{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2005, 2009   Stefan Wehr - http://www.stefanwehr.de
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

You should not use the functions provided by this module directly.
Instead, for each function @assertXXX_@ defined in this module,
there exist a preprocessor macro @assertXXX@, which provides
the "Location" parameter automatically.

module Test.Framework.HUnitWrapper (


  assertEqual_, assertEqualP_, assertEqualNoShow_,

  assertNotEmpty_, assertEmpty_,


  assertThrows_, assertThrowsSome_,

  assertLeft_, assertLeftNoShow_, assertRight_, assertRightNoShow_,



) where

import System.IO ( stderr )
import Data.List ( (\\) )
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Test.HUnit as HU hiding ( assertFailure )
-- import Data.Algorithm.Diff

import Test.Framework.TestManager
import Test.Framework.Location
import Test.Framework.Utils
import Test.Framework.Pretty

-- Assertions

-- WARNING: do not forget to add a preprocessor macro for new assertions!!

assertFailure :: String -> IO a
assertFailure s = unitTestFail s

assertBool_ :: Location -> Bool -> HU.Assertion
assertBool_ loc False = assertFailure ("assert failed at " ++ showLoc loc)
assertBool_ loc True = return ()

assertEqual_ :: (Eq a, Show a) => Location -> a -> a -> HU.Assertion
assertEqual_ loc expected actual =
    if expected /= actual
       then assertFailure msg
       else return ()
    where msg = "assertEqual failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                "\n expected: " ++ show expected ++
		"\n but got:  " ++ show actual

assertEqualP_ :: (Eq a, Pretty a) => Location -> a -> a -> HU.Assertion
assertEqualP_ loc expected actual =
    if expected /= actual
       then assertFailure msg
       else return ()
    where msg = "assertEqual failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                "\n expected:\n" ++ showPretty expected ++
		"\n but got:\n" ++ showPretty actual

assertEqualNoShow_ :: Eq a => Location -> a -> a -> HU.Assertion
assertEqualNoShow_ loc expected actual =
    if expected /= actual
       then assertFailure ("assertEqualNoShow failed at " ++ showLoc loc)
       else return ()

assertSetEqual_ :: (Eq a, Show a) => Location -> [a] -> [a] -> HU.Assertion
assertSetEqual_ loc expected actual =
    let ne = length expected
        na = length actual
        in case () of
            _| ne /= na ->
                 assertFailure ("assertSetEqual failed at " ++ showLoc loc
                                ++ "\n expected length: " ++ show ne
                                ++ "\n actual length: " ++ show na)
             | not (unorderedEq expected actual) ->
                 assertFailure ("assertSetEqual failed at " ++ showLoc loc
                                ++ "\n expected: " ++ show expected
                                ++ "\n actual: " ++ show actual)
             | otherwise -> return ()
    where unorderedEq l1 l2 =
              null (l1 \\ l2) && null (l2 \\ l1)

assertNotEmpty_ :: Location -> [a] -> HU.Assertion
assertNotEmpty_ loc [] =
    assertFailure ("assertNotEmpty failed at " ++ showLoc loc)
assertNotEmpty_ _ (_:_) = return ()

assertEmpty_ :: Location -> [a] -> HU.Assertion
assertEmpty_ loc (_:_) = assertFailure ("assertNull failed at " ++ showLoc loc)
assertEmpty_ loc [] = return ()

assertThrows_ :: Exception e => Location -> a -> (e -> Bool) -> HU.Assertion
assertThrows_ loc x f =
    do res <- try (evaluate x)
       case res of
         Right _ -> assertFailure ("assertThrows failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                                   ": no exception was thrown")
         Left e -> if f e then return ()
                   else assertFailure ("assertThrows failed at " ++
                                       showLoc loc ++
                                       ": wrong exception was thrown: " ++
                                       show e)

assertThrowsSome_ :: Location -> a -> HU.Assertion
assertThrowsSome_ loc x =
    assertThrows_ loc x (\ (e::SomeException) -> True)

assertLeft_ :: forall a b . Show b => Location -> Either a b -> IO a
assertLeft_ _ (Left x) = return x
assertLeft_ loc (Right x) =
    assertFailure ("assertLeft failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                   ": expected a Left value, given " ++
                   show (Right x :: Either b b))

assertLeftNoShow_ :: Location -> Either a b -> IO a
assertLeftNoShow_ _ (Left x) = return x
assertLeftNoShow_ loc (Right x) =
    assertFailure ("assertLeft failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                   ": expected a Left value, given a Right value")

assertRight_ :: forall a b . Show a => Location -> Either a b -> IO b
assertRight_ _ (Right x) = return x
assertRight_ loc (Left x) =
    assertFailure ("assertRight failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                   ": expected a Right value, given " ++
                   show (Left x :: Either a a))

assertRightNoShow_ :: Location -> Either a b -> IO b
assertRightNoShow_ _ (Right x) = return x
assertRightNoShow_ loc (Left x) =
    assertFailure ("assertRight failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                   ": expected a Right value, given a Left value")

assertJust_ :: Location -> Maybe a -> IO a
assertJust_ _ (Just x) = return x
assertJust_ loc Nothing =
    assertFailure ("assertJust failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
                   ": expected a Just value, given Nothing")