-- Module      :  Rasterizer
-- Copyright   :  Tobias Bexelius
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Tobias Bexelius
-- Stability   :  Experimental
-- Portability :  Portable
-- |

module Rasterizer (
) where

import Shader
import Data.Vec ((:.)(..), Vec2, Vec3, Vec4)
import GPUStream
import Control.Monad.State

-- | A monad in which vertex data gets converted to fragment data.
--   Use 'toFragment' in the existing instances of 'VertexOutput' to operate in this monad.
newtype Rasterizer a = Rasterizer {fromRasterizer :: State [Shader String] a} deriving Monad

-- | The context of types that can be rasterized from vertices in 'PrimitiveStream's to fragments in 'FragmentStream's.
--   Create your own instances in terms of the existing ones, e.g. convert your vertex data to 'Vertex' 'Float's,
--   turn them into 'Fragment' 'Float's with 'toFragment' and then convert them to your fragment data representation.
class GPU a => VertexOutput a where
    -- | The corresponding type in the 'FragmentStream' after rasterization.
    type FragmentInput a
    -- | Turns a vertex value into a fragment value in the 'Rasterizer' monad. This should not be strict on its argument.
    --   Its definition should also always use the same series of 'toFragment' calls to convert values of the same type. This unfortunatly
    --   rules out ordinary lists (but instances for fixed length lists from the Vec package are however provided). 
    toFragment :: a -> Rasterizer (FragmentInput a) 

instance VertexOutput (Vertex Float) where
    type  FragmentInput (Vertex Float) = Fragment Float
    toFragment (Vertex a) = Rasterizer $ do x <- gets length
                                            modify (a:)
                                            return $ Fragment $ do addInput x
                                                                   return $ "fa" ++ show x

instance VertexOutput () where
    type FragmentInput () = ()
    toFragment () = return ()                                         
instance (VertexOutput a,VertexOutput b) => VertexOutput (a,b) where
    type FragmentInput (a,b) = (FragmentInput a, FragmentInput b)
    toFragment (a, b) = do a' <- toFragment a
                           b' <- toFragment b
                           return (a', b')
instance (VertexOutput a,VertexOutput b,VertexOutput c) => VertexOutput (a,b,c) where
    type FragmentInput (a,b,c) = (FragmentInput a, FragmentInput b, FragmentInput c)
    toFragment (a, b, c) = do a' <- toFragment a
                              b' <- toFragment b
                              c' <- toFragment c
                              return (a', b', c')
instance (VertexOutput a,VertexOutput b,VertexOutput c,VertexOutput d) => VertexOutput (a,b,c,d) where
    type FragmentInput (a,b,c,d) = (FragmentInput a, FragmentInput b, FragmentInput c, FragmentInput d)
    toFragment (a, b, c, d) = do a' <- toFragment a
                                 b' <- toFragment b
                                 c' <- toFragment c
                                 d' <- toFragment d
                                 return (a', b', c', d')

instance (VertexOutput a, VertexOutput b) => VertexOutput (a:.b) where
    type FragmentInput (a:.b) = FragmentInput a :. FragmentInput b
    toFragment (a:.b) = do a' <- toFragment a
                           b' <- toFragment b
                           return $ a':.b'

-- | Rasterize front side of all types of primitives with vertices containing canonical view coordinates into fragments.    
rasterizeFront :: VertexOutput a
          => PrimitiveStream p (VertexPosition, a) -- ^ The primitive stream with vertices containing canonical view coordinates and data to be interpolated.
          -> FragmentStream (FragmentInput a) -- ^ The resulting fragment stream with fragments containing the interpolated values.
rasterizeFront (PrimitiveStream []) = FragmentStream []
rasterizeFront (PrimitiveStream xs) = FragmentStream $ map rasterizeOne xs
	where rasterizeOne (pdesc, (pos, va)) = ((pdesc, CullBack, fs, getPositionCode pos), true, fa)
                                            where (fa, fs) = getFragmentInput va

-- | Rasterize both sides of triangles with vertices containing canonical view coordinates into fragments, also returning the primitives side in the fragments.    
rasterizeFrontAndBack :: VertexOutput a
                      => PrimitiveStream Triangle (VertexPosition, a) -- ^ The primitive stream with vertices containing canonical view coordinates and data to be interpolated.
                      -> FragmentStream (Fragment Bool, FragmentInput a) -- ^ The resulting fragment stream with fragments containing a bool saying if the primitive was front facing and the interpolated values.
rasterizeFrontAndBack (PrimitiveStream []) = FragmentStream []
rasterizeFrontAndBack (PrimitiveStream xs) = FragmentStream $ map rasterizeOne xs
	where rasterizeOne (pdesc, (pos, va)) = ((pdesc, CullNone, fs, getPositionCode pos), true, (Fragment $ return "gl_FrontFacing", fa))
                                            where (fa, fs) = getFragmentInput va

-- | Rasterize back side of triangles with vertices containing canonical view coordinates into fragments.    
rasterizeBack :: VertexOutput a
              => PrimitiveStream Triangle (VertexPosition, a)  -- ^ The primitive stream with vertices containing canonical view coordinates and data to be interpolated.
              -> FragmentStream  (FragmentInput a) -- ^ The resulting fragment stream with fragments containing the interpolated values.
rasterizeBack (PrimitiveStream []) = FragmentStream []
rasterizeBack (PrimitiveStream xs) = FragmentStream $ map rasterizeOne xs
	where rasterizeOne (pdesc, (pos, va)) = ((pdesc, CullFront, fs, getPositionCode pos), true, fa)
	                                        where (fa, fs) = getFragmentInput va

-- Private

getPositionCode (Vertex x :. Vertex y :.  Vertex z :. Vertex w :. ()) = do x' <- x
                                                                           y' <- y
                                                                           z' <- z
                                                                           w' <- w
                                                                           return $ "vec4(" ++ x' ++ "," ++ y' ++ "," ++ z' ++ "," ++ w' ++ ")"

getFragmentInput ::  VertexOutput a => a -> (FragmentInput a, [Shader String])
getFragmentInput = flip runState [] . revState . fromRasterizer . toFragment
    revState m = do x <- m
                    modify reverse
                    return x