Name: GuiHaskell Synopsis: A graphical REPL and development environment for Haskell Description: GuiHaskell aims to be a cross-platform development environment for Haskell that is integrated with other popular Haskell tools. The program uses the PropLang GUI combinator library to declaratively define the relationships between UI elements and data. Version: 0.1 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Neil Mitchell, Asumu Takikawa Stability: Alpha Homepage: Category: Development Build-Depends: base>=2.0, filepath>=1.0, proplang>=0.1, gtk>=0.9.11, glade>=0.9.11, parsec Data-files: res/ res/ res/ Executable: guihaskell Main-is: Main.hs Other-modules: Config Data Evaluator Prof Util Text.EscapeCodes Ghc-options: -O2 -Wall