{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |GA, a Haskell library for working with genetic algoritms
-- Aug. 2011, by Kenneth Hoste
-- version: 0.1
module GA (Entity(..), 
           evolve) where

import Data.List (intersperse, sortBy, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import System.Random (StdGen, mkStdGen, randoms)


-- |Enable/disable debugging output (hard coded).
debug :: Bool
debug = False

-- |Return value with debugging output if debugging is enabled.
dbg :: String -> a -> a
dbg str x = if debug
                then trace str x
                else x 

-- |Currify a list of elements into tuples.
currify :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
currify (x:y:xs) = (x,y):currify xs
currify [] = []
currify [_] = error "(currify) ERROR: only one element left?!?"

-- |Take and drop elements of a list in a single pass.
takeAndDrop :: Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
takeAndDrop n xs
        | n > 0     = let (hs,ts) = takeAndDrop (n-1) (tail xs) in (head xs:hs, ts)
        | otherwise = ([],xs)

-- |Configuration for genetic algorithm.
data GAConfig = GAConfig {
                -- |population size
                popSize :: Int, 
                -- |size of archive (best entities so far)
                archiveSize :: Int, 
                -- |maximum number of generations to evolve
                maxGenerations :: Int, 
                -- |fraction of entities generated by crossover (tip: >= 0.80)
                crossoverRate :: Float, 
                -- |fraction of entities generated by mutation (tip: <= 0.20)
                mutationRate :: Float, 
                -- |parameter for crossover (semantics depend on actual crossover operator)
                crossoverParam :: Float, 
                -- |parameter for mutation (semantics depend on actual mutation operator)
                mutationParam :: Float, 
                -- |enable/disable built-in checkpointing mechanism
                withCheckpointing :: Bool 

-- |Type class for entities that represent a candidate solution.
-- Three parameters:
-- * data structure representing an entity (a)
-- * data used to score an entity, e.g. a list of numbers (b)
-- * some kind of pool used to generate random entities, e.g. a Hoogle database (c)
class (Eq a, Read a, Show a, ShowEntity a) => Entity a b c | a -> b, a -> c where
  -- |Generate a random entity.
  genRandom :: c -> Int -> a
  -- |Crossover operator: combine two entities into a new entity.
  crossover :: c -> Float -> Int -> a -> a -> Maybe a
  -- |Mutation operator: mutate an entity into a new entity.
  mutation :: c -> Float -> Int -> a -> Maybe a
  -- |Score an entity (lower is better).
  score :: a -> b -> Double

-- |A possibly scored entity.
type ScoredEntity a = (Maybe Double, a)

-- |Scored generation (population and archive).
type ScoredGen a = ([ScoredEntity a],[ScoredEntity a])

-- |Type class for pretty printing an entity instead of just using the default show implementation.
class ShowEntity a where
  -- |Show an entity.
  showEntity :: a -> String

-- |Show a scored entity.
showScoredEntity :: ShowEntity a => ScoredEntity a -> String
showScoredEntity (score,e) = "(" ++ show score ++ ", " ++ showEntity e ++ ")"

-- |Show a list of scored entities.
showScoredEntities :: ShowEntity a => [ScoredEntity a] -> String
showScoredEntities es = ("["++) . (++"]") . concat . intersperse "," $ map showScoredEntity es

-- |Initialize: generate initial population.
initPop :: (Entity a b c) => c -> Int -> [Int] -> ([Int],[a])
initPop src n seeds = (seeds'', entities)
    (seeds',seeds'')  = takeAndDrop n seeds
    entities = map (genRandom src) seeds'

-- |Score an entity (if it hasn't been already).
scoreEnt :: (Entity a b c) => b -> ScoredEntity a -> ScoredEntity a
scoreEnt d e@(Just _,_) = e
scoreEnt d (Nothing,x) = (Just $ score x d, x)

