{-- - Example for GA package - see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GA - - Evolve the string "Hello World!" --} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} import Data.Char (chr,ord) import Data.List (foldl') import System.Random (mkStdGen, random, randoms) import GA (Entity(..), GAConfig(..), evolveVerbose) -- efficient sum sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a sum' = foldl' (+) 0 -- -- GA TYPE CLASS IMPLEMENTATION -- type Sentence = String type Target = String type Letter = Char instance Entity Sentence Double Target [Letter] IO where -- generate a random entity, i.e. a random string -- assumption: max. 100 chars, only 'printable' ASCII (first 128) genRandom pool seed = return $ take n $ map ((!!) pool) is where g = mkStdGen seed n = (fst $ random g) `mod` 101 k = length pool is = map (flip mod k) $ randoms g -- crossover operator: mix (and trim to shortest entity) crossover _ _ seed e1 e2 = return $ Just e where g = mkStdGen seed cps = zipWith (\x y -> [x,y]) e1 e2 picks = map (flip mod 2) $ randoms g e = zipWith (!!) cps picks -- mutation operator: use next or previous letter randomly and add random characters (max. 9) mutation pool p seed e = return $ Just $ (zipWith replace tweaks e) ++ addChars where g = mkStdGen seed k = round (1 / p) :: Int tweaks = randoms g :: [Int] replace i x = if (i `mod` k) == 0 then if even i then if x > (minBound :: Char) then pred x else succ x else if x < (maxBound :: Char) then succ x else pred x else x is = map (flip mod $ length pool) $ randoms g addChars = take (seed `mod` 10) $ map ((!!) pool) is -- score: distance between current string and target -- sum of 'distances' between letters, large penalty for additional/short letters -- NOTE: lower is better score x e = return $ Just $ fromIntegral $ d + 100*l where e' = map ord e x' = map ord x d = sum' $ map abs $ zipWith (-) e' x' l = abs $ (length x) - (length e) -- whether or not a scored entity is perfect isPerfect (_,s) = s == 0.0 main :: IO() main = do let cfg = GAConfig 100 -- population size 25 -- archive size (best entities to keep track of) 300 -- maximum number of generations 0.8 -- crossover rate (% of entities by crossover) 0.2 -- mutation rate (% of entities by mutation) 0.0 -- parameter for crossover (not used here) 0.2 -- parameter for mutation (% of replaced letters) False -- whether or not to use checkpointing False -- don't rescore archive in each generation g = mkStdGen 0 -- random generator -- pool of characters to pick from charsPool = map chr [32..126] -- Do the evolution! -- Note: if either of the last two arguments is unused, just use () as a value es <- evolveVerbose g cfg charsPool "Hello World!" let e = snd $ head es :: String putStrLn $ "best entity: " ++ (show e)