name: HRay version: 1.2.2 synopsis: Haskell raytracer description: HRay is a ray tracing application written in Haskell as part of my masters thesis at Ghent University. It currently supports spheres, planes and metaballs (thanks to Jean-Phillipe Bernardy). For more information, see the homepage or the Haskell wiki entry: . category: Graphics license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: boegel maintainer: boegel homepage: build-depends: base>3 && <5, array, directory, haskell98 build-type: Simple data-files: readme.txt, -- and some files to experiment with scenes/shadow2.hry, scenes/perlinShowFire.hry, scenes/shadow0.hry, scenes/perlinShowSemiTurb.hry, scenes/perlinShowTurb.hry, scenes/mirror.hry, scenes/shadow1.hry, scenes/perlin0.hry, scenes/perlin1.hry, scenes/trans2.hry, scenes/perlinShowSolid.hry, scenes/circles.hry, scenes/trans1.hry, scenes/perlinShowMarble.hry, scenes/trans0.hry, scenes/perlinShowMarbleBase.hry, scenes/perlinShowWood.hry, scenes/perlinShowPlasma.hry extra-source-files: HRayGUI.lhs tested-with: GHC==6.12.3 executable: HRay main-is: HRayMain.lhs other-modules: HRayEngine, HRayOutput, PixBufExtras, HRayMath, HRayPerlin, HRayParser ghc-options: -Wall ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all