-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2009 Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module NLP.GenI.Polarity.Internal where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Tree (flatten)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Data.FullList hiding ( (++) )
import NLP.GenI.Automaton
import NLP.GenI.FeatureStructure
import NLP.GenI.General
import NLP.GenI.GeniVal
import NLP.GenI.Polarity.Types
import NLP.GenI.Pretty
import NLP.GenI.Semantics (Literal)
import NLP.GenI.Tag ( TagElem(..), TagItem(..) )
import NLP.GenI.TreeSchema
    ( Ptype(Initial)
    , GNode, root, gup, gdown, gtype, GType(Subs),

data PolarityDetectionResult = PD_UserError String
                             | PD_Nothing
                             | PD_Just [ (PolarityKey, Interval) ]
                             | PD_Unconstrained (Text, Interval)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- polarity detection
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given a description of what the root feature should unify with
--   return a -1 polarity for all relevant polarity keys. This allows
--   us to compensate for the root node of any derived tree. 
detectRootCompensation :: Set.Set PolarityAttr -> FeatStruct GeniVal -> PolMap
detectRootCompensation polarityAttrs rootFeat =
  Map.fromListWith (!+!) . pdResults
    $ map (\v -> detectPolarity (-1) (SimplePolarityAttr (pAttr v)) emptyFeatStruct rootFeat)
    $ Set.toList polarityAttrs
   pAttr p@(SimplePolarityAttr _)       = spkAtt p
   pAttr p@(RestrictedPolarityAttr _ _) = rpkAtt p

detectPolsH :: Set.Set PolarityAttr -> TagElem -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
detectPolsH polarityAttrs te =
   case ttype te of
    Initial -> substuff ++ rstuff
    _       -> substuff
   pdError e = e ++ " in " ++ T.unpack (tgIdName te) -- ideally we'd propagate this
   detectOrBust x1 x2 x3 x4 = pdToList pdError (detectPolarity x1 x2 x3 x4)
   rup   = mkFeatStruct . gup . root .ttree $ te
   rdown = mkFeatStruct . gdown . root . ttree $ te
   catAttr = SimplePolarityAttr "cat"
   rstuffLite  = concatMap (\v -> detectOrBust 1 v rup rdown)
               $ Set.toList $ Set.delete catAttr polarityAttrs
   rstuff   = if Set.member catAttr polarityAttrs
                 then -- cat is considered global to the whole tree,
                      -- but to be robust, we grab it from the top feature
                      detectOrBust 1 catAttr rup rup ++ rstuffLite
                 else rstuffLite
   substuff = let tops = map mkFeatStruct (substTops te)
                  detect :: PolarityAttr -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
                  detect v = concat $ zipWith (detectOrBust (-1) v) tops tops
              in concatMap detect $ Set.toList polarityAttrs

detectPolarity :: Int          -- ^ polarity to assign
               -> PolarityAttr -- ^ attribute to look for
               -> FeatStruct GeniVal -- ^ feature structure to filter on ('RestrictedPolarityAttr' only)
               -> FeatStruct GeniVal -- ^ feature structure to get value from
               -> PolarityDetectionResult
detectPolarity i (RestrictedPolarityAttr cat att) filterFl fl =
  case Map.lookup __cat__ filterFl of
    Nothing -> PD_UserError . T.unpack $ "[polarities] No category "
                  `T.append` cat
                  `T.append` " in:"
                  `T.append` pretty filterFl
    Just v -> if isJust (unify [mkGConstNone cat] [v])
              then detectPolarity i (SimplePolarityAttr att) emptyFeatStruct fl
              else PD_Nothing
detectPolarity i (SimplePolarityAttr att) _ fl =
  case Map.lookup att fl of
    Nothing -> PD_Unconstrained (withZero att)
    Just v  -> case fromFL <$> gConstraints v of
             Just [x] -> PD_Just [ (PolarityKeyAv att x, ival i) ]       -- singleton
             Just xs  -> PD_Just $ map (withZero . PolarityKeyAv att) xs   -- interval if ambiguous
             Nothing  -> PD_Unconstrained (withZero att)
   withZero x = (x, toZero i)

toZero :: Int -> Interval
toZero x | x < 0     = (x, 0)
         | otherwise = (0, x)

substNodes :: TagElem -> [GNode GeniVal]
substNodes t = [ gn | gn <- (flatten.ttree) t, gtype gn == Subs ]

substTops :: TagElem -> [Flist GeniVal]
substTops = map gup . substNodes

type SemMap = Map.Map (Literal GeniVal) [TagElem]
type PolMap = Map.Map PolarityKey Interval

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- after polarity detection
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

polarityKeys :: [TagElem] -> PolMap -> [PolarityKey]
polarityKeys cands extraPol =
  sortBy (flip compare) $ nub $ ksCands ++ ksExtra
  ksCands = concatMap (Map.keys . tpolarities) cands
  ksExtra = Map.keys extraPol

-- | Convert any unconstrained polarities in a 'PolMap' to constrained
--   ones, assuming a global list of known constrained keys.
convertUnconstrainedPolarities :: [PolarityKey] -> PolMap -> PolMap
convertUnconstrainedPolarities ks pmap =
   addPols expansions con
   (con, uncon) = Map.partitionWithKey constrained pmap
   constrained (PolarityKeyVar _) _ = False
   constrained _   _ = True
   expansions =  [ (k,v) | (PolarityKeyVar  a, v)   <- Map.toList uncon
                         , k@(PolarityKeyAv a2 _) <- ks
                         , a == a2

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- helpers
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- duplicates are a matter of course
addPols :: [(PolarityKey,Interval)] -> PolMap -> PolMap 
addPols pols m = foldr f m pols
  f (p,c) = Map.insertWith (!+!) p c

-- | Ensures that all states and transitions in the polarity automaton
--   are unique.  This is a slight optimisation so that we don't have to
--   repeatedly check the automaton for state uniqueness during its
--   construction, but it is essential that this check be done after
--   construction
nubAut :: (Ord ab, Ord st) => NFA st ab -> NFA st ab
nubAut aut =
  aut {
      transitions = Map.map (\e -> Map.map nub e) (transitions aut)

__cat__, __idx__  :: Text
__cat__  = "cat"
__idx__  = "idx"

-- | Note that this will crash if any of the entries are errors
pdResults :: [PolarityDetectionResult] -> [(PolarityKey, Interval)]
pdResults = concatMap (pdToList id)

-- | Note that this will crash if any of the entries are errors
pdToList :: (String -> String) -- ^ on error message
         -> PolarityDetectionResult
         -> [(PolarityKey,Interval)]
pdToList _ (PD_Just x) = x
pdToList f (PD_UserError e) = error (f e)
pdToList _ (PD_Unconstrained (k,i)) = [ (PolarityKeyVar k, i) ]
pdToList _ PD_Nothing = []