-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

-- | This module provides basic datatypes specific to Tree Adjoining Grammar
-- (TAG) elementary trees and some low-level operations.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}

module NLP.GenI.Tag (
   -- Main Datatypes
   Tags, TagElem(..), TagItem(..), TagSite(..),
   TagDerivation, DerivationStep(..), dsChild, dsParent, dsParentSite,
   ts_synIncomplete, ts_semIncomplete, ts_tbUnificationFailure,

   -- Functions from Tags
   addToTags, tagLeaves, getLexeme, toTagSite,

   -- Functions from TagElem
   setTidnums, plugTree, spliceTree,

   -- General functions
   collect, detectSites,
) where

import           Control.Applicative       ((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
import           Data.Maybe                (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe,
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import           Data.Tree

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.FullList             hiding ((++))
import           Data.Generics             (Data)
import           Data.Typeable             (Typeable)
import           Text.JSON

import           NLP.GenI.FeatureStructure (AvPair (..), Flist)
import           NLP.GenI.General          (geniBug, groupByFM, listRepNode,
import           NLP.GenI.GeniShow
import           NLP.GenI.GeniVal          (Collectable (..),
                                            DescendGeniVal (..), GeniVal (..),
                                            Idable (..))
import           NLP.GenI.Polarity.Types   (PolarityKey (..), SemPols)
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty
import           NLP.GenI.Semantics        (Literal (..), Sem, emptyLiteral)
import           NLP.GenI.TreeSchema       (GNode (..), GType (..), NodeName,
                                            Ptype (..), lexemeAttributes)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Tags
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | An anchored grammar.
--   The grammar associates a set of semantic predicates to a list of trees each.
type Tags = Map.Map String [TagElem]

-- | 'addTags' @tags key elem@ adds @elem@ to the the list of elements associated
--   to the key
addToTags :: Tags -> String -> TagElem -> Tags
addToTags t k e = Map.insertWith (++) k [e] t

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TagElem
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data TagSite = TagSite
    { tsName   :: Text
    , tsUp     :: Flist GeniVal
    , tsDown   :: Flist GeniVal
    , tsOrigin :: Text
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

data TagElem = TE
    { idname      :: Text
    , ttreename   :: Text
    , tidnum      :: Integer
    , ttype       :: Ptype
    , ttree       :: Tree (GNode GeniVal)
    , tsemantics  :: Sem
     -- optimisation stuff
     -- (polarity key to charge interval)
    , tpolarities :: Map.Map PolarityKey (Int,Int)
    , tinterface  :: Flist GeniVal  -- for idxconstraints (pol)
    , ttrace      :: [Text]
    , tsempols    :: [SemPols] -- ^ can be empty
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- | Given a tree(GNode) returns a list of substitution or adjunction
--   nodes, as well as remaining nodes with a null adjunction constraint.
detectSites :: Tree (GNode GeniVal) -> ([NodeName], [NodeName], [NodeName])
detectSites t =
    ( sites isSub     -- for substitution
    , sites isAdj     -- for adjunction
    , sites isNeither -- for neither
    ns          = flatten t
    sites match = map gnname (filter match ns)
    isSub n     = gtype n == Subs
    isAdj n     = not (isAdjConstrained n)
    isNeither n = isAdjConstrained n && not (isSub n)

toTagSite :: GNode GeniVal -> TagSite
toTagSite n = TagSite (gnname n) (gup n) (gdown n) (gorigin n)

type TagDerivation = [ DerivationStep ]

data DerivationStep = SubstitutionStep Text Text Text
                    | AdjunctionStep   Text Text Text
                    | InitStep         Text
 deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

dsOp :: DerivationStep -> Char
dsOp (SubstitutionStep {}) = 's'
dsOp (AdjunctionStep {})   = 'a'
dsOp (InitStep {})         = 'i'

dsChild :: DerivationStep -> Text
dsChild (SubstitutionStep c _ _) = c
dsChild (AdjunctionStep c _ _ )  = c
dsChild (InitStep c)             = c

dsParent :: DerivationStep -> Maybe Text
dsParent (SubstitutionStep _ p _) = Just p
dsParent (AdjunctionStep _ p _)   = Just p
dsParent (InitStep _)             = Nothing

dsParentSite :: DerivationStep -> Maybe Text
dsParentSite (SubstitutionStep _ _ s) = Just s
dsParentSite (AdjunctionStep _ _ s)   = Just s
dsParentSite (InitStep _)             = Nothing

