{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}

-- | This defines a Google Code Jam monad with a handful of combinators for simple parsing of input files.
-- The test cases are solved in parallel.
-- Although the parsing of the input cannot happen in parallel
-- (lines are consumed one by one, and input of the nexta example
-- depends on how much the current has consumed), the actual work can be
-- automatically parallelized, if the number of lines to consume does
-- not depend on the result of the main workload of each case.
-- This is demonstrated by the following example:
-- @
-- parallel test
-- mainP = mainId $ do
--        r <- return . length . show . product . enumFromTo (1::Integer) . read =<< cLine
--        if not parallel && r == 1 then return =<< cLine else return $ show r  
--        where parallel = False
-- @
-- input file:
-- @
-- 2
-- 200000
-- 200000
-- 200000
-- 200000
-- @

module GCJ (
  ,module Control.Applicative
  ,module Control.Monad

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.List
import Prelude
import Safe
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Text.Printf

-- | data type for Google Code Jam Solution Program
-- It has to be a Monad (e.g. to implement cBlock).
-- Next action has to be able to depend on state.
newtype GCJ m a = GCJ { fromGCJ :: (StateT [String] m a) }
                deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadIO,MonadTrans)

-- * Combinators       
-- | consumes and returns one line
cLine :: Monad m => GCJ m String
cLine = GCJ $ do x <- get
                 put $ tail x
                 return $ headNote "GCJ: No input lines left to consume" x

-- | consumes and returns n lines
cLines :: Monad m => Int -> GCJ m [String]
cLines n = sequence $ take n $ repeat cLine

-- | consumes, transforms and returns next block:
-- a block consists of first line: n, then (n-m) lines
cBlock :: Monad m => Int -> ([String] -> a) -> GCJ m (Int,a)
cBlock m f = do n <-  liftM read cLine
                return . (,) n . f =<< cLines (n-m) 

-- * Runners
type Runner m = GCJ m String -> [String] -> IO ()
-- | produce main from pure function
mainId :: Runner Identity
mainId = mainM $ return.runIdentity

-- | produce main from with transformed IO monad
mainIO :: Runner IO
mainIO = mainM $ id
-- | produce main from Monad
-- reads testInput or the file given on the command line
-- writes to standard out and to the given file with '.out' appended
mainM :: Monad m => (forall a. (m a -> IO a))
         -> Runner m
mainM exec (GCJ gen) args = do
  let cc []     = return ("test", return (), putStr)
      cc (a:[]) = do h <- openFile (a++".out") WriteMode 
                     return (a, hClose h, \x -> putStr x >> hPutStr h x) 
  (inF,close,myP) <- cc args
  printf "Reading file: %s\n" inF
  (head:tail) <- lines <$> readFile inF
  let ncase = read head
  printf "Found %d cases\n" ncase
  (work,rest) <- (exec $ runStateT (replicateM ncase gen) tail)
  zipWithM_ ((myP.).printf "Case #%u: %s") [(1::Int)..] $
    parMap rdeepseq (\y -> y ++ if "\n" `isSuffixOf` y then "" else "\n") work
  close >> when (length rest > 0) 
    (error $ "GCJ: not all input lines have been consumed:\n" ++ unlines rest)