{- |
   Module      : Data.Graph.Analysis
   Description : A Graph-Theoretic Analysis Library.
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2009
   License     : 2-Clause BSD
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This is the root module of the /Graphalyze/ library, which aims to
   provide a way of analysing the relationships inherent in discrete
   data as a graph.

   The original version of this library was written as part of my
   mathematics honours thesis,
   /Graph-Theoretic Analysis of the Relationships in Discrete Data/.
module Data.Graph.Analysis
    ( version,
      -- * Re-exporting other modules
      module Data.Graph.Analysis.Types,
      module Data.Graph.Analysis.Utils,
      module Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms,
      module Data.Graph.Analysis.Visualisation,
      module Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting,
      module Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph,
      -- * Importing data
      -- * Result analysis
      -- $analfuncts
    ) where

import Data.Graph.Analysis.Internal
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Utils
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Types
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Visualisation
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting

import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph

import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Data.Version(showVersion)
import qualified Paths_Graphalyze as Paths(version)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The library version.
version :: String
version = showVersion Paths.version

{- |
   This represents the information that's being passed in that we want
   to analyse.  If the graph is undirected, it is better to list each
   edge once rather than both directions.
data ImportParams n e = Params { -- | The discrete points.
                                 dataPoints :: [n],
                                 -- | The relationships between the points.
                                 relationships :: [Rel n e],
                                 -- | The expected roots of the graph.
                                 --   If @'directed' = 'False'@, then this is ignored.
                                 roots :: [n],
                                 -- | 'False' if relationships are symmetric
                                 --   (i.e. an undirected graph).
                                 directed :: Bool

{- |
   Import data into a format suitable for analysis.  This function is
   /edge-safe/: if any datums are listed in the edges of
   'ImportParams' that aren't listed in the data points, then those
   edges are ignored.  Thus, no sanitation of the 'relationships' in
   @ImportParams@ is necessary.  The unused relations are stored in
   'unusedRelationships'.  Note that it is assumed that all datums in
   'roots' are also contained within 'dataPoints'.
importData        :: (Ord n, Ord e) => ImportParams n e -> GraphData n e
importData params = GraphData { graph = dGraph
                              , wantedRootNodes = rootNodes
                              , directedData = isDir
                              , unusedRelationships = unRs
      isDir = directed params
      -- Adding Node values to each of the data points.
      lNodes = zip [1..] (dataPoints params)
      -- The valid edges in the graph along with the unused relationships.
      (unRs, graphEdges) = relsToEs isDir lNodes (relationships params)
      -- Creating a lookup map from the label to the @Node@ value.
      nodeMap = mkNodeMap lNodes
      -- Validate a node
      validNode l = M.lookup l nodeMap
      -- Construct the root nodes
      rootNodes = if isDir
                  then mapMaybe validNode (roots params)
                  else []
      -- Construct the graph.
      dGraph = mkGraph lNodes graphEdges

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $analfuncts
   Extra functions for data analysis.

-- | Returns the mean and standard deviations of the lengths of the sublists,
--   as well all those lists more than one standard deviation longer than
--   the mean.
lengthAnalysis    :: [[a]] -> (Int,Int,[(Int,[a])])
lengthAnalysis as = (av,stdDev,as'')
      as' = addLengths as
      ls = map fst as'
      (av,stdDev) = statistics' ls
      as'' = filter (\(l,_) -> l > (av+stdDev)) as'

{- |
   Compare the actual roots in the graph with those that are expected
   (i.e. those in 'wantedRoots').  Returns (in order):

   * Those roots that are expected (i.e. elements of 'wantedRoots'
     that are roots).

   * Those roots that are expected but not present (i.e. elements of
     'wantedRoots' that /aren't/ roots.

   * Unexpected roots (i.e. those roots that aren't present in
classifyRoots    :: (Ord n) => GraphData n e -> ([LNode n], [LNode n], [LNode n])
classifyRoots gd = (areWanted, notRoots, notWanted)
      wntd = S.fromList $ wantedRoots gd
      rts = S.fromList $ applyAlg rootsOf gd
      areWanted = S.toList $ S.intersection wntd rts
      notRoots  = S.toList $ S.difference wntd rts
      notWanted = S.toList $ S.difference rts wntd

-- | Only return those chains (see 'chainsIn') where the non-initial
--   nodes are /not/ expected roots.
interiorChains    :: (Eq n, Eq e) => GraphData n e -> [LNGroup n]
interiorChains gd = filter (not . interiorRoot) chains
      chains = applyAlg chainsIn gd
      rts = wantedRoots gd
      interiorRoot = any (`elem` rts) . tail