instance JSON DerivationStep where
 readJSON j = do
   jo <- fromJSObject `fmap` readJSON j
   let field x = maybe (fail $ "Could not find: " ++ x) readJSON
               $ lookup x jo
   op    <- field "op"
   child <- field "child"
   case op of
    "s" -> AdjunctionStep   child <$> field "parent" <*> field "parent-node"
    "a" -> SubstitutionStep child <$> field "parent" <*> field "parent-node"
    "i" -> return (InitStep child)
    x   -> fail $ "Don't know about derivation operation '" ++ x ++ "'"
 showJSON x =
     JSObject . toJSObject $ [ ("op",     showJSON $ dsOp x)
                             , ("child",  showJSON $ dsChild x)
                             ] ++ catMaybes
                             [ (\v -> ("parent", showJSON v))      <$> dsParent x
                             , (\v -> ("parent-node", showJSON v)) <$> dsParentSite x

instance Ord TagElem where
  compare t1 t2 =
    case (ttype t1, ttype t2) of
         (Initial, Initial)   -> compareId
         (Initial, Auxiliar)  -> LT
         (Auxiliar, Initial)  -> GT
         (Auxiliar, Auxiliar) -> compareId
    where compareId  = compare (tidnum t1) (tidnum t2)

instance DescendGeniVal TagElem where
  descendGeniVal s te =
    te { tinterface = descendGeniVal s (tinterface te)
       , ttree      = descendGeniVal s (ttree te)
       , tsemantics = descendGeniVal s (tsemantics te) }

instance DescendGeniVal TagSite where
  descendGeniVal s (TagSite n fu fd o) = TagSite n (descendGeniVal s fu) (descendGeniVal s fd) o

instance Collectable TagElem where
  collect t = (collect $ tinterface t) . (collect $ ttree t)
            . (collect $ tsemantics t)

instance Idable TagElem where
  idOf = tidnum

-- Substitution and Adjunction

-- | Plug the first tree into the second tree at the specified node.
--   Anything below the second node is silently discarded.
--   We assume the trees are pluggable; it is treated as a bug if
--   they are not!
plugTree :: Tree NodeName
         -> NodeName
         -> Tree NodeName
         -> Tree NodeName
plugTree male n female =
    case listRepNode (const male) (nmatch n) [female] of
         ([r], True) -> r
         _           -> geniBug oops
    oops = "plugTree: unexpected plug failure at node " ++ T.unpack n

-- | Given two trees 'auxt' and 't', splice the tree 'auxt' into
--   't' via the TAG adjunction rule.
spliceTree :: NodeName      -- ^ foot node of the aux tree
           -> Tree NodeName -- ^ aux tree
           -> NodeName      -- ^ place to adjoin in target tree
           -> Tree NodeName -- ^ target tree
           -> Tree NodeName
spliceTree f auxT n top =
    plugTree middle n top
    bottom = fromMaybe (geniBug oops) (findSubTree n top)
    middle = plugTree bottom f auxT
    oops = unwords
        [ "NLP.GenI.Tag.spliceTree:"
        , "Unexpected adjunction failure."
        , "Could not find node " ++ T.unpack n ++ " of target tree."

nmatch :: NodeName -> Tree NodeName -> Bool
nmatch n (Node a _) = a == n

findSubTree :: NodeName -> Tree NodeName -> Maybe (Tree NodeName)
findSubTree n n2@(Node x ks)
  | x == n    = Just n2
  | otherwise = case mapMaybe (findSubTree n) ks of
                []    -> Nothing
                (h:_) -> Just h

-- Unique ID

-- | Assigns a unique id to each element of this list, that is, an integer
--   between 1 and the size of the list.
setTidnums :: [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
setTidnums xs = zipWith (\c i -> setOrigin $ c {tidnum = i}) xs [1..]

setOrigin :: TagElem -> TagElem
setOrigin te =
    te { ttree = fmap setLabel . ttree $ te }
    setLabel g = g { gorigin = nameNumber }
    nameNumber = idname te
        `T.append` ":"
        `T.append` (T.pack . show . tidnum) te

