-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

This module handles mostly everything to do with morphology in Geni.
There are two basic tasks: morphological input and output.
GenI farms out morphology to whatever third party program you
specify on the command line.  Note that a simple and stupid
``sillymorph'' realiser is provided either in the GenI repository
or on hackage.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
module NLP.GenI.Morphology
 module NLP.GenI.Morphology.Types
 -- * Morphological predicates
 , readMorph, stripMorphSem, attachMorph, setMorphAnchor
 -- * Morphological realisation
 , inflectSentencesUsingCmd, sansMorph
 ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent        (forkIO)
import           Control.Exception         (IOException, bracket, catch,
import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
import           Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as T
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.Typeable
import           Prelude
import           System.Exit
import           System.IO
import           System.Process

import           System.Log.Logger
import           Text.JSON
import qualified Text.JSON                 as J
import           Text.JSON.Pretty          hiding ((<+>), (<>))

import           NLP.GenI.FeatureStructure
import           NLP.GenI.General
import           NLP.GenI.GeniVal          (GeniVal, mkGAnon, replace)
import           NLP.GenI.Morphology.Types
import           NLP.GenI.Parser
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty
import           NLP.GenI.Semantics        (Literal (..), Sem)
import           NLP.GenI.Tag
import           NLP.GenI.TreeSchema       (GNode (..), GType (..))

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Morphological input
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Converts information from a morphological information file into GenI's
--   internal format.
readMorph :: [(Text,[AvPair GeniVal])] -> MorphInputFn
readMorph minfo lit =
    Map.lookup key fm
    fm = Map.fromList minfo
    key = pretty (lPredicate lit)

-- | Filters away from an input semantics any literals whose realisation is
--   strictly morphological.  The first argument tells us helps identify the
--   morphological literals -- it associates literals with morphological stuff;
--   if it returns 'Nothing', then it is non-morphological
stripMorphSem :: MorphInputFn -> Sem -> Sem
stripMorphSem morphfn tsem =
  [ l | l <- tsem, (isNothing.morphfn) l ]

-- | 'attachMorph' @morphfn sem cands@ does the bulk of the morphological
--   input processing.  We use @morphfn@ to determine which literals in
--   @sem@ contain morphological information and what information they contain.
--   Then we attach this morphological information to the relevant trees in
--   @cand@.  A tree is considered relevant w.r.t to a morphological
--   literal if its semantics contains at least one literal whose first index
--   is the same as the first index of the morphological literal.
attachMorph :: MorphInputFn -> Sem -> [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
attachMorph morphfn sem cands =
  let -- relevance of a tree wrt to an index
      relTree i = not.null.relfilt.tsemantics
        where relfilt = filter (relLit i)
      relLit i l = case lArgs l of
                     []    -> False
                     (x:_) -> x == i
      -- perform the attachment for a tree if it is relevant
      attachHelper :: GeniVal -> Flist GeniVal -> TagElem -> TagElem
      attachHelper i mfs t =
        if relTree i t then attachMorphHelper mfs t else t
      -- perform all attachments for a literal
      attach :: Literal GeniVal -> [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
      attach l cs =
        case morphfn l of
          Nothing  -> cs
          Just mfs -> map (attachHelper i mfs) cs
        where i = case lArgs l of
                    []    -> mkGAnon
                    (x:_) -> x
  in foldr attach cands sem

-- | Actually unify the morphological features into the anchor node
--   FIXME: we'll need to make sure this still works as promised
--   when we implement co-anchors.
attachMorphHelper :: Flist GeniVal -> TagElem -> TagElem
attachMorphHelper mfs te =
  let -- unification with anchor
      tt     = ttree te
      anchor = head $ filterTree fn tt
               where fn a = (ganchor a && gtype a == Lex)
  in case unifyFeat mfs (gup anchor) of
     Left err -> error $
       "Morphological unification failure on " <> T.unpack (idname te) <> ":" <> err
     Right (unf,subst) ->
      let -- perform replacements
          te2 = replace subst te
          tt2 = ttree te2
          -- replace the anchor with the unification results
          newgdown = replace subst (gdown anchor)
          newa = anchor { gup = unf, gdown = newgdown }
      in te2 { ttree = setMorphAnchor newa tt2 }

