@Call start to get the initial logging state. It takes a String, prefix, / as its configuration input and creates a file prefix-YYYYMMDDHHMM.log in M the current directory. It will use UTC time on system that supports it, and  local time otherwise. IStops the logger by closing the log file and exiting the logging thread. ILogs a debug message. Debug messages are the least significant messages. BLogs a purely informational message. Use logNotice instead of the ' information message is significant. 1Logs a significant purely informational message. .Logs a message signaling a warning condition. ALogs a message signaling that a non-critical error has occurred. =Logs a message signaling that a critical error has occurred. 7Logs a message signaling that an action must be taken. 6Logs a message signaling that the system is unusable.           HLogger- startLogger stopLoggerlogDebuglogInfo logNotice logWarninglogError logCriticallogAlert logEmergency LogMessagemessagelevel HLoggerStatechannelhandleprefixLogLevel EmergencyAlertCriticalErrorWarningNoticeInfoDebug logToFile toLogMessage