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TAG Item
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | 'TagItem' is a generalisation of 'TagElem'.
class TagItem t where
    tgIdName    :: t -> Text
    tgIdNum     :: t -> Integer
    tgSemantics :: t -> Sem
    tgTree      :: t -> Tree (GNode GeniVal)

instance TagItem TagElem where
    tgIdName = idname
    tgIdNum  = tidnum
    tgSemantics = tsemantics
    tgTree = ttree

-- | Sorts trees into a Map.Map organised by the first literal of their
--   semantics.  This is useful in at least three places: the polarity
--   optimisation, the gui display code, and code for measuring the efficiency
--   of GenI.  Note: trees with a null semantics are filed under an empty
--   predicate, if any.
mapBySem :: (TagItem t) => [t] -> Map.Map (Literal GeniVal) [t]
mapBySem ts =
  let gfn t = case tgSemantics t of
              []    -> emptyLiteral
              (x:_) -> x
  in groupByFM gfn ts

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Extracting sentences
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

type UninflectedDisjunction = ([Text], Flist GeniVal)

-- | Normally, extracting the sentences from a TAG tree would just
--   consist of reading its leaves.  But if you want the generator to
--   return inflected forms instead of just lemmas, you also need to
--   return the relevant features for each leaf.  In TAG, or at least our
--   use of it, the features come from the *pre-terminal* nodes, that is,
--   not the leaves themselves but their parents.  Another bit of
--   trickiness: because of atomic disjunction, leaves might have more
--   than one value, so we can't just return a String lemma but a list of
--   String, one for each possibility.
tagLeaves :: TagElem -> [ (NodeName, UninflectedDisjunction) ]
tagLeaves te = [ (gnname pt, (getLexeme t, gup pt)) | (pt,t) <- preTerminals . ttree $ te ]

-- | Try in order: lexeme, lexeme attributes, node name
getLexeme :: GNode GeniVal -> [Text]
getLexeme node =
    case glexeme node of
        []   -> fromMaybe [gnname node] $ firstMaybe grab lexemeAttributes
        lexs -> lexs
    grab la = firstMaybe match guppy
        match (AvPair a v) | a == la = fromFL <$> gConstraints v
        match _ = Nothing
    guppy = gup node

firstMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstMaybe fn = listToMaybe . mapMaybe fn

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Conversion to text
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

instance GeniShow TagElem where
    geniShowText te = T.concat
        [ "% ------------------------- ", idname te
        , "\n", ttreename te, ":" , idname te
        , " " , (geniShowText $ tinterface te)
        , " " , (geniShowText $ ttype te)
        , "\n", (geniShowText $ ttree te)
        , "\n", geniKeyword "semantics" (geniShowText $ tsemantics te)

instance GeniShow [TagElem] where
    geniShowText = T.intercalate "\n\n" . map geniShowText

-- Useful for debugging adjunction and substitution nodes
instance Pretty [TagSite] where
    pretty =
        T.intercalate "\n  " . map fn
        fn (TagSite n t b o) = T.intercalate "/"
            [ n, pretty t, pretty b, o ]

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Diagnostic messages
-- Diagnostic messages let us know why a TAG tree is not returned as a result.
-- Whenever GenI decides to discard a tree, it sets the tdiagnostic field of
-- the TagElem so that the person using a debugger can find out what went wrong.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

ts_synIncomplete :: Text
ts_synIncomplete = "syntactically incomplete"

ts_tbUnificationFailure :: Text -> Text
ts_tbUnificationFailure msg = "top/bot unification failure:" <+> msg

ts_rootFeatureMismatch :: Flist GeniVal -> Text
ts_rootFeatureMismatch good = "root feature does not unify with" <+> pretty good

ts_semIncomplete :: [Literal GeniVal] -> Text
ts_semIncomplete sem = "semantically incomplete - missing:" <+> pretty sem

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Performance
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

deriving instance NFData TagElem
deriving instance NFData DerivationStep


instance NFData TagElem where
        rnf (TE x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10)
          = rnf x1 `seq`
              rnf x2 `seq`
                rnf x3 `seq`
                  rnf x4 `seq`
                    rnf x5 `seq`
                      rnf x6 `seq`
                        rnf x7 `seq` rnf x8 `seq` rnf x9 `seq` rnf x10 `seq` ()

instance NFData DerivationStep where
        rnf (SubstitutionStep x1 x2 x3)
          = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3 `seq` ()
        rnf (AdjunctionStep x1 x2 x3)
          = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3 `seq` ()
        rnf (InitStep x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()