module GiveYouAHead.Help where

import System.Environment

import GiveYouAHead.Version

helpMain ::IO()

helpMain = do
    progName <- getProgName
    putStrLn $ unlines [
        "\n\tGiveYouAHead\t\t\t version " ++ gyahver,
        "\tCommand :",
        "\tCreate a new file ",
        "\t\t"++progName++" new [language] [id] [the list of import]",
        "\tBuild the program(s) ",
        "\t\t"++progName++" build [language] [isDebug]",
        "\t\t"++progName++" build [language] [isDebug] [the list of id] ",
        "\tClean the directory's useless files",
        "\t\t"++progName++" clean",
        "\tGiveYouAHead\t\t\t版本 " ++ gyahver,
        "\t\t"++progName++" new 【语言】【id】【引用列表】",
        "\t\t"++progName++" build 【语言】【是否调试】",
        "\t\t"++progName++" build 【语言】【是否调试】【文件id列表】",
        "\t\t"++progName++" clean",
        "\tHomepage https://github.com/Qinka/GiveYouAHead/",
        "\tBug report: https://github.com/Qinka/GiveYouAHead/issues",
        "\t主页  https://github.com/Qinka/GiveYouAHead/",
        "\tBUG报告  https://github.com/Qinka/GiveYouAHead/issues",
        "You might need run config.hs first, which you need clone or copy from repo.",
        "你或许需要先执行 config.hs ,而你可以在仓库中找到 ",