{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
--                                                --
-- Statistics.hs:                                 --
-- Functions that collect and print out           --
-- statistics                                     --
--                                                --

Copyright (C) GenI 2002-2005 (originally from HyLoRes)
Carlos Areces     - areces@loria.fr      - http://www.loria.fr/~areces
Daniel Gorin      - dgorin@dc.uba.ar
Juan Heguiabehere - juanh@inf.unibz.it - http://www.inf.unibz.it/~juanh/
Eric Kow          - kow@loria.fr       - http://www.loria.fr/~kow

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,

module NLP.GenI.Statistics(Statistics, StatisticsState, StatisticsStateIO,

    printOutAllMetrics, printOutAllMetrics', printOutInspectionMetrics,

    addMetric, addInspectionMetric, setPrintOutInterval,

    Metric(IntMetric),  queryMetrics, updateMetrics,
    incrIntMetric, queryIntMetric, addIntMetrics,
) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (intersperse)

-- Statistics are collections of Metrics
-- which can be printed out (at regular intervals)
data Statistics = Stat{metrics::[Metric],
                       step::Maybe Int}

type StatisticsState a   = forall m. (MonadState Statistics m) => m a
type StatisticsStateIO a = forall m. (MonadState Statistics m, MonadIO m) => m a

updateMetrics :: (Metric -> Metric) -> Statistics -> Statistics
updateMetrics f stat = stat{metrics           = map f (metrics stat),
                            inspectionMetrics = map f (inspectionMetrics stat)}

queryMetrics :: (Metric -> Maybe a) -> Statistics -> [a]
queryMetrics f stat =  (mapMaybe f (metrics stat))
                    ++ (mapMaybe f (inspectionMetrics stat))

mergeMetrics :: (Metric -> Metric -> Metric) -> Statistics -> Statistics -> Statistics
mergeMetrics f s1 s2 = s1 { metrics           = zipWith f (metrics s1) (metrics s2)
                          , inspectionMetrics = zipWith f (inspectionMetrics s1) (inspectionMetrics s2)}

--updateStep :: Statistics -> Statistics
--updateStep s@(Stat _ [] _     _)         = s
--updateStep s@(Stat _ _  _     Nothing)   = s
--updateStep stat                          = stat{count = (count stat)+1}

needsToPrintOut :: Statistics -> Bool
needsToPrintOut (Stat _ [] _     _)         = False
needsToPrintOut (Stat _ _  _     Nothing)   = False
needsToPrintOut (Stat _ _  iter (Just toi)) = iter > 0 && iter `mod` toi == 0

noStats :: Statistics -> Bool
noStats (Stat [] [] _ _) = True
noStats  _               = False

emptyStats :: Statistics
emptyStats = Stat{metrics=[],

--------------------------- Monadic Statistics functions follow ------------------------------

initialStatisticsStateFor :: (MonadState Statistics m) => (m a -> Statistics -> b) -> m a -> b
initialStatisticsStateFor f = flip f emptyStats

{- | Adds a metric at the end of the list (thus,
   metrics are printed out in the order in which they were added -}
addMetric :: Metric -> StatisticsState ()
addMetric newMetric  = modify (\stat -> stat{metrics = (metrics stat)++[newMetric]})

{- | Adds a metric that will be printed out at regular intervals -}
addInspectionMetric :: Metric -> StatisticsState ()
addInspectionMetric newMetric = modify (\stat -> stat{inspectionMetrics = (inspectionMetrics stat)++[newMetric]})

setPrintOutInterval :: Int -> StatisticsState ()
setPrintOutInterval i = modify (resetInterval i)
    where resetInterval 0 stat = stat{step = Nothing}
          resetInterval x stat = stat{step = Just x}

printOutAllMetrics :: StatisticsStateIO ()
printOutAllMetrics = get >>= (liftIO . printOutAllMetrics')

printOutAllMetrics' :: Statistics -> IO ()
printOutAllMetrics' stats =
        unless (noStats stats) $ do
            liftIO $ putStrLn "(final statistics)"
            liftIO $ printOutList (inspectionMetrics stats ++ metrics stats)

printOutInspectionMetrics :: StatisticsStateIO ()
printOutInspectionMetrics = do
                                shouldPrint <- gets needsToPrintOut
                                when ( shouldPrint ) $ do
                                    liftIO $ putStr "(partial statistics: iteration "
                                    iter <- gets count
                                    liftIO . putStr . show $ iter
                                    liftIO $ putStrLn ")"
                                    ims <- gets inspectionMetrics
                                    liftIO $ printOutList ims

printOutList :: Show a => [a] -> IO ()
printOutList ms = unless ( null ms ) $ do
                          let separator = "\n----------------------------------\n"
                          putStr "begin"
                          putStr separator
                          putStr $ concat $ intersperse separator $ map show ms
                          putStr separator
                          putStr "end\n"

showFinalStats :: Statistics -> String
showFinalStats stats = unlines $ map show $ metrics stats

-- Metrics
data Metric = IntMetric String Int

instance Show Metric where
  show (IntMetric s x)   = s ++ " : " ++ (show x)

incrIntMetric :: String -> Int -> Metric -> Metric
incrIntMetric key i (IntMetric s c) | s == key = IntMetric s (c+i)
incrIntMetric _ _ m = m

queryIntMetric :: String -> Metric -> Maybe Int
queryIntMetric key (IntMetric s c) | s == key = Just c
queryIntMetric _ _ = Nothing

addIntMetrics :: Metric -> Metric -> Metric
addIntMetrics (IntMetric s1 c1) (IntMetric s2 c2) | s1 == s2 = IntMetric s1 (c1 + c2)
addIntMetrics s1 _ = s1

-- ratio :: Int -> Int -> Float
-- ratio x y = (fromIntegral x) / (fromIntegral y)