[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/kowey/GenI.png)](http://travis-ci.org/kowey/GenI) # Documentation 1. [homepage][homepage] and [wiki][wiki] 2. [manual][manual] 3. [API][API] # Installing GenI (tested on Linux, Windows, and MacOS X) Install the basic version first cabal install Try installing the graphical interface cabal install ./geni-gui You may run into some trouble with wxHaskell. Get in touch if that's the case. # Development * [Darcs (MAIN)][geni-darcs] or [Git (mirror)][geni-github] * [Issue tracker][issues] I accept Darcs patches and GitHub pull requests. The Darcs repository might be a bit ahead of the Git one, but I'll try to keep the mirror up to date. ## Style Please follow [published style guide][style]. There is quite a bit of old code that does not follow this. Sorry. I'm slowly working on transitioning it. ## Versions * Stable version has even minor number (eg. 0.22.x) * Development version has odd minor number (eg 0.23.yyyymmdd) Sometimes with a datestamp for major API changes in between * NEWS file will probably mention the next release (eg. 0.24) # Contact us! Please let us know if you are using GenI; we'd like to hear about your experiences, both positive and negative. [API]: http://kowey.github.com/GenI/api-doc [geni-darcs]: http://hub.darcs.net/kowey/GenI [geni-github]: https://github.com/kowey/GenI [homepage]: http://kowey.github.com/GenI [issues]: https://github.com/kowey/GenI/issues [manual]: http://kowey.github.com/GenI/manual [style]: https://github.com/tibbe/haskell-style-guide [wiki]: https://kowey.github.com/GenI/wiki