Readme for HDBC-mysql-


This is a "native" HDBC driver for MySQL that makes use of libmysqlclient to communicate with a MySQL server. By way of synopsis:

import Control.Monad import Database.HDBC import Database.HDBC.MySQL main = do conn <- connectMySQL defaultMySQLConnectInfo { mysqlHost = "", mysqlUser = "scott", mysqlPassword = "tiger" }

        rows <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT 1 + 1" []
        forM_ rows $ \row -> putStrLn $ show row

At the moment, please consider this to be "alpha" software. As far as I can tell, it works. There are some limitations that you should be aware of.



There's a little test program that runs a query and spews out the results. To compile it,

ghc -idist/build -L/opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql -lmysqlclient --make Test

I'm still trying to get the Makefile right so that it can build the test sources: it's not there yet. Here's how I've been doing it, for now:

cd testsrc ghc --make -package HUnit -package HDBC -Wall -i../dist/build -i.. -L/opt/local/lib/mysql5/mysql -lmysqlclient -o runtests runtests.hs

One issue is that I want the location of the MySQL library to come from the configuration data, rather than be hard-coded.