- type Flt = Double
- infinity :: Flt
- deg :: Flt -> Flt
- rad :: Flt -> Flt
- rot :: Flt -> Flt
- dcos :: Flt -> Flt
- clamp :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmin :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmax :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmin3 :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmax3 :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmin4 :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fmax4 :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- fabs :: Flt -> Flt
- iabs :: Int -> Int
- about_equal :: Flt -> Flt -> Bool
- data Vec = Vec !Flt !Flt !Flt
- data Ray = Ray {}
- vec :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Vec
- vzero :: Vec
- vunit :: Vec
- vx :: Vec
- vy :: Vec
- vz :: Vec
- nvx :: Vec
- nvy :: Vec
- nvz :: Vec
- x :: Vec -> Flt
- y :: Vec -> Flt
- z :: Vec -> Flt
- va :: Vec -> Int -> Flt
- vset :: Vec -> Int -> Flt -> Vec
- vdot :: Vec -> Vec -> Flt
- vcross :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vmap :: (Flt -> Flt) -> Vec -> Vec
- vmap2 :: (Flt -> Flt -> Flt) -> Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vinvert :: Vec -> Vec
- vlensqr :: Vec -> Flt
- vlen :: Vec -> Flt
- vadd :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vadd3 :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vsub :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vmul :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vinc :: Vec -> Flt -> Vec
- vdec :: Vec -> Flt -> Vec
- vmax :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vmin :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vmaxaxis :: Vec -> Int
- vscale :: Vec -> Flt -> Vec
- vscaleadd :: Vec -> Vec -> Flt -> Vec
- vnudge :: Vec -> Vec
- vnorm :: Vec -> Vec
- assert_norm :: Vec -> Vec
- bisect :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vdist :: Vec -> Vec -> Flt
- reflect :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- vrcp :: Vec -> Vec
- veq :: Vec -> Vec -> Bool
- veqsign :: Vec -> Vec -> Bool
- ray_move :: Ray -> Flt -> Ray
- orth :: Vec -> (Vec, Vec)
- plane_int :: Ray -> Vec -> Vec -> Vec
- plane_int_dist :: Ray -> Vec -> Vec -> Flt
- data Matrix = Matrix !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt !Flt
- data Xfm = Xfm Matrix Matrix
- ident_matrix :: Matrix
- ident_xfm :: Xfm
- mat_mult :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
- xfm_mult :: Xfm -> Xfm -> Xfm
- compose :: [Xfm] -> Xfm
- check_xfm :: Xfm -> Xfm
- vrotate :: Vec -> Ray -> Flt -> Vec
- xfm_point :: Xfm -> Vec -> Vec
- invxfm_point :: Xfm -> Vec -> Vec
- xfm_vec :: Xfm -> Vec -> Vec
- invxfm_vec :: Xfm -> Vec -> Vec
- invxfm_norm :: Xfm -> Vec -> Vec
- xfm_ray :: Xfm -> Ray -> Ray
- invxfm_ray :: Xfm -> Ray -> Ray
- translate :: Vec -> Xfm
- scale :: Vec -> Xfm
- rotate :: Vec -> Flt -> Xfm
- xyz_to_uvw :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Xfm
- uvw_to_xyz :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Xfm
- sas2s :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> Flt
- data Bbox = Bbox {}
- data Interval = Interval !Flt !Flt
- bbjoin :: Bbox -> Bbox -> Bbox
- bboverlap :: Bbox -> Bbox -> Bbox
- bbinside :: Bbox -> Vec -> Bool
- bbsplit :: Bbox -> Int -> Flt -> (Bbox, Bbox)
- bbpts :: [Vec] -> Bbox
- bbsa :: Bbox -> Flt
- bbvol :: Bbox -> Flt
- empty_bbox :: Bbox
- everything_bbox :: Bbox
- bbclip :: Ray -> Bbox -> Interval
Performance is pretty similar with Floats or Doubles. Todo: make separate Float and Double instances of this library.
fmin :: Flt -> Flt -> FltSource
Tuning parameter.
Non-polymorphic fmin; this speeds things up in ocaml, not sure about haskell.
about_equal :: Flt -> Flt -> BoolSource
Force user to use fabs or iabs, for performance reasons. Not sure if this really helps, though.
Approximate equality for Flt. True if a and b are almost equal. The (abs $ a-b) test doesn't work if a and b are large.
