GPipe-Core- Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines all functions and types for drawing into a context window or texture from a Shader.


Draw into the context window

drawWindowColor :: forall os s c ds. ContextColorFormat c => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c) -> Shader os s () Source #

Draw color values from a FragmentStream into the window.

drawWindowDepth :: forall os s c ds. DepthRenderable ds => (s -> (Window os c ds, DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream FragDepth -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a depth test for each fragment from a FragmentStream in the window. This doesn't draw any color values and only affects the depth buffer.

drawWindowColorDepth :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, DepthRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c, FragDepth) -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a depth test for each fragment from a FragmentStream and write a color value from each fragment that passes the test into the window.

drawWindowStencil :: forall os s c ds. StencilRenderable ds => (s -> (Window os c ds, StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream () -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a stencil test for each fragment from a FragmentStream in the window. This doesn't draw any color values and only affects the stencil buffer.

drawWindowColorStencil :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c) -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a stencil test for each fragment from a FragmentStream and write a color value from each fragment that passes the test into the window.

drawWindowDepthStencil :: forall os s c ds. (DepthRenderable ds, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream FragDepth -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a stencil test and depth test (in that order) for each fragment from a FragmentStream in the window. This doesnt draw any color values and only affects the depth and stencil buffer.

drawWindowColorDepthStencil :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, DepthRenderable ds, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c, FragDepth) -> Shader os s () Source #

Perform a stencil test and depth test (in that order) for each fragment from a FragmentStream and write a color value from each fragment that passes the tests into the window.

Draw into one or more texture images

draw :: forall a os f s. (s -> Blending) -> FragmentStream a -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () Source #

Draw all fragments in a FragmentStream using the provided function that passes each fragment value into a DrawColors monad. The first argument is a function that retrieves a Blending setting from the shader environment, which will be used for all drawColor actions in the DrawColors monad where UseBlending is True. (OpenGL 3.3 unfortunately doesn't support having different blending settings for different color targets.)

TODO: we're using OpenGL 4.5 now. Is this still true?

drawDepth :: forall a os f s d. DepthRenderable d => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format d), DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream (a, FragDepth) -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () Source #

Like draw, but performs a depth test on each fragment first. The DrawColors monad is then only run for fragments where the depth test passes.

drawStencil :: forall a os f s st. StencilRenderable st => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format st), StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream a -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () Source #

Like draw, but performs a stencil test on each fragment first. The DrawColors monad is then only run for fragments where the stencil test passes.

drawDepthStencil :: forall a os f s d st. (DepthRenderable d, StencilRenderable st) => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format d), Image (Format st), DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream (a, FragDepth) -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () Source #

Like draw, but performs a stencil test and a depth test (in that order) on each fragment first. The DrawColors monad is then only run for fragments where the stencil and depth test passes.

drawColor :: forall c s os. ColorRenderable c => (s -> (Image (Format c), ColorMask c, UseBlending)) -> FragColor c -> DrawColors os s () Source #

Draw color values into a color renderable texture image.

data DrawColors os s a Source #

A monad in which individual color images can be drawn.


Instances details
Monad (DrawColors os s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.GPipe.Internal.FrameBuffer


(>>=) :: DrawColors os s a -> (a -> DrawColors os s b) -> DrawColors os s b #

(>>) :: DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b -> DrawColors os s b #

return :: a -> DrawColors os s a #

Functor (DrawColors os s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.GPipe.Internal.FrameBuffer


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b #

(<$) :: a -> DrawColors os s b -> DrawColors os s a #

Applicative (DrawColors os s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.GPipe.Internal.FrameBuffer


pure :: a -> DrawColors os s a #

(<*>) :: DrawColors os s (a -> b) -> DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b -> DrawColors os s c #

(*>) :: DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b -> DrawColors os s b #

(<*) :: DrawColors os s a -> DrawColors os s b -> DrawColors os s a #

Texture images

data Image f Source #

A texture image is a reference to a 2D array of pixels in a texture. Some textures contain one Image per level of detail while some contain several.


