{- |
   Module      : Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting
   Description : Graphalyze Types and Classes
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2009
   License     : 2-Clause BSD
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This module defines the report framework used.
module Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting
    ( -- * Document representation
      -- $document
      -- * Helper functions
      -- $utilities
    ) where

import           Data.Graph.Inductive              (Node)
import           Data.GraphViz
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as AC
import           Data.GraphViz.Commands.IO         (writeDotFile)
import           Data.GraphViz.Exception

import Control.Exception     (SomeException (..), tryJust)
import Control.Monad         (liftM, when)
import Data.Time             (formatTime, getZonedTime, zonedTimeToLocalTime)
import System.Directory      (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath       (makeRelative)
import System.FilePath.Posix ((<.>), (</>))

#if MIN_VERSION_time (1,5,0)
import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $document
   'Document' is the simplified representation of a document.  Note
   that this just specifies a document layout, and not an
   implementation.  To actually create a \"physical\" document,
   you must use an instance of 'DocumentGenerator'.

{- | Representation of a document.  The document is to be stored in
   the directory 'rootDirectory', and the main file is to have a
   filename of @'fileFront' '<.>' ('docExtension' dg)@, where @dg@ is an
   instance of 'DocumentGenerator'.
data Document = Doc { -- | Document location
                      rootDirectory  :: FilePath
                    , fileFront      :: String
                      -- | The sub-directory of 'rootDirectory',
                      --   where graphs are to be created.
                    , graphDirectory :: FilePath
                      -- | Pre-matter
                    , title          :: DocInline
                    , author         :: String
                    , date           :: String
                      -- | Main-matter
                    , legend         :: [(Either DocGraph DocInline, DocInline)]
                    , content        :: [DocElement]
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Represents the class of document generators.
class DocumentGenerator dg where
    -- | Convert idealised 'Document' values into actual documents,
    --   returning the document file created.
    createDocument :: dg -> Document -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
    -- | The extension of all document-style files created.  Note that
    --   this doesn't preclude the creation of other files, e.g. images.
    docExtension   :: dg -> String

-- | Representation of a location, either on the internet or locally.
data Location = Web String
              | File FilePath
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Elements of a document.
data DocElement = Section DocInline [DocElement]
                | Paragraph [DocInline]
                | Enumeration [DocElement]
                | Itemized [DocElement]
                | Definitions [(DocInline, DocInline)]
                | GraphImage DocGraph
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Inline elements of a document.
data DocInline = Text String
               | BlankSpace
               | Grouping [DocInline]
               | Bold DocInline
               | Emphasis DocInline
               | DocLink DocInline Location
               | DocImage DocInline Location
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Specify the 'DotGraph' to turn into an image, its filename (sans
--   extension) and its caption.  The 'DotGraph' should not have a
--   'AC.Size' set.
data DocGraph = DG {  -- | What name to provide the image file
                      --   (without an extension).
                     imageFile   :: FilePath
                   , description :: DocInline
                   , dotGraph    :: DotGraph Node
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Defines the parameters used for creating visualisations of
--   graphs.
data VisParams = VParams { -- | Root directory of the document.
                           rootDir      :: FilePath
                           -- | Image sub-directory.
                         , graphDir     :: FilePath
                           -- | The default visualisation.
                         , defaultImage :: VisProperties
                           -- | If @'Just' vp'@, then a larger
                           --   visualisation is linked to from the
                           --   default one.
                         , largeImage   :: Maybe VisProperties
                           -- | Should the Dot source code be saved as well?
                         , saveDot      :: Bool
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | A specification on how to visualise a 'DocGraph'.
data VisProperties = VProps { size   :: GraphSize
                            , format :: GraphvizOutput
                   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | Specify the size the 'DotGraph' should be at.
data GraphSize = GivenSize AC.GraphSize -- ^ Specify the maximum size to use.
               | DefaultSize            -- ^ Let GraphViz choose an appropriate size.
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $utilities
   Utility functions to help with document creation.

-- | Create the legend section and add it to the document proper.
addLegend             :: FilePath -> FilePath -> VisProperties
                         -> Document -> IO Document
addLegend fp gfp vp d = do mLg <- legendToElement fp gfp vp $ legend d
                           let es = content d
                               es' = maybe es (flip (:) es) mLg
                           return $ d { legend  = []
                                      , content = es'

legendToElement           :: FilePath -> FilePath -> VisProperties
                             -> [(Either DocGraph DocInline, DocInline)]
                             -> IO (Maybe DocElement)
legendToElement _  _   _  [] = return Nothing
legendToElement fp gfp vp ls = do defs <- mapM (uncurry (legToDef fp gfp vp)) ls
                                  let df   = Definitions defs
                                  return $ Just $ Section (Text "Legend") [df]

legToDef :: FilePath -> FilePath -> VisProperties
            -> Either DocGraph DocInline -> DocInline
            -> IO (DocInline, DocInline)
legToDef fp gfp vp (Left dg) def = liftM ((,) def)
                                   $ graphImage' fp gfp vp' dg
    vp' = vp { size = DefaultSize }
legToDef _ _ _ (Right di) def = return (def,di)

