-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | We use a flat semantics in GenI (bag of literals).
module NLP.GenI.Semantics where

import           Control.Applicative       ((<$>))
import           Control.Arrow             (first, (&&&), (***))
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Data
import           Data.Function             (on)
import           Data.List                 (delete, insert, nub, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                 as T

import           NLP.GenI.FeatureStructure
import           NLP.GenI.General          (histogram, hush)
import           NLP.GenI.GeniShow
import           NLP.GenI.GeniVal
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty

-- | A single semantic literal containing its handle, predicate, and arguments
--   This can be paramaterised on the kinds of variables it uses, for example,
--   'GeniVal' for a semantics that you might still want to do unification on
--   or 'Text' if it's supposed to be ground.
data Literal gv = Literal
    { -- | the handle can be seen as a special kind of argument; stored separately
      lHandle    :: gv
      -- |
    , lPredicate :: gv
      -- |
    , lArgs      :: [gv]
 deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)

instance Ord gv => Ord (Literal gv) where
  compare = compare `on` tucked
      -- treat the handle as an argument
      tucked l = (lPredicate l, lHandle l : lArgs l)

-- | A semantics is just a set of literals.
type Sem = [Literal GeniVal]

-- | A literal and any constraints associated with it (semantic input)
type LitConstr = (Literal GeniVal, [Text])

-- | Semantics, index constraints, literal constraints
--   The intention here is that for @(sem, icons, lcons)@
--   @all (`elem` sem) lcons@
type SemInput  = (Sem,Flist GeniVal,[LitConstr])

instance Collectable a => Collectable (Literal a) where
  collect (Literal a b c) = collect a . collect b . collect c

-- | An empty literal, not sure you should really be using this
emptyLiteral :: Literal GeniVal
emptyLiteral = Literal mkGAnon mkGAnon []

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Utility functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Strip any index or literal constraints from an input.
--   Use with care.
removeConstraints :: SemInput -> SemInput
removeConstraints (x, _, _) = (x, [], [])

-- | Default sorting for a semantics
sortSem :: Ord a => [Literal a] -> [Literal a]
sortSem = sortBy compareOnLiteral

-- | Default comparison for a literal
compareOnLiteral :: Ord a => Literal a -> Literal a -> Ordering
compareOnLiteral = compare

-- | Sort primarily putting the ones with the most constants first
-- and secondarily by the number of instances a predicate occurs
-- (if plain string; atomic disjunction/vars treated as infinite)
sortByAmbiguity :: Sem -> Sem
sortByAmbiguity sem =
    sortBy (flip compare `on` criteria) sem
    criteria  = (constants &&& ambiguity) -- this is reverse sorting
                                          -- so high numbers come first
    ambiguity l = fromMaybe 0 $ do -- Maybe
        p <- boringLiteral l
        negate <$> Map.lookup p (literalCount sem)
    literalCount = histogram . mapMaybe boringLiteral
    boringLiteral = singletonVal . lPredicate

-- | Anything that we would want to count the number constants in
--   (as opposed to variables)
class HasConstants a where
  -- | Number of constants
  constants :: a -> Int

instance HasConstants GeniVal where
  constants g = if isConst2 g then 1 else 0
    isConst2 :: GeniVal -> Bool
    isConst2 x = isJust (gConstraints x) && isNothing (gLabel x)

instance HasConstants a => HasConstants [a] where
  constants = sum . map constants

instance HasConstants (Literal GeniVal) where
  constants (Literal h p args) = constants (h:p:args)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Traversal
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} DescendGeniVal a => DescendGeniVal (Literal a) where
  descendGeniVal s (Literal h n lp) = Literal (descendGeniVal s h)
                                              (descendGeniVal s n)
                                              (descendGeniVal s lp)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pretty printing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

instance Pretty Sem where
   pretty = geniShowText

instance GeniShow Sem where
   geniShowText = squares . T.unwords . map geniShowText

instance Pretty (Literal GeniVal) where
   pretty = geniShowText

instance GeniShow (Literal GeniVal) where
   geniShowText (Literal h p l) =
       mh `T.append` geniShowText p
          `T.append` (parens . T.unwords . map geniShowText $ l)
       mh    = if hideh h then "" else geniShowText h `T.snoc` ':'
       hideh = maybe False isInternalHandle . singletonVal

instance Pretty SemInput where
    pretty = geniShowText

instance GeniShow SemInput where
    geniShowText = displaySemInput (T.unwords . map geniShowText)

instance GeniShow LitConstr where
    geniShowText (sem, []) = geniShowText sem
    geniShowText (sem, cs) = geniShowText sem <> squares (T.unwords cs)

-- | Helper for displaying or pretty printing a semantic input
--   This gives you a bit of control over how each literal is
--   displayed
displaySemInput :: ([LitConstr] -> Text) -> SemInput -> Text
displaySemInput dispLits (sem, icons, lcons) =
    -- CAREFUL: if you're modifying this, note that geniShowText
    -- can be affected
    T.intercalate "\n" . concat $
        [ [semStuff]
        , [ idxStuff | not (null icons) ]
        semStuff = geniKeyword "semantics"
                 . squares . dispLits
                 $ map withConstraints sem
        idxStuff = geniKeyword "idxconstraints"
                 . squares
                 $ geniShowText icons
        withConstraints lit =
            (lit, concat [ cs | (p,cs) <- lcons, p == lit ])

