-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.UI.GLUT.Fonts
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sven Panne 2002-2013
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Sven Panne <svenpanne@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- GLUT supports two types of font rendering: stroke fonts, meaning each
-- character is rendered as a set of line segments; and bitmap fonts, where each
-- character is a bitmap generated with
-- 'Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Bitmaps.bitmap'. Stroke fonts have the
-- advantage that because they are geometry, they can be arbitrarily scale and
-- rendered. Bitmap fonts are less flexible since they are rendered as bitmaps
-- but are usually faster than stroke fonts.

module Graphics.UI.GLUT.Fonts (
   Font(..), BitmapFont(..), StrokeFont(..),
) where

import Data.Char
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL ( GLint, GLfloat )
import Graphics.UI.GLUT.Raw


class Font a where
   -- | Render the string in the named font, without using any display lists.
   -- Rendering a nonexistent character has no effect.
   -- If the font is a bitmap font, 'renderString' automatically sets the OpenGL
   -- unpack pixel storage modes it needs appropriately and saves and restores
   -- the previous modes before returning. The generated call to
   -- 'Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.bitmap' will adjust the current raster
   -- position based on the width of the string.
   -- If the font is a stroke font,
   -- 'Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans.translate' is used to translate
   -- the current model view matrix to advance the width of the string.

   renderString :: a -> String -> IO ()

   -- | For a bitmap font, return the width in pixels of a string. For a stroke
   -- font, return the width in units. While the width of characters in a font
   -- may vary (though fixed width fonts do not vary), the maximum height
   -- characteristics of a particular font are fixed.

   stringWidth :: a -> String -> IO GLint

   -- | (/freeglut only/) For a bitmap font, return the maximum height of the
   -- characters in the given font measured in pixels. For a stroke font,
   -- return the width in units.

   fontHeight :: a -> IO GLfloat

instance Font BitmapFont where
   renderString = bitmapString
   stringWidth  = bitmapLength
   fontHeight   = bitmapHeight

instance Font StrokeFont where
   renderString = strokeString
   stringWidth  = strokeLength
   fontHeight   = strokeHeight


-- | The bitmap fonts available in GLUT. The exact bitmap to be used is
-- defined by the standard X glyph bitmaps for the X font with the given name.

data BitmapFont
   = Fixed8By13   -- ^ A fixed width font with every character fitting in an 8
                  --   by 13 pixel rectangle.
                  --   (@-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-80-iso8859-1@)
   | Fixed9By15   -- ^ A fixed width font with every character fitting in an 9
                  --   by 15 pixel rectangle.
                  --   (@-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-C-90-iso8859-1@)
   | TimesRoman10 -- ^ A 10-point proportional spaced Times Roman font.
                  --   (@-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-54-iso8859-1@)
   | TimesRoman24 -- ^ A 24-point proportional spaced Times Roman font.
                  --   (@-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--24-240-75-75-p-124-iso8859-1@)
   | Helvetica10  -- ^ A 10-point proportional spaced Helvetica font.
                  --   (@-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1@)
   | Helvetica12  -- ^ A 12-point proportional spaced Helvetica font.
                  --   (@-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1@)
   | Helvetica18  -- ^ A 18-point proportional spaced Helvetica font.
                  --   (@-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1@)
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- Alas, fonts in GLUT are not denoted by some integral value, but by opaque
-- pointers on the C side. Even worse: For WinDoze, they are simply small ints,
-- casted to void*, for other platforms addresses of global variables are used.
-- And all is done via ugly #ifdef-ed #defines... Aaaaargl! So the only portable
-- way is using integers on the Haskell side and doing the marshaling via some
-- small C wrappers around those macros. *sigh*
type GLUTbitmapFont = Ptr ()

marhshalBitmapFont :: BitmapFont -> IO GLUTbitmapFont
marhshalBitmapFont x = case x of
   Fixed8By13 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 0
   Fixed9By15 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 1
   TimesRoman10 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 2
   TimesRoman24 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 3
   Helvetica10 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 4
   Helvetica12 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 5
   Helvetica18 -> hs_GLUT_marshalBitmapFont 6


-- | The stroke fonts available in GLUT.
data StrokeFont
   = Roman     -- ^ A proportionally spaced Roman Simplex font for ASCII
               --   characters 32 through 127. The maximum top character in the
               --   font is 119.05 units; the bottom descends 33.33 units.
   | MonoRoman -- ^ A mono-spaced spaced Roman Simplex font (same characters as
               --   'Roman') for ASCII characters 32 through 127. The maximum
               --   top character in the font is 119.05 units; the bottom
               --   descends 33.33 units. Each character is 104.76 units wide.
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- Same remarks as for GLUTbitmapFont
type GLUTstrokeFont = Ptr ()

marhshalStrokeFont :: StrokeFont -> IO GLUTstrokeFont
marhshalStrokeFont x = case x of
   Roman -> hs_GLUT_marshalStrokeFont 0
   MonoRoman -> hs_GLUT_marshalStrokeFont 1


bitmapString :: BitmapFont -> String -> IO ()
bitmapString f s = do
   i <- marhshalBitmapFont f
   mapM_ (\c -> withChar c (glutBitmapCharacter i)) s

withChar :: Char -> (CInt -> IO a) -> IO a
withChar c f = f . fromIntegral . ord $ c


strokeString :: StrokeFont -> String -> IO ()
strokeString f s = do
   i <- marhshalStrokeFont f
   mapM_ (\c -> withChar c (glutStrokeCharacter i)) s


bitmapLength :: BitmapFont -- ^ Bitmap font to use.
             -> String     -- ^ String to return width of (not confined to 8
                           --   bits).
             -> IO GLint   -- ^ Width in pixels.
bitmapLength f s = do
   i <- marhshalBitmapFont f
   fmap fromIntegral $ withCString s (glutBitmapLength i . castPtr)


strokeLength :: StrokeFont -- ^ Stroke font to use.
             -> String     -- ^ String to return width of (not confined to 8
                           --   bits).
             -> IO GLint   -- ^ Width in units.
strokeLength f s = do
   i <- marhshalStrokeFont f
   fmap fromIntegral $ withCString s (glutStrokeLength i . castPtr)


bitmapHeight :: BitmapFont -- ^ Bitmap font to use.
             -> IO GLfloat -- ^ Height in pixels.
bitmapHeight f = fmap fromIntegral $ glutBitmapHeight =<< marhshalBitmapFont f


strokeHeight :: StrokeFont -- ^ Stroke font to use.
             -> IO GLfloat -- ^ Height in units.
strokeHeight f = glutStrokeHeight =<< marhshalStrokeFont f