This program is adapted from GLFW/example/example.hs to use monad-control library, and is identital to the code from the tutorial [Invert the Inversion of Control](, which has more details. To demonstrate the usage of GLFW for OpenGL based Haskell applications, here is a sample program that allows user to draw lines by holding the left mouse button and move the mouse. \begin{code} import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW import Graphics.UI.GLFW.Task import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL (($=)) import Control.Monad.Task import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad import Prelude hiding (lines) main = do GLFW.initialize -- open window GLFW.openWindow (GL.Size 400 400) [GLFW.DisplayAlphaBits 8] GLFW.Window GLFW.windowTitle $= "GLFW Demo" GL.shadeModel $= GL.Smooth -- enable antialiasing GL.lineSmooth $= GL.Enabled GL.blend $= GL.Enabled GL.blendFunc $= (GL.SrcAlpha, GL.OneMinusSrcAlpha) GL.lineWidth $= 1.5 -- set the color to clear background GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 0 0 0 0 -- run the main app lineTask -- finish up GLFW.closeWindow GLFW.terminate set2DViewport size@(GL.Size w h) = do GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, size) GL.matrixMode $= GL.Projection GL.loadIdentity GL.ortho2D 0 (realToFrac w) (realToFrac h) 0 type Lines = [(GL.GLint, GL.GLint)] drawLines :: Lines -> IO () drawLines lines = do GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer] GL.color $ GL.Color3 1 0 (0::GL.GLdouble) GL.renderPrimitive GL.Lines $ mapM_ (\ (x, y) -> GL.vertex (GL.Vertex3 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (0::GL.GLdouble))) lines data S = S { lines :: Lines, dirty :: Bool } type M a = TaskT Event (StateT S IO) a getLines = fmap lines get modifyLines f = modify $ \x -> x { lines = f (lines x), dirty = True } getDirty = fmap dirty get putDirty y = modify $ \x -> x { dirty = y } repeatUntil f m = loop where loop = m >> watch Just >>= maybe loop return . f buttonPress = onButton >=> isPress buttonRelease = onButton >=> isRelease isESC = onKey >=> isPress >=> isKey GLFW.ESC lineTask :: IO () lineTask = (`evalStateT` (S [] False)) . runTask $ do -- here the monad is of type M () waitForEvents <- liftIO registerTaskCallbacks fork $ forever $ watch onSize >>= liftIO . set2DViewport fork $ forever $ watch onClose >> exit fork $ forever $ watch onRefresh >> putDirty True fork $ forever $ watch isESC >> exit fork $ forever $ interaction forever $ do waitForEvents d <- getDirty when d $ getLines >>= liftIO . drawLines >> liftIO GLFW.swapBuffers putDirty False yield where interaction = do watch buttonPress (GL.Position x y) <- liftIO $ GL.get GLFW.mousePos modifyLines (((x,y):) . ((x,y):)) repeatUntil buttonRelease $ do (GL.Position x y) <- liftIO $ GL.get GLFW.mousePos modifyLines (((x,y):) . tail) \end{code}