-- | Is a handle generated by GenI. GenI lets you write literals without
--   a handle; in these cases a unique handle is generated and hidden
--   from the UI.
isInternalHandle :: Text -> Bool
isInternalHandle = ("genihandle" `T.isPrefixOf`)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Subsumption
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | @x `subsumeSem` y@ returns all the possible ways to unify
--   @x@ with some SUBSET of @y@ so that @x@ subsumes @y@.
--   If @x@ does NOT subsume @y@, we return the empty list.
subsumeSem :: Sem -> Sem -> [(Sem,Subst)]
subsumeSem x y | length x > length y = []
subsumeSem x y =
  map (first sortSem) $ subsumeSemH x y

-- | Helper for 'subsumeSem' traversal
subsumeSemH :: Sem -> Sem -> [(Sem,Subst)]
subsumeSemH [] [] = [ ([], Map.empty) ]
subsumeSemH _ []  = error "subsumeSemH: got longer list in front"
subsumeSemH []     _  = [ ([], Map.empty) ]
subsumeSemH (x:xs) ys = nub $
 do let attempts = zip ys $ map (hush . subsumeLiteral x) ys
    (y, Just (x2, subst)) <- attempts
    let next_xs = replace subst xs
        next_ys = replace subst $ delete y ys
        prepend = insert x2 *** appendSubst subst
    prepend `fmap` subsumeSemH next_xs next_ys

-- | @p1 `subsumeLiteral` p2@ is the unification of @p1@ and @p2@ if
--   both literals have the same arity, and the handles, predicates,
--   and arguments in @p1@ all subsume their counterparts in @p2@
subsumeLiteral :: MonadUnify m
               => Literal GeniVal
               -> Literal GeniVal
               -> m (Literal GeniVal, Subst)
subsumeLiteral l1@(Literal h1 p1 la1) l2@(Literal h2 p2 la2) =
  if length la1 == length la2
  then do let hpla1 = h1:p1:la1
              hpla2 = h2:p2:la2
          (hpla, sub) <- hpla1 `allSubsume` hpla2
          return (toLiteral hpla, sub)
  else throwError $ T.unpack
                  $ pretty l1 <+> "does not subsume" <+> pretty l2 <+>
                    "because they don't have the same arity"
  toLiteral (h:p:xs) = Literal h p xs
  toLiteral _ = error "subsumeLiteral.toLiteral"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Unification
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the list of minimal ways to unify two semantics, ie.
-- where any literals that are not the product of a succesful unification
-- really do not unify with anything else.
unifySem :: Sem -> Sem -> [(Sem,Subst)]
unifySem xs ys =
 map (first sortSem) $
 if length xs < length ys
    then unifySemH xs ys
    else unifySemH ys xs

-- | Helper traversal for 'unifySem'
unifySemH :: Sem -> Sem -> [(Sem,Subst)]
unifySemH [] [] = return ([], Map.empty)
unifySemH [] xs = return (xs, Map.empty)
unifySemH xs [] = error $ "unifySem: shorter list should always be in front: " ++ prettyStr xs
unifySemH (x:xs) ys = nub $ do -- list monad for Prolog-style backtracking.
 let attempts = zip ys $ map (hush . unifyLiteral x) ys
 if all (isNothing . snd) attempts
    then first (x:) `fmap` unifySemH xs ys -- only include x unmolested if no unification succeeds
    else do (y, Just (x2, subst)) <- attempts
            let next_xs = replace subst xs
                next_ys = replace subst $ delete y ys
                prepend = insert x2 *** appendSubst subst
            prepend `fmap` unifySemH next_xs next_ys

-- | Two literals unify if they have the same arity, and their
--   handles, predicates, and arguments also unify
unifyLiteral :: MonadUnify m
             => Literal GeniVal
             -> Literal GeniVal -> m (Literal GeniVal, Subst)
unifyLiteral l1@(Literal h1 p1 la1) l2@(Literal h2 p2 la2) =
  if length la1 == length la2
  then do let hpla1 = h1:p1:la1
              hpla2 = h2:p2:la2
          (hpla, sub) <- hpla1 `unify` hpla2
          return (toLiteral hpla, sub)
  else throwError $ T.unpack
                  $ pretty l1 <+> "does not unify with" <+> pretty l2 <+>
                    "because they don't have the same arity"
  toLiteral (h:p:xs) = Literal h p xs
  toLiteral _ = error "unifyLiteral.toLiteral"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

deriving instance NFData Literal
deriving instance Binary Literal


instance NFData g => NFData (Literal g) where
        rnf (Literal x1 x2 x3) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3 `seq` ()

instance Binary g => Binary (Literal g) where
        put (Literal x1 x2 x3)
          = do put x1
               put x2
               put x3
          = do x1 <- get
               x2 <- get
               x3 <- get
               return (Literal x1 x2 x3)