// This source file is part of HGamer3D // (A project to enable 3D game development in Haskell) // For the latest info, see http://www.althainz.de/HGamer3D.html // // (c) 2011, 2012 Peter Althainz // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // EnumKey.h // #include "wchar.h" #ifndef _DEFINED_HG3D_EnumKey #define _DEFINED_HG3D_EnumKey enum EnumKey { KeyA, // The A key. KeyB, // The B key. KeyC, // The C key. KeyD, // The D key. KeyE, // The E key. KeyF, // The F key. KeyG, // The G key. KeyH, // The H key. KeyI, // The I key. KeyJ, // The J key. KeyK, // The K key. KeyL, // The L key. KeyM, // The M key. KeyN, // The N key. KeyO, // The O key. KeyP, // The P key. KeyQ, // The Q key. KeyR, // The R key. KeyS, // The S key. KeyT, // The T key. KeyU, // The U key. KeyV, // The V key. KeyW, // The W key. KeyX, // The X key. KeyY, // The Y key. KeyZ, // The Z key. KeyNum0, // The 0 key. KeyNum1, // The 1 key. KeyNum2, // The 2 key. KeyNum3, // The 3 key. KeyNum4, // The 4 key. KeyNum5, // The 5 key. KeyNum6, // The 6 key. KeyNum7, // The 7 key. KeyNum8, // The 8 key. KeyNum9, // The 9 key. KeyEscape, // The Escape key. KeyLControl, // The left Control key. KeyLShift, // The left Shift key. KeyLAlt, // The left Alt key. KeyLSystem, // The left OS specific key: window (Windows and Linux), apple (MacOS X), ... KeyRControl, // The right Control key. KeyRShift, // The right Shift key. KeyRAlt, // The right Alt key. KeyRSystem, // The right OS specific key: window (Windows and Linux), apple (MacOS X), ... KeyMenu, // The Menu key. KeyLBracket, // The [ key. KeyRBracket, // The ] key. KeySemiColon, // The ; key. KeyComma, // The , key. KeyPeriod, // The . key. KeyQuote, // The ' key. KeySlash, // The / key. KeyBackSlash, // The \ key. KeyTilde, // The ~ key. KeyEqual, // The = key. KeyDash, // The - key. KeySpace, // The Space key. KeyReturn, // The Return key. KeyBack, // The Backspace key. KeyTab, // The Tabulation key. KeyPageUp, // The Page up key. KeyPageDown, // The Page down key. KeyEnd, // The End key. KeyHome, // The Home key. KeyInsert, // The Insert key. KeyDelete, // The Delete key. KeyAdd, // KeySubtract, // KeyMultiply, // KeyDivide, // / KeyLeft, // Left arrow. KeyRight, // Right arrow. KeyUp, // Up arrow. KeyDown, // Down arrow. KeyNumpad0, // The numpad 0 key. KeyNumpad1, // The numpad 1 key. KeyNumpad2, // The numpad 2 key. KeyNumpad3, // The numpad 3 key. KeyNumpad4, // The numpad 4 key. KeyNumpad5, // The numpad 5 key. KeyNumpad6, // The numpad 6 key. KeyNumpad7, // The numpad 7 key. KeyNumpad8, // The numpad 8 key. KeyNumpad9, // The numpad 9 key. KeyF1, // The F1 key. KeyF2, // The F2 key. KeyF3, // The F3 key. KeyF4, // The F4 key. KeyF5, // The F5 key. KeyF6, // The F6 key. KeyF7, // The F7 key. KeyF8, // The F8 key. KeyF9, // The F8 key. KeyF10, // The F10 key. KeyF11, // The F11 key. KeyF12, // The F12 key. KeyF13, // The F13 key. KeyF14, // The F14 key. KeyF15, // The F15 key. KeyPause, // The Pause key. KeyKeyCount // Keep last }; #endif