products leg.
elementOilPhysicalLeg :: XMLParser OilPhysicalLeg
elementOilPhysicalLeg = parseSchemaType "oilPhysicalLeg"
elementToXMLOilPhysicalLeg :: OilPhysicalLeg -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLOilPhysicalLeg = schemaTypeToXML "oilPhysicalLeg"