module HRayOutput, which contains IO related functions intended for usage with the other modules in the HRay package author: Kenneth Hoste, 2004-2005 part of a masters thesis at the University of Ghent, Belgium ========================================================================== > module HRayOutput (getRenderTime, createPPM, getImage) where > import HRayEngine (Resolution, Color, Scene, rayTrace) determines the render time given the start and end cpu time > getRenderTime :: Integer -> Integer -> String > getRenderTime before after = (show min) ++ "m" ++ secStr ++ "s" > where > total = div (after - before) (10^12) > sec = mod total 60 > secStr = if (sec < 10) then "0" ++ (show sec) else show sec > min = div total 60 determines the array of colors representing an image > getImage :: Int -> Resolution -> Scene -> [Color] > getImage d r@(rx,ry) s = [image (fromIntegral x,fromIntegral (-y)) | y <- [-(ry-1)..0], x <- [0..(rx-1)]] > where > image = rayTrace d r s transforms a list of colors into a portable pixmap (PPM) file > createPPM :: Resolution -> [Color] -> String > createPPM (w,h) colors = ("P3\n"++) . shows w . (' ':) . shows h . ("\n255\n"++) > . stringify colors $ "" > where stringify = flip $ foldr showC > showC (r,g,b) = shows (round (r*255)) . (' ':) . shows (round (g*255)) > . (' ':) . shows (round (b*255)) . (' ':) possible speed up: working without the use of string but using hPutBuf (System.IO) instead documentation on Ptr: