{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-}
module Data.FpML.V53.Option.Bond
  ( module Data.FpML.V53.Option.Bond
  , module Data.FpML.V53.Shared.Option
  ) where
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema (SchemaType(..),SimpleType(..),Extension(..),Restricts(..))
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema as Schema
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN
import qualified Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.PrimitiveTypes as Xsd
import Data.FpML.V53.Shared.Option
-- Some hs-boot imports are required, for fwd-declaring types.
-- | A Bond Option
data BondOption = BondOption
        { bondOption_ID :: Maybe Xsd.ID
        , bondOption_primaryAssetClass :: Maybe AssetClass
          -- ^ A classification of the most important risk class of the 
          --   trade. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , bondOption_secondaryAssetClass :: [AssetClass]
          -- ^ A classification of additional risk classes of the trade, 
          --   if any. FpML defines a simple asset class categorization 
          --   using a coding scheme.
        , bondOption_productType :: [ProductType]
          -- ^ A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a 
          --   simple product categorization using a coding scheme.
        , bondOption_productId :: [ProductId]
          -- ^ A product reference identifier. The product ID is an 
          --   identifier that describes the key economic characteristics 
          --   of the trade type, with the exception of concepts such as 
          --   size (notional, quantity, number of units) and price (fixed 
          --   rate, strike, etc.) that are negotiated for each 
          --   transaction. It can be used to hold identifiers such as the 
          --   "UPI" (universal product identifier) required by certain 
          --   regulatory reporting rules. It can also be used to hold 
          --   identifiers of benchmark products or product temnplates 
          --   used by certain trading systems or facilities. FpML does 
          --   not define the domain values associated with this element. 
          --   Note that the domain values for this element are not 
          --   strictly an enumerated list.
        , bondOption_buyerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that buys this instrument, ie. 
          --   pays for this instrument and receives the rights defined by 
          --   it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (b). In the case 
          --   of FRAs this the fixed rate payer.
        , bondOption_buyerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that buys this instrument.
        , bondOption_sellerPartyReference :: Maybe PartyReference
          -- ^ A reference to the party that sells ("writes") this 
          --   instrument, i.e. that grants the rights defined by this 
          --   instrument and in return receives a payment for it. See 
          --   2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (a). In the case of FRAs 
          --   this is the floating rate payer.
        , bondOption_sellerAccountReference :: Maybe AccountReference
          -- ^ A reference to the account that sells this instrument.
        , bondOption_optionType :: OptionTypeEnum
          -- ^ The type of option transaction. From a usage standpoint, 
          --   put/call is the default option type, while payer/receiver 
          --   indicator is used for options index credit default swaps, 
          --   consistently with the industry practice. Straddle is used 
          --   for the case of straddle strategy, that combine a call and 
          --   a put with the same strike.
        , bondOption_premium :: Premium
          -- ^ The option premium payable by the buyer to the seller.
        , bondOption_exercise :: Exercise
          -- ^ An placeholder for the actual option exercise definitions.
        , bondOption_exerciseProcedure :: Maybe ExerciseProcedure
          -- ^ A set of parameters defining procedures associated with the 
          --   exercise.
        , bondOption_feature :: Maybe OptionFeature
          -- ^ An Option feature such as quanto, asian, barrier, knock.
        , bondOption_choice13 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 NotionalAmountReference Money))
          -- ^ A choice between an explicit representation of the notional 
          --   amount, or a reference to a notional amount defined 
          --   elsewhere in this document.
          --   Choice between:
          --   (1) notionalReference
          --   (2) notionalAmount
        , bondOption_optionEntitlement :: Maybe PositiveDecimal
          -- ^ The number of units of underlyer per option comprised in 
          --   the option transaction.
        , bondOption_entitlementCurrency :: Maybe Currency
          -- ^ TODO
        , bondOption_numberOfOptions :: Maybe PositiveDecimal
          -- ^ The number of options comprised in the option transaction.
        , bondOption_settlementType :: Maybe SettlementTypeEnum
        , bondOption_settlementDate :: Maybe AdjustableOrRelativeDate
        , bondOption_choice19 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 Money Currency))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Settlement Amount
          --   (2) Settlement Currency for use where the Settlement Amount 
          --   cannot be known in advance
        , bondOption_strike :: BondOptionStrike
          -- ^ Strike of the the Bond Option.
