

 Copied from <http://haskell.1045720.n5.nabble.com/Deriving-Read-with-Template-Haskell-Re-automatic-instances-for-pretty-printing-and-parsing-td3197647.html>, and modified a bit.

  Observing a structure of a datatype in a uniform way no matter
  whether it was defined in infix, prefix or record form.

  This code is based on the @Derive@ module from the SYB3 code distribution,
  (C) 2005, Ralf Laemmel and Simon Peyton Jones, see

module GTA.Util.TypeInfo (TypeInfo, typeInfo, simpleName) where

import Language.Haskell.TH

  The first part is the name, the second - a list of type parameters,
  the third - a list of constructors. For each constructor we have a name
  and a list describing constructor fields.
--type TypeInfo = (Name, [Name], [(Name, [(Maybe Name, Type)])])
type TypeInfo = (Name, [TyVarBndr], [(Name, [(Maybe Name, Type)])])

  Returns type information of a given type.
typeInfo :: Name -> Q TypeInfo
typeInfo name = do
  info' <- reify name
  case info' of
    TyConI d -> typeInfo' ((return d) :: Q Dec)
    _        -> error ("typeInfo: can't be used on anything but a type " ++
                       "constructor of an algebraic data type")

typeInfo' :: DecQ -> Q TypeInfo
typeInfo' m =
     do d <- m
        case d of
           d@(DataD _ _ _ _ _) ->
            return $ (name d, paramsA d, termsA d)
           d@(NewtypeD _ _ _ _ _) ->
            return $ (name d, paramsA d, termsA d)
           _ -> error ("typeInfo': not a data type declaration: " ++ show d)

        paramsA (DataD _ _ ps _ _) = ps
        paramsA (NewtypeD _ _ ps _ _) = ps

        termsA (DataD _ _ _ cs _) = map termA cs
        termsA (NewtypeD _ _ _ c _) = [ termA c ]

        termA (NormalC c xs)        = (c, map (\x -> (Nothing, snd x)) xs)
        termA (RecC c xs)           = (c, map (\(n, _, t) -> (Just n, t)) xs)
        termA (InfixC t1 c t2)      = (c, [(Nothing, snd t1), (Nothing, snd t2)])

        name (DataD _ n _ _ _)      = n
        name (NewtypeD _ n _ _ _)   = n
        name d                      = error $ show d

  Apply 'nameBase' to the name.
simpleName :: Name -> Name
simpleName = mkName . nameBase

   -- this breaks names like :$
   let s = nameBase nm
   in case dropWhile (/=':') s of
        []          -> mkName s
        _:[]        -> mkName s
        _:t         -> mkName t