module Instruction ( I , Instruction , buildInstructions , baseInstructions , lookupInstruction , runCurrentInstruction , guardDim , guardZero , ifInstr , moveByDeltaInstr , setDeltaInstr , setPosInstr , opInstr , op2Instr , pushVectorInstr , popInstr , popNInstr_ , popVectorInstr , popDimVectorInstr , popStringInstr , tryLiftIO , nopInstr , pushInstr , trampolineInstr , reverseInstr , loadSemanticsInstr , unloadSemanticsInstr , beginBlockInstr , endBlockInstr , turnLeftInstr , turnRightInstr , putInstr , getInstr , logicalNotInstr , goWestInstr , goEastInstr , goNorthInstr , goSouthInstr , goLowInstr , goHighInstr , northSouthIfInstr , eastWestIfInstr , stopInstr , quitInstr , subtractInstr , addInstr , multiplyInstr , divideInstr , outputFileInstr , inputFileInstr , outputCharacterInstr , inputCharacterInstr , outputDecimalInstr , inputDecimalInstr , stringmodeInstr , fetchCharacterInstr , unknownInstr , spaceInstr , remainderInstr , greaterThanInstr , goAwayInstr , duplicateInstr , swapInstr , popInstr_ ) where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.ByteSize import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (hGetContents, unpack) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Deque import qualified Data.Deque as Deque import Data.I import Data.IntegralLike import Data.List (foldl', genericLength, genericReplicate, intercalate) import Data.LogicalBits import Data.MaybeBounded import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Stack as Stack import Data.Tuple.Map import Data.Vector import Debug.Debugger import Space.Cell import Space.Space import System.Cmd (system) import System.Directory (canonicalizePath) import System.Environment (getEnvironment) import System.Exit (exitWith, exitFailure, ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath (pathSeparator, takeDirectory, isAbsolute) import System.IO (IOMode (..), withFile, hPutStr, hFlush, hGetChar, stdout, stdin) import System.IO.Buffering (BufferMode (..), withBuffering) import System.Random (randomRIO) import System.Time (CalendarTime (..), getClockTime, toCalendarTime) import Text.PrettyShow import Env import Ip import qualified Mode import qualified Semantics import UnknownInstruction import Version ----------------------------------------------------------- infixr 9 `o` o :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> d) o = (.).(.) numToBool :: (Num a) => a -> Bool numToBool 0 = False numToBool _ = True whileM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a whileM mPred f x = mPred x >>= \bool -> if bool then f x >>= whileM mPred f else return x whileM_ :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m () -> m () whileM_ mBool m = whileM (const mBool) (const m) () genericReplicateM :: (Integral i, Monad m) => i -> m a -> m [a] genericReplicateM = sequence `o` genericReplicate genericReplicateM_ :: (Integral i, Monad m) => i -> m a -> m () genericReplicateM_ = sequence_ `o` genericReplicate ----------------------------------------------------------- type Instruction i = StateT (Env i) IO ----------------------------------------------------------- buildInstructions :: (Integral i, IntegralLike c) => [(c, v)] -> Map i v buildInstructions = Map.fromList . map (map1 asIntegral) baseInstructions :: (I i) => Map i (Instruction i ()) baseInstructions = buildInstructions $ [ (' ', spaceInstr) , ('!', logicalNotInstr) , ('"', stringmodeInstr) , ('#', trampolineInstr) , ('$', popInstr_) , ('%', remainderInstr) , ('&', inputDecimalInstr) , ('\'',fetchCharacterInstr) , ('(', loadSemanticsInstr) , (')', unloadSemanticsInstr) , ('*', multiplyInstr) , ('+', addInstr) , (',', outputCharacterInstr) , ('-', subtractInstr) , ('.', outputDecimalInstr) , ('/', divideInstr) , ('0', pushInstr 0) , ('1', pushInstr 1) , ('2', pushInstr 2) , ('3', pushInstr 3) , ('4', pushInstr 4) , ('5', pushInstr 5) , ('6', pushInstr 6) , ('7', pushInstr 7) , ('8', pushInstr 8) , ('9', pushInstr 9) , (':', duplicateInstr) , (';', jumpOverInstr) , ('<', goWestInstr) , ('=', executeInstr) , ('>', goEastInstr) , ('?', goAwayInstr) , ('@', stopInstr) , ('[', turnLeftInstr) , ('\\',swapInstr) , (']', turnRightInstr) , ('^', goNorthInstr) , ('_', eastWestIfInstr) , ('`', greaterThanInstr) , ('a', pushInstr 10) , ('b', pushInstr 11) , ('c', pushInstr 12) , ('d', pushInstr 13) , ('e', pushInstr 14) , ('f', pushInstr 