{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-}
module Data.FpML.V53.Processes.Recordkeeping
  ( module Data.FpML.V53.Processes.Recordkeeping
  , module Data.FpML.V53.Events.Business
  ) where
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema (SchemaType(..),SimpleType(..),Extension(..),Restricts(..))
import Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.Schema as Schema
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN
import qualified Text.XML.HaXml.Schema.PrimitiveTypes as Xsd
import Data.FpML.V53.Events.Business
-- Some hs-boot imports are required, for fwd-declaring types.
data NonpublicExecutionReport = NonpublicExecutionReport
        { nonpubExecutReport_fpmlVersion :: Xsd.XsdString
          -- ^ Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message 
          --   adheres to.
        , nonpubExecutReport_expectedBuild :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ This optional attribute can be supplied by a message 
          --   creator in an FpML instance to specify which build number 
          --   of the schema was used to define the message when it was 
          --   generated.
        , nonpubExecutReport_actualBuild :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ The specific build number of this schema version. This 
          --   attribute is not included in an instance document. Instead, 
          --   it is supplied by the XML parser when the document is 
          --   validated against the FpML schema and indicates the build 
          --   number of the schema file. Every time FpML publishes a 
          --   change to the schema, validation rules, or examples within 
          --   a version (e.g., version 4.2) the actual build number is 
          --   incremented. If no changes have been made between releases 
          --   within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to 
          --   Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same.
        , nonpubExecutReport_header :: Maybe RequestMessageHeader
        , nonpubExecutReport_validation :: [Validation]
          -- ^ A list of validation sets the sender asserts the document 
          --   is valid with respect to.
        , nonpubExecutReport_isCorrection :: Maybe Xsd.Boolean
          -- ^ Indicates if this message corrects an earlier request.
        , nonpubExecutReport_parentCorrelationId :: Maybe CorrelationId
          -- ^ An optional identifier used to correlate between related 
          --   processes
        , nonpubExecutReport_correlationId :: [CorrelationId]
          -- ^ A qualified identifier used to correlate between messages
        , nonpubExecutReport_sequenceNumber :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ A numeric value that can be used to order messages with the 
          --   same correlation identifier from the same sender.
        , nonpubExecutReport_onBehalfOf :: [OnBehalfOf]
          -- ^ Indicates which party (or parties) (and accounts) a trade 
          --   or event is being processed for. Normally there will only 
          --   be a maximum of 2 parties, but in the case of a novation 
          --   there could be a transferor, transferee, remaining party, 
          --   and other remaining party. Except for this case, there 
          --   should be no more than two onABehalfOf references in a 
          --   message.
        , nonpubExecutReport_asOfDate :: Maybe IdentifiedDate
          -- ^ The date for which this document reports positions and 
          --   valuations.
        , nonpubExecutReport_asOfTime :: Maybe Xsd.Time
          -- ^ The time for which this report was generated (i.e., the 
          --   cut-off time of the report).
        , nonpubExecutReport_portfolioReference :: Maybe PortfolioReferenceBase
        , nonpubExecutReport_choice10 :: (Maybe (OneOf10 ((Maybe (OriginatingEvent)),(Maybe (Trade))) TradeAmendmentContent TradeNotionalChange ((Maybe (TerminatingEvent)),(Maybe (TradeNotionalChange))) TradeNovationContent OptionExercise [OptionExpiry] DeClear Withdrawal AdditionalEvent))
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) Sequence of:
          --     * originatingEvent
          --     * trade
          --   (2) amendment
          --   (3) increase
          --   (4) Sequence of:
          --     * terminatingEvent
          --     * termination
          --   (5) novation
          --   (6) optionExercise
          --   (7) optionExpiry
          --   (8) deClear
          --   (9) withdrawal
          --   (10) The additionalEvent element is an 
          --   extension/substitution point to customize FpML and add 
          --   additional events.