-- |Binary tournament selection operator.
tournamentSelection :: [ScoredEntity a] -> Int -> a
tournamentSelection xs seed = if s1 < s2 then x1 else x2
    len = length xs
    g = mkStdGen seed
    is = take 2 $ map (flip mod len) $ randoms g
    [(s1,x1),(s2,x2)] = map ((!!) xs) is

-- |Function to perform a single evolution step:
-- * score all entities
-- * combine with best entities so far
-- * sort by fitness
-- * create new population using crossover/mutation
evolutionStep :: (Entity a b c) => c -> b -> (Int,Int,Int) -> (Float,Float) -> ScoredGen a -> (Int,Int) -> ScoredGen a
evolutionStep src d (cn,mn,an) (crossPar,mutPar) (pop,archive) (gi,seed) = dbg (   "\n\ngeneration " ++ (show gi) ++ ": \n\n" 
                                                                              ++ "  scored population: " ++ (showScoredEntities scoredPop) ++ "\n\n"
                                                                              ++ "  archive: " ++ (showScoredEntities archive') ++ "\n\n"
                                                                              ++ "  archive fitnesses: " ++ (show $ map fst archive') ++ "\n\n"
                                                                              ++ "  generated " ++ show (length pop') ++ " entities\n\n"
                                                                              ++ (replicate 150 '='))
    -- score population
    scoredPop = map (scoreEnt d) pop
    -- combine with archive for selection
    combo = scoredPop ++ archive
    -- split seeds for crossover selection/seeds, mutation selection/seeds
    seeds = randoms (mkStdGen seed) :: [Int]
    -- generate twice as many crossover/mutation entities as needed, because crossover/mutation can fail
    (crossSelSeeds,seeds')   = takeAndDrop (2*2*cn) seeds
    (crossSeeds   ,seeds'')  = takeAndDrop (2*cn) seeds'
    (mutSelSeeds  ,seeds''') = takeAndDrop (2*mn) seeds''
    (mutSeeds     ,_)        = takeAndDrop (2*mn) seeds'''
    -- crossover entities
    crossSel = currify $ map (tournamentSelection combo) crossSelSeeds
    crossEnts = take cn $ map fromJust $ filter isJust $ zipWith ($) (map (uncurry . (crossover src crossPar)) crossSeeds) crossSel
    -- mutation entities
    mutSel = map (tournamentSelection combo) mutSelSeeds
    mutEnts = take cn $ map fromJust $ filter isJust $ zipWith ($) (map (mutation src mutPar) mutSeeds) mutSel
    -- new population: crossovered + mutated entities
    pop' = zip (repeat Nothing) $ crossEnts ++ mutEnts
    -- new archive: best entities so far
    archive' = take an $ nub $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ filter (isJust . fst) combo

-- |Generate file name for checkpoint.
chkptFileName :: GAConfig -> (Int,Int) -> FilePath
chkptFileName cfg (gi,seed) = dbg fn fn
    cfgTxt = (show $ popSize cfg) ++ "-" ++ 
             (show $ archiveSize cfg) ++ "-" ++
             (show $ crossoverRate cfg) ++ "-" ++
             (show $ mutationRate cfg) ++ "-" ++
             (show $ crossoverParam cfg) ++ "-" ++
             (show $ mutationParam cfg)
    fn = "checkpoints/GA-" ++ cfgTxt ++ "-gen" ++ (show gi) ++ "-seed-" ++ (show seed) ++ ".chk"

-- |Try to restore from checkpoint: first checkpoint for which a checkpoint file is found is restored.
restoreFromCheckpoint :: (Entity a b c) => GAConfig -> [(Int,Int)] -> IO (Maybe (Int,ScoredGen a))
restoreFromCheckpoint cfg ((gi,seed):genSeeds) = do
                                                  chkptFound <- doesFileExist fn
                                                  if chkptFound 
                                                    then do
                                                          txt <- dbg ("chk for gen. " ++ (show gi) ++ " found") readFile fn
                                                          return $ Just (gi, read txt)
                                                    else restoreFromCheckpoint cfg genSeeds
    fn = chkptFileName cfg (gi,seed)
restoreFromCheckpoint cfg [] = return Nothing