Instances details
Eq (Image f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Texture


(==) :: Image f -> Image f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Image f -> Image f -> Bool #

imageEquals :: Image a -> Image b -> Bool Source #

Compare two images that doesn't necessarily has same type

imageSize :: Image f -> V2 Int Source #

Retrieve the 2D size an image

Clearing the context window

Use these functions to clear the color, depth or stencil values in the context's window

clearWindowColor :: forall os c ds. ContextColorFormat c => Window os c ds -> Color c Float -> Render os () Source #

Fill the window's back buffer with a constant color value

clearWindowDepth :: DepthRenderable ds => Window os c ds -> Float -> Render os () Source #

Fill the window's back depth buffer with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1])

clearWindowStencil :: StencilRenderable ds => Window os c ds -> Int -> Render os () Source #

Fill the window's back stencil buffer with a constant stencil value

clearWindowDepthStencil :: Window os c DepthStencil -> Float -> Int -> Render os () Source #

Fill the window's back depth and stencil buffers with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) and a constant stencil value

Clearing texture images

Use these functions to clear the color, depth or stencil values in texture images.

clearImageColor :: forall c os. ColorRenderable c => Image (Format c) -> Color c (ColorElement c) -> Render os () Source #

Fill a color image with a constant color value

clearImageDepth :: DepthRenderable d => Image (Format d) -> Float -> Render os () Source #

Fill a depth image with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1])

clearImageStencil :: StencilRenderable s => Image (Format s) -> Int -> Render os () Source #

Fill a depth image with a constant stencil value

clearImageDepthStencil :: Image (Format DepthStencil) -> Float -> Int -> Render os () Source #

Fill a combined depth stencil image with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) and a constant stencil value

Color drawing types

type ColorMask f = Color f Bool Source #

True for each color component that should be written to the target.

type UseBlending = Bool Source #

Indicates whether this color draw should use the Blending setting given to the draw action. If this is False, the fragment's color value will simply replace the target value.

data Blending Source #

Denotes how each fragment's color value should be blended with the target value.



The fragment's color will simply replace the target value.

BlendRgbAlpha (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) (BlendingFactors, BlendingFactors) ConstantColor

The fragment's color will be blended using an equation and a set of factors for the RGB components, and a separate equation and set of factors for the Alpha component (if present), and a ConstantColor that may be referenced from the BlendingFactors. The ConstantColor may be undefined if none of the BlendingFactors needs it. This kind of blending will only be made on colors with a Float representation (e.g. RGB8 or RGB32F, but not RGB8I), integer colors will simply replace the target value.

LogicOp LogicOp

A logical operation that will be done on the bits of the fragment color and the target color. This kind of blending is only done on colors that has a integral internal representation (e.g. RGB8 or RGB8I, but not RGB32F; note the difference with BlendRgbAlpha restriction). For targets with an internal floating point representation, the fragment value will simply replace the target value.

data BlendingFactors Source #

A set of blending factors used for the source (fragment) and the destination (target).

data BlendEquation Source #

The equation used to combine the source (fragment) and the destination (target) after they have been multiplied with their respective BlendingFactors.

data BlendingFactor Source #

A factor that the source (fragment) or the destination (target) will be multiplied with before combined with the other in the BlendEquation.

data LogicOp Source #

A bitwise logical operation that will be used to combine colors that has an integral internal representation.

Depth drawing types

type DepthMask = Bool Source #

True if the depth component should be written to the target.

type DepthFunction = ComparisonFunction Source #

The function used to compare the fragment's depth and the depth buffers depth with. E.g. Less means "where fragment's depth is less than the buffers current depth".

Stencil drawing types

data FrontBack a Source #




data StencilOp Source #

Denotes the operation that will be performed on the target's stencil value