        , bondOption_choice21 :: OneOf2 Bond ConvertibleBond
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Identifies the underlying asset when it is a series or 
          --   a class of bonds.
          --   (2) Identifies the underlying asset when it is a 
          --   convertible bond.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType BondOption where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- optional $ getAttribute "id" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (BondOption a0)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "primaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "secondaryAssetClass")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productType")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "productId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "buyerAccountReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerPartyReference")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sellerAccountReference")
            `apply` parseSchemaType "optionType"
            `apply` parseSchemaType "premium"
            `apply` elementExercise
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "exerciseProcedure")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "feature")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("NotionalAmountReference", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "notionalReference"))
                                     , ("Money", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "notionalAmount"))
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "optionEntitlement")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "entitlementCurrency")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "numberOfOptions")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementType")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "settlementDate")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Money", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "settlementAmount"))
                                     , ("Currency", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "settlementCurrency"))
            `apply` parseSchemaType "strike"
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("Bond", fmap OneOf2 (elementBond))
                           , ("ConvertibleBond", fmap TwoOf2 (elementConvertibleBond))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@BondOption{} =
        toXMLElement s [ maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "id") $ bondOption_ID x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "primaryAssetClass") $ bondOption_primaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "secondaryAssetClass") $ bondOption_secondaryAssetClass x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productType") $ bondOption_productType x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "productId") $ bondOption_productId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerPartyReference") $ bondOption_buyerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "buyerAccountReference") $ bondOption_buyerAccountReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerPartyReference") $ bondOption_sellerPartyReference x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sellerAccountReference") $ bondOption_sellerAccountReference x
            , schemaTypeToXML "optionType" $ bondOption_optionType x
            , schemaTypeToXML "premium" $ bondOption_premium x
            , elementToXMLExercise $ bondOption_exercise x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "exerciseProcedure") $ bondOption_exerciseProcedure x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "feature") $ bondOption_feature x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "notionalReference")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "notionalAmount")
                                   ) $ bondOption_choice13 x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "optionEntitlement") $ bondOption_optionEntitlement x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "entitlementCurrency") $ bondOption_entitlementCurrency x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "numberOfOptions") $ bondOption_numberOfOptions x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementType") $ bondOption_settlementType x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "settlementDate") $ bondOption_settlementDate x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "settlementAmount")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "settlementCurrency")
                                   ) $ bondOption_choice19 x
            , schemaTypeToXML "strike" $ bondOption_strike x
            , foldOneOf2  (elementToXMLBond)
                          $ bondOption_choice21 x
instance Extension BondOption OptionBaseExtended where
    supertype v = OptionBaseExtended_BondOption v
instance Extension BondOption OptionBase where
    supertype = (supertype :: OptionBaseExtended -> OptionBase)
              . (supertype :: BondOption -> OptionBaseExtended)
instance Extension BondOption Option where
    supertype = (supertype :: OptionBase -> Option)
              . (supertype :: OptionBaseExtended -> OptionBase)
              . (supertype :: BondOption -> OptionBaseExtended)
instance Extension BondOption Product where
    supertype = (supertype :: Option -> Product)
              . (supertype :: OptionBase -> Option)
              . (supertype :: OptionBaseExtended -> OptionBase)
              . (supertype :: BondOption -> OptionBaseExtended)
-- | A complex type to specify the strike of a bond or 
--   convertible bond option.
data BondOptionStrike = BondOptionStrike
        { bondOptionStrike_choice0 :: (Maybe (OneOf2 ReferenceSwapCurve OptionStrike))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) The strike of an option when expressed by reference to 
          --   a swap curve. (Typically the case for a convertible 
          --   bond option.)
