{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Network.BufferType
-- Copyright   :  (c) Warrick Gray 2002, Bjorn Bringert 2003-2004, Simon Foster 2004, 2007 Robin Bate Boerop, 2008 Sigbjorn Finne
-- License     :  BSD
-- Maintainer  :  Sigbjorn Finne <sigbjorn.finne@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (not tested)
-- Operations over wire-transmitted values.
module Network.BufferType

       , BufferOp(..)
       , strictBufferOp
       , lazyBufferOp
       , stringBufferOp
       ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString       as Strict hiding ( unpack, pack, span )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Strict ( unpack, pack, span )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy hiding ( pack, unpack,span )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy ( pack, unpack, span )
import System.IO ( Handle )
import Data.Word ( Word8 )

-- | The @BufferType@ class encodes, in a mixed-mode way, the interface
-- that the library requires to operate over data embedded in HTTP
-- requests and responses. That is, we use explicit dictionaries
-- for the operations, but overload the name of these dicts.
class BufferType bufType where
   bufferOps :: BufferOp bufType

instance BufferType Lazy.ByteString where
   bufferOps = lazyBufferOp

instance BufferType Strict.ByteString where
   bufferOps = strictBufferOp

instance BufferType String where
   bufferOps = stringBufferOp

-- Encode the I/O operations of the underlying buffer over a Handle 
-- in an (explicit) dictionary type. May not be needed, but gives
-- us flexibility in explicit overriding and wrapping up of these methods.
data BufferOp a
 = BufferOp
     { buf_hGet         :: Handle -> Int -> IO a
     , buf_hGetContents :: Handle -> IO a
     , buf_hPut         :: Handle -> a   -> IO ()
     , buf_hGetLine     :: Handle -> IO a
     , buf_empty        :: a
     , buf_append       :: a -> a -> a
     , buf_fromStr      :: String -> a
     , buf_toStr        :: a -> String
     , buf_snoc         :: a -> Word8 -> a
     , buf_splitAt      :: Int -> a -> (a,a)
     , buf_span         :: (Char  -> Bool) -> a -> (a,a)
     , buf_isLineTerm   :: a -> Bool
     , buf_isEmpty      :: a -> Bool

instance Eq (BufferOp a) where
  _ == _ = False

strictBufferOp :: BufferOp Strict.ByteString
strictBufferOp = 
      { buf_hGet         = Strict.hGet
      , buf_hGetContents = Strict.hGetContents
      , buf_hPut         = Strict.hPut
      , buf_hGetLine     = Strict.hGetLine
      , buf_append       = Strict.append
      , buf_fromStr      = Strict.pack
      , buf_toStr        = Strict.unpack
      , buf_snoc         = Strict.snoc
      , buf_splitAt      = Strict.splitAt
      , buf_span         = Strict.span
      , buf_empty        = Strict.empty
      , buf_isLineTerm   = \ b -> Strict.length b == 2 && crlf == b
      , buf_isEmpty      = Strict.null 
    crlf = Strict.pack "\r\n"

lazyBufferOp :: BufferOp Lazy.ByteString
lazyBufferOp = 
      { buf_hGet         = Lazy.hGet
      , buf_hGetContents = Lazy.hGetContents
      , buf_hPut         = Lazy.hPut
      , buf_hGetLine     = \ h -> Strict.hGetLine h >>= \ l -> return (Lazy.fromChunks [l])
      , buf_append       = Lazy.append
      , buf_fromStr      = Lazy.pack
      , buf_toStr        = Lazy.unpack
      , buf_snoc         = Lazy.snoc
      , buf_splitAt      = \ i x -> Lazy.splitAt (fromIntegral i) x
      , buf_span         = Lazy.span
      , buf_empty        = Lazy.empty
      , buf_isLineTerm   = \ b -> Lazy.length b == 2 && crlf == b
      , buf_isEmpty      = Lazy.null 
    crlf = Lazy.pack "\r\n"

stringBufferOp :: BufferOp String
stringBufferOp =BufferOp 
      { buf_hGet         = \ h n -> Strict.hGet h n >>= return . Strict.unpack
      , buf_hGetContents = \ h -> Strict.hGetContents h >>= return . Strict.unpack
      , buf_hPut         = \ h s -> Strict.hPut h (Strict.pack s)
      , buf_hGetLine     = \ h   -> Strict.hGetLine h >>= return . Strict.unpack
      , buf_append       = (++)
      , buf_fromStr      = id
      , buf_toStr        = id
      , buf_snoc         = \ a x -> a ++ [toEnum (fromIntegral x)]
      , buf_splitAt      = splitAt
      , buf_span         = \ p a -> 
                             case Strict.span p (Strict.pack a) of
			       (x,y) -> (Strict.unpack x, Strict.unpack y)
      , buf_empty        = []
      , buf_isLineTerm   = \ b -> b == crlf
      , buf_isEmpty      = null 
    crlf = "\r\n"