        , nonpubExecutReport_quote :: [BasicQuotation]
          -- ^ Pricing information for the trade.
        , nonpubExecutReport_party :: [Party]
        , nonpubExecutReport_account :: [Account]
          -- ^ Optional account information used to precisely define the 
          --   origination and destination of financial instruments.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType NonpublicExecutionReport where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "fpmlVersion" e pos
        a1 <- optional $ getAttribute "expectedBuild" e pos
        a2 <- optional $ getAttribute "actualBuild" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (NonpublicExecutionReport a0 a1 a2)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "header")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "validation")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "isCorrection")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "parentCorrelationId")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 2))
                            (parseSchemaType "correlationId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sequenceNumber")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 4))
                            (parseSchemaType "onBehalfOf")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "asOfDate")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "asOfTime")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "portfolioReference")
            `apply` optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe OriginatingEvent Maybe Trade", fmap OneOf10 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "originatingEvent")
                                                                                                       `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "trade")))
                                     , ("TradeAmendmentContent", fmap TwoOf10 (parseSchemaType "amendment"))
                                     , ("TradeNotionalChange", fmap ThreeOf10 (parseSchemaType "increase"))
                                     , ("Maybe TerminatingEvent Maybe TradeNotionalChange", fmap FourOf10 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "terminatingEvent")
                                                                                                                      `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "termination")))
                                     , ("TradeNovationContent", fmap FiveOf10 (parseSchemaType "novation"))
                                     , ("OptionExercise", fmap SixOf10 (parseSchemaType "optionExercise"))
                                     , ("[OptionExpiry]", fmap SevenOf10 (many1 (parseSchemaType "optionExpiry")))
                                     , ("DeClear", fmap EightOf10 (parseSchemaType "deClear"))
                                     , ("Withdrawal", fmap NineOf10 (parseSchemaType "withdrawal"))
                                     , ("AdditionalEvent", fmap TenOf10 (elementAdditionalEvent))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "quote")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "party")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "account")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@NonpublicExecutionReport{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "fpmlVersion" $ nonpubExecutReport_fpmlVersion x
                       , maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "expectedBuild") $ nonpubExecutReport_expectedBuild x
                       , maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "actualBuild") $ nonpubExecutReport_actualBuild x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "header") $ nonpubExecutReport_header x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "validation") $ nonpubExecutReport_validation x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "isCorrection") $ nonpubExecutReport_isCorrection x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "parentCorrelationId") $ nonpubExecutReport_parentCorrelationId x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "correlationId") $ nonpubExecutReport_correlationId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sequenceNumber") $ nonpubExecutReport_sequenceNumber x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "onBehalfOf") $ nonpubExecutReport_onBehalfOf x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "asOfDate") $ nonpubExecutReport_asOfDate x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "asOfTime") $ nonpubExecutReport_asOfTime x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "portfolioReference") $ nonpubExecutReport_portfolioReference x
            , maybe [] (foldOneOf10  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "originatingEvent") a
                                                        , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "trade") b
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "amendment")
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "increase")
                                     (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "terminatingEvent") a
                                                        , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "termination") b
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "novation")
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "optionExercise")
                                     (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "optionExpiry"))
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "deClear")
                                     (schemaTypeToXML "withdrawal")
                                    ) $ nonpubExecutReport_choice10 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "quote") $ nonpubExecutReport_quote x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "party") $ nonpubExecutReport_party x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "account") $ nonpubExecutReport_account x
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReport CorrectableRequestMessage where
    supertype v = CorrectableRequestMessage_NonpublicExecutionReport v
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReport RequestMessage where
    supertype = (supertype :: CorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReport -> CorrectableRequestMessage)
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReport Message where
    supertype = (supertype :: RequestMessage -> Message)
              . (supertype :: CorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReport -> CorrectableRequestMessage)
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReport Document where
    supertype = (supertype :: Message -> Document)
              . (supertype :: RequestMessage -> Message)
              . (supertype :: CorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReport -> CorrectableRequestMessage)
data NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted = NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted
        { nonpubExecutReportRetrac_fpmlVersion :: Xsd.XsdString
          -- ^ Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message 
          --   adheres to.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_expectedBuild :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ This optional attribute can be supplied by a message 
          --   creator in an FpML instance to specify which build number 
          --   of the schema was used to define the message when it was 
          --   generated.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_actualBuild :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ The specific build number of this schema version. This 
          --   attribute is not included in an instance document. Instead, 
          --   it is supplied by the XML parser when the document is 
          --   validated against the FpML schema and indicates the build 
          --   number of the schema file. Every time FpML publishes a 
          --   change to the schema, validation rules, or examples within 
          --   a version (e.g., version 4.2) the actual build number is 
          --   incremented. If no changes have been made between releases 
          --   within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to 
          --   Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_header :: Maybe RequestMessageHeader
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_validation :: [Validation]
          -- ^ A list of validation sets the sender asserts the document 
          --   is valid with respect to.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_parentCorrelationId :: Maybe CorrelationId
          -- ^ An optional identifier used to correlate between related 
          --   processes
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_correlationId :: [CorrelationId]
          -- ^ A qualified identifier used to correlate between messages
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_sequenceNumber :: Maybe Xsd.PositiveInteger
          -- ^ A numeric value that can be used to order messages with the 
          --   same correlation identifier from the same sender.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_onBehalfOf :: [OnBehalfOf]
          -- ^ Indicates which party (or parties) (and accounts) a trade 
          --   or event is being processed for. Normally there will only 
          --   be a maximum of 2 parties, but in the case of a novation 
          --   there could be a transferor, transferee, remaining party, 
          --   and other remaining party. Except for this case, there 
          --   should be no more than two onABehalfOf references in a 
          --   message.
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_choice6 :: OneOf2 ((Maybe (OneOf10 ((Maybe (OriginatingEvent)),(Maybe (Trade))) TradeAmendmentContent TradeNotionalChange ((Maybe (TerminatingEvent)),(Maybe (TradeNotionalChange))) TradeNovationContent OptionExercise [OptionExpiry] DeClear Withdrawal AdditionalEvent))) PartyTradeIdentifier
          -- ^ Choice between:
          --   (1) unknown
          --   (2) tradeIdentifier
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_party :: [Party]
        , nonpubExecutReportRetrac_account :: [Account]
          -- ^ Optional account information used to precisely define the 
          --   origination and destination of financial instruments.
        deriving (Eq,Show)
instance SchemaType NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted where
    parseSchemaType s = do
        (pos,e) <- posnElement [s]
        a0 <- getAttribute "fpmlVersion" e pos
        a1 <- optional $ getAttribute "expectedBuild" e pos
        a2 <- optional $ getAttribute "actualBuild" e pos
        commit $ interior e $ return (NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted a0 a1 a2)
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "header")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "validation")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "parentCorrelationId")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 2))
                            (parseSchemaType "correlationId")
            `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "sequenceNumber")
            `apply` between (Occurs (Just 0) (Just 4))
                            (parseSchemaType "onBehalfOf")
            `apply` oneOf' [ ("(Maybe (OneOf10 ((Maybe (OriginatingEvent)),(Maybe (Trade))) TradeAmendmentContent TradeNotionalChange ((Maybe (TerminatingEvent)),(Maybe (TradeNotionalChange))) TradeNovationContent OptionExercise [OptionExpiry] DeClear Withdrawal AdditionalEvent))", fmap OneOf2 (optional (oneOf' [ ("Maybe OriginatingEvent Maybe Trade", fmap OneOf10 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "originatingEvent")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "trade")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("TradeAmendmentContent", fmap TwoOf10 (parseSchemaType "amendment"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("TradeNotionalChange", fmap ThreeOf10 (parseSchemaType "increase"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("Maybe TerminatingEvent Maybe TradeNotionalChange", fmap FourOf10 (return (,) `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "terminatingEvent")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          `apply` optional (parseSchemaType "termination")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("TradeNovationContent", fmap FiveOf10 (parseSchemaType "novation"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("OptionExercise", fmap SixOf10 (parseSchemaType "optionExercise"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("[OptionExpiry]", fmap SevenOf10 (many1 (parseSchemaType "optionExpiry")))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("DeClear", fmap EightOf10 (parseSchemaType "deClear"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("Withdrawal", fmap NineOf10 (parseSchemaType "withdrawal"))