3d type represented as a record of unboxed floats.
A Ray is made up of an origin and direction Vec.
Access the Vec as if it were an array indexed from 0..2. Note: this actually accounts for a noticeable amount of cpu time in the Glome ray tracer.
vset :: Vec -> Int -> Flt -> VecSource
Create a new Vec with the Nth field overwritten by new value. I could have used record update syntax.
vdot :: Vec -> Vec -> FltSource
Dot product of 2 vectors. We use this all the time. Dot product of 2 normal vectors is the cosine of the angle between them.
vcross :: Vec -> Vec -> VecSource
Cross product of 2 vectors. Produces a vector perpendicular to the given vectors. We use this for things like making the forward, up, and right camera vectors orthogonal. If the input vectors are normalized, the output vector will be as well.
vmap2 :: (Flt -> Flt -> Flt) -> Vec -> Vec -> VecSource
Apply a binary Flt operator to pairs of fields from 2 Vecs.
vinc :: Vec -> Flt -> VecSource
Add a value to all the fields of a Vec. Useful, for instance, to get one corner of the bounding box around a sphere.
vscaleadd :: Vec -> Vec -> Flt -> VecSource
Take the first Vec, and add to it the second Vec scaled by some amount. This is used quite a lot in Glome.
Normalize a vector. Division is expensive, so we compute the reciprocol of the length and multiply by that. The sqrt is also expensive.
assert_norm :: Vec -> VecSource
Throw an exception if a vector hasn't been normalized.
bisect :: Vec -> Vec -> VecSource
Get the victor bisecting two other vectors (which ought to be the same length).
veqsign :: Vec -> Vec -> BoolSource
Test Vecs for matching sign on all fields. Returns false if any value is zero. Used by packet tracing.
3x4 Transformation matrix. These are described in most graphics texts.
A transformation. Inverting a matrix is expensive, so we keep a forward transformation matrix and a reverse transformation matrix. Note: This can be made a little faster if the matricies are non-strict.
Identity matrix. Transforming a vector by this matrix does nothing.
mat_mult :: Matrix -> Matrix -> MatrixSource
Multiply two matricies. This is unrolled for efficiency, and it's also a little bit easier (in my opinion) to see what's going on.
xfm_mult :: Xfm -> Xfm -> XfmSource
Multiply two tranformations. This just multiplies the forward and reverse transformations.
There is a seemingly-magical property of transformation matricies, that we can combine the effects of any number of transformations into a single transformation just by multiplying them together in reverse order. For instance, we could move a point, then rotate it about the origin by some angle around some vector, then move it again, and this can all be done by a single transformation. This function combines transformations in this way, though it reverses the list first so the transformations take effect in their expected order.
Make sure a transformation is valid. Multipy the forward and reverse matrix and verify that the result is the identity matrix.
invxfm_point :: Xfm -> Vec -> VecSource
Inverse transform a point.
invxfm_vec :: Xfm -> Vec -> VecSource
Inverse transform a vector.
invxfm_norm :: Xfm -> Vec -> VecSource
Inverse transform a normal. This one is tricky: we need to transform by the inverse transpose.
invxfm_ray :: Xfm -> Ray -> RaySource
Inverse transform a Ray.
Basic transforms: stretch along the three axes, by the amount in the given vector. (If x==y==z, then it's uniform scaling.)
xyz_to_uvw :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> XfmSource
Basic transforms: Convert coordinate system from canonical xyz coordinates to uvw coordinates.
uvw_to_xyz :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> XfmSource
Basic transforms: Convert from uvw coordinates back to normal xyz coordinates.
sas2s :: Flt -> Flt -> Flt -> FltSource
Given a side, angle, and side of a triangle, produce the length of the opposite side.
Axis-aligned Bounding Box (AABB), defined by opposite corners. P1 is the min values, p2 has the max values.
A near-far pair of distances. Basically just a tuple.
bbsplit :: Bbox -> Int -> Flt -> (Bbox, Bbox)Source
Split a bounding box into two, given an axis and offset. Throw exception if the offset isn't inside the bounding box.
Surface area of a bounding box. Useful for cost heuristics when attempting to build optimal bounding box heirarchies. Undefined for degenerate bounding boxes.
Degenerate bounding box that contains an empty volume.
Infinite bounding box.