15) , ('g', getInstr) , ('h', goHighInstr) , ('i', inputFileInstr) , ('j', jumpForwardInstr) , ('k', iterateInstr) , ('l', goLowInstr) , ('m', highLowIfInstr) , ('n', clearStackInstr) , ('o', outputFileInstr) , ('p', putInstr) , ('q', quitInstr) , ('r', reverseInstr) , ('s', storeCharacterInstr) , ('t', splitInstr) , ('u', stackUnderStackInstr) , ('v', goSouthInstr) , ('w', compareInstr) , ('x', absoluteDeltaInstr) , ('y', getSysInfoInstr) , ('z', nopInstr) , ('{', beginBlockInstr) , ('|', northSouthIfInstr) , ('}', endBlockInstr) , ('~', inputCharacterInstr) ] ++ zip ['A'..'Z'] (repeat reverseInstr) lookupInstruction :: (I i) => i -> Instruction i () lookupInstruction i = do sem <- gets $ getSemantics . currentIp fromMaybe (unknownInstr i) $ Semantics.lookup i sem unknownInstr :: (I i) => i -> Instruction i () unknownInstr i = do env <- get case getUnknownMode env of ReverseUnknown -> reverseInstr FailUnknown -> liftIO $ do printUnknown exitFailure DebugUnknown -> do liftIO $ do printUnknown pprint $ getPos $ currentIp env debug reverseInstr where printUnknown = putStrLn $ "\n\n*** Uknown instruction ord: " ++ pshow i ----------------------------------------------------------- currentInstruction :: (I i) => Env i -> Instruction i () currentInstruction = lookupInstruction . ordCell . currentCell runCurrentInstruction :: (I i) => Instruction i () runCurrentInstruction = do env <- get runDebugger (getDebugger env) env' <- get currentInstruction env' debug :: Instruction i () debug = do modify $ withDebugger $ \d -> d { getDebugMode = DebugStep } gets getDebugger >>= runDebugger ----------------------------------------------------------- popInstr_ :: (I i) => Instruction i () popInstr_ = popInstr >> return () pushVectorInstr :: (I i) => Vector i -> Instruction i () pushVectorInstr = mapM_ pushInstr . unVector popVectorInstr :: (I i, Integral n) => n -> Instruction i (Vector i) popVectorInstr = liftM mkVector . popNInstr popNInstr :: (I i, Integral n) => n -> Instruction i [i] popNInstr n = liftM reverse $ genericReplicateM n popInstr popNInstr_ :: (I i, Integral n) => n -> Instruction i () popNInstr_ n = genericReplicateM_ n popInstr popDimInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i [i] popDimInstr = gets getDim >>= popNInstr popDimVectorInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i (Vector i) popDimVectorInstr = gets getDim >>= popVectorInstr popStringInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i [Maybe Char] popStringInstr = liftM (map $ cellToChar . chrCell) popStringInstr' popStringInstr' :: (I i) => Instruction i [i] popStringInstr' = do x <- popInstr if x == 0 then return [] else liftM (x :) popStringInstr' guardDim :: (I i) => Int -> Instruction i () -> Instruction i () guardDim dim instr = do env <- get if getDim env < dim then reverseInstr else instr opInstr :: (I i) => (i -> i) -> Instruction i () opInstr op = popInstr >>= pushInstr . op op2Instr :: (I i) => (i -> i -> i) -> Instruction i () op2Instr op = do y <- popInstr x <- popInstr pushInstr $ op x y ----------------------------------------------------------- nopInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () nopInstr = return () ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Direction Changing ----------------------------------------------------------- setDeltaInstr :: (I i) => [i] -> Instruction i () setDeltaInstr delta = do dim <- gets getDim let delta' = take dim $ delta ++ repeat 0 modify $ withIp $ setDelta $ mkVector delta' goEastInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goEastInstr = setDeltaInstr [1] goWestInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goWestInstr = setDeltaInstr [-1] goNorthInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goNorthInstr = guardDim 2 $ setDeltaInstr [0, -1] goSouthInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goSouthInstr = guardDim 2 $ setDeltaInstr [0, 1] goHighInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goHighInstr = guardDim 3 $ setDeltaInstr [0, 0, 1] goLowInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goLowInstr = guardDim 3 $ setDeltaInstr [0, 0, -1] randElem :: [a] -> IO a randElem xs = (xs !!) `fmap` randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) goAwayInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () goAwayInstr = do dim <- gets getDim delta <- liftIO $ do dir <- randElem [-1, 1] axis <- randElem [0 .. dim - 1] return $ genericReplicate axis 0 ++ [dir] setDeltaInstr delta turnRightInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () turnRightInstr = guardDim 2 $ modify $ withIp turn where turn ip = setDelta (mkVector $ [-y, x] ++ zs) ip where ([x, y], zs) = splitAt 2 . unVector . getDelta $ ip turnLeftInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () turnLeftInstr = replicateM_ 3 turnRightInstr reverseInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () reverseInstr = modify $ withIp reverseIp absoluteDeltaInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () absoluteDeltaInstr = popDimInstr >>= setDeltaInstr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Flow Control ----------------------------------------------------------- setPosInstr :: (I i) => Vector i -> Instruction i () setPosInstr = modify . withIp . setPos trampolineInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () trampolineInstr = do env <- get let s = getSpace env ip = currentIp env delta = getDelta ip pos = getPos ip modify $ withIp $ setPos $ (pos `travelBy` delta) s trampolineBackInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () trampolineBackInstr = reverseInstr >> trampolineInstr >> reverseInstr moveByDeltaInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () moveByDeltaInstr = modify $ withIp $ \ip -> let pos = getPos ip delta = getDelta ip in ip { getPos = pos + delta } moveBackByDeltaInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () moveBackByDeltaInstr = reverseInstr >> moveByDeltaInstr >> reverseInstr stopInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () stopInstr = modify $ \env -> let ip = currentIp env ident = getId ip env' = env { getValidIds = ident : getValidIds env } in killIp `withIp` env' atInstr :: (I i) => Char -> Instruction i Bool atInstr c = gets $ (charToCell c ==) . currentCell spaceInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () spaceInstr = whileM_ (atInstr ' ') trampolineInstr >> runCurrentInstruction jumpOverInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () jumpOverInstr = trampolineInstr >> jump >> trampolineInstr >> runCurrentInstruction where jump = whileM_ (liftM not $ atInstr ';') trampolineInstr jumpForwardInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () jumpForwardInstr = do n <- popInstr genericReplicateM_ (abs n) $ if n >= 0 then trampolineInstr else trampolineBackInstr quitInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () quitInstr = do exitVal <- popInstr liftIO $ if exitVal == 0 then exitWith ExitSuccess else let maxInt = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int) exitVal' = fromIntegral $ min maxInt exitVal in exitWith $ ExitFailure exitVal' anyM :: (Monad m) => [m Bool] -> m Bool anyM = foldr (liftM2 (||)) $ return False iterateInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () iterateInstr = do initPos <- gets $ getPos . currentIp n <- popInstr trampolineInstr whileM_ (anyM $ map atInstr " ;") trampolineInstr instr <- gets currentInstruction when (n > 0) $ do setPosInstr initPos genericReplicateM_ n instr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Decision Making ----------------------------------------------------------- logicalNotInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () logicalNotInstr = opInstr (asIntegral . not . numToBool) greaterThanInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () greaterThanInstr = op2Instr (asIntegral `o` (>)) ifInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i a -> Instruction i a -> Instruction i a ifInstr trueInstr falseInstr = popInstr >>= \n -> if n == 0 then falseInstr else trueInstr eastWestIfInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () eastWestIfInstr = ifInstr goWestInstr goEastInstr northSouthIfInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () northSouthIfInstr = guardDim 2 $ ifInstr goNorthInstr goSouthInstr highLowIfInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () highLowIfInstr = guardDim 3 $ ifInstr goHighInstr goLowInstr compareInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () compareInstr = guardDim 2 $ do y <- popInstr x <- popInstr case compare x y of LT -> turnLeftInstr GT -> turnRightInstr EQ -> nopInstr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Integers ----------------------------------------------------------- addInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () addInstr = op2Instr (+) subtractInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () subtractInstr = op2Instr (-) multiplyInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () multiplyInstr = op2Instr (*) guardZero :: (Num a) => (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) guardZero f x y = if y == 0 then 0 else f x y divideInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () divideInstr = op2Instr $ guardZero div remainderInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () remainderInstr = op2Instr $ guardZero rem ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Strings ----------------------------------------------------------- stringmodeInstructions :: (I i) => (i -> Maybe (Instruction i ()), Map i (Maybe (Instruction i ()))) stringmodeInstructions = (,) (Just . pushInstr) $ buildInstructions [ ('"', Just stringmodeInstr) , (' ', Just sgmlSpaceInstr) ] where spaceOrd = ordCell $ charToCell ' ' sgmlSpaceInstr = do pushInstr spaceOrd whileM_ (atInstr ' ') trampolineInstr moveBackByDeltaInstr stringmodeInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () stringmodeInstr = do modify $ withIp $ toggleMode mode modify $ withSemantics $ Semantics.toggleOverlay mode stringmodeInstructions where mode = Mode.String fetchCharacterInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () fetchCharacterInstr = do trampolineInstr x <- gets $ ordCell . currentCell pushInstr x storeCharacterInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () storeCharacterInstr = do trampolineInstr pos <- gets $ getPos . currentIp pushVectorInstr pos putInstr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Stack Manipulation ----------------------------------------------------------- popInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i i popInstr = do qm <- gets $ testMode Mode.Queue . currentIp liftM (fromMaybe 0) $ if qm then do x <- gets $ bottom . currentToss modify $ withToss popBottom return x else do x <- gets $ . currentToss modify $ withToss Deque.pop return x pushInstr :: (I i) => i -> Instruction i () pushInstr n = do im <- gets $ testMode Mode.Invert . currentIp modify $ withToss $ if im then pushBottom n else Deque.push n duplicateInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () duplicateInstr = popInstr >>= replicateM_ 2 . pushInstr swapInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () swapInstr = replicateM 2 popInstr >>= mapM_ pushInstr clearStackInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () clearStackInstr = modify $ withToss $ const mkDeque ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Stack Stack Manipulation ----------------------------------------------------------- beginBlockInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () beginBlockInstr = do n <- popInstr elts <- popVectorInstr n ip <- gets currentIp pushVectorInstr $ mkVector $ genericReplicate (negate n) 0 pushVectorInstr $ getStorageOffset ip let so = getPos ip + getDelta ip modify $ \env -> setStorageOffset so `withIp` (Stack.push mkDeque `withSs` env) pushVectorInstr elts guardSoss :: (I i) => Instruction i () -> Instruction i () guardSoss instr = do noSoss <- gets $ Stack.isEmpty . Stack.pop . currentSs if noSoss then reverseInstr else instr endBlockInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () endBlockInstr = guardSoss $ do n <- popInstr elts <- popVectorInstr n modify $ withSs Stack.pop popDimVectorInstr >>= modify . withIp . setStorageOffset if n >= 0 then pushVectorInstr elts else popNInstr_ $ abs n stackUnderStackInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () stackUnderStackInstr = guardSoss $ do n <- popInstr case compare n 0 of GT -> do toss <- gets currentToss modify $ withSs Stack.pop elts <- popVectorInstr n modify $ withSs $ Stack.push toss pushVectorInstr $ reverseV elts LT -> do elts <- popVectorInstr $ abs n toss <- gets currentToss modify $ withSs Stack.pop pushVectorInstr $ reverseV elts modify $ withSs $ Stack.push toss EQ -> nopInstr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Funge-Space Storage ----------------------------------------------------------- putInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () putInstr = do loc <- popDimVectorInstr x <- popInstr offset <- gets $ getStorageOffset . currentIp modify $ withSpace $ \s -> putCell s (chrCell x) $ loc + offset getInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () getInstr = do loc <- popDimVectorInstr env <- get let s = getSpace env offset = getStorageOffset $ currentIp env x = ordCell $ cellAt s $ loc + offset pushInstr x ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Standard Input/Output ----------------------------------------------------------- tryLiftIO :: IO a -> Instruction i (Maybe a) tryLiftIO io = liftIO $ catch (liftM Just io) $ \e -> const (return Nothing) (e :: IOError) isDigit :: Char -> Bool isDigit = (`elem` ['0'..'9']) outputDecimalInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () outputDecimalInstr = do x <- popInstr outcome <- tryLiftIO $ putStr $ show x ++ " " when (isNothing outcome) reverseInstr outputCharacterInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () outputCharacterInstr = do c <- liftM (fromMaybe '?' . cellToChar . chrCell) popInstr outcome <- tryLiftIO $ putChar c when (isNothing outcome) reverseInstr inputCharacterInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () inputCharacterInstr = do outcome <- tryLiftIO $ do hFlush stdout withBuffering NoBuffering stdin hGetChar case outcome of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just c -> let n = fromIntegral $ ord c in pushInstr n inputDecimalInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () inputDecimalInstr = do ident <- gets $ getId . currentIp outcome <- tryLiftIO $ do hFlush stdout withBuffering NoBuffering stdin $ const $ getDecimal ident maybe reverseInstr pushInstr outcome getDecimal :: (I i) => i -> IO i getDecimal iType = do c <- getChar let k = read [c] :: Integer k' = fromInteger k if isDigit c then case maybeMaxBound `asTypeOf` Just iType of Just bound -> if k > fromIntegral bound then getDecimal iType else getDecimal' k' Nothing -> getDecimal' k' else getDecimal iType getDecimal' :: (I i) => i -> IO i getDecimal' n = do c <- getChar if isDigit c then let k = read [c] n' = 10 * (fromIntegral n :: Integer) + k n'' = fromInteger n' in case maybeMaxBound `asTypeOf` Just n of Just bound -> if n' > fromIntegral bound then return n else getDecimal' n'' Nothing -> getDecimal' n'' else return n ----------------------------------------------------------- -- File Input/Output ----------------------------------------------------------- canonicalizePath' :: (I i) => FilePath -> Instruction i FilePath canonicalizePath' path = if isAbsolute path then return path else do progName <- gets getProgName dir <- liftIO $ liftM takeDirectory $ canonicalizePath progName return $ dir ++ [pathSeparator] ++ path inputFileInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () inputFileInstr = do env <- get let space = getSpace env so = getStorageOffset $ currentIp env dim = getDim env east = takeV dim $ 1 `cons` 0 mFilepath <- liftM sequence popStringInstr flag <- popInstr va <- liftM (so +) popDimVectorInstr case mFilepath of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just filepath -> do cfilepath <- canonicalizePath' filepath m_space_vb <- tryLiftIO $ if testLogicalBit flag 0 then do cells <- withFile cfilepath ReadMode $ \handle -> liftM (map charToCell . BS.unpack) $ BS.hGetContents handle let space' = foldl' (\s (c, p) -> putCell s c p) space $ zip cells $ iterate (+ east) va vb = (takeV dim $ genericLength cells `cons` 0) return (space', vb) else do kidSpace <- withFile cfilepath ReadMode $ \handle -> do contents <- BS.hGetContents handle return $ mkSpace dim contents let (minPos, maxPos, _) = minMaxCoords kidSpace vb = maxPos - minPos + takeV dim 1 space' = putSpaceAt va space kidSpace return (space', vb) case m_space_vb of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just (space', vb) -> do pushVectorInstr vb pushVectorInstr va modify $ withSpace $ const space' linearize :: String -> String linearize = unlines . map (reverse . dropWhile (== ' ') . reverse) . lines outputFileInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () outputFileInstr = do env <- get let dim = getDim env space = getSpace env so = getStorageOffset $ currentIp env mFilepath <- liftM sequence popStringInstr flag <- popInstr va <- popDimVectorInstr vb <- liftM (subtract $ takeV dim 1) popDimVectorInstr let va' = va + so (_ : ~(_ : as)) = unVector va (xb : ~(yb : _)) = unVector vb xs = [0 .. xb] ys = [0 .. yb] cellGrid = if dim == 1 then [[cellAt space $ va' + mkVector [x] | x <- xs]] else [[cellAt