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ("AdditionalEvent", fmap TenOf10 (elementAdditionalEvent))
                           , ("PartyTradeIdentifier", fmap TwoOf2 (parseSchemaType "tradeIdentifier"))
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "party")
            `apply` many (parseSchemaType "account")
    schemaTypeToXML s x@NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted{} =
        toXMLElement s [ toXMLAttribute "fpmlVersion" $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_fpmlVersion x
                       , maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "expectedBuild") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_expectedBuild x
                       , maybe [] (toXMLAttribute "actualBuild") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_actualBuild x
            [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "header") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_header x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "validation") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_validation x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "parentCorrelationId") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_parentCorrelationId x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "correlationId") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_correlationId x
            , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "sequenceNumber") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_sequenceNumber x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "onBehalfOf") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_onBehalfOf x
            , foldOneOf2  (maybe [] (foldOneOf10  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "originatingEvent") a
                                                                     , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "trade") b
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "amendment")
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "increase")
                                                  (\ (a,b) -> concat [ maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "terminatingEvent") a
                                                                     , maybe [] (schemaTypeToXML "termination") b
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "novation")
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "optionExercise")
                                                  (concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "optionExpiry"))
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "deClear")
                                                  (schemaTypeToXML "withdrawal")
                          (schemaTypeToXML "tradeIdentifier")
                          $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_choice6 x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "party") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_party x
            , concatMap (schemaTypeToXML "account") $ nonpubExecutReportRetrac_account x
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted NonCorrectableRequestMessage where
    supertype v = NonCorrectableRequestMessage_NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted v
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted RequestMessage where
    supertype = (supertype :: NonCorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted -> NonCorrectableRequestMessage)
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted Message where
    supertype = (supertype :: RequestMessage -> Message)
              . (supertype :: NonCorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted -> NonCorrectableRequestMessage)
instance Extension NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted Document where
    supertype = (supertype :: Message -> Document)
              . (supertype :: RequestMessage -> Message)
              . (supertype :: NonCorrectableRequestMessage -> RequestMessage)
              . (supertype :: NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted -> NonCorrectableRequestMessage)
elementNonpublicExecutionReport :: XMLParser NonpublicExecutionReport
elementNonpublicExecutionReport = parseSchemaType "nonpublicExecutionReport"
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReport :: NonpublicExecutionReport -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReport = schemaTypeToXML "nonpublicExecutionReport"
elementNonpublicExecutionReportRetracted :: XMLParser NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted
elementNonpublicExecutionReportRetracted = parseSchemaType "nonpublicExecutionReportRetracted"
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportRetracted :: NonpublicExecutionReportRetracted -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportRetracted = schemaTypeToXML "nonpublicExecutionReportRetracted"
elementNonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement :: XMLParser Acknowledgement
elementNonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement = parseSchemaType "nonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement"
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement :: Acknowledgement -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement = schemaTypeToXML "nonpublicExecutionReportAcknowledgement"
elementNonpublicExecutionReportException :: XMLParser Exception
elementNonpublicExecutionReportException = parseSchemaType "nonpublicExecutionReportException"
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportException :: Exception -> [Content ()]
elementToXMLNonpublicExecutionReportException = schemaTypeToXML "nonpublicExecutionReportException"