-- |Checkpoint a single generation.
checkpointGen :: (Entity a b c) => GAConfig -> Int -> Int -> ScoredGen a -> IO()
checkpointGen cfg index seed (pop,archive) = do
                                           let txt = show $ (pop,archive)
                                               fn = chkptFileName cfg (index,seed)
                                           if debug 
                                              then putStrLn $ "writing checkpoint for gen " ++ (show index) ++ " to " ++ fn
                                              else return ()
                                           createDirectoryIfMissing True "checkpoints"
                                           writeFile fn txt

-- |Evolution: evaluate generation, (maybe) checkpoint, continue.
evolution :: (Entity a b c) => GAConfig -> ScoredGen a -> (ScoredGen a -> (Int,Int) -> ScoredGen a) -> [(Int,Int)] -> IO (ScoredGen a)
evolution cfg (pop,archive) step ((gi,seed):gss) = do
                                             let newPa@(_,archive') = step (pop,archive) (gi,seed)
                                                 (Just fitness, e) = head archive'
                                             -- checkpoint generation if desired
                                             if (withCheckpointing cfg)
                                               then checkpointGen cfg gi seed newPa
                                               else return () -- skip checkpoint
                                             putStrLn $ "best entity (gen. " ++ show gi ++ "): " ++ (show e) ++ " [fitness: " ++ show fitness ++ "]"
                                             -- check for perfect entity
                                             if (fromJust $ fst $ head archive') == 0.0
                                                then do 
                                                        putStrLn $ "perfect entity found, finished after " ++ show gi ++ " generations!"
                                                        return newPa
                                                else evolution cfg newPa step gss
-- no more gen. indices/seeds => quit
evolution cfg (pop,archive) _              []    = do 
                                                      putStrLn $ "done evolving!"
                                                      return (pop,archive)
-- |Do the evolution!
evolve :: (Entity a b c) => StdGen -> GAConfig -> c -> b -> IO a
evolve g cfg src dataset = do
                -- generate list of random integers
                let rs = randoms g :: [Int]

                    -- initial population
                let (rs',pop) = initPop src (popSize cfg) rs

                let ps = popSize cfg
                    -- number of entities generated by crossover/mutation
                    cCnt = round $ (crossoverRate cfg) * (fromIntegral ps)
                    mCnt = round $ (mutationRate cfg) * (fromIntegral ps)
                    -- archive size
                    aSize = archiveSize cfg
                    -- crossover/mutation parameters
                    crossPar = crossoverParam cfg
                    mutPar = mutationParam cfg
                    --  seeds for evolution
                    seeds = take (maxGenerations cfg) rs'
                    -- seeds per generation
                    genSeeds = zip [0..] seeds
                    -- checkpoint?
                    checkpointing = withCheckpointing cfg
                    -- do the evolution
                restored <- if checkpointing
                               then restoreFromCheckpoint cfg (reverse genSeeds) :: (Entity a b c) => IO (Maybe (Int,ScoredGen a))
                               else return Nothing
                let (gi,(pop',archive')) = if isJust restored
                                          -- restored pop/archive from checkpoint
                                          then dbg ("restored from checkpoint!\n\n") $ fromJust restored 
                                          -- restore failed, new population and empty archive
                                          else dbg (if checkpointing then "no checkpoint found...\n\n"
                                                                       else "checkpoints ignored...\n\n") 
                                                         (-1, (zip (repeat Nothing) pop, []))
                (resPop,resArchive) <- evolution cfg (pop',archive') (evolutionStep src dataset (cCnt,mCnt,aSize) (crossPar,mutPar)) (filter ((>gi) . fst) genSeeds)
                if null resArchive
                  then error $ "(evolve) empty archive!"
                  else return $ snd $ head resArchive