-- | @setMorphAnchor n t@ replaces the anchor node of a tree with @n@
--   We assume the tree has exactly one anchor node.  If it has none,
--   this explodes; if it has more than one, they all get replaced.
setMorphAnchor :: GNode GeniVal -> Tree (GNode GeniVal) -> Tree (GNode GeniVal)
setMorphAnchor n t =
    fromMaybe (error oops) $ repNode fn filt t
    filt (Node a _) = gtype a == Lex && ganchor a
    fn (Node _ l)   = Node n l
    oops = "NLP.GenI.Morphology.setMorphAnchor did not anticipate failure was possible"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Morphological realisation
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Extracts the lemmas from a list of uninflected sentences.  This is used
--   when the morphological generator is unavailable, doesn't work, etc.
sansMorph :: LemmaPlusSentence -> MorphOutput
sansMorph =
    MorphOutput [] . singleton . T.unwords . map lem
    lem (LemmaPlus l _) = l

-- | Converts a list of uninflected sentences into inflected ones by calling
---  the third party software.
-- FIXME: this doesn't actually support lists-of-results per input
-- will need to work it out
-- HUH? What makes me say that?
inflectSentencesUsingCmd :: String -> [LemmaPlusSentence] -> IO [(LemmaPlusSentence,MorphOutput)]
inflectSentencesUsingCmd morphcmd sentences =
  doit `catch` \e -> let _ = e :: IOException in (fallback (show e))
  hCloseSloppy h = hClose h `catch` \err -> let _ = err :: IOException in warningM logname (show err)
  doit = bracket
   (do debugM logname $ "Starting morph generator: " ++ morphcmd
       runInteractiveCommand morphcmd)
   (\(inh,outh,errh,_) -> do
      debugM logname $ "Closing output handles from morph generator"
      mapM hCloseSloppy [inh, outh, errh])
    $ \(toP,fromP,errP,pid) -> do
     debugM logname $ "Sending " ++ show (length sentences) ++ " sentences to morph generator"
     hPutStrLn toP . render . pp_value . showJSON $ sentences

     debugM logname $ "Closing input handle to morph generator"
     hClose toP
     -- see http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2008-May/042994.html
     -- fork off a thread to pull on the stderr
     -- so if the process writes to stderr we do not block.
     -- NB. do the hGetContents synchronously, otherwise the outer
     -- bracket can exit before this thread has run, and hGetContents
     -- will fail.
     err <- hGetContents errP
     _ <- forkIO (evaluate (length err) >> warningM logname err)

     -- wait for all the output
     output <- hGetContents fromP
     _ <- evaluate (length output)

     -- wait for the program to terminate
     exitcode <- waitForProcess pid
     debugM logname $ "Morph command exited"
     -- on failure, throw the exit code as an exception
     if exitcode == ExitSuccess
        then case resultToEither (decode output) of
               Left jerr  -> fallback $ "Could not parse morphological generator output: " ++ jerr
               Right res -> do let lenResults   = length res
                                   lenSentences = length sentences
                               if lenResults == lenSentences
                                  then return $ zip sentences res
                                  else fallback $ "Morphological generator returned "
                                                  ++ show lenResults ++ " results for "
                                                  ++ show lenSentences ++ " inputs"
                            `catch` \e -> let _ = e :: IOException
                                          in  fallback ("Error calling morphological generator:\n" ++ show e)
        else fallback "Morph generator failed"
  fallback err = do
    errorM logname err
    return $ map (\x -> (x, sansMorph x)) sentences

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- parsers
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance JSON MorphOutput where
    readJSON j =
        case fromJSObject `fmap` readJSON j of
            J.Error _ -> MorphOutput [] <$> readJSON j
            J.Ok jo   -> do
                let field x = maybe (fail $ "Could not find: " ++ x) readJSON
                            $ lookup x jo
                    warnings = maybe (return []) readJSON (lookup "warnings" jo)
                MorphOutput <$> warnings
                             <*> field "realisations"
    showJSON _ = error "Don't know how to render MorphOutput"

instance JSON LemmaPlus where
    readJSON j = do
        jo <- fromJSObject `fmap` readJSON j
        let field x = maybe (fail $ "Could not find: " ++ x) readJSON
                    $ lookup x jo
            tfield = fmap T.pack . field
        LemmaPlus <$> field "lemma"
                  <*> (parsecToJSON "lemma-features" geniFeats =<<
                       tfield "lemma-features")
    showJSON (LemmaPlus l fs) = JSObject . toJSObject $
         [ ("lemma"         , showJSON l)
         , ("lemma-features", showJSON $ prettyStr fs)

parsecToJSON :: Monad m => String -> Parser b -> Text -> m b
parsecToJSON description p str =
    case runParser p () "" str of
        Left  err -> fail $ "Couldn't parse " ++ description ++ " because " ++ show err
        Right res -> return res

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- odds and ends
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]

data MNAME = MNAME deriving Typeable
logname :: String
logname = mkLogname MNAME