module Physics.ODE.Objects
       (createSphere, sphereSetRadius, sphereGetRadius, spherePointDepth,
        createBox, boxSetLengths, boxGetLengths, boxPointDepth,
        createPlane, planeSetParams, planeGetParams, planePointDepth)
import Foreign
import Data.Maybe
import Physics.ODE.Types
import Physics.ODE.Utilities
-- foreign import ccall unsafe "&dGeomDestroy" cDestroy :: FinalizerPtr GeomStruct
-- -------------------------------------------
--  Sphere class
createSphere :: Maybe Space -> ODEreal -> IO Geom
createSphere = \arg_0 arg_1 -> (case arg_0 of
                                    Data.Maybe.Just a_2 -> \action_3 -> action_3 a_2
                                    Data.Maybe.Nothing -> \action_4 -> action_4 nullPtr) (\marshaledArg_5 -> (\action_6 -> action_6 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_7 -> do ret_8 <- createSpheredCreateSphere marshaledArg_5 marshaledArg_7
                                                                                                                                                                  return (ret_8)))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dCreateSphere" createSpheredCreateSphere :: Space ->
                                                                         ODEreal -> IO Geom
sphereSetRadius :: Geom -> ODEreal -> IO ()
sphereSetRadius = \arg_0 arg_1 -> (\action_2 -> action_2 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_3 -> (\action_4 -> action_4 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_5 -> do ret_6 <- sphereSetRadiusdGeomSphereSetRadius marshaledArg_3 marshaledArg_5
                                                                                                                                         case () of
                                                                                                                                             () -> do return ()))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomSphereSetRadius" sphereSetRadiusdGeomSphereSetRadius :: Geom ->
                                                                                          ODEreal ->
                                                                                          IO ()
sphereGetRadius :: Geom -> IO ODEreal
sphereGetRadius = \arg_0 -> (\action_1 -> action_1 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_2 -> do ret_3 <- sphereGetRadiusdGeomSphereGetRadius marshaledArg_2
                                                                                 return (ret_3))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomSphereGetRadius" sphereGetRadiusdGeomSphereGetRadius :: Geom ->
                                                                                          IO ODEreal
spherePointDepth :: Geom ->
                    ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO ODEreal
spherePointDepth = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 -> (\action_4 -> action_4 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_5 -> (\action_6 -> action_6 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_7 -> (\action_8 -> action_8 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_9 -> (\action_10 -> action_10 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_11 -> do ret_12 <- spherePointDepthdGeomSpherePointDepth marshaledArg_5 marshaledArg_7 marshaledArg_9 marshaledArg_11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             return (ret_12)))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomSpherePointDepth" spherePointDepthdGeomSpherePointDepth :: Geom ->
                                                                                             ODEreal ->
                                                                                             ODEreal ->
                                                                                             ODEreal ->
                                                                                             IO ODEreal
-- -------------------------------------------
--  Box class
createBox :: Maybe Space ->
             ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO Geom
createBox = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 -> (case arg_0 of
                                             Data.Maybe.Just a_4 -> \action_5 -> action_5 a_4
                                             Data.Maybe.Nothing -> \action_6 -> action_6 nullPtr) (\marshaledArg_7 -> (\action_8 -> action_8 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_9 -> (\action_10 -> action_10 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_11 -> (\action_12 -> action_12 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_13 -> do ret_14 <- createBoxdCreateBox marshaledArg_7 marshaledArg_9 marshaledArg_11 marshaledArg_13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     return (ret_14)))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dCreateBox" createBoxdCreateBox :: Space ->
                                                                ODEreal ->
                                                                ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO Geom
boxSetLengths :: Geom -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO ()
boxSetLengths = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 -> (\action_4 -> action_4 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_5 -> (\action_6 -> action_6 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_7 -> (\action_8 -> action_8 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_9 -> (\action_10 -> action_10 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_11 -> do ret_12 <- boxSetLengthsdGeomBoxSetLengths marshaledArg_5 marshaledArg_7 marshaledArg_9 marshaledArg_11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          case () of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              () -> do return ()))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomBoxSetLengths" boxSetLengthsdGeomBoxSetLengths :: Geom ->
                                                                                    ODEreal ->
                                                                                    ODEreal ->
                                                                                    ODEreal -> IO ()
boxGetLengths :: Geom -> IO ((ODEreal, ODEreal, ODEreal))
