-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.HGL.Draw.Brush
-- Copyright   :  (c) Alastair Reid, 1999-2003
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires concurrency)
-- Brushes, used for filling shapes.

module Graphics.HGL.Draw.Brush
	( Brush
	, createBrush
	, deleteBrush
	, selectBrush	-- :: Brush -> Draw Brush
	, mkBrush
	-- , blackBrush, whiteBrush
	) where

import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Text (RGB(..))
import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (Draw)
import Graphics.HGL.Internals.Draw (mkDraw)
import Graphics.HGL.X11.Types
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as X
import Control.Concurrent (takeMVar, putMVar)
import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (ioToDraw, bracket)
import qualified Graphics.Win32 as Win32

-- The interface

newtype Brush = MkBrush Win32.HBRUSH

-- | Create a 'Brush'.
createBrush :: RGB   -> IO Brush

-- | Destroy a 'Brush' created with 'createBrush'.
deleteBrush :: Brush -> IO ()

-- | Set the 'Brush' for subsequent drawing, returning the previous setting.
selectBrush :: Brush -> Draw Brush

-- | Create a 'Brush' locally to a drawing.
mkBrush     :: RGB   -> (Brush -> Draw a) -> Draw a

-- The implementation


createBrush col = return (Brush col)

deleteBrush _ = return ()

-- ToDo: how do I set background colour for brush and pen?
selectBrush b@(Brush x) = mkDraw $ \ dc -> do
  bs <- takeMVar (ref_bits dc)
  putMVar (ref_bits dc) bs{brush=b}
  p <- lookupColor (disp dc) x
  X.setForeground (disp dc) (brushGC dc) p
  return (brush bs)

mkBrush c g = g (Brush c)


createBrush (RGB r g b) = do
  b <- Win32.createSolidBrush (Win32.rgb r g b)
  return (MkBrush b)

deleteBrush (MkBrush b) = Win32.deleteBrush b

selectBrush (MkBrush b) = mkDraw $ \hdc -> do
  b' <- Win32.selectBrush hdc b
  return (MkBrush b')

mkBrush color =
  bracket (ioToDraw $ createBrush color)
          (ioToDraw . deleteBrush)

-- -- special cases - these should _never_ be deleted
-- blackBrush :: IO Brush
-- whiteBrush :: IO Brush
-- blackBrush = Win32.getStockBrush Win32.bLACK_BRUSH >>= return . MkBrush
-- whiteBrush = Win32.getStockBrush Win32.wHITE_BRUSH >>= return . MkBrush

#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */