{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
   (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Some dedicated infix operators at the type and the value level.

module Data.HList.GhcSyntax where

import Data.HList.HArray (HUpdateAtHNat())
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HListPrelude
import Data.HList.HOccurs
import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.GhcRecord
import Data.HList.TIP
import Data.HList.TIC


-- Convenience notation for type sequences

infixr 2 :*:
infixr 2 .*.

type e :*: l = HCons e l

(.*.) :: HExtend e l l' => e -> l -> l'
(.*.) =  hExtend


-- Convenience notation for records

infixr 4 :=:
type l :=: v = LVPair l v

infixr 4 .=.
(.=.) :: l -> v -> LVPair l v
l .=. v = newLVPair l v

infixr 3 .!.
(.!.) :: (HasField l r v) => r -> l -> v
r .!. l =  hLookupByLabel l r

infixl 1 .-.
(.-.) :: (H2ProjectByLabels (HCons e HNil) t t1 t2) => Record t -> e -> Record t2
r .-. l =  hDeleteAtLabel l r

infixl 1 .@.
(.@.) :: (HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair t t1) t2 l',
         HFind t ls n,
         RecordLabels t2 ls) =>
        Record t2 -> LVPair t t1 -> Record l'
r .@. f@(LVPair v) =  hUpdateAtLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixr 1 .^.
(.^.) :: (HasField t t2 (Proxy t1),
         RecordLabels t2 ls,
         HFind t ls n,
         Data.HList.HArray.HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair t t1) t2 l') =>
         LVPair t t1 -> Record t2 -> Record l'
f@(LVPair v) .^. r = hUnproxyLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixr 1 .<.
(.<.) :: (HasField t t2 t1,
         RecordLabels t2 ls,
         HFind t ls n,
         HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair t t1) t2 l') =>
        LVPair t t1 -> Record t2 -> Record l'
f@(LVPair v) .<. r = hTPupdateAtLabel (labelLVPair f) v r

infixl 1 .<++.
(.<++.) :: (HLeftUnion r r' r'') => r -> r' -> r''
r .<++. r' = hLeftUnion r r'


-- Convenience notation for TIRs

infixr 2 :+:
infixr 2 .+.

type e :+: l = HCons (Proxy e) l

(.+.) :: ( HTypeIndexed l
         , HTypeProxied l
         , HOccursNot (Proxy e) l
      => e -> TIP l -> TIP (HCons (Proxy e) l)
e .+. r = hExtend (toProxy e) r
