{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

module Text.StringTemplate.Group
    (groupStringTemplates, addSuperGroup, addSubGroup, setEncoderGroup,
     mergeSTGroups, directoryGroup, optInsertGroup,
     directoryGroupLazy, directoryGroupRecursive, directoryGroupRecursiveLazy,
     unsafeVolatileDirectoryGroup, nullGroup
    ) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import System.Time
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Text.StringTemplate.Base
import Text.StringTemplate.Classes


(<$$>) :: (Functor f1, Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f (f1 a) -> f (f1 b)
(<$$>) = (<$>) . (<$>)

readFile' :: FilePath -> IO String
readFile' f = do
  x <- readFile f
  length x `seq` return x

groupFromFiles :: Stringable a => (FilePath -> IO String) -> [(FilePath,String)] -> IO (STGroup a)
groupFromFiles rf fs = groupStringTemplates <$> forM fs  (\(f,fname) -> do
     stmp <- newSTMP <$> rf f
     return (fname, stmp))

getTmplsRecursive :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
getTmplsRecursive base fp = do
          dirContents <- filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") <$> getDirectoryContents fp
          subDirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (fp </>)) dirContents
          subs <- concat <$> mapM (\x -> getTmplsRecursive (base </> x) (fp </> x)) subDirs
          return $ (map ((fp </>) &&& (\x -> base </> dropExtension x)) $
                    filter ((".st" ==) . takeExtension) dirContents)
                   ++ subs

  Group API

-- | Given a list of named of StringTemplates, returns a group which generates
-- them such that they can call one another.
groupStringTemplates :: [(String,StringTemplate a)] -> STGroup a
groupStringTemplates xs = newGen
    where newGen s = StFirst (M.lookup s ng)
          ng = M.fromList $ map (second $ inSGen (`mappend` newGen)) xs

-- | Given a path, returns a group which generates all files in said directory
-- which have the proper \"st\" extension.
-- This function is strict, with all files read once. As it performs file IO,
-- expect it to throw the usual exceptions.
directoryGroup :: (Stringable a) => FilePath -> IO (STGroup a)
directoryGroup path =
    groupFromFiles readFile' .
    map ((</>) path &&& takeBaseName) . filter ((".st" ==) . takeExtension) =<<
    getDirectoryContents path

-- | Given a path, returns a group which generates all files in said directory
-- which have the proper \"st\" extension.
-- This function is lazy in the same way that readFile is lazy, with all
-- files read on demand, but no more than once. The list of files, however,
-- is generated at the time the function is called. As this performs file IO,
-- expect it to throw the usual exceptions. And, as it is lazy, expect
-- these exceptions in unexpected places.
directoryGroupLazy :: (Stringable a) => FilePath -> IO (STGroup a)
directoryGroupLazy path =
    groupFromFiles readFile .
    map ((</>) path &&& takeBaseName) . filter ((".st" ==) . takeExtension) =<<
    getDirectoryContents path

-- | As with 'directoryGroup', but traverses subdirectories as well. A template named
-- \"foo/bar.st\" may be referenced by \"foo/bar\" in the returned group.
directoryGroupRecursive :: (Stringable a) => FilePath -> IO (STGroup a)
directoryGroupRecursive path = groupFromFiles readFile' =<< getTmplsRecursive "" path

-- | See documentation for 'directoryGroupRecursive'.
directoryGroupRecursiveLazy :: (Stringable a) => FilePath -> IO (STGroup a)
directoryGroupRecursiveLazy path = groupFromFiles readFile =<< getTmplsRecursive "" path

-- | Adds a supergroup to any StringTemplate group such that templates from
-- the original group are now able to call ones from the supergroup as well.
addSuperGroup :: STGroup a -> STGroup a -> STGroup a
addSuperGroup f g = inSGen (`mappend` g) <$$> f

-- | Adds a \"subgroup\" to any StringTemplate group such that templates from
-- the original group now have template calls \"shadowed\" by the subgroup.
addSubGroup :: STGroup a -> STGroup a -> STGroup a
addSubGroup f g = inSGen (g `mappend`) <$$> f

-- | Merges two groups into a single group. This function is left-biased,
-- prefering bindings from the first group when there is a conflict.
mergeSTGroups :: STGroup a -> STGroup a -> STGroup a
mergeSTGroups f g = addSuperGroup f g `mappend` addSubGroup g f

-- | Adds a set of global options to a group
optInsertGroup :: [(String, String)] -> STGroup a -> STGroup a
optInsertGroup opts f = (inSGen (optInsertGroup opts) . optInsertTmpl opts) <$$> f

-- | Sets an encoding function of a group that all values are
-- rendered with in each enclosed template
setEncoderGroup :: (Stringable a) => (a -> a) ->  STGroup a -> STGroup a
setEncoderGroup x f = (inSGen (setEncoderGroup x) . setEncoder x) <$$> f

-- | For any requested template, returns a message that the template was
-- unable to be found. Useful to add as a super group for a set of templates
-- under development, to aid in debugging.
nullGroup :: Stringable a => STGroup a
nullGroup x = StFirst . Just . newSTMP $ "Could not find template: " ++ x

-- | Given an integral amount of seconds and a path, returns a group generating
-- all files in said directory and subdirectories with the proper \"st\" extension,
-- cached for that amount of seconds. IO errors are \"swallowed\" by this so
-- that exceptions don't arise in unexpected places.
-- This violates referential transparency, but can be very useful in developing
-- templates for any sort of server application. It should be swapped out for
-- production purposes. The dumpAttribs template is added to the returned group
-- by default, as it should prove useful for debugging and developing templates.
unsafeVolatileDirectoryGroup :: Stringable a => FilePath -> Int -> IO (STGroup a)
unsafeVolatileDirectoryGroup path m = return . flip addSubGroup extraTmpls $ cacheSTGroup stfg
    where stfg = StFirst . Just . newSTMP . unsafePerformIO . flip catch
                       (return . (\e -> "IO Error: " ++ show (ioeGetFileName e) ++ " -- " ++ ioeGetErrorString e))
                 . readFile . (path </>) . (++".st")
          extraTmpls = addSubGroup (groupStringTemplates [("dumpAttribs", dumpAttribs)]) nullGroup
          cacheSTGroup :: STGroup a -> STGroup a
          cacheSTGroup g = unsafePerformIO $ do
                             !ior <- newIORef M.empty
                             return $ \s -> unsafePerformIO $ do
                               mp  <- readIORef ior
                               curtime <- getClockTime
                               let udReturn now = do
                                       let st = g s
                                       atomicModifyIORef ior $
                                         flip (,) () . M.insert s (now, st)
                                       return st
                               case M.lookup s mp of
                                 Nothing -> udReturn curtime
                                 Just (t, st) ->
                                     if (tdSec . normalizeTimeDiff $
                                               diffClockTimes curtime t) > m
                                       then udReturn curtime
                                       else return st