HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding-0.1.8: Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - Ogre Bindings

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered






:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance which is going to be deleted.

-> IO () 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> HG3DClass


-> IO () 

Reports the number of objects attached to this node.

Adds an instance of a scene object to this node. Scene objects can include EntityCameraLightMovableObject



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO Int 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Int


-> IO HG3DClass 

Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. Retrieves by index, see alternate version to retrieve by name. The index of an object may change as other objects are added / removed.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> String


-> IO HG3DClass 

Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. Retrieves by object name, see alternate version to retrieve by index.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Int


-> IO HG3DClass 

Detaches the indexed object from this scene node. Detaches by index, see the alternate version to detach by name. Object indexes may change as other objects are added / removed.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> HG3DClass


-> IO () 

Detaches the named object from this node and returns a pointer to it.

Detaches an object by pointer.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> String


-> IO HG3DClass 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO () 

Determines whether this node is in the scene graph, i.e. whether it's ultimate ancestor is the root scene node.

Detaches all objects attached to this node.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO Bool 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO HG3DClass 

Gets the creator of this scene node. This method returns the SceneManager



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> String


-> IO () 

This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children. Unlike removeChild, which removes a single named child from this node but does not destroy it, this method destroys the child and all of it's children. Use this if you wish to recursively destroy a node as well as detaching it from it's parent. Note that any objects attached to the nodes will be detached but will not themselves be destroyed.

This method removes and destroys the named child and all of its children. Unlike removeChild, which removes a single named child from this node but does not destroy it, this method destroys the child and all of it's children. Use this if you wish to recursively destroy a node as well as detaching it from it's parent. Note that any objects attached to the nodes will be detached but will not themselves be destroyed.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Int


-> IO () 

Removes and destroys all children of this node. Use this to destroy all child nodes of this node and remove them from the scene graph. Note that all objects attached to this node will be detached but will not be destroyed.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO () 

Allows the showing of the node's bounding box. Use this to show or hide the bounding box of the node.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool


-> IO () 

Allows the overriding of the node's bounding box over the SceneManagerUse this to override the bounding box setting of the node.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool


-> IO () 

This allows scene managers to determine if the node's bounding box should be added to the rendering queue. Scene Managers that implement their own _findVisibleObjects will have to check this flag and then use _addBoundingBoxToQueue to add the bounding box wireframe.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO Bool 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Vec3

translate - Initial translation offset of child relative to parent

-> Quaternion

rotate - Initial rotation relative to parent

-> IO HG3DClass 

Creates an unnamed new SceneNode



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> String


-> Vec3

translate - Initial translation offset of child relative to parent

-> Quaternion

rotate - Initial rotation relative to parent

-> IO HG3DClass 

Creates a new named SceneNodeThis creates a child node with a given name, which allows you to look the node up from the parent which holds this collection of nodes.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool

useFixed - If true, the axis passed in the second parameter will always be the yaw axis no matter what the node orientation. If false, the node returns to it's default behaviour.

-> Vec3

fixedAxis - The axis to use if the first parameter is true.

-> IO () 

Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNodeIf you enable auto-tracking, this SceneNodeSceneNodeSceneNodeSceneNode

Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice. This method allows you to change the yaw behaviour of the node - by default, it yaws around it's own local Y axis when told to yaw with TS_LOCAL, this makes it yaw around a fixed axis. You only really need this when you're using auto tracking (see setAutoTracking, because when you're manually rotating a node you can specify the TransformSpace in which you wish to work anyway.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool

enabled - If true, tracking will be enabled and the next parameter cannot be null. If false tracking will be disabled and the current orientation will be maintained.

-> HG3DClass

target - Pointer to the SceneNode to track. Make sure you don't delete this SceneNode before turning off tracking (e.g. SceneManager::clearScene will delete it so be careful of this). Can be null if and only if the enabled param is false.

-> Vec3

localDirectionVector - The local vector considered to be the usual direction of the node; normally the local -Z but can be another direction.

-> Vec3

offset - If supplied, this is the target point in local space of the target node instead of the origin of the target node. Good for fine tuning the look at point.

-> IO () 

Get the auto tracking target for this node, if any.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO HG3DClass 



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO Vec3 

Get the auto tracking offset for this node, if the node is auto tracking.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO Vec3 

Get the auto tracking local direction for this node, if it is auto tracking.



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> IO HG3DClass 

Gets the parent of this SceneNode



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool

visible - Whether the objects are to be made visible or invisible

-> Bool

cascade - If true, this setting cascades into child nodes too.

-> IO () 

Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node. This is a shortcut to calling setVisible(!isVisible()) on the objects attached to this node, and optionally to all objects attached to child nodes.

Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisible. This is a shortcut to calling setVisible()



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool

cascade - If true, this setting cascades into child nodes too.

-> IO () 

Tells all objects attached to this node whether to display their debug information or not. This is a shortcut to calling setDebugDisplayEnabled()



:: HG3DClass

classpointer - pointer of Class instance from which this methods is called.

-> Bool

enabled - Whether the objects are to display debug info or not

-> Bool

cascade - If true, this setting cascades into child nodes too.

-> IO ()