space $ va' + mkVector (x : y : as) | x <- xs] | y <- ys] mStr = liftM unlines $ mapM (mapM cellToChar) cellGrid case liftM2 (,) mFilepath mStr of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just (filepath, str) -> do cfilepath <- canonicalizePath' filepath outcome <- tryLiftIO $ withFile cfilepath WriteMode $ \handle -> hPutStr handle $ if testLogicalBit flag 0 then linearize str else str when (isNothing outcome) reverseInstr ----------------------------------------------------------- -- System Execution ----------------------------------------------------------- executeInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () executeInstr = do mStr <- liftM sequence popStringInstr case mStr of Nothing -> pushInstr 1 Just str -> do exitCode <- liftIO $ system str pushInstr $ fromIntegral $ case exitCode of ExitSuccess -> 0 ExitFailure k -> k ----------------------------------------------------------- -- System Information Retrieval ----------------------------------------------------------- getSysInfoInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () getSysInfoInstr = do envVars <- liftIO getEnvironment CalendarTime { ctYear = year , ctMonth = month , ctDay = day , ctHour = hour , ctMin = mins , ctSec = sec } <- liftIO $ getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime n <- popInstr env <- get let dim = getDim env dim' = fromIntegral dim ip = currentIp env space = getSpace env progName = getProgName env args = getFungeArgs env ss = getSs ip (minPos, maxPos, space') = minMaxCoords space do {- 20 -} pushVectorInstr $ joinStrs $ map (\(x, y) -> x ++ "=" ++ y) envVars {- 19 -} pushVectorInstr $ joinStrs $ progName : args {- 18 -} pushVectorInstr $ mkVector $ reverse $ map (fromIntegral . Deque.depth) $ Stack.toList ss {- 17 -} pushInstr $ fromIntegral $ Stack.depth ss {- 16 -} pushInstr $ fromIntegral $ hour * 256 * 256 + mins * 256 + sec {- 15 -} pushInstr $ fromIntegral $ (year - 1900) * 256 * 256 + (fromEnum month + 1) * 256 + day {- 14 -} pushVectorInstr $ maxPos - minPos {- 13 -} pushVectorInstr minPos {- 12 -} pushVectorInstr $ getStorageOffset ip {- 11 -} pushVectorInstr $ getDelta ip {- 10 -} pushVectorInstr $ getPos ip {- 09 -} pushInstr 0 {- 08 -} pushInstr $ getId ip {- 07 -} pushInstr $ fromIntegral dim {- 06 -} pushInstr $ fromIntegral $ ord pathSeparator {- 05 -} pushInstr 1 {- 04 -} pushInstr $ read $ filter isDigit version {- 03 -} pushInstr handprint {- 02 -} pushInstr $ maybe (-1) fromIntegral $ byteSize n {- 01 -} pushInstr $ 0x01 + 0x02 + 0x04 + 0x08 + 0x10 when (n > 0) $ do cell <- gets $ fromMaybe 0 . Deque.dig (n - 1) . currentToss put env pushInstr cell when (n <= 0 || (9 + 3 * dim' < n && n <= 9 + 5 * dim')) $ modify $ withSpace $ const space' where joinStrs = mkVector . map (fromIntegral . ord) . ("\0\0\0" ++) . intercalate "\0" . map reverse ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Fingerprints ----------------------------------------------------------- fingerprintId :: (Integral i) => Vector i -> Integer fingerprintId vec = fromIntegral $ foldl' (\fId x -> fId * 256 + x) 0 xs where xs = unVector vec loadSemanticsInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () loadSemanticsInstr = do count <- popInstr fId <- liftM (fingerprintId . reverseV) $ popVectorInstr count mFingerprint <- gets $ Map.lookup fId . getFingerprints case mFingerprint of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just fingerprint -> do modify $ withSemantics $ Semantics.pushFingerprint fingerprint pushInstr $ fromIntegral fId pushInstr 1 unloadSemanticsInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () unloadSemanticsInstr = do count <- popInstr fId <- liftM (fingerprintId . reverseV) $ popVectorInstr count mFingerprint <- gets $ Map.lookup fId . getFingerprints case mFingerprint of Nothing -> reverseInstr Just fingerprint -> modify $ withSemantics $ Semantics.popFingerprint fingerprint ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Concurrent Funge-98 ----------------------------------------------------------- splitInstr :: (I i) => Instruction i () splitInstr = do env <- get let ip = currentIp env case getValidIds env of [] -> liftIO $ do putStrLn "Cannot create a unique ID for new IP." exitFailure ident : idents -> let newIp = ip { getId = ident, getDelta = negate . getDelta $ ip } in modify $ const $ addSpawnedIp newIp $ env { getValidIds = idents }