          --   (2) price
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType BondOptionStrike where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return BondOptionStrike
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("ReferenceSwapCurve", fmap OneOf2 (parseSchemaType "referenceSwapCurve"))
                                     , ("OptionStrike", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "price"))
    schemaTypeToXML s x@BondOptionStrike{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (foldOneOf2  (schemaTypeToXML "referenceSwapCurve")
                                    (schemaTypeToXML "price")
                                   ) $ bondOptionStrike_choice0 x
-- | A complex type to specify the amount to be paid by the 
--   buyer of the option if the option is exercised prior to the 
--   Early Call Date (Typically applicable to the convertible 
--   bond options).
data MakeWholeAmount = MakeWholeAmount
        { makeWholeAmount_floatingRateIndex :: FloatingRateIndex
        , makeWholeAmount_indexTenor :: Maybe Period
          -- ^ The ISDA Designated Maturity, i.e. the tenor of the 
          --   floating rate.
        , makeWholeAmount_spread :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ Spread in basis points over the floating rate index.
        , makeWholeAmount_side :: Maybe QuotationSideEnum
          -- ^ The side (bid/mid/ask) of the measure.
        , makeWholeAmount_interpolationMethod :: Maybe InterpolationMethod
          -- ^ The type of interpolation method that the calculation agent 
          --   reserves the right to use.
        , makeWholeAmount_earlyCallDate :: Maybe IdentifiedDate
          -- ^ Date prior to which the option buyer will have to pay a 
          --   Make Whole Amount to the option seller if he/she exercises 
          --   the option.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType MakeWholeAmount where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return MakeWholeAmount
            `apply` parseSchemaType "floatingRateIndex"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "indexTenor")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "spread")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "side")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "interpolationMethod")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "earlyCallDate")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@MakeWholeAmount{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "floatingRateIndex" $ makeWholeAmount_floatingRateIndex x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "indexTenor") $ makeWholeAmount_indexTenor x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "spread") $ makeWholeAmount_spread x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "side") $ makeWholeAmount_side x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "interpolationMethod") $ makeWholeAmount_interpolationMethod x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "earlyCallDate") $ makeWholeAmount_earlyCallDate x
instance Extension MakeWholeAmount SwapCurveValuation where
    supertype (MakeWholeAmount e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5) =
               SwapCurveValuation e0 e1 e2 e3
-- | A complex type used to specify the option and convertible 
--   bond option strike when expressed in reference to a swap 
--   curve.
data ReferenceSwapCurve = ReferenceSwapCurve
        { refSwapCurve_swapUnwindValue :: Maybe SwapCurveValuation
        , refSwapCurve_makeWholeAmount :: Maybe MakeWholeAmount
          -- ^ Amount to be paid by the buyer of the option if the option 
          --   is exercised prior to the Early Call Date. (The market 
          --   practice in the convertible bond option space being that 
          --   the buyer should be penalized if he/she exercises the 
          --   option early on.)
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType ReferenceSwapCurve where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return ReferenceSwapCurve
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "swapUnwindValue")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "makeWholeAmount")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@ReferenceSwapCurve{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "swapUnwindValue") $ refSwapCurve_swapUnwindValue x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "makeWholeAmount") $ refSwapCurve_makeWholeAmount x
-- | A complex type to specify a valuation swap curve, which is 
--   used as part of the strike construct for the bond and 
--   convertible bond options.
data SwapCurveValuation = SwapCurveValuation
        { swapCurveVal_floatingRateIndex :: FloatingRateIndex
        , swapCurveVal_indexTenor :: Maybe Period
          -- ^ The ISDA Designated Maturity, i.e. the tenor of the 
          --   floating rate.
        , swapCurveVal_spread :: Maybe Xsd.Decimal
          -- ^ Spread in basis points over the floating rate index.
        , swapCurveVal_side :: Maybe QuotationSideEnum
          -- ^ The side (bid/mid/ask) of the measure.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType SwapCurveValuation where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        commit $ interior e $ return SwapCurveValuation
            `apply` parseSchemaType "floatingRateIndex"
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "indexTenor")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "spread")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "side")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@SwapCurveValuation{} =
        toXMLElement s []
            [ schemaTypeToXML "floatingRateIndex" $ swapCurveVal_floatingRateIndex x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "indexTenor") $ swapCurveVal_indexTenor x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "spread") $ swapCurveVal_spread x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "side") $ swapCurveVal_side x
-- | A component describing a Bond Option product.
elementBondOption :: XMLParser BondOption
elementBondOption = parseSchemaType "bondOption"
elementToXMLBondOption :: BondOption -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLBondOption = schemaTypeToXML "bondOption"