Setting GEP Parameters ---------------------- Rates: rateMutate rate1R rate2R rateGR rateIS rateRIS rateGT Genome: genomeTerminals: list of characters that are valid entries in a chromosome for terminals (e.g.: variables in a regression problem). genomeNonterminals: list of characters that are valid entries in a chromosome for nonterminals (e.g.: operators in a regression problem). genomeMaxArity: maximum arity operator in the nonterminal list. Examples: boolean NOT has arity 1, arithmetic add has arity 2, boolean IF has arity 3. genomeNumGenes: number of genes in a chromosome. genomeHeadLength: number of characters in the head of a gene. This is used in combination with the maximum arity parameter to determine the overall gene length. genomeGeneConnector: nonterminal used to connect genes in a multi-gene chromosome to form a single expression tree. Genetic Operator Parameters: maxISLen: Maximum length of insertion sequences. maxRISLen: Maximum length of root insertion sequences. Population Parameters: populationSize: Number of individuals in the population per step. numGenerations: How many generations to run algorithm for if maximum fitness not achieved. Fitness and selection: maxFitness: Fitness of ideal individual. rouletteExponent: Exponent for weight function used to determine roulette wheel bin widths. Current default function is 1/(k^e) where k is the bin number and e is the exponent. selectionRange: Range of selection parameter (M) from the GEP paper.