boxGetLengths = \arg_0 -> (\action_1 -> action_1 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_2 -> allocaArray 4 (\marshaledArg_3 -> do ret_4 <- boxGetLengthsdGeomBoxGetLengths marshaledArg_2 marshaledArg_3
                                                                                                                 peekVector3 (marshaledArg_3)))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomBoxGetLengths" boxGetLengthsdGeomBoxGetLengths :: Geom ->
                                                                                    Ptr ODEreal ->
                                                                                    IO ()
boxPointDepth :: Geom ->
                 ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO ODEreal
boxPointDepth = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 -> (\action_4 -> action_4 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_5 -> (\action_6 -> action_6 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_7 -> (\action_8 -> action_8 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_9 -> (\action_10 -> action_10 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_11 -> do ret_12 <- boxPointDepthdGeomBoxPointDepth marshaledArg_5 marshaledArg_7 marshaledArg_9 marshaledArg_11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          return (ret_12)))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomBoxPointDepth" boxPointDepthdGeomBoxPointDepth :: Geom ->
                                                                                    ODEreal ->
                                                                                    ODEreal ->
                                                                                    ODEreal ->
                                                                                    IO ODEreal
-- -------------------------------------------
--  Plane class
createPlane :: Maybe Space ->
               ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO Geom
createPlane = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 arg_4 -> (case arg_0 of
                                                     Data.Maybe.Just a_5 -> \action_6 -> action_6 a_5
                                                     Data.Maybe.Nothing -> \action_7 -> action_7 nullPtr) (\marshaledArg_8 -> (\action_9 -> action_9 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_10 -> (\action_11 -> action_11 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_12 -> (\action_13 -> action_13 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_14 -> (\action_15 -> action_15 arg_4) (\marshaledArg_16 -> do ret_17 <- createPlanedCreatePlane marshaledArg_8 marshaledArg_10 marshaledArg_12 marshaledArg_14 marshaledArg_16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   return (ret_17))))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dCreatePlane" createPlanedCreatePlane :: Space ->
                                                                      ODEreal ->
                                                                      ODEreal ->
                                                                      ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO Geom
planeSetParams :: Geom ->
                  ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO ()
planeSetParams = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 arg_4 -> (\action_5 -> action_5 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_6 -> (\action_7 -> action_7 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_8 -> (\action_9 -> action_9 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_10 -> (\action_11 -> action_11 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_12 -> (\action_13 -> action_13 arg_4) (\marshaledArg_14 -> do ret_15 <- planeSetParamsdGeomPlaneSetParams marshaledArg_6 marshaledArg_8 marshaledArg_10 marshaledArg_12 marshaledArg_14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       case () of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           () -> do return ())))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomPlaneSetParams" planeSetParamsdGeomPlaneSetParams :: Geom ->
                                                                                       ODEreal ->
                                                                                       ODEreal ->
                                                                                       ODEreal ->
                                                                                       ODEreal ->
                                                                                       IO ()
planeGetParams :: Geom -> IO ((ODEreal, ODEreal, ODEreal, ODEreal))
planeGetParams = \arg_0 -> (\action_1 -> action_1 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_2 -> allocaArray 4 (\marshaledArg_3 -> do ret_4 <- planeGetParamsdGeomPlaneGetParams marshaledArg_2 marshaledArg_3
                                                                                                                  peekVector4 (marshaledArg_3)))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomPlaneGetParams" planeGetParamsdGeomPlaneGetParams :: Geom ->
                                                                                       Ptr ODEreal ->
                                                                                       IO ()
planePointDepth :: Geom ->
                   ODEreal -> ODEreal -> ODEreal -> IO ODEreal
planePointDepth = \arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 arg_3 -> (\action_4 -> action_4 arg_0) (\marshaledArg_5 -> (\action_6 -> action_6 arg_1) (\marshaledArg_7 -> (\action_8 -> action_8 arg_2) (\marshaledArg_9 -> (\action_10 -> action_10 arg_3) (\marshaledArg_11 -> do ret_12 <- planePointDepthdGeomPlanePointDepth marshaledArg_5 marshaledArg_7 marshaledArg_9 marshaledArg_11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            return (ret_12)))))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dGeomPlanePointDepth" planePointDepthdGeomPlanePointDepth :: Geom ->
                                                                                          ODEreal ->
                                                                                          ODEreal ->
                                                                                          ODEreal ->
                                                                                          IO ODEreal
--  FIXME: Do the rest.