-- | -- Code representing a single step of the GEP algorithm resides here. -- -- single step of fitness evaluation, selection and reproduction to make -- a new population -- -- process includes: -- -- (1) expression of individuals -- -- (2) fitness evaluation -- -- (3) filtration to eliminate individuals yielding impossible -- fitness values (infinite or NaN) -- -- (4) preservation of best individual -- -- (5) generation of roulette selection weights -- -- (6) roulette selection of individuals -- -- (7) perform mutation operator -- -- (8) IS transposition -- -- (9) RIS transposition -- -- (10) Gene transposition -- -- (11) 1Pt recombination -- -- (12) 2Pt recombination -- -- (13) Gene recombination -- -- Author: mjsottile\@computer.org -- module GEP.TimeStep ( multiStep ) where import GEP.Rmonad import GEP.MonadicGeneOperations import GEP.Random import GEP.Selection import GEP.Fitness import GEP.Types import GEP.Params import Debug.Trace import List (sort) -- | debugging version of (!!) thanks to #haskell help. by default we let -- (!!!) simply alias (!!), but when we need to we can swap in a new -- implementation of (!!) to trace for debugging reasons. (!!!) :: [a] -> Int -> String -> a -- debugging version -- (!!!) x y s = trace (s++": "++(show y)++"//"++(show (length x))) (x !! y) -- production version : just alias (!!) (!!!) x y _ = (x !! y) -- -- helper for type conversion -- intToDouble :: Int -> Double intToDouble n = fromInteger (toInteger n) {-| Reassemble a population. We are given a full population, the set of individuals that are to be replaced and their indices. The output of this function is the new population where the unmodified individuals are carried forward and those that were modified are replaced with their new versions. -} putTogether :: [Int] -- ^ Indices of individuals to replace -> [Chromosome] -- ^ Replacement individuals -> [Chromosome] -- ^ Original population -> [Chromosome] -- ^ New population putTogether indices replacements original = let innerPutTogether cur _ [] [] qs = drop (cur-1) qs innerPutTogether cur _ [] _ qs = drop (cur-1) qs innerPutTogether cur _ _ [] qs = drop (cur-1) qs innerPutTogether cur mx (l:ls) (p:ps) qs = if (cur > mx) then [] else if (l==cur) then (p:(innerPutTogether (cur+1) mx ls ps qs)) else (((!!!) qs (cur-1) "putTogether"): (innerPutTogether (cur+1) mx (l:ls) (p:ps) qs)) in innerPutTogether 1 (length original) indices replacements original fillFilterGap :: Genome -> Int -> [(Double, Chromosome)] -> GEPMonad [(Double, Chromosome)] fillFilterGap genome popsize pop = if (popsize-(length pop)) > 0 then do newIndividuals <- newPopulation genome (popsize-(length pop)) let newPop = map (\i -> (0.0,i)) newIndividuals return $! pop++newPop else return $! pop applyMutations :: Genome -> SimParams -> Rates -> [Chromosome] -> GEPMonad [Chromosome] applyMutations g params r s = do mutated <- mapM (mutate g r) s -- IS transposition isTransposePop <- nextRListUnique pISCount [] nSelect let isPopIn = map (\i -> (!!!) mutated (i-1) "isPopIn") isTransposePop isPopOut <- mapM (isTransposer g params) isPopIn let isPop = putTogether (sort isTransposePop) isPopOut mutated -- RIS transposition risTransposePop <- nextRListUnique pRISCount [] nSelect let risPopIn = map (\i -> (!!!) isPop (i-1) "risPopIn") risTransposePop risPopOut <- mapM (risTransposer g params) risPopIn let risPop = putTogether (sort risTransposePop) risPopOut isPop -- Gene transposition geneTransposePop <- nextRListUnique pGTCount [] nSelect let genePopIn = map (\i -> (!!!) risPop (i-1) "genePopIn") geneTransposePop genePopOut <- mapM (geneTransposer g) genePopIn let genePop = putTogether (sort geneTransposePop) genePopOut risPop -- 1Pt crossover x1ptPopPairs <- generatePairs nSelect let x1ptPopSomePairs = take p1PCount x1ptPopPairs let x1UnpairPop = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] x1ptPopSomePairs let x1ptPopIn = map (\(a,b) -> ((!!!) genePop (a-1) "x1A", (!!!) genePop (b-1) "x1B")) x1ptPopSomePairs x1ptPopOut <- mapM (x1PHelper g) x1ptPopIn let x1ptPopOutFlat = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] x1ptPopOut let x1ptPop = putTogether (sort x1UnpairPop) x1ptPopOutFlat genePop -- 2Pt crossover x2ptPopPairs <- generatePairs nSelect let x2ptPopSome = take p2PCount x2ptPopPairs let x2UnpairPop = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] x2ptPopSome let x2ptPopIn = map (\(a,b) -> ((!!!) x1ptPop (a-1) "x2A", (!!!) x1ptPop (b-1) "x2B")) x2ptPopSome x2ptPopOut <- mapM (x2PHelper g) x2ptPopIn let x2ptPopOutFlat = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] x2ptPopOut let x2ptPop = putTogether (sort x2UnpairPop) x2ptPopOutFlat x1ptPop -- Gene crossover xGPopPairs <- generatePairs nSelect let xGPopSome = take pGRCount xGPopPairs let xGUnpairPop = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] xGPopSome let xGPopIn = map (\(a,b) -> ((!!!) x2ptPop (a-1) "xGA", (!!!) x2ptPop (b-1) "xGB")) xGPopSome xGPopOut <- mapM (xGHelper g) xGPopIn let xGPopOutFlat = foldr (\(a,b) -> \i -> (a:b:i)) [] xGPopOut let xGPop = putTogether (sort xGUnpairPop) xGPopOutFlat x2ptPop return xGPop where nSelect = length s fnSelect = intToDouble nSelect pISCount = floor (fnSelect * (pIS r)) pRISCount = floor (fnSelect * (pRIS r)) pGTCount = floor (fnSelect * (pGT r)) p1PCount = floor (fnSelect * (p1R r)) p2PCount = floor (fnSelect * (p2R r)) pGRCount = floor (fnSelect * (pGR r)) {-| Single step of GEP algorithm -} singleStep :: [Chromosome] -- ^ List of individuals -> Genome -- ^ Genome -> SimParams -- ^ Simulation parameters -> Rates -- ^ Gene operator rates -> ExpressionFunction a -- ^ Expression function -> FitnessFunction a b-- ^ Fitness function -> TestDict b -- ^ Fitness inputs -> TestOuts -- ^ Fitness outputs -> GEPMonad (Double, [Chromosome]) singleStep pop g params r express_individual fitness_evaluate testInputs testOutputs = do indices <- roulette weights nSelect filtered <- fillFilterGap g nSelect initialFiltering -- selection let selected = map (\(_,b) -> b) (selector indices filtered) -- mutation resultingPop <- applyMutations g params r selected (bestFitness, bestIndividual) <- case best of Just (f, i) -> return (f, i) Nothing -> do newI <- newIndividual g (numGenes g) return (0.0, newI) -- return $ (trace (bestIndividual++" => "++(show bestFitness)++" AVG="++(show avgFitness)) (bestFitness,[bestIndividual]++resultingPop)) return $ (trace ((show bestFitness)++" "++(show avgFitness)) (bestFitness,[bestIndividual]++resultingPop)) where nSelect = length pop - 1 expressedPop = map (\i -> express_individual i g) pop fitnesses = map (\i -> fitness_tester i (fitness_evaluate) testInputs testOutputs (selectionRange params)) expressedPop initialFiltering = fitness_filter fitnesses pop avgFitness = foldr (\(x,_) -> \a -> a + (x / (intToDouble (length initialFiltering)))) 0.0 initialFiltering best = getBest initialFiltering weights = generate_roulette_weights (intToDouble (length initialFiltering)) (rouletteExponent params) multiStep :: [Chromosome] -- ^ List of individuals -> Genome -- ^ Genome -> SimParams -- ^ Simulation parameters -> Rates -- ^ Gene operator rates -> ExpressionFunction a -- ^ Expression function -> FitnessFunction a b -- ^ Fitness function -> TestDict b -- ^ Fitness inputs -> TestOuts -- ^ Fitness outputs -> Int -- ^ Maximum number of generations to test -> Double -- ^ Ideal fitness -> GEPMonad (Double, [Chromosome]) multiStep pop g params r expresser fitnesser tests outs 0 _ = do (bf,newp) <- singleStep pop g params r expresser fitnesser tests outs return (bf,newp) multiStep pop g params r expresser fitnesser tests outs i maxfitness = do (bf,newp) <- singleStep pop g params r expresser fitnesser tests outs (if (bf == maxfitness) then return $ (bf,newp) else do (bf',newp') <- multiStep newp g params r expresser fitnesser tests outs (i-1) maxfitness return $ (bf',newp'))