-- | Return today's date as a string, e.g. \"Monday 1 January, 2000\".
--   This arbitrary format is chosen as there doesn't seem to be a way
--   of determining the correct format as per the user's locale settings.
today :: IO String
today = do zoneT <- getZonedTime
           let localT = zonedTimeToLocalTime zoneT
           return $ formatTime locale fmt localT
      locale = defaultTimeLocale
      fmt = "%A %e %B, %Y"

-- | Attempts to create the specified directly, returning @True@
--   if successful (or if the directory already exists), @False@
--   if an error occurred.
tryCreateDirectory    :: FilePath -> IO Bool
tryCreateDirectory fp = do r <- tryJust (\(SomeException _) -> return ())
                                $ mkDir fp
                           return (isRight r)
      mkDir = createDirectoryIfMissing True
      isRight (Right _) = True
      isRight _         = False

-- | Attempts to create image files (with the given filename in the
--   given directory) from the graph.  If the second 'VisProperties'
--   not 'Nothing', then the first image links to the second.  The
--   whole result is wrapped in a 'Paragraph'.  'unDotPath' is applied
--   to the filename in the 'DocGraph'.
--   If 'saveDot' is true, then it is assumed that the 'format' isn't
--   'Canon', 'DotOutput' or 'XDot' (because of filename clashes).
createGraph :: VisParams -- ^ Visualisation parameters.
               -> DocGraph
               -> IO DocElement
createGraph params dg
  = do when (saveDot params) (writeDotFile dotFP $ dotGraph dg)
       dl  <- graphImage' rDir gDir vp dg'
       dl' <- maybe return tryImg mvp dl
       return $ Paragraph [dl']
    rDir = rootDir params
    gDir = graphDir params
    vp = defaultImage params
    mvp = largeImage params
    dg' = dg { imageFile = unDotPath $ imageFile dg }
    dgL = checkLargeFilename vp mvp dg'
    tryImg vp' di = liftM (either (const di) (DocLink di))
                   $ graphImage rDir gDir vp' dgL

    dotFP = rDir </> gDir </> imageFile dg <.> "dot"

-- | If both output formats are the same, then the larger image needs
--   a different filename.
checkLargeFilename :: VisProperties -> Maybe VisProperties
                      -> DocGraph -> DocGraph
checkLargeFilename _   Nothing    dg = dg
checkLargeFilename vp1 (Just vp2) dg = checkFilename vp1 vp2 "large" dg

checkFilename :: VisProperties -> VisProperties -> String
                 -> DocGraph -> DocGraph
checkFilename vp1 vp2 s dg
  | format vp1 == format vp2 = dg { imageFile = imageFile dg ++ '-' : s }
  | otherwise                = dg

graphImage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> VisProperties -> DocGraph
              -> IO (Either DocInline Location)
graphImage rDir gDir vp dg = handle getErr
                             . liftM (Right . File . fixPath)
                             $ addExtension (runGraphviz dot)
                                            (format vp)
    dot = setSize vp $ dotGraph dg
    filename = rDir </> gDir </> imageFile dg
    fixPath = makeRelative rDir

    getErr :: GraphvizException -> IO (Either DocInline Location)
    getErr = return . Left. Text . show

graphImage' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> VisProperties -> DocGraph
               -> IO DocInline
graphImage' rDir gDir vp dg = liftM (either id f)
                              $ graphImage rDir gDir vp dg
    f = DocImage (description dg)

-- | Add a 'GlobalAttribute' to the 'DotGraph' specifying the given size.
setSize      :: VisProperties -> DotGraph a -> DotGraph a
setSize vp g = case size vp of
                 DefaultSize   -> g
                 (GivenSize s) -> g { graphStatements = setS s}
    setS s = stmts { attrStmts = sizeA s : attrStmts stmts }
    stmts = graphStatements g
    sizeA s = GraphAttrs [AC.Size s]

-- | Using a 6:4 ratio, create the given 'Point' representing
--   width,height from the width.
createSize   :: Double -> GraphSize
createSize w = GivenSize $ AC.GSize w (Just $ w*4/6) False

-- | Replace all @.@ with @-@ in the given 'FilePath', since some output
--   formats (e.g. LaTeX) don't like extraneous @.@'s in the filename.
unDotPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
unDotPath = map replace
      replace '.